MTL - Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation-v3 Chapter 2512 The bright moon was at the end of the year.

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"Chu Chaoyun!"

Xiao Chen was shocked. He did not expect that when he needed help most, Chu Chaoyun would stand up at this time.

What surprised him even more was the smile of the Chu Chaoyun mouth. In the ancient tomb of Yanhuang, his whole person was gloomy and uneasy, and he had not laughed so much for a long time.

"Don't lie, kill this black loach!"

When the next day, Chu Chaoyun rushed to the dazzling Xiao Chen, said loudly.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly: "Received."

For a time, the endless sea of ​​eternal, the sun and the moon with the same.

The **** moon of the wing of time and space, the glory day of the round of the real fire of the mixed elements, has evolved into a magical scene that the wild sea has never had before.

There is a tacit agreement between the two.

Chu Chaoyun used the origin of the real fire of the Yuan Yuan to develop thousands of killings and constantly harassed the Black Dragon King.

The great day of the Huanghuang on the top of the head is the collection of the fire of the heavens from the beginning of the martial arts era.

Accumulated the entire era of an era, for today, even if the black dragon king skin is rough, the defense is amazing.

Still suffering from burning, screaming again and again.

The anger of the blasphemy is not only one of the destructions that merge with the heavens, but also the infinite offensive, and the continuous rush to the Chu Chaoyun.

"Small beast, I killed you!"

It can be seen in the cloud and chaotic avenues of Chu, and the figure is flashing, and there is a trace of time and space. The place where it stood, a chaos, even the position that the Black Dragon King could not capture.

The horrible offensive of the Black Dragon King looks scary, even if the aftermath can reinvent Chu Chaoyun.

But it can't hurt Chu Chaoyun, but it is played by it.

In the anger of the heart, the Black Dragon King broke down again and again, and Xiao Chen seized the opportunity. In the hands of the banned treasures, urging the heavens to kill, the thick and the like, the heavens and the seas killing, in their hands, all kinds of killing tricks.

Xiao Chen surpassed the era of the era of the knife, the original regulation of the Black Dragon King, but the other side has a heavenly care.

It is the incarnation of the heavens that should be robbed and destroyed, and the vitality is almost endless, and it cannot be killed.

But now that there is such a thick and heavenly way of killing the heavens, the situation is very different by the hand of the heavens and the offensive.

The mixed yuan is really hot, although the black dragon king burned, the pain is unbearable, and even the soul is burned.

But it is not fatal, but Xiao Chen’s offensive with a heavenly killing is very different.

Being able to directly touch and destroy his source.

Yunjuan Yunshu, rising to the moon.

In the wilderness of the sea, the cold **** moon, and the burning day, one after another, the perfect interpretation of the sun and the moon, this ancient vision.

I didn’t see much hope in the battle, and I reversed it instantly.

The blood splattered, the black dragon body was covered with a smear of smear, and the vitality was continuously lost.

The black dragon king was gloomy, and he had been screaming again and again. He began to say nothing.

Xiao Chen and Chu Chaoyun looked at each other and suddenly felt that they knew that the Black Dragon King would prepare for the Jedi to counterattack.

I already know that nature will not give it a chance.

"Chaotic Promise, a sword!"

"Maya breaks the ring and kills innocents!"

The Chu Chaoyun screamed, and the Chaos Avenue spread out from its body, and its body suddenly resembled a black hole. Chaos, like the beginning of Hongmeng, the world is not divided, the sun and the moon do not exist.

call out!

In the chaos, a sudden shot of a sword light, turned into a rainbow lasing. This sword, divided into heaven and earth, plays the sun and the moon, immortal!

Xiao Chen urged Tiandao to kill, and he will endlessly kill the heavens and gather them in his own body.

There are not only knives in the body, but also a terrible crack in the scorpion. The crack is an endless abyss, and it seems that one eye slowly opens.

If the sky is old, it is the most ruthless.

Who wants to die in the sky, has to die, kill... innocent!

The two cooperated with each other, observed the words, took the lead, and smashed the tricks everywhere, and hit the Black Dragon King at the same time.


A touch of sword light and a knives of light, while wearing a black dragon king, the mournful dragon scorpion from the body of the black dragon, swayed between the heavens and the earth.

"Hey!" The black dragon king's five senses twisted, spit out a black blood, and the vitality passed.

Hey, the knife light and the sword light in the black dragon king body, unscrupulous chaos, and then mixed together, blasted.

In an instant, the body of the black dragon king, which could not be seen, burst into bursts.

The land of the wilderness, the sun and the moon with the same.

