MTL - Immortal Fate of Longevity: Starting From Taking Care of Daoist Brothers, Wife and Daughter-Chapter 261 : Ji Tianxiao's threat? kill no threat

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After Zhao Feng and Ye Xiying also left.

The dignitaries who came to Xia's family are finished.

Then the next Xia family will be Xia Changge's Xia family alone.

He can do whatever he wants!

Xia Changge immediately 'sacrificed' all the third-order Earth Spirit Orbs he had just obtained to the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine.

Although the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine cannot absorb the power of the third-order Earth Spirit Orb, it can quickly disperse the power of the Earth Spirit Orb into Xia Changge's Earth Vein, improving the quality of the Earth Vein.

In the next two years, Xia Changge's plan is to let the Xuanmu Lingvine reach four thousand years old, or even more, so that the strength of his beloved baby can reach the initial stage of the Nascent Soul Realm!

Xia Changge's cultivation base has been promoted to the middle stage of Jindan Realm relatively quickly.

Two years later, there will be an opportunity to meet many powerful people.

After this matter is resolved, it is the most suitable choice to practice again.

The current Xia Changge, after the battle in Biyun Pavilion, has also fully experienced the strength of the rotating wood spirit vine.

If Biyun Pavilion hadn't had the rotating wood spirit vine, it would not have been able to last that long when facing so many demon kings.

Each of the rotating wood spirit vines of more than 6,000 years can contain at least three demon kings of the same level without losing the wind.

As long as the demon king is not good at the power of fire, it's not a big problem.

After seeing how powerful this baby is, Xia Changge wants to cultivate it well.

With enough Earth Spirit Orbs, Xia Changge's Longevity True Qi is also sufficient.

Rotating wood spirit vine, all you need to do is open your mouth honestly and wait for Xia Changge to taste the food in his stomach and digest it quickly.


Zhao Feng also got his most convenient treasure, Qingxiao Shenlei Sword, as he wished.

During this period of time, Zhao Feng was naturally making final preparations at Xuanlingzong.

He wants to quickly refine this high-grade magic weapon!

In fact, the entire continent of Zhao Kingdom has almost settled down.

The Yaozu have already left with the harvest ahead of time following Zhao's defeat.

The Yaozu can be regarded as full for a while. In a short period of time...the combat power they lost will be quickly replenished, not to mention, they will even become stronger!

As for the country of Zhao...the various places are also carrying out their own rectification, quietly licking their own wounds, and slowly recharging their energy and recovering.

With the production capacity of the world of cultivating immortals, in fact, it only takes a few decades to completely recover a breath of vitality.

Ordinary people still keep it, and most of the elites of the major families and sects also keep it.

At that time, just continue to recruit monks with spiritual roots among mortals to train them.

But a destroyed spiritual vein is still very hurtful for a continent.

If it grows up for such a long time, it is no wonder that there is such a saying as "the age of the end of the Dharma".

Zhao Guo lost too many strong men this time.

Three hundred years... may not be able to recover.

If you don't improve the strength of the national fortune, you will be ravaged by that group of monsters again in three hundred years.

I have been poor and weak, and it is difficult to have a bright future!

Xia Changge originally thought that his family would also develop smoothly.

Unexpectedly, troubles still ushered in after all.

This trouble... is not small!

It's Ji Tianxiao!

Xia Changge was no stranger to this person.

An old monster in the late Nascent Soul Realm in Biyun Pavilion!

Ji Tianxiao's sudden visit made Xia Changge not think it would be a good thing.

"Senior, I don't know why senior came here this time?"

In any case, when Xia Changge received the guests, he must have spoken softly and with some respect.

Because of Ji Tianxiao, Xia Changge cannot be offended temporarily.

Ji Tianxiao's words were full of anger and arrogance: "Master Xia, I came here to ask you, when you killed the Blood Soul Demon King, did you get any strange things from its space ring?" ?”

As the top powerhouse in the Zhao country, he naturally didn't care much about Xia Changge's Golden Core Realm.

When facing Xia Changge, it's normal for Ji Tianxiao to be arrogant.

Ji Tianxiao's words must have made Xia Changge serious.

Strange stuff?

Could it be that the Blood Soul Demon King has some treasures that he doesn't know about?

