MTL - Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation-v3 Chapter 2463 I can't

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"Come on, let me see, what do you have to let me roll."

In the eyes of Xiao Chen, the sound of the ancient wells is not so good, and the calmness and calmness of the eyes make the top of the cloud somewhat angry.

When is a junior, dare to be so big in front of him.

"The four heavy ice roads... the six-thousand thunder roads, the fusion is good. But you think that you can fight with me, it is too naive, I let you see what is called Wumai Emperor !"

Tuoyun feels that his dignity has been provocative. At this time, he can bear it, and he really regrets the heart of this martial art.


When the voice falls, you will see five light wheels after the extension of the cloud. Each circle of light represents a god, and this light wheel is concise and sturdy, and there is a long-lasting existence, with the thickness of heaven.

The deep repairs are revealed.

It can be known that the gods of this extension cloud are not comparable to ordinary emperors. Like Xiao Chen, it is also costly and condensed several times. The practice of cultivation may not be as good as Wan Long, but with the foundation of the Sirius Empire, I don’t think too much.

Born in the imperial royal family, the talent is outstanding, the blood is strong, and the resources are abundant. This item label is attached to Tuoyunyun. It is no exaggeration.

He is the kind, born to be higher than the starting line of people, but also adhere to the leader of perseverance.

Under the accumulation of hundreds of years, even if there is no adventure, this kind of person is much stronger than the ordinary four veins and five veins.


The thick gods are like the sea, so that the top of the cloud is like a rainbow. After a cold cry, the thunder roads are also displayed.

His Thunder Road is only five-fold, but under the support of his gods, no one is worse than Xiao Chen.

With the thunder of the thunder, the wind whistle.

Rub and rub!

The momentum of the extension of the cloud, such as the big waves, under the turbulence. With only the aftermath, many of the thunder and the smashing of the land will be torn apart.

Strong and powerful!

"Receive." A slamming, Xiao Chen radiated out of the double domain, fiercely received.

The blessing was on the top of the alloy dragon, and when the other side’s mighty attack came, it kicked out.

Lei Mang and the ice rushed, the other side of the general trend, was broken by Xiao Chen.

As a dragon, Xiao Chen ran out of the mouth and leaped out of the past.

"This is just the beginning, kid!"

Tuoyun sees Xiao Chen and dares not to fight hard with Xiao Chen himself. He sneers and fills his own domain with the entire space.

Behind the five light wheels flickering, deceived to come to Xiao Chen, and took a heavy shot.


At the moment when the palm of the hand was shot out, the five sacred light wheels behind him condensed into a white wolf that screamed in the sky.

"The Sirius breaks the sun!"

"Supreme Dragon Fist, angry and unfair!"

Xiao Chen is not afraid of danger, Wan Longzhen is running like a fly, where the gods are, the dragons go out to sea. Endless gods, turned into anger, directly banged out.


In a sudden time, Wan Qian Long Ying leaped out of his fists, and hardly blocked the top of the cloud.


In the eyes of Tuoyunyun, a cold smile appeared, and the moment of contact immediately changed. A sham move, the left hand clenched into a fist, straight into the chest of Xiao Chen.

"Fighting with me, you are still tender, this is my real killing."


The fists fell on the alloy dragon, and it made a loud noise, like a bomb on a mountain.

Above the armor, the thunder is flashing and dazzling.

"Qinglong battle body, awakening!"

Xiao Chen lightly sighs, Shenlong smelting is activated, and the alloy armor is inside. When the body awakens, the Qinglong warfare condenses a layer of inner armor, which resolves the penetration of the Tuobayun.

"The head of the candle dragon!"

The lights in the eyes sway, the ice flames, and instantly fall on the top of the clouds, burning.


Tuoyun cloud snorted, his body exploded, and the body flashed. From the inside out, bursting out of the ultimate Raymond, thousands of ice inflammation, was forced to go out by its hard-boiled consumption of a large number of gods.

After eating a small loss of Tuoyun, he was angry and yelled: "The wolf swallows the moon!"

Five waves of light, condensed a huge Sirius, opened a huge mouth, jumped out and fell towards Xiao Chen.

The huge mouth, the vastness of the vastness, the rivers and the sun, the stars and the moon, can be swallowed.

Tai Chi yin and yang flame map!

Xiao Chen is like a breeze, fluttering up and down, waving, a picture, gently unfolding.


