MTL - Immortal Becomes a Stay-at-home Dad After Return-~ 520 Xing Xia Yi, except violence!

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Although I still don't understand the specific meaning of the eight words of the demon guardian and the martyrdom, but this does not prevent her from having a passionate heart.

Just as Dad usually teaches her, regardless of status, background, knowledge, and cultivation, people need to respect each other.

Obviously, bullying is a manifestation of disrespect for others.

Whether bullying her or bullying others, in the end, I will never allow such things to happen around me.

Therefore, after confirming that Li Sanduo was being bullied, he immediately took out the posture of his squad leader, and he was eager to fight for Li Sanduo.

"Tell me, who is bullying you?!"

It may be because of anger, so what I said in this remark is called a throwing voice.

Her voice was very loud, and it caught the attention of other students in an instant.

For a time, Li Sanduo, who was stunned by the hard-won student, became the focus of attention for everyone.

According to Li Sando’s past personality, he certainly will not care about the eyes of everyone, but may be somewhat proud.


Li Sanduo didn’t know what happened today. After discovering that the students were looking back at him, his face suddenly burst into rosy, followed by a more excited look and said: “Whether you Things! Go away!"

As he spoke, he squirmed as he struggled, and seemed to want to break away from the thoughts.

Seeing that Li Sanduo’s reaction was so radical, he only had to take back his hand.

"Li Sando..."

I still want to persuade him to recite two sentences, but this Li Sanduo seems to be like a gunpowder. Instead of accepting the care of his thoughts, he still stalks her neck and yells at her: "Go away! Don't you Guan! What are you doing, bothering?!"

Everyone talked about this, and they didn’t want to say anything naturally, so they had to turn around and return to their seats.

What is it that is unfortunate and angry?

This is it.


Compared with high school, elementary school and junior high school are actually more prone to campus bullying.

The so-called campus bullying is actually bullying students by beatings, insults, ridicule and other acts.

There are two kinds of people who are the most vulnerable to bullying.

One is introverted and weak, even if it is bullied, it will be forbeared because of fear, and thus bullied by bullies for a long time.

The other is a person who is arrogant and likes to express himself and be independent.

This character of the child does not care about the feelings of others, and thus easily attract the attention of the bully.

Li Sanduo obviously belongs to this kind.

It should be noted here that the bully is usually a member of a small group, so once the bullying phenomenon occurs, it is generally a group of people who commit crimes together.

Li Sanduo’s character seems to be casual and arbitrarily. Nothing will provoke the teacher to be angry in the classroom. In fact, he has already stated that he is a very proud and lonely person.

This kind of person is very difficult to make friends, so he can only gain more attention through a variety of outstanding performance, thus covering up the inner loneliness.

And precisely because of this, Li Sanduo Ning can bear the grievances silently, and does not want to show the fragile side in front of everyone.

He does not need anyone's help.

Whether parents, teachers, or classmates.

The only one who can help him is himself.

So even if he is bullied by others today, Li Sanduo does not need any help.

Because, he will never easily bow down and admit defeat.

I still can't figure out these complicated problems for the time being, so her idea at the moment is very simple, that is...

Help Li Sanduo get rid of bullying.

In order to achieve this goal, I have been observing Li Sanduo for a long time.

But this day, Li Sanduo did not show any difference.

When I was in class, I still interrupted the teacher's lecture. After class, I was silently seated in the position. I had never interacted with anyone during the period, so I couldn't see who was bullying him.

I can't catch the ‘the murderer’, and I can’t help if I want to help, so I can only blink in the side.

It’s hard to wait until school, and Li Sandu’s bag is running out of the way, so it’s a bit boring.

No way, she can only go to Dad to complain.


As usual, Chen Hao came to the school on time.

When she came to her side, Chen Hao immediately took her from the ground.

"Hey, what's wrong with this?"

"Who made our little princess angry?"

Since she learned yesterday that the little guy started to get in touch with the problem of early love, Chen Hao has raised her security level to a higher level, so even if he is in the Sihe Courtyard, he can check the situation of the little guy at any time through the big cat.

Therefore, even without thinking about the opening, Chen Yu already knew what she had experienced on this day.

The little guy really couldn’t figure out Li Sanduo’s behavior, so she immediately told Chen Hao about it.

Seeing that the little guy is so hot, Chen Hao naturally has to encourage him a lot.

So, after he thought a little about it, he directly pointed out the key.

"Missing, since you saw Li Sanduo, he was already crying on the table..."

"That also means that he should be bullied before you go to school..."

"So if you want to prevent this kind of incident from happening again, you only need to get up a little earlier, then the first one will go to the classroom..."

It was heard that the little guy’s eyes lit up.

Dad said it makes sense!

No wonder she couldn't find the ‘the murderer’. It turned out that they were sinning in the morning!

"Then I have to get up early tomorrow!"

"Dad, you remember calling me!"

"I want to protect Li Sanduo!"

"Can't let him be bullied by others!"

Looking at the little guy's indignant look, Chen Hao couldn't help but shake his head and laughed.


For Chen Hao, the importance of this matter may not be as good as the discount on supermarket food.

But for the little one, this is a big event that will set her the right three.

Therefore, instead of interfering with it, Chen Hao also followed the request of the little guy and waited until the next day when she was bright, and immediately pulled her out of the bed.

"Get out of bed, my little hero! There are people waiting for you to save!"

The little guy was still a little confused.

After hearing Chen Hao say this, she suddenly like a chicken blood, immediately turned over and fell from the bed.

"Dad, let's go!"

Is the daughter of Chen Da’s supreme being the kind of three-viewers?

Born between heaven and earth...

Since the time of the martial arts, in addition to violence!