Xiao Chen and Chu Chaoyun, their faces are all tired and slowly approaching.

"Did you die?" Xiao Chen asked suspiciously, a little unbelief, the Black Dragon King was so destroyed.

Chu Chaoyun double eyes like electricity, piercing through the stars, seeing a touch of black light disappeared into the field of vision.

"This round of the next day should be the card left by the Lord."

Xiao Chen looked at the sky, the next day with the moon and the moon, looking at the Chu Chaoyun Road.

I have thought about it many times. The **** moon is the card that Jinyun has evolved with the wings of time and space. Whose card will be the same day in the wilderness?

When you think about it, there is only one answer.

Chu Chaoyun did not set it, but whispered: "You are right, the cause and effect, after I have completely exhausted, it is up to you."


The voice just fell, and the sound of the dragon and the dragon suddenly sounded, and Xiao Chen and Chu Chaoyun’s face changed slightly.

Looking up, I saw an unknown thing and kept falling.

From the starry sky, I approached the deserted sea a little bit, and when I saw it, the faces of the two changed greatly.

This turned out to be a black faucet, just a skull, and actually covered the entire wilderness.

"It is the body of the Black Dragon King. He has imposed a ban on it. He can't let him down, otherwise the entire central world will be devastated!"

Chu Chaoyun was shocked and said quickly.

The two screamed and waved their hands, and saw the sun and the moon rise. The **** moon and the big day, while vacating, smashed the head of the Black Dragon King.


The aftermath of the whole world, from the Eight Empires to the Blood Emperor Dynasty, in the Yanwu Dynasty, the Shenwu Dynasty, the Tianwu Dynasty... all violently swayed and turned around, as if the end of the day.


Xiao Chen and Chu Chaoyun, vacated, came to the starless sky in an instant.

After seeing the body of the Black Dragon King, at the same time sucking a cold air, the huge body of the Black Dragon King traverses the starry sky.

The sun, the moon and the stars, in their bodies, the glass **** in the hands of children are generally small.

"Never let him appear in the Central World!"

The two immediately made up their minds and landed in the Central World with the huge and horrible body of the Black Dragon King. It was definitely an irreparable disaster.

"Chu Chaoyun, do you believe me?"

Xiao Chen looked at Chu Chaoyun and asked.

"If I don't believe it, I will come to help you."

The voice fell, Xiao Chen and Chu Chaoyun, while revealing a smile.

I feel that each has said nonsense.

"I have a yin and yang flame map. If you can control the blood moon and your big day, you will be able to repel the sun and the moon."


Needless to say, Xiao Chen waved the yin and yang flame map.

A picture scrolls in the hands, and then covered with vast stars, Xiao Chen bears the brunt of the bloodmoon.

Seeing, the Black Dragon King roared in the depths of the stars.

From the beginning of Benxi, countless stars fell apart, and the sound of the stars was trembled.

"Give you."

When the time was not allowed, Chu Chaoyun sighed and finally succeeded in setting the big day into the star map.

"Sun and moon reincarnation, life is endless!"

Xiao Chen’s hand was pushed forward, and the time, blood and the next day, turned into black and white fish. In this innocent starry sky, a picture of Taiji's starry sky is formed, turning into a light curtain and hitting the Black Dragon King back.

Collecting the power of two people and deriving the taiji sky map.

Among the stars, Xiao Chen and Chu Chaoyun joined forces to promote this picture. In the starry sky, the endless darkness of the dark universe, the Black Dragon King continued to retreat.

The huge body of the Black Dragon King constantly hits the starry sky map, but still can't stop itself from being forced back.

The two forces stirred up in the stars, and everywhere they passed, there were stars bursting and crushing.

Rub and rub!

A trace of silk appeared in the taiji sky map, Xiao Chen quickly said: "Receive!"

Each of them recovered the **** month and the big day, and Xiao Chen and Chu Chaoyun, respectively, fell in a star.

The stars where Xiao Chen is located are desolate and have no aura. Looking at it, it is an endless wasteland, and you can’t see it at a glance.

I want to vacate and meet with Chu Chaoyun.

The ground under the feet suddenly burst, a black spear, without warning, straight thorns Xiao Chen.


Then, the whole star shattered, and the inside of the star nucleus exploded with intense flames.

It was a claw of the Black Dragon King's claw, which directly smashed the star, and almost injured and Xiao Chen.

Not finished yet.

When the stars burst, the space of the Quartet continues to shrink, and there is a suction that will hold Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was shocked and knew that he was caught by the dragon claws of the Black Dragon King.

