MTL - Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation-v3 Chapter 2461 Make up for the loss

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The middle-aged man in the purple coat named Zhang Ping, who was the guest of the 18th Emperor, repaired to the peak of the three veins.

Under the age of five hundred, it is impossible to practice until the emperor.

Being able to cultivate to the Three-Dimensional Emperor can be considered a leader, and it can be considered a master in the Imperial City. However, among the many visitors of this prince, it can only be regarded as the middle level.

I was just driven away by the three princes of the thirteen emperors. My heart was also screaming with anger, and suddenly saw Xiao Chen.

Bad idea, immediately came up.

A group of people under the guise of this chapter, the greed in their hearts, was also hooked up.

It’s hard to be a violent person.

"How, Xiao Gongzi is not willing? Then don't blame us for bullying people. I want you to be young and not willing to be forced to leave the ancient tomb of Yanhuang so early."

Zhang Zhong, a middle-aged man in purple clothes, laughed and laughed. He thought he had fixed the door of Xiao Chen, and he decided that he would not resist.

Xiao Chen heard the words, not angry and laughing, Shen Shen said: "You have been delayed by this, this Lei Yan inherits in all likelihood, I can not grab much benefit. Or, from your body, find some damage."

"Kid, you are dreaming!"

In the crowd, a hot temper is released, and the two emperors are repaired. The emperor of the Three Veins was repaired, and the tiger's waist was born. At first glance, there was a special practice of refining the body.

"Yeah, come to teach you lessons, break the star punch!"


At the moment when the Dahan five fingers clenched, there was an explosive force to shoot out, and the wind blew like a knife.

But his fists, but faster than this wind, people like electricity, directly punched out.

Broken Star Boxing, as its name suggests, can be smashed into a small star in the outside world.

With this realm of the great man, it is clear that this boxing has been cultivated to the peak. If it is in the outside world, it is not an exaggeration to break a star.

In the morning of Xiao Chen's eyes, the swaying lights appeared, and the eyes of the candle dragons were displayed in an instant.

Behind him, a candle faucet skull shadow, while opening, see invisible ice inflammation, infiltrated into the body of the Han.

His explosive speed is getting slower and slower in front of Xiao Chen.

"Your Majesty!"

When he was close, Xiao Chen gave a cold drink and lifted his foot to break his knee.

The screams rang, and the big man slammed into the air and squatted in front of Xiao Chen.

Ice inflammation in the body of the limbs, the internal organs, the smashing of the soul pool, so that it does not want to live, it is better to die. Xiao Chen, who has been in the cold ice field, has exhibited the eyes of the candle dragon. The power is no longer the same.

One foot, he was subdued by a three-pulse emperor.

The rest of the door, the eyes suddenly flashed a horror, the heart of the huge earthquake, the strength of Xiao Chen, obviously beyond their expectations.

"I waive!"

The big man who was kneeling on the ground couldn’t stand the pain of ice and smashing. He couldn’t heal the wounds in front of Xiao Chen and had to be forced to abstain.

"Everyone pays a treasure, half of the dragon is given to me, otherwise, don't want to leave."

Xiao Chen’s eyes fainted, and he looked at the group of people who wanted to rob him, and snorted.

"Don't panic, he is strong, and there is only one person! We will be able to subdue if we die, even if we die."

When the middle-aged man in the opening purple clothes saw it, he quickly said loudly and wanted to boost morale.

It’s true that it’s true. Xiao Chen’s enemies are not so many emperors.

But he forgot a little, if Xiao Chen wanted to go, this group of people could not keep double.

Born to be invincible.

But this group of people, belonging to different emperors, have a shallow friendship, dare to take the life and death to besiege him?

Thinking too beautiful!


Zhang Ping’s heart is furious, knowing that at this time, if he can’t take the lead, he will entangle the Xiao Chen, and others will not act.

"Xiao Chen, you are arrogant!"

call out!

When the knife was shining, Zhang Ping took the lead and killed the past toward Xiao Chen.

Ling Xiao’s knife light shrouded Xiao Chen in an instant, Zhang Ping did not dare to have the slightest care, no reservation.

The combination of Shenyuan, Soul, and Taoism, all learned by the students, is displayed in this piece of knives.


It’s a sneer and a slap in the face of the knives of the knife.

"There is no understanding of the road of the knife, and dare to go out in front of me, who will give you the courage?"

Xiao Chen laughed and didn't shoot, and in his view, he was walking around with his knives.

Time, it seems to the outsiders, fierce and arrogant, domineering knife.

In Xiao Chen, as if walking around in a leisurely walk, a piece of clothing was not touched.

