MTL - Immortal Becomes a Stay-at-home Dad After Return-~ 489 The star is long, the sky is high, and the kings are not worried.

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The first thing to know is that the star is also a magic weapon.

In particular, this kind of large-scale scorpion requires the owner to feed with blood, and until it is completely refining, it can be controlled as desired.

Therefore, the first time Chen Hao wanted to kill was not Yuxi Tianzun, but Tuoba.

In addition, here can also be an analogy.

If Chen Hao is like a tiger, Tiandu and his party will naturally be a flock.

In terms of single individual combat power, the Lamb can never be the opponent of the tiger.

But if thousands of lambs are charged at the same time, even the fierce tigers will have to retire.

The power of the individual can never match the power of the collective.

Therefore, Chen Yu can only pull the lambs out of the flock in the form of latent sneak attacks, and then kill them one by one.

From the very beginning, Chen Hao’s goal was very clear, so when he first appeared, he perfectly demonstrated the strength that Supreme should have.

The third form of the moon

Wan Jian returned to the sect!

I saw that the long sword behind Chen Hao was like a dragon. Immediately after he emerged from the void, he slammed into the bottom of the tower at an extremely fast speed.

Its speed is fast, and its potential is like a waterfall that swallows the mountains and rivers. It instantly brings a suffocating pressure to the audience.

Takuya is in the center of the whirlpool, and his feelings are naturally deeper than others.

And it is because of this...

Chen Hao was just on the scene, and Tuoba felt keenly that he was locked by Chen Hao’s air.

So, this immediately raised the whole body of the real yuan, forcibly propped up a scorpion shield, but also did not forget to rush to the jade 寰 尊 尊 传 : : : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

At this moment, Takuya really regretted it.

Chen Hao placed the jade and the gods regardless, but instead ran to find the trouble of his little sister.

This is not to say that you want to kill him, then take control of the stars, and finally slowly kill all the people on the ship? !

At this time, if Takuya doesn't know Chen Hao's true strength, he is really stupid.


This is a living supreme!

Today, this trouble has caused a big deal...

However, between the electric and the flint, tens of thousands of long swords were picked up by Tuoba's bodyguards.

He didn't even have time to make any reaction, and he was shocked by the huge and unparalleled vitality.


The body cover is broken and shattered.

Tuoba couldn't help but flash a trace of despair, and suddenly there was a smirk on his face.

He is able to succumb to the sacred sword today...

Think about it, this seems to be an honor too?

People, there will always be some different feelings before dying.

Tuoba has even prepared himself.

But on the occasion of this millennium...

A figure suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and gave up his life to block this fatal blow! !

Of course, this person cannot be a Tuo Xiuer, and there is no such thing as Tuo Xiuer.

Therefore, after the person gave up the trick for the extension, even Chen Hao could not help but reveal a hint of surprise.

At that moment, time seemed to be still.

The focus of the whole audience is concentrated on this figure.

this person……

Isn't it the jade goddess? !

No one can successfully take the fullest blow of the Supreme, and Yushu Tianzun is no exception.

Therefore, the moment when Wan Jian was killed, the jade scorpion’s body was suddenly stagnation, and the body cover was also cracked and collapsed.

In the face of the hole, the **** is not resistant.

But even if this is the case, Yuxi Tianzun has no intention of retreating.

Just listening to him shouting in the sky, the body's defensive magic weapon suddenly burst into a splendid brilliance.

Even if the supreme is on, I will never step back half a step!

In the meantime, this ten-year-old Tian Tianzun, who has been living in a high position for a long time, has suddenly uttered a stubborn fighting spirit that is not afraid of death.

‘Hey! ’

‘Hey! ’

‘Hey! ’

Wan Jian is very different from other moves.

This sword is so long and long, and it is like a huge wave after a move. After a wave of bombardment, it continues to bombard the enemy until the offensive disappears completely.

Under such a violent collision, the people on board naturally responded at the moment, and then launched an attack against Chen Hao.

Seeing things can't be done, Chen Hao had to rush back to the real yuan, and then broke into the void again.

This is the means of emptiness.

Unpredictable, invisible, and invisible to others.

And when Chen Hao disappeared, everyone would no longer be indiscriminately shot, and turned to a swarm of bees to rush forward, flustered Zhang Yuzang in the center.

Seeing the situation of Yuxi Tianzun is not very good, Xuanzhen Tianzun immediately stepped forward to hold him, and then asked with a look of concern: "Yu Yu, are you okay?"


Obviously, Chen Hao slammed a heavy blow. The jade scorpion was like a singular thing at the moment. Except for his pale face, Xuan Zhentian Zun could not see any injuries on his body.

Xuan Zhentian respect seems to want to ask something.

However, Yuxi Tianzun directly put his hand on his hand and turned to the people to quickly order: "Array! The crisis has not been lifted, so please don't be distracted!"

as predicted.

The voice of Yuxi Tianzun did not fall, and the figure of Chen Yu appeared again in the eyes of everyone.

Just now he missed a shot and actually missed the best chance.

Most of the remnants of the day are concentrated near the rudder, and Rao is Chen Yu’s grasp of their formation.

Therefore, he can only turn to the stern, and then concentrate the whole body on his hand.

This time.

Instead of using a sword, he chose a knife that he did not use.

The sword is dexterous and the knife is heavy.

Big rumors, enough!

Chiyang knife method third

A knife!

I saw...

In the moment when Chen Hao appeared, he had already held the knife in both hands, and the tip of the knife pointed to Cang Yuyu.

Such a powerful move, even if it has not been made, the power has been completely unable to cover up.

After seeing the movement, Yuxi Tianzun suddenly changed his face, and he was afraid that the crowd would scream and scream: "Fast! Stop him!!"

Hearing the words, everyone turned around and wanted to launch a joint attack on Chen Hao.

But can their speed be faster than Chen Hao?

So just in the moment when everyone turned back...

Chen Hao got out of the knife.

that moment.

He is like a god, and he is above the sentient beings.

When the human and the knife are united, the knife will suddenly come into being, and it seems to be extinct in the middle of it, so that people can avoid it and let it be slaughtered!

This is the simplest and most direct, and at the same time the least fancy knife, so with an unmatched domineering, volley to the huge star in front of you!

Doesn't Yuxi Tianzun want to take a star to go to Taiwei?

Since you can't kill Tuoba, you will simply ruin the ship!

As long as the star is destroyed, then with the flying speed of Yuxi Tianzun and others, what year and month can it fly too far?

The star journey is long and the sky is high.

The princes are in a hurry, I will play with you slowly!

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