MTL - Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation-v3 Chapter 2470 Familiar atmosphere

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Double egg is out, who is fighting!

A black and white hurricane, whistling away, killing the people towards the blood shadow.

Xiao Chen looks calm and does not worry that the black and white double egg will be defeated.

With his current strength, it is completely comparable to the five-pulse emperor, and the corresponding double-egg will at least be the strength of the Six-Dimensional Emperor.

The two illusory gods, now with him as a reference, will always be higher than him.

The realm of the Six Pulse Emperor, with the combat experience of black and white double eggs, plus the tacit cooperation between the two, and the particularity of the body.

In the face of the blood shadow people, Xiao Chen can't think of any reason to lose.

No, now it should be called the blood shadow man is Lei Wang!

As soon as I read this, Xiao Chen’s eyes couldn’t help but reappear because of how many heroes he died in Kunlun.

Actually dare to appear in front of him and blew his identity.

Xiao Chen didn't mind, kill him again, let him disappear completely.

This kind of person who wants to bury himself in the whole world for his own benefit should not exist.

"Hey? Two cockroaches, I want to kill me, Xiao Chen, you are really naive!"

Feeling the breath of black and white double eggs, Lei Wang originally looked a little surprised.

At the same time, for the two six-pulse emperors, with him, there is still some pressure.

But if it’s just oh... oh, Ray Wang’s test is a smile, it’s not worth mentioning!

Countless roots of the magic vines tangled together, turned into two **** thunder, flashing away.

In an instant, they rushed into two hurricanes, and a loud bang banged the wind in an instant.

The aftermath of the shock, Xiao Chen's toes on his toes, back a few steps, and then the palm of the hand will break the aftermath.

I saw two **** magic vines, and repeatedly bombarded the black and white double egg, the magic vine differentiation. Like a blood snake, open the mouth of the snake, biting in black and white double eggs.

Before entering the ancient tomb of Yan Emperor, Lei Wang fully demonstrated his own horror, and the magic vine bite on the Tuoba demon of the Sirius Empire.

In an instant, the other party's qi and blood will be sucked away, and the horror and evil will make the audience horrified.

Being prepared to re-apply, Lei Wang suddenly remembered that there was no flesh. There are thousands of sacred materials, all of which are forged by the formation method.

Thousands of blood snakes bite on it, and did not appear, the moment when the Tuoba demon was created.

Black and white double eggs, unscathed.

Rubbing! Rubbing!

The blood vine that wants to be retracted is caught by black and white double eggs, and the fists are constantly blasting. Two blood vines, like the king of Lei Wang, were smashed, and the vines of 10,000 meters long were suddenly smashed.

"Hey, little wood is not enough to see this!"

"Garbage, people who make themselves are not ghosts, but the strength is still not the case."

After the black and white double egg was deceived by the Thunder King, the continuous offensive began, and the double egg path overlapped, and the match was even more seamless.

However, for a moment, Lei Wang was tired of coping, and he could not run without wanting to run.

The humiliation between words is even more arrogant, yelling, swindling you and no help.

The battle experience of black and white double eggs is comparable to the virtual god.

When Xiao Chen first saw it, the abused one almost gave up the martial arts. I can imagine how terrible it is.

Lei Wang took him two as an ordinary cockroach and was destined to suffer big losses.

Xiao Chen didn't pay much attention to the battle, and his eyes were always on the black robe controlled by the blood filmer.

This thing is obviously crucial to the cockroach and must be handed.

"Give me death!"

Lei Wang, who was fed up with the double egg humiliation, angered and drunk, and thundered. It is dazzling and dazzling, and it exudes the Taowei, which is comparable to the six Thunder Roads, and gives birth to black and white double eggs.

Not finished yet, his domain is still mad, and Daowei reaches an eight-fold moment.

The body smashed out, thousands of **** vines.

A strip of blood-colored vines, like a thunder and lightning javelin, overwhelming, with vast expanse, rolling.


In the past, the air is full of blood and electric light, no dead ends.

Lei Wang’s strike was a blow, and he’s already on his own thunder. When the blast came, the black and white eggs were stabbed in the blink of an eye, and they were smashed into countless pieces.