The vicious god, the arrogant arrogance, the dog that dared to swallow even the sun and the moon. Hit the picture, as if the evil beast hit the steel plate, the shock of the beggar went back.

A picture, cut off life and death, let you swallow the clouds, can you help me!

"What the hell?"

The top of the mouth of the cloud is overflowing with silk, and it feels very painful. The wolf was connected to the soul of the day.

Hit the Taiji map, it feels like a mortal hits the steel plate, the painful red teeth grin, and the wolf is endless.

It turned over several laps in the air. When I wanted to see the taiji flame map, I found that Xiao Chen had already taken it back.

"Lei King Gun!"

Xiao Chen spread his palms, and the five elements of the gods thundered under the blessing of the Thunder Road, and they condensed into a shiver of light.


A handle, Lei Huanggun, in the hands of Xiao Chen, lasing like an arrow.

Accompanied by Xiao Chen, the body of the gods and nine changes, for a time, overwhelming, are the five elements of the thunder condensed Lei Huang gun.

The gun blade fell on the wall with a ban, and it was deeply inserted into it, exploding a spider-like crack.

The attack was frustrated and suddenly faced with such a thunderous and overwhelming attack.

Tuoyun has a heart to avoid, but still helpless, was inserted into several Lei Huang guns.

Rayman exploded, and he yelled and mourned.

It seems to be awkward, but it has not really been hit hard. After all, he has the deep repair of the Five Emperors.

Changed to the other three veins of the emperor, one shot and one life, the soul flies.

Under such torture, I almost made it mad, and I wanted to show my killings several times, and I was born and died with Xiao Chen.

However, it was discovered that Xiao Chen’s shifting of the shadows, in addition to leaving a touch of purple traces, is really difficult to determine.

"Damn! You have a kind, don't hide!"

Tuoba’s anger was ruined, and while smashing the Lei’s gun, he shouted loudly.

"as you wish!"

Seeing the space and thousands of Thunder shadows condensed, Xiao Chen showed the moment of the real body, pulled out the soul soldiers Tianzhu.

Moye broke the ring and went to hell!

In the middle of the soul of the soul of the device, the display of the peerless killing into the hell, a moment of Shura Purgatory came to the world. Xiao Chen carries a **** of evil dragons, who are in the world, wanting to devour the world.


The world was shattered, and the prestige of **** was really scared.

I couldn't help but swear.

In the beckoning room, he evokes a sleek, jagged spike, and meets Xiao Chen.

The ray is overflowing, all kinds of visions are broken, and the whole space is lost.

When everything disappeared, Xiao Chen was an alloy dragon, carrying a knife and hanging.

Tuoyun cloud stood on the ground, holding the black light mace, discouraged, some powerless looking at the air, still calm and calm Xiao Chen.

I feel that I am better than the other side, and I can suffer everywhere, that is, I can't hurt each other.

The anti-playing wolf is unbearable, and it is a wound in the body. It is very powerless in the heart of Tuoyun.

"I gave up. Just like this, this Lei Yan inherits, you and I get the joint income, but I have to get 70%, because the Leiyan konjac is my kill."

Tuoyun looked at Xiao Chen and said coldly.

"Yes, Lei Yan Baozhu gave me, you can get 70%." Xiao Chen looked calm and whispered.

"Roll, think of beauty, this is a rare chaotic orb..."

"Then June 4th, I am six you four. Otherwise, you can continue to try and see if you can hurt me."

Xiao Chen’s look is not shocking, some indifference, and not at all human.

June 4... Still you six, I am four.

The heart of Tuoyun is collapsed. When is a second-in-class emperor, he can say this to himself so confidently.

You can see Xiao Chen’s indifferent face, and he sighed in the heart of the cloud. If he hit it again, he might not be able to get it.

Anyway, I have already got Lei Yan Baozhu, let's just do it.

Self-consolation, Tuoyun Yun Shen said: "Well, I promise you."

"open circuit."

Xiao Chen pointed to the finger and passed down the depths. The last banned bronze door said softly.

For the time being, that's it.

After all, this extension cloud is the five-pulse emperor. Although Xiao Chen is not afraid of the other party, he wants to really kill each other. It is difficult to ensure that you are not hit hard. The ancient tomb of Yanhuang has just begun, and it is impossible to take risks.

Being able to take advantage of the other party is enough.

Never be greedy and blind.

With the extension of the black light mace, I feel awkward in my heart and feel that I am a master of the Imperial Emperor.

In front of Xiao Chen, it is like a dog being called.