Only the other dragon's claws are too big, but also the black dragon in the future.

Immediately, a knife was slashed to illuminate the starry sky, and a hard claw cut off a dragon claw and jumped out.

The danger is still not stopped, in the depths of the universe, in the sky.

The Black Dragon King, who returned to his ancestors, broke out with super-strong combat power. Although Xiao Chen and Chu Chaoyun tried their best, they were too small in front of them.

"Chu Chaoyun, protect the law for me!"

Xiao Chen’s voice confessed that the banned treasures were integrated into the flesh and blood, and then continued to retreat.

"What are you doing?"

Chu Chaoyun saw Xiao Chen, his look was dignified, and the situation was somewhat wrong.

"This black dragon king was hit hard by you and me before, and the ban was imposed under the stagnation. In fact, it is already the end of the strong. I will be able to destroy him if I successfully display the ban.

"Then I will protect the law for you. Before you ban the success, I promise you will not be hurt."

When the voice fell, Chu Chaoyun did not say a lot, biting his lips. Regardless of the overdraft of life, the limit is to display the chaotic avenue, and countless stars are constantly coming to it.

When it is about to be close, it will be crushed by Chaos Avenue.

Under the tens of thousands of shapes, the space is distorted and a huge black hole appears.

Chu Chaoyun's face was pale and roared, and at the cost of overdrafting life, he did not care to drive the chaotic avenue.

With the horrible black hole, the Black Dragon King is blocked.

The Black Dragon King felt a crisis, but in front of him, Hengdan was engulfing a black hole twisted by countless stars.

Even with his body at the moment, he still feels a trace of jealousy in the black hole, in which he feels the breath of chaos.

Can see the Chu Chaoyun body, and the banned treasure, the body is getting more and more dangerous Xiao Chen.

The Black Dragon King must act, and it smashes the black and ruined dragon inflammation, constantly impacting the body of Chu Chaoyun.

Want to kill Chu Chaoyun directly, forcing him to give up and continue to maintain the chaotic avenue.

But Chu Chaoyun allowed this wave of dragon inflammation to constantly impact his body, not moving like a mountain, and continue to spur the chaotic avenue.

"Dragon ban, the devil disintegrates!"


Xiao Chen's eyes were blood red, and he saw Chu Chaoyun, almost flesh and blood, resisting the attack of the Black Dragon King.

Already anxious, angry can not be revealed.

At this moment, the ban was finally successful, and there was a scream, and the starry sky resounded from an ancient dragon.

Seeing the body of Xiao Chen, constantly squirming, a moment into the ancient Qinglong. It is not enough. Xiao Chen continues to use the disintegration of the demon and the ancient Qinglong to return to the ancestors. When the spirit is about to be exhausted, it finally turns into a dying dragon.

The ancient ruined ancestors appeared, and the depth of the universe, some mysterious existence, felt shivering.

The body of Zulong is a bigger circle than the Black Dragon King, and Longwei is more prosperous.

In the heart of the Black Dragon King, there was a horror of horror. How he was tyrannical, he changed the dragon blood in his body.

Seeing the fear of Zu Long, from instinct, hurriedly turned.

Can not be a lifetime, claiming to destroy the incarnation of the Black Dragon King, fleeing.

"Want to go, no way!"

Xiao Chen roared, and the heavenly killings of the **** scorpion shackles were all contained in a pair of dragon claws.


The ruined ancestors flew forward, and a claw was shot on the body of the Black Dragon King, which was the black dragon king at the end of the battle.

The screams, the huge body collapsed and exploded in the depths of the starry sky.

With a single blow, Xiao Chen felt that his thoughts were messy, and there were many chaotic memories of ancient ancestors in his mind.

Feeling that the head is going to explode, the whole body is irritated and twisted, and it spreads to the stars and bursts.

The side effects of the ban have arrived. If Xiao Chen is unable to maintain his heart, he will not be able to recover his body.

Until the blood is exhausted, the spirit is degraded and exhausted.

Seeing the killing of the Dragon King of the Black Dragon King, instantly fell into madness, Chu Chaoyun quickly retreated.

Almost, Xiao Chen hurt him.


Chu Chaoyun saw a brow that was slightly wrinkled. After half a ring, he gritted his teeth forward. The adventure is close to Xiao Chen, who has become the body of the ancestors. He uses the soul power as the sound, and Xiao Chen is constantly echoing in the mind of Zu Long.

Helping them keep their hearts, not to mess.

After a long time, when the Chu Chaoyun felt a little desperate, the eyes of the ruined ancestors flashed.