"In the end, it’s just awkward!"

Lei Wang sighed and snorted, just a blow. It consumes most of his magical elements, and the power of the avenue is exhausted.

Even if it is the real six-pulse emperor, after being bombarded, it is impossible to escape.

"Oh, it’s terrible, it almost smashed into pieces."

"Ha ha ha, come again!"

The debris on the ground suddenly condensed, and the black and white double eggs reappeared, and there was no trace of the wounds.

At the beginning of the millennium, the double eggs were broken down at the same time.

It seems that it was smashed by the King of Thunder. In fact, the two actively decomposed and did not hit at all.


Some sluggish Thunder Kings have not reacted, and the black and white double eggs will be killed again.

The huge body of the blood vine, a vine has been destroyed, but for a moment it is known that the rest of the trunk is still there.

Lei Wang lost, no longer dare to fight, crazy to escape.

"That is……"

Xiao Chen’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, but a vine that the blood shadow man was holding a black robe was cut off, and the black robe was thrown back into the air.


The figure flashed, and Xiao Chen made a lightning strike, holding the black robe in his hand.

Looking back, the inside of the black robe was embroidered with a **** dragon shadow. Holding it in the hand, the entire black robe is like a living being active, and Xiao Chen’s body is swallowing involuntarily.

Xiao Chen’s heart is moving, and he wants to control the black robe with his own magical god.

It can be helplessly discovered that the gown itself has an invisible film that keeps its gods and soul stones out.

After a moment of analysis, my heart is clear. The practice is wrong, the magic yuan is stronger, and it is impossible to master this black robe.

"Damn, roll!"

The cockroach that was entangled by Wang Hao, looked at it and found that the black robe fell into the hands of Xiao Chen.

Furious, a sword swept out, and the hard-pressed Wang Hao forced to retreat.

The palm of the hand burst, and Wang Hao’s hand was swayed by the Emperor’s sword.

After Wang Hao landed, he stepped back a hundred steps to completely counteract the other side's sword.

Terrible, is this the true strength of the other side?


Have to expose the strength of the embarrassment, a sword forced to retreat the other side, a few flashes, appeared in front of Xiao Chen.

"Grate me a robes, or you will die!"

The face is cold and cold, and there is tension in the eyes that has never been seen before. Obviously this robe has a vital role for him.

Xiao Chen confronted this person for the first time, did not go to see the other person's left eye, calmly said: "If you have 100% confidence to kill me, you will not talk nonsense with me. The robe can give you, but You have to promise me a condition."

The face is unchanged, and the faint road: "Say."

"Give me the river."

It has been determined that the black robe can not be controlled by himself. Xiao Chen thought for a moment and made this decision.

This opportunity will save the river.

In addition to this black robe, I don’t seem to care much about other things.


I didn't hesitate, and my mouth twitched.

Deep in the eyes of the fear, the blood cross prints, reversing at an incredible speed.

After a while, a figure was thrown out of its magic eyes, which was the star thief.

Xiao Chen kept his promise and threw the black robe to the other party.


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The slender black robe has spread to the calf's calf, and the blood dragon on the robe swims like a living creature, which is very strange.

"This waste will be handed over to you."

I smiled and ignored Xiao Chen, and left.

Xiao Chen’s heart felt like he was missing something, and he promised to be more refreshed than he thought.

"Loss... I don't have any use for him now. He wants to find the whereabouts of the key in my body. That robe, as long as it is worn on the body, is equivalent to putting the whole **** emperor on the body."

The river was helped by Xiao Chen, and he sighed and said softly.

Xiao Chen shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it's not that simple... I don't want to, it's worth it to change you back."

"Ha ha ha, brother!"

Jiang He heard a very happy smile, and he was not imprisoned, and his mood was quite happy.


The black and white double egg that chased the thunder king came back. After landing, he turned around the river.

The black egg sniffed and sniffed: "Familiar breath..."

"It's like a person, but it's a little different. Hahaha, I know, you are the egg under the dragon egg, right?"

The white egg suddenly laughed and said with ecstasy.

Xiao Chen brows a look, look at the river, he is the descendant of the previous generation Tianlong?

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