He thought carefully about the scene when he cleaned up the space ring of the Blood Soul Demon King.

He really didn't feel anything strange.

They are all things he can distinguish!

In the end, Xia Changge shook his head: "Senior, I didn't find anything strange about the space ring of the Blood Soul Demon King. I don't know what you are looking for, senior?"

Ji Tianxiao stared at Xia Changge with red eyes, as if examining the authenticity of Xia Changge's words.

In the end, he still didn't see any problem.

After thinking about it for a while, Ji Tianxiao replied: "I guess that when Tengzu was dying, he might condense the seed of life. I thought it would be in the hands of the Blood Soul Demon King."

Yes, he suspected that before the spiritual roots of heaven and earth such as the rotating wood spirit vine perish, they should leave the 'seeds' of inheritance.

Otherwise, won't this kind of spiritual root of heaven and earth disappear in the long run?

Ji Tianxiao's answer surprised Xia Changge.

Other people may not know what happened in the final battle of Biyun Pavilion.

But Xia Changge knew it clearly.

The Spinning Wood Spirit Vine...should not have condensed any life seeds until death.

But I accompanied her to the last journey.

It's impossible for her not to give it to herself, right?

However, at this time, even though Xia Changge knew that this was a superficial alienation technique, he still had to say: "The seventh prince ran out from under the spirit vine. If he got the seed of the spirit vine, the seventh prince should be more powerful than blood." The Soul Demon King has the greatest chance of getting it, right?"

Xia Changge was the one at the scene, and no one knew the situation better than him.

Ji Tianxiao just smiled, knowing what Xia Changge's purpose was for saying that.

Too bad a divorce plan.

Although, it is indeed possible.

It's just very small.

If the Seventh Prince got it, he would have already taken it out to increase his weight in getting the throne.

He himself went to the hometown of Biyun Pavilion to search dozens of times, but he couldn't find what he wanted.

"Patriarch Xia, I heard that Shang Qinluan and the First Prince have reached the Nascent Soul Realm in your palace. I don't know if there are any good things in Patriarch Xia's palace. Can I take a look?"

Ji Tianxiao's coming to Xia Changge was not just about the life seeds of the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine.

Nowadays, it is no secret that Shang Qinluan and the First Prince reached the Nascent Soul Realm with the help of Xia Changge.

Not only him, but people all over the world are very curious about what kind of fortune is in Xia Changge's family.

Ji Tianxiao came here today, probably with such a purpose.

Ji Tianxiao can be regarded as a picture.

To be honest, Xia Changge was still very nervous.

The general influence may be hindered by the First Prince.

Or maybe before the result between the First Prince and the Seventh Prince came out, he didn't dare to mess around.

But Ji Tianxiao, a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm, and a person from the Seventh Prince's side, naturally has no such worries.

It is normal for the Seventh Prince to want to know how he helped his opponent turn over.

Maybe the former Seventh Prince was still complacent and thought that he must be the one who had the last laugh.

But after Xia Changge stood up and slapped him, the Seventh Prince couldn't laugh, and it was normal for Ji Tianxiao to cause him a little trouble.

Although Xia Changge said he had the record of killing three demon kings.

But the real kill is the silver-skinned crocodile king in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

It is normal for Ji Tianxiao's level of powerhouse to be confident that he has no major problems.

Xia Changge replied with a smile: "Senior, you are joking, I am a mere Xia family, how can there be any good things."

Now Xia Changge is also thinking about other things.

If Ji Tianxiao insisted on pursuing 'facts' today.

What should Xia Changge do?

Seize the opportunity to kill Ji Tianxiao?

I'm afraid I don't have this strength.


This made Xia Changge really uncertain.

Let's see the situation first!

Ji Tianxiao's arrival can be regarded as a wake-up call for Xia Changge.

I've been a little too drifting lately.

In the future... don't keep a low profile.

Just expose the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine directly.

Before, it was because Xia Changge had no strength at all, and it would be troublesome to be exposed.

Now everyone in the world is seriously injured, and their own strength is not bad.

Letting people all over the world know is also a kind of protection.

Anyway, it is impossible for the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine to be moved away.

Ji Tianxiao's expression was contemptuous: "What? Is it possible to be as good as me?"

In a word, what can Xia Changge do?

