MTL - Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation-Chapter 9 Sad childhood

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In the narrow stone room, Xiao Yu looked at the wall with her eyes closed, her face was very weak, and her voice was low. Xiao Chen frowned and looked at the hole near the top of the head, which is close to ten meters high. I don’t know how to be good.

"Xiao Chen cousin, am I going to die?" Xiao Yu said with a weak eye. She finally got a punch from Zhang Elder. The big martial artist Yu Feng’s punch was martial arts and heavy punches. The meridians in the body are almost completely destroyed, and there is no way for the martial arts in the body to cure the wounds.

Xiao Chen came over and sat next to her and smiled. "Don't talk about the cousin, take a rest. This hole is only ten meters high. I think it will be able to go out soon."

Xiao Yu’s pale face reveals a bitter smile. “If you can go, let’s go, don’t worry about me. From the day I was born, I’m destined to only give disaster to those around me. It’s already damned.”

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "Don't say stupid things, I can't leave you alone, as long as I live, I won't let you die."

Xiao Yu’s pale face still couldn’t see a little blood, and the red lips whispered, muttering: “Don’t you think that I have been practicing in the Qijiao Mountain?”

"Strange is strange, but everyone has their own secrets. I don't think it's a good thing to inquire about the secrets of others." Xiao Chen snorted.

"I had Wuhun when I was five years old. I remember that my father’s expression was very ugly at that time. I was so small, I don’t know why, I only thought that the flower in my body was beautiful."

"I used to have a sister. I didn't know anything at the time. I showed a poinsettia to my sister. After my sister was poisoned, she fell and broke the skin. It was poisoned by me. At that time, I finally knew why my father didn't like me. I am poisonous, the bowl I have eaten, the cup that has been drunk, and the stool I have done has been scrubbed several times."

"I can't play with other children. Do you remember Xiao Chen's cousin? When we were young, we played together at home, but after my martial arts appeared, my father would not allow me to play with you. I am very sad. I always secretly hide and cry. After I was eight years old, my father sent me to the Qijiao Mountain. Since then, I have never gone down the mountain. My father will send something up every once in a while. ”

Xiao Yu said it was very slow. It seems to be reminiscing about things long ago. A pale smile suddenly appeared on the pale face. "I rarely meet people on the mountain. When I first met my cousin, I didn’t know it. I hurt you. I was really scared at that time. I was afraid that my cousin said that I am a monster. You don’t know that I have been killing these beasts in the mountains these years. Many times I think I am a monster."

Xiao Chen’s heart was filled with a bit of sadness, interrupting Xiao Yu’s words. “Hey cousin, you are not a monster, you are beautiful, you are better than a lot of girls under the mountain, and the monster will not give me a bottle of healing. medicine."

There was a blush on Xiao’s pale face, and some did not believe it: “Really?”

Xiao Chen said very seriously: "Really, my cousin should not talk, just take a nap."

Maybe I really believed Xiao Chen’s words. Maybe it was really tired. Xiao Yu slowly closed his eyes and his breathing slowly stabilized. Xiao Chen looked up and looked at the hole at the top of the head again. Some of them shook their heads helplessly and took out the broken sword in their arms.

The blue-colored broken sword, the sword body flowing away from the faint luster, holding the hilt of the sword, Xiao Chen waved a few times, did not feel any powerful force, injected a few qi into the gas, tried again a few times, still no reaction .

Is this just an ordinary sword, Xiao Chen is somewhat frustrated, put the broken sword into his arms, take out the moon stone that he finally grabbed, smiled, no matter what, this moon stone is fake, so big One piece, if you sell it, there should be no problem with 100,000 gold.

But now the trouble is how to go out, the ten-meter-high hole is impossible to jump up with the realm of his martial arts. Even if Xiao Yu’s cultivation is not able to jump, not to mention that she is still injured by the meridians. Nothing can be mobilized.

"Sister... sister, hehe...not intentional..."

Xiao Yu seems to be having nightmares, his brows are wrinkled, his face is pale and terrible, and he keeps whispering. Xiao Chen doesn’t know what to do for a while. After all, he is just a dead house, and even the girls are in contact. Less, there is no such thing happening now.

The purple thunder of Xiao Chen’s cultivation, although hegemonic, is actually still the technique of the fairy spirit, but only the rules of the world are limited, and the spirit of the fairy spirit cannot appear. But even with this kind of strength, it is sure to still have a role in the healing of the spirit of the spirits. Xiao Chen was also subjected to a punch by Zhang Changla, hurting his heart and lungs. After nourishing for a while, the injury is now completely good.