The violent smell of the body gradually dissipated, and after a while it was huge and terrible, gradually shrinking and falling toward a star.

"came back."

Chu Chaoyun's face was radiant, and he whispered a word and chased the past.

After half a quarter of an hour, Chu Chaoyun saw a tired, exhausted and lying on the ground in a desolate star.

"Can you stand up?"

Chu Chaoyun said with a smile.

"You are not dead, I can naturally stand up."

Difficult to get up, Xiao Chen looked at Chu Chaoyun and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this guy really didn't die. Before the black dragon king waved a wave of dragons, he sprayed directly on his flesh and frightened Xiao Chen.

"Now I haven't died... but it's almost the same."

Who knows Chu Chaoyun, say a sentence, let Xiao Chen scream for a while.

"What? Hahaha, I thought your wisdom should have been guessed long ago. I didn't expect it to be so surprised."

Wiping the blood of the corner of his mouth, Chu Chaoyun's face showed a bright smile, and the laughter was crisp and calm.

Xiao Chen couldn't smile: "I feel that something is wrong with you in the Black Wind Ridge. I will probably guess it when the big day appears."

Chu Chaoyun sighed softly: "Sometimes it is really helpless. I have never been able to go to this big world from Kunlun. I thought that the sky is high and the birds are flying. From then on, there is a new beginning. I didn't expect to get rid of the fate of fate. The Tianwu dynasty in the Kunlun world was established by the Lord. I have his blood flowing through it. From the beginning to the end, I am a chess piece that he used to suppress you?"

"Is it strange? When the Qinglong family was destroyed, the Qinglong Temple kept the flames flying to Kunlun, and did not escape the attention of the Lord. He followed the Qinglong Temple and came to Kunlun, leaving the Tianwu Dynasty in the Cangwu to leave this hand layout. ”

"My destiny, from the beginning, was implicated with him. He gave birth to me, he died, and from the very beginning he was the one he used to fight against you. When I learned the truth, I almost collapsed. I saw you at Yanhuang Guling, and I stopped talking a few times. At that time, I really admire you, obviously I can't help myself, but still dare to pull the knife and dare to make my own choice."

Xiao Chen said: "Actually, I..."

"Don't talk, listen to me... In the future, you can't hear much."

When Chu Chaoyun interrupted Xiao Chen’s words, his eyes were slightly stunned, revealing a faint smile. He whispered: “Before one day, I was still swaying. In the end, I was involuntarily obedient, obeying the general trend, and secretly leaving the card left by the Lord. Kill you and become the new lord of the era. Or, don't resist, it's good to die in your hands."

"In the Dragon God Square, you give up the position of the Dragon Emperor and give up the air transport carried by the Dragon Empire. At that moment, I know that I already have the answer, even if I can't help myself, people can have their own choices when they are alive. And they will all have their own insistence."

"I don't want to be the master of the era, I don't want to be a chess piece. I just want to be myself, do Chu Chaoyun, and be your best friend."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

When the voice fell, Chu Chaoyun laughed, and the laughter was full of endless joy and joy. "It turns out that I am doing the right thing, the joy of my heart, I have never been so happy since birth." ""

In the face of Chu Chaoyun who laughed happily, Xiao Chen couldn’t smile in his heart, obviously it was an endless sorrow.

Chu Chaoyun said that the cloud is light and windy, he does not become the new era of the Lord, the Lord will die.

The Holy Lord dies, the blood of the Lord is flowing, and Chu Chaoyun, who is connected with his destiny, is also dead.

In the life of Xiao Chen, there are friends, lovers, and teachers. There is never one person like Chu Chaoyun.

It is both an opponent and a friend, so deep.

But right away, this person will die with the death of the Lord...

"Go, I will do the last thing for you again. The Lord is scheming. He still has the same card to slap you. I will help you to come back and easily break your own cause and effect."


"follow me."

Chu Chaoyun turned to the moment, squatted, almost fell.

Obviously, in the face of the destruction of the Dragon King of the Black Dragon, he overstretched his life to resist, and it was not as easy to show at the moment.

The two came to the starry sky, did not go far, accidentally found a body floating.

"Really far?"

Stepping forward, Xiao Chen saw the appearance of the body, and his look was slightly complicated.

The Black Dragon King was killed. As the true source of the host, the soul and the Black Dragon King completely merged and died.

The master of mystery, the embarrassment of the year, seems to be impossible to complete.


For the true far, Xiao Chen does not have much sympathy, and he is not alive.

After half an hour, under the leadership of Chu Chaoyun, the two entered the broken virtual world.

The virtual world that used to be lively is now empty, and there is no anger at all.