Forget it, if Ji Tianxiao really came here to find trouble, Xia Changge... would not be polite.

It's just that his hidden trump card may be completely exposed.

The Spinning Wood Spirit Vine is indeed powerful, with the cultivation base of the early Nascent Soul Realm.

It would be any other old monster in the early stage of Nascent Soul Realm who came to make trouble.

Xia Changge could easily kill him!

But Ji Tianxiao...Xia Changge's confidence is very weak.

Ji Tianxiao has a way to restrain himself from spinning the wood spirit vine.

"What if I say no?"

Xia Changge still planned to have a touch with Ji Tianxiao first, to see if Ji Tianxiao dared to completely turn against him under his tough attitude.

Facing Xia Changge's words, Chang Ji Tianxiao just sneered.

With his cultivation base here, he is not afraid that Xia Changge will have any tricks!

Unable to scare Ji Tianxiao, Xia Changge sighed inwardly.

Great cultivator in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm, someone else has become a dog so quickly.

I don't know what kind of conditions the Seventh Prince offered?

But in Xia Changge's eyes, the Seventh Prince was nothing more than a dry bone in a tomb.

It won't be long before you jump around.

And Ji Tianxiao showed his loyalty to the Seventh Prince at this time, it was just... asking for trouble.

He sighed that he didn't know when the monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm could be his dogs.

"Since Senior wants to know, then Senior will follow me."

Today's Xia Changge, the family still lacks such a great monk in the Nascent Soul Realm on the stage.

It is a pity that it is very difficult for Xia Changge to produce such a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator in his family in a short period of time.

Seeing Xia Changge's understanding of current affairs, Ji Tianxiao felt great satisfaction in his heart.

Killing three Nascent Soul Realm demon kings, so what if the record is better than his?

In front of him, you still have to be honest after all!

"Senior, are you satisfied now?"

The reason why Xia Changge is afraid of Ji Tianxiao is also very simple. It is nothing more than the sky fire in Ji Tianxiao's body, which has a great restraint effect on his spinning wood spirit vine.

And his puppet in the middle stage of Nascent Soul Realm doesn't mean much to Shang Ji Tianxiao.

At that time, all the cards of the Xia Changge family will only be exposed.

So, Xia Changge hesitated.

"Spinning Wood Spirit Vine, why do you have Rotating Wood Spirit Vine here?!"

After seeing the rotating wood spirit vine, Ji Tianxiao's eyes were about to burst into sparks.

Xia Changge, how could he get this kind of heaven and earth spirit root, how could he get this kind of heaven and earth spirit root!

The reason why Ji Tianxiao cares so much about whether or not the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine leaves life seeds is that he intends to plant a Spinning Wood Spirit Vine so that his children and grandchildren can protect the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine.

In this way, his children and grandchildren can continue to prosper like the Yan family.

Unless he was chased and intercepted by so many demon kings like today, it is basically impossible to perish!

Let the Ji family become a real Wannian family.

It's a pity that the reality severely shattered Ji Tianxiao's dream, and made Ji Tianxiao give up that idea just now.

But Ji Tianxiao didn't dare to imagine, never could he have imagined that Xia Changge actually had a spiral wood spirit vine here!

This made Ji Tianxiao's heart almost break with jealousy.

"When I found the palace here, this vine of the spiral wood spirit already existed."

Xia Changge's answer seemed very fixed.

This is also a good excuse, and no one will doubt it.

Ji Tianxiao didn't answer for a while.

Xia Changge himself was also very nervous.

Anytime, anywhere, they are already preparing to launch the Extreme God Tribulation to seize the opportunity.

Then let his Spinning Wood Spirit Vine attack Ji Tianxiao.

As long as Ji Tianxiao dares to act recklessly, Xia Changge is very sure that he will be traumatized immediately.

At that time, the big deal is to sacrifice his puppet in the middle stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

Ji Tianxiao didn't dare to be too rampant if it got too big.

"Patriarch Xia, I remember that your daughter seems to be interested in my son, right? Why don't we marry each other?"

At this moment, Ji Tianxiao was completely greedy in his heart.

When he was the Supreme Elder in Biyun Pavilion before, the reason why Ji Tianxiao was helping the Seventh Prince.