Seeing someone quietly fleeing, Xiao Chen is not entangled with the ups, the right hand is holding the scabbard on the back, cold channel: "Knife, not you play like this."


The scabbard is unsheathed, and under the blessing of the knife path, the moment of sheathing. Then Zhang Ping’s sickle smashed and smashed, and then he smashed it down.

Sloshing, the knife in Zhang Ping’s hand was directly shaken out.

Under the giant force, Zhang Ping has no resistance at all, and he can't afford it in an instant.

"Let's lie down for a while."

Did not look at him, the knives rotated a circle, Xiao Chen backhand inserted.

In the scream, the tyrant hole pierced the chest and nailed it to the ground.

At the same time, the shadow bow appears in the hands, the gods print bloom, pull the bow to pull the string, let go, arrow out!

The two emperors who had quietly stepped out and stepped on the iron rope were all stunned and fell.

The horror of Lei Yan below, even the five veins of the emperor can not hold back, the two are naturally a dead end.

"Is there still to go? The bow in my hand, called the shadow of the gods, even if it is a great emperor, it is difficult to block me. There is only one way to return, and if you have the courage, you can try it."

Xiao Chen’s tone is relaxed, and the tone of speech is not like a second emperor.

This group of visitors, all looked silly.

In the immediate morning, Xiao Chen, with his hands and feet, easily won two emperors of the three veins. This demonstrated the fighting power, which is completely comparable to the five-pulse emperor.

"Let me go, I will give you a treasure, this is my jade."

Holding the knives in both hands, the thundering flashing blade, but it was never able to pull it out of the chest of Zhang Ping, completely desperate.

First, like Xiao Chen succumbed, he said that Xiao Chen was not willing to leave the ancient tomb, but he was really unwilling to be himself.

There are Zhang Ping and the example of the refining big man in front, and there is a shadow bow deterrence, this group of people have to serve.

Stealing chickens does not eclipse the rice, a group of people regret the intestines are green, and the heart is even more than Zhang Ping's ancestors of the 18th generation.

Good end, you let Xiao Chen go over, why bother to stop each other.

When this group of people left, Xiao Chen looked at the watery and heavy jade, showing a satisfied smile.

Add another one to the dragon shadow that Yu Jian is swimming around.

As for the treasures, there are a bunch of rare wild herbs, as well as the ancient gods, the spirits of the beasts, and the harvest.

This trip, even if it does not get the inheritance of Lei Yan, has also made a big profit.

If a person does not commit me, I will not commit a crime. If a person commits a crime, he will return it ten times.

Xiao Chen’s heart was able to collect these treasures, clenched the jade, and turned to walk deep into the palace.

Looked at the shadow bow in his hand, if thoughtful, Xiao Chen took out the mask of death and brought it on his face.

In an instant, he was completely breathless and completely integrated with the darkness.

Two four-pulse emperors, and a five-pulse emperor, the most expensive, and talented, all of them are full of blood. These three people are not comparable to the former group of people, and the strength is vastly different.

It can be solved first, or it can be a big one. It is much easier to fight.

Lei Yan passed down deep.

Tuoyun Yun, Qin Yu and Qin Liang are fighting a group of Thunder and Yan. Thunder and Yan Yan are not flesh and blood. They are the elves born in the heavens and the earth. Their intelligence is not high, but they are hard to be destroyed. The lethality is even more terrifying.

The most difficult thing is that if you can't kill a fatal one, these thunder and fire will soon be resurrected.

Therefore, this Lei Yan inheritance has blocked the attack of many princes and has not been attacked.

However, when I met Tuoyunyun, it was hard to say.

The trio are the elite emperors who have been carefully selected from the eight empires. Faced with a large number of thunders and fires, they are worth a bit. Almost all of them are fatal, even strong, can not be fatal, and the other will be filled with speed, with tacit understanding.

As for the extension of the wolf empire that day, it was even more remarkable. He was fighting fiercely on his own.

This fierceness seems to be a combination of Thunder and Yan Yan. Half of the body is flashing, and half of the body is full of flames.

Converged together, transforming freely, under the dual-domain support, play a close to the nine-doweed!

Even so, this Tuoyun cloud is also very easy to handle.

It seems that he does not want to spend too much effort. After waiting for Qin Yu and Qin Liang to solve other fierce battles, the three people will join forces and kill together.

The three men were fighting, and they did not notice that there was a figure that was integrated into the darkness and had been observed for a long time.

"Tuo Yuyun can't move, obviously has enough strength, the shadow bow may not be able to shoot him. Can only be on Qin Yu or Qin Liang or shot..."

Xiao Chen, who has been observing for a long time, has already had an idea in his heart, pulling the bow and pulling the string, burning his heart and filling the arrow.