All the false gods have died, and they have fallen with the destruction of the martial arts era.

The two came to the Holy City and stepped into the Temple of Xu.

In the depths of the temple, on the throne of the high platform, a dead man with a mask was lying weakly.

If the air is a hairspring, it will be alive and well.

He sensed the footsteps, no blinks, and a weak voice: "Chaoyun... You are back, Xiao Chen, have you been killed?"

"Well, Xiao Chen was killed by me, and I will be the new epoch."


Seeing the old man who was originally in the throne, the weak old man, a fierce spirit, and sitting up and excited, he was shaking.

It seems to be alive again, and it’s alive and kicking, and it’s fierce to open your eyes.

I just saw Chu Chaoyun, my eyes were slightly stunned, like a white fox screaming: "I'm sorry, I lied to you."


When the voice fell, a touch of sword light flashed, and the Chu Chaoyun sword killed the coveted Holy Lord.

Going forward, Chu Chaoyun searched under his throne.

The face is bright, take out a thing, turn around and say: "Give you, hey!"

After the words were not finished, Chu Chaoyun spit out a blood, and the pale face looked even more terrible.


Xiao Chen took over the things thrown by Chu Chaoyun, and his face was shocked. This is the Qingshan leader he had been searching for.

Chu Chaoyun coughed a few times and cried aloud: "This old man is very sinister. If I can't kill you, he will threaten you with this object. If this thing is destroyed, even if it is a new era, Qinglongyi The pulse will also have no day to come."

The Holy Lord died, and Chu Chaoyun, connected with his destiny, disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But if you don't know, look at Xiao Chen: "Is there wine? I suddenly remembered, I have known you for so many years and have never officially had a drink."

Xiao Chen took out his heart and poured a cup.

"It’s a pity that I can live for myself, but I’m going to leave soon. But it’s okay, I’ve done this cup, you and I are born to be confidants, there is no fate, there is no mask, the old is not dead, only you and your friendship, My sword is waiting for your knife!"

Chu Chaoyun raised the glass and touched it.

The crisp clinking of the cup just remembered, Chu Chaoyun coughed, and spit out a large mouth of blood.

The blood fell in the cups of the two, and the blood red stained by the wine, the people who saw it were distressed.

"Dirty... Xiao Chen, change a cup for a cup..."


Chu Chaoyun, who made a change of cup, suddenly unable to hold the glass with his hands, accompanied by the broken sound of the wine glass, the soft fall down.

It was like falling asleep, with a smile, closed his eyes.

"Chu Chaoyun!"

Xiao Chen stepped forward and caught it and shouted aloud.

But that Fengshen is handsome, the drow is not a group, and the mouth is always with a smile of Chu Chaoyun, but it has really fallen asleep forever.


Closed the double purpose of Xiao Chen, the next corner of the eye, tears, tears falling in the cup, melting in the blood of the burning heart.

Xiao Chen had a drink, but the wine was said to be burning, but it did not make him feel bad.

There is a kind of pain, called pain to the peak, no heartache.

Five years later...

When Xiao Chen handled the trivial things of the world, he and Liu Ruyue, and Jiao Jiao were still in a strange dust, ready to go to Kunlun.

On the occasion of the farewell, Xiao Chen looked at the sky and spread his hand.

Let your soul power merge with Tiandi Avenue, and whisper: "I want the world's men, all have the gentleman's heart, the heavens are healthy, and the self-improvement; I want the world's women to have an upward heart, not to be eyebrows, but higher than the sky; I wish Everyone in the world is like a dragon. They all have a heart of a child. They don’t want to live forever. They just want to chase their dreams, and they don’t regret it!”

call out!

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen's palm floated out of a crystal clear, glamorous seed, a little bit drifting into the sky.

"Xiao Chen Big Brother, what is this?" asked the dust softly.

Xiao Chen softly said: "This is the heart of my ecclesia, and it is also a seed, and it is also the dragon era I want. I hope everyone is like a dragon, they all have a heart, not for longevity, just for dreams. ""

"Why can't you ask for a long life?"

"Because longevity represents all desires, and longevity only lives for desire, not for oneself. Such a person is more alive than death. If everyone is born, then this era will end sooner or later."

Liu Ruyue, Mo Chen and Jiao Jiao three women, if they think thoughtfully, they seem to understand.

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "Don't think about it, let's go, let's go back to Kunlun."

Just when I saw the night sky, when the bright moon was bright, Xiao Chen’s smile had a bitter taste.

When the bright moon was in the past, Zeng Zhaocai returned...

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