MTL - Immortal Becomes a Stay-at-home Dad After Return-~ 493 pursuit

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Even if the warriors fight, they usually go through hundreds of strokes and even thousands of moves, and they can only win the victory when the two sides are not able to support themselves.

The same is true of the cultivators.

Unless the cross-border world suppresses, even if Chen Hao, who is the peak of the gods, can't take away the life of Yuxi Tianzun in two or three strokes.

Why can Tiandu repeatedly bear Chen’s attack?

Not because they brought together the power of everyone on board.

Thousands of people who have been trained by Jindan and above have used the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array as a medium to bring together everyone in the big array. Everyone loses and loses their glory.

Let's take a simple example...

If Chen Hao’s offensive is likened to floods, then everyone in the sky is a dam.

The floods washed again and again, and the dam festered a little.

When the dam can no longer withstand the impact of the flood, the entire dam will collapse and collapse, completely disappearing into the flood.

Then the problem is coming...

Heaven has gathered the power of all people, and they have barely supported it for a while.

In front of this, it is only the extension of the middle of the gods, why can it be hard to pick up the sword and not be hurt at all?

How can it be said that there is no greasy stuff?

When Chen Xin thought about a turn, he immediately understood why Tuoba was able to catch his sword.

The reason is very simple.


There are high people who help each other!

The folding fan is the magic weapon of the real person.

The emptiness of the real person itself is the existence of the supreme level, and can walk freely through the void like Chen.

Because he has been hiding in the void, he is not in the main plane, so even Chen Hao can not find his existence in the first time.

"Chongzhen real people?"

After hearing the words of Tuoyu, Chen Hao could not help but frown slightly, and asked coldly: "You are not a Tuoba family?"

It’s a sigh of laughter.

The smile on the face is just like the spring breeze and the hustle and bustle, but it is in stark contrast with the indifference on Chen's face.

"The old name is dying, but it is too small.

Yuqing Cave Day?

This name Chen Hao has already heard from Zhonghuakou.

So after hearing the self-introduction of the old man, Chen Hao suddenly understood everything.

Want to come to Yuqing Cave is the strongest force in Taiwei, right?

With the existing strength of Tuoba's family, even with Tiandu, they can't bear the anger of Chen Hao.

Tuoba is very smart and greedy.

Just like Tuoba.

This is human nature.

In the moment when Tuobaye received the news, it began to repeatedly consider the gains and losses.

He thought about it and finally did not endure the temptation to make the same choice as Tuoba.

Benefits always coexist with risks.

If you regard the ownership of Tiandu as an interest, then Chen Yu is the biggest risk.

Just like doing business, in order to ensure that the Tuoba family will not steal the chickens and not eclipse the rice, the extension of the industry will take the initiative to find the real people, and hope to share the risk of the Tuoba family, thus A more secure way to get benefits.

You must know that the immortals are all horny.

So don't look at the kindness of a sinister person, and you can do a lot of harmless things in the dark.


"Yu Qingdong Tian? Hehe..."

Why did the real person come here? Still not just want to get a piece of it.

Therefore, Chen Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and his right hand was gripped, and the sword and sword appeared again in his hands.

"Let's leave, since you and I are in the same realm, you must know that you can't stop me..."

"Chen is not easy to kill you, kill him..."

"It's like killing a chicken!"

The voice did not fall, Chen Hao's whole person turned into a streamer, and disappeared directly from the eyes of the sinister real person.

And this time.

The Tuoba industry on the side has not even reacted.

The sword and sword appeared from the void, and then a sword fell on him.

Just hard-wired Chen Hao and a sword, isn’t it that Tuo’s industry is very proud?

Therefore, Chen Hao would like to see if Tuoyu can still be proud of it now!

‘Hey! ’

I saw a cold flash, and Tuobaye suddenly widened his eyes, and his face had an incredible expression.

He never thought of...

Chen Hao would actually attack him in such a sudden and arrogant way.

This sword is coming too fast.

It is like a teleport.

As Jianguang flashed past, Tuobaye's eyebrows suddenly appeared an extremely fine scar.

And this is obviously the true power of the Moon Sword.

The first type of Yuehuang sword

A sword hides!

"you you you……"

Sudden changes, so that the real people on the spot will be on the spot.

Everyone is a hole.

Who can be faster than who?

Therefore, in the case of Chen Yu taking the lead, it is simply too late for the rescue.


"The arrogance is extreme!"

"I am angry, too!"

Just listening to the sinister real shout, the fan in his hand suddenly whirls out, like a sharp-edged Frisbee, followed by Chen Hao.

When I saw it, Chen Hao was a cold smile and broke into the void again.

The hole is empty.

Gain insight into the void and walk through!

From the beginning to the end, Chen Hao did not intend to fight against the real people.

Really thought that moving out of a hole would scare him?


Everyone is a hole, who can get it?

Chen Hao can't kill a real person, just as a real person can't kill him.


Although Chen Hao can't do anything with the emptiness of the real person, he can completely squander the sin of the real person, and instead turn to the mind of the Yuxi Tianzun and his party.

Therefore, after the smashing of the real person, Chen Hao did not pay attention to him, but came to the vicinity of the star, and continued to start his own demolitions.

‘Hey! ’

‘Hey! ’

‘Hey! ’

Chen Hao took the long sword in front and flew in front of him.

The two of them started the game of chasing me around the stars.

However, running back, Chen Yu’s long sword has not stopped for a moment.

As he continued to attack, there were more and more casualties in the sky.

At the end of the day, there was hardly a single Golden Dan period to stand on the ship.

"Well, the big battle is going to break!"

"Speed ​​support!"

The so-called nesting under the nest is complete.

Seeing that the situation is so crisis, several Tianzun can no longer afford to save the strength, but they have to jump into the eyes, strong behavior, this crumbling Zhou Tianxing battle continued to come.

But at this time...

Tuoba, who has been at the helm of the bow, suddenly exclaimed: "Sir! We are too stunned!"

Hearing words, Yuxi Tianzun immediately came to him.

After looking down at the land below, the eyes of Yuxi Tianzun flashed a stern color, and coldly ordered: "Continue to fly, don't stop!"


Tuoba seems to have some disagreement about what he meant.

Still flying?

Where are you flying?

This has already been too slight, why not go all the way down and run away?

Anyway, Chen Hao is a strong person. As long as everyone runs together, can it be really caught by him?

Seeing it, Yuxi Tianzun did not have any intention to explain it. Instead, he suddenly thought of what he might think. He suddenly asked: "Where is Yuqing Cave?"

"In Zhongzhou..."

"Then go to Zhongzhou, fast!"

Read The Duke's Passion