Naturally, when the Seventh Prince agreed to give the Infant Transformation Pill, it was also the Heavenly Dew that prolongs life.

But now, with a better choice, Ji Tianxiao naturally didn't want to be bullied by the Seventh Prince.

Wouldn't it be nice to stay here and take the lead? !

Xia Changge also lamented the impermanence of the world.

In the past few decades, Xia Changge tried every means to embezzle other people's families.

The Xiao family, the Yu family, the Du family, the Qiu family... these families have all become part of the Xia family, and they have become the big Xia family.

But I never thought that it would be my turn after all.

This Ji Tianxiao, still wants to pick his own fruit?

I have to say, this is a little bit ridiculous.

"Senior, you are wrong. My daughter doesn't mean anything to my senior's son."

Xia Changge's answer was flat, but powerful.

The current Ji Tiancheng is basically useless.

Compared with his own daughter?

Don't be funny!

Xia Changge could indeed temporarily stabilize Ji Tianxiao, and then find the right opportunity to call for reinforcements, which would be more secure.

But...why should he temporarily bow to Ji Tianxiao?

Ji not qualified!

In today's Zhao State mainland, the only ones Xia Changge fears are the Zhao State Royal Family and the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

Ji Tianxiao, no!

Xia Changge's refusal made Ji Tianxiao very upset.

He couldn't help but coldly said: "Hmph! You used my son as a shield against the Seventh Prince back then, didn't you? Patriarch Xia, you have such a wonderful idea!"

Ji Tianxiao is also an old man, doesn't he know the purpose of Xia Changge's previous actions?

At that time, he just thought that the situation was under his control, so he didn't care about Xia Changge's tricks.

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Because when the time comes, he will let Xia Changge know how powerless his dying counterattack is.

It's just that Ji Tianxiao didn't expect that his son would be abolished suddenly, and he has only recovered more than half of it now, and has not yet reached the golden core state.

This can be regarded as completely messing up his layout.

Coupled with the fact that Xia Changge made a lot of noise, Xia Changge has been "gouquan" until now.

"Senior, if there is something, don't you need to roll your name?"

Xia Changge also gave Ji Tianxiao a little face.

But not many, I hope Ji Tianxiao can understand current affairs.

Xia Changge did use Ji Tiancheng as a shield.

But proactive?

No, passive.

Could he not know what Ji Tianxiao was thinking?

Besides, there is no need to say anything about Ji Tianxiao and the seventh prince's activities later, right?

"I will put here what I said today. Your daughter and my son are married. Whether you agree or not, you have to do it. Do you understand?"

In Biyun Pavilion, even if Ji Tianxiao is the most powerful, he can't do anything to the Yan family.

But the current Xia family makes Ji Tianxiao really greedy.

With his strength, as long as there is a reason, he can annex the Xia family easily.

Let the Xia family become the Ji family!

Can he not be in a hurry? !

So, so what if the Seventh Prince hasn't given up on Xia Yijiao yet?

Man, he wants it!

If his son can't, then he himself will come!

Xia Changge doesn't agree?

Hehehe, facing this kind of family, Ji Tianxiao has a thousand and ten thousand ways to get Xia Changge to agree!

"Senior, my words may be harsh, but I have to say, do you think your useless son is qualified to marry my daughter? Toad, don't even think about eating swan meat."

Xia Changge knew that a battle with Ji Tianxiao was inevitable after all.

So, he didn't have any worries.

Xia Changge can speak whatever he wants, without giving Ji Tianxiao any face.

Because of Ji Tianxiao's old face, he doesn't need to save face.

"You are courting death!"

Ji Tianxiao couldn't imagine how Xia Changge dared to talk to him like this in a mere Golden Core Realm!

Mocking his son as a toad?

His son is a toad, so what is he? !

Since Xia Changge took the initiative to provoke him, Ji Tianxiao had enough reason to kill Xia Changge!

So what if Xia Changge is Zhao Guo's hero? He is not afraid!

But Xia Changge had already made preparations.

Extreme God Tribulation is activated instantly.

Ji Tianxiao was still angry just now, and suddenly felt his Nascent Soul trembled harshly, as if he had suffered some kind of attack.

Anyway, this attack is not too strong, otherwise it will really cause big trouble!