Should still have a role, think of doing it, will slowly Xiaozheng's body, the hand on her shoulder, Xiao Chen running purple thunder, a gentle gentleness slowly injected into Xiao Yu's body in.

As the spirit enters the meridian of Xiao Yu with the vitality, Xiao Chen secretly stunned. The meridians in Xiao Yu’s body are very damaged. The eight main meridians are covered with scars of different sizes, full of gullies and vertical and horizontal, some small meridians only A chain of links together, almost broken, it looks shocking.

Xiao Chen carefully controlled the vitality and nourished these injured meridians. Xiao Yu’s painful look slowly eased. She felt that there was a warm current flowing in her meridians, and her heart was a little surprised. She knew that Xiao Chen was for her. After the healing, a blush was on his face.

Xiao Chen controlled the heart and slowly passed a big Sunday in the small and small veins of Xiao Yu. The scars seemed to ease a lot, and the heart was pressed down. Xiao Chen controlled his vitality toward Xiao Dan’s Dan Tian. There was a rush, and a delicate poinsettia stayed in Dantian, but at the moment the poinsettia looked a little languid and seemed to be dying.

"Xiao Chen cousin, yes."

The voice suddenly remembered in my mind, scared Xiao Chen, and it took a long time to react. This is the voice that Xiao Yu’s mind directly made to himself. At this time, he also remembered that the mind did not enter the other’s consent and entered others. The body is a very rude thing, especially the other is a girl.

Xiao Chen withdrew his mind and recovered his strength. He just wanted to get up. He only felt dizzy. He sat down again and smiled. It was also a very troublesome thing to help people heal.

Xiao Yu said with some concern: "It's okay, Xiao Chen cousin."

"Nothing, cousin don't have to worry, just over-consumption, it's okay to take a break, you feel better." Xiao Chen said.

Xiao Yan’s face is a red one, and the small voice: “Thank you, Xiao Chen’s cousin, I feel a lot better.”

"That's good, after a few more treatments, the cousin's injury should be completely cured."


The time in the stone room has passed quickly. The blink of an eye has passed for six days. Two days ago, the two people brought a little dry food and water with them. The body of the warrior did not eat or drink for a few days, and there was no big problem. Also dead.

In the past six days, Xiao Yan’s body has recovered almost, but he has not received good nursery, and his body is still weak. After Xiao Chen’s treatment for Xiao Yu’s daily wounds, the rest is cultivation. The Huang dynasty’s senior martial arts Raytheon has been able to train and retract freely. The purple thunder has increased in a circle, and the realm of the lower warrior is more stable. It is.

Today is the date agreed with Xiao Jian. I haven’t gone out yet. I don’t know what message will be sent outside. I look up at the 10-meter-high hole. Xiao Chen only feels upset.

"Xiao Chen cousin, the stalker in the moon stone, can you show it to me?" Xiao Yu asked softly.

Xiao Chen nodded, took the broken sword from his arms and handed it to Xiao Yu. "There is nothing special about this soul. I have tried it many times these days."

Xiao Yu did not speak, gently rubbed the blade, took a sapphire silk slowly falling, gently crossed over the broken sword, broke into two halves, and took a short sword from the foot toward the broken blade Go up and scream! The short sword broke into two pieces at once.

"Blowing hair, cutting iron like mud, this sword is absolutely not ordinary."

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "Even if this is the case, can't help us now, can you help us fly?"

Xiao Yu smiled softly: "Who can't say it?"

I saw her gently leaping, the body emptied more than a foot high, and when it was about to fall, the broken sword was inserted into the wall, the blade was completely in the wall, and the right hand was holding the hilt. By this point, The body pulled out again and several ups and downs have already floated out of the hole.

Xiao Chen looked at the bottom and looked stunned. He snorted and the dagger fell. Xiao Yu shouted on it. The cousin, you will come up soon. Those people have already left.

Xiao Chen started to break the sword, and his mood became a little excited. He learned Xiao Yu’s appearance and spent several ups and downs before he floated out of the hole. A fresh air floated over, and Xiao Chen really wanted to scream aloud. .

The body of the elders on the stone platform did not know what the reason was, and there was no decay. Xiao Chen was too lazy to take care of him. He looked around for the exploding moonstone and collected all the moonstones that had become fragments.

The two returned in the same way. With the help of the broken sword, the four walls of the two men were blocked in the martyrdom. They were easily broken by the broken sword. Before the mountain, Xiao Chen invited Xiao Yu to go down together.

Xiao Yu hesitated for a moment, and finally agreed. In the six days of being trapped, she already knew that today is the day of Xiao Chen and Xiao Jian’s duel. I was a bit worried about Xiao Chen and decided to go down the mountain to see.

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