MTL - Immortal Becomes a Stay-at-home Dad After Return-~ 536 Are you sick?

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I am also a good student who came out from the capital, Xiaoli.

Although she stayed close to Chen Hao, it will inevitably make some small tempers, but her three views are still quite correct.

This is not. After seeing the girl outside the racecourse suddenly burst into tears, she no longer snorted and immediately sat on the horse. Even if Chen Hao wanted to hold her down, she would no longer resist.

"Dad, I didn't bully her..."

The little guy felt a little wronged.

Otherwise, with her usual character, I will definitely rush to comfort others in the first place.

Speaking of it, I am now more than nine years old, and I have already formed a relatively complete concept of consumption.

Therefore, in her cognition, she is also a consumer, she spent money to ride a horse here, so she did not feel that she had done something wrong.

Maybe the other party just saw her riding happy, so I thought about coming to grab her?

After all, children like to grab other toys.

Similar things happened in the Wenwen and Mingming brothers too many times, and I have long been eccentric.

There are still some unclear situations.

After Chen Hao whispered a few words to her, she took her hand to the side and silently arrived at the parents.

The child's crying is very loud, that is, it is not too much to describe it with a cry.

Therefore, she had just cried here for a long time, and not far from the end of the path, she came to a lady who was dressed up.

After hearing her daughter's crying, the woman ran on the high heels 哒哒哒 哒哒哒.

It is estimated that she usually pays attention to the maintenance of her life, so from the appearance, it is impossible to judge the true age of this woman.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Who bullied you?"

"Come, don't cry, mom gives you the master."

Under the comfort of the woman, the little girl finally stopped crying, and then said with an angry look at the scene: "It is her, she took my snow without my consent..."

It may be that the cartoon has seen too much. This white horse has a high status in the eyes of the little girl, so she can't accept anyone other than her riding her white horse.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?"

"I don't know who this horse is?"

“Who are they? Professional coaches? Or nursing staff?”

"Who agrees that they are riding?"

"I have to pay hundreds of thousands of years of maintenance costs to your club. As a result, are you raising my horse for me?"

"How expensive are my horses? Don't you know?!"

"Don't ask your manager to give me an explanation?!"

The cause of this incident was very simple. After listening to the woman, I thought about the key, so I pointed the gun directly at the staff.

The staff member’s heart is called a bitter.

In the face of a woman's sorrow, he opened his mouth a little embarrassed, but in the end he couldn't say a word, but he had to stand on his head.

In fact, this kind of leak is really not easy to appear.

Because the private horses of the big customers arrive at the club, the staff will carefully observe the time. Only after determining that these big customers rarely come to the racecourse will they be included in the spare tires.

This horse has been raised in the club for more than half a year, and the owner has not seen it once.

I pulled it out today and let me sit for a while. I didn’t expect to ride something...

As the owner of the horse, the young girl's age and thoughts are almost the same, so it is only when the holiday is over that she can go to the racecourse to practice.

Children, naturally, it is impossible to be like a grown-up, and everything is still a form of cut-off.

She wanted to see her horse for the first time, so she went straight to the racecourse after arriving at the club, so that the staff had no time to mediate the remedy.

"Sorry, Miss Zhuang..."

"This is really the result of the mistakes made by our employees below..."

"You get rid of gas first, don't be too excited..."

After the manager heard the movement outside, he hurried to the racecourse.

The woman seemed to know him too, so she immediately turned the gun and turned to the manager for a slap in the face.

You know, this grandmother is a big customer of the club!

Who is provoked?

Therefore, no matter how ugly the woman is, the coach and the staff are just standing on the side and dare not say anything. The manager keeps nodding his head and only hopes that the woman can get rid of it.

In fact, to say that today, this matter has nothing to do with the thoughts, it is completely a mistake in the club.

So after Chen Hao stood by and listened for a while, he was too lazy to take care of these people. He turned to look down and asked: "Missing, still want to ride?"

"If you want to ride, Dad asks them to find another horse for you, okay?"

"it is good."

Hearing words, he nodded immediately.

Although Dad did not say it, she probably knew about the situation and knew that she could no longer ride this white horse.

So, after the little guy looked back at the white horse next to him, it was only under the leadership of Chen Hao that he quickly walked out of the racecourse.

"Stop! Where are you going?!"

The woman was still angry at the club’s automatic use of her own horse.

Suddenly I saw Chen Yu’s father and daughter want to flash people, and the woman suddenly did not fight for a fight, so she immediately screamed and stopped them.


After hearing the woman's screaming, Chen Hao immediately stopped.

He frowned and looked back and wanted to say something.

The club manager stopped directly in front of him and then said to the woman with a smirk: "Miss Zhuang, these two are members of our club..."

"Today's incident, mainly because we made mistakes in the work arrangement, I hope you don't see it..."

"Do you think this is the case..."

“In order to compensate for your losses, I can give you a free maintenance management package on behalf of the club, plus a set of equestrian clothing...”

The manager’s attitude is fairly correct. At the same time, he took the initiative to propose compensation to the woman. At the same time, he also took responsibility for himself and only hoped that the woman would not be angered by others.


Even if the woman knows that this is caused by the club today, she can't accept the thoughts and leave so much.

Didn't see my child still crying now?

So if you don't apologize, the woman will never let her leave.

"Do you know how much this horse is?"

"What if the ride is broken?"

"You pay for it?"

"No, she must apologize today to go!"

For a while.

Not only did the club manager be in the same place, but even Chen Hao had some doubts about whether he had got it wrong.


Is this woman sick?

Or is the three views distorted?