For this attack, Ji Tianxiao naturally regarded it as a means of spinning wood spirit vines, not something that Xia Changge could explode.

"Little thing, I can't keep you here today!"

Ji Tianxiao is also an old man, and the first thing he did was radiate flames.

This is the Skyfire Qingxiao Demon Flame refined by Ji Tianxiao.

All of a sudden, the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine attack plan that cooperated with Xia Changge in attacking Ji Tianxiao fell through.

All its tentacles were burned by Ji Tianxiao.

Naturally, it was impossible for Ji Tianxiao to do anything to this Spinning Tree Spirit Vine, it was his treasure.

So, Ji Tianxiao put all his anger on Xia Changge.

A giant palm of chaotic source of terror smashed towards Xia Changge.

Xia Changge had already entered the man-made control room of his puppet long ago.


Now, Ji Tianxiao knew why Xia Changge was able to kill the silver-skinned crocodile king in the middle stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

The feeling is because there is such a terrifying puppet hidden in his home!

Ji Tianxiao was dumbfounded all of a sudden.

It is impossible for him to do anything to the puppet in the middle stage of Nascent Soul Realm in a short time.

As things get bigger and bigger, if it's nearby.

Especially since the people from the Xuanling Sect were brought over, I really wouldn't have any good fruit to eat.

May be ruined!

"Xia Changge, I will give you one last chance. Our two families will marry each other, and we will be in charge of this spiral wood spirit vine together! With me here, no other force will dare to covet this thing, which is enough to guarantee the future of your Xia family. Bandai!"

Ji Tianxiao once again started his tricks of deception.

"Leave me a word for you, Ji Tianxiao, I advise you to get out of here quickly, otherwise, be careful not to fall here!"

Xia Changge was not so patient.

Now, he also wished he could kill Ji Tianxiao directly.

Guarantee your family forever?

Would Xia Changge believe this kind of nonsense?

And Xia Changge wanted Ji Tianxiao to protect him?

"In that case, I will crush your hopes today!"

The current Ji Tianxiao can't control so much anymore.

No matter how Xia Changge manipulated his Nascent Soul Realm puppet to attack Ji Tianxiao, Ji Tianxiao was able to face it with ease, and he could even hit this puppet with one palm at a time.

A punch and a palm shocked Xia Changge in the control room of the fang orca.

This can be regarded as letting Xia Changge fully see how terrifying this guy is.

The fang killer whale's skin surface is now full of fist marks.

However, Xia Changge didn't feel distressed, let alone afraid.

Because what he wanted to achieve has already been achieved.

"Ji Tianxiao, you are so courageous!"

Yes, with dozens of rounds of confrontation down.

Although Xia Changge's palace was said to be torn apart because of Ji Tianxiao.

All the artificial lakes created have been destroyed and the lakes burst their banks.

But the person Xia Changge was waiting for had already arrived.

It's just that there are six monks in the Nascent Soul Realm!

Ji Changxia, Shang Qinluan, Zhao Feng, Bu Xianhan, a monk from the Bu family at the early stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

And Zhao Feng's guardian!

Although guardians are said to be lurking in the dark, they definitely exist.

Xia Changge knew about the arrival of these people earlier than Ji Tianxiao, he had eyes outside the palace.

The puppet was collected in time.

After they arrived, Xia Changge cried out: "His Royal Highness, Senior Ji has to be the master for me. Now that Ji Tianxiao came to my Xia family, he forcibly came to plunder my spiral wood spirit vine, and he did not let go of the royal family's orders at all." In the eyes!"

Those present all knew that things were definitely not as simple as Xia Changge said.

If Ji Tianxiao wanted to grab it, how could Xia Changge last under Ji Tianxiao's hands for such a long time?

This guy is hiding some secrets.

But Zhao Feng... didn't think much about it.

He did reach the Nascent Soul Realm because of Xia Changge's favor.

Because of this, Zhao Feng had to repay Xia Changge's kindness.

Because this is a very important point after reaching the Nascent Soul Realm.

After doing such a thing of repaying kindness and revenge, which affects his state of mind, it will delay his stepping into the realm of the ultimate nascent soul.

Furthermore, Zhao Feng also couldn't tell if Xia Changge would bring him any surprises when he fought against his old enemy that he had never met in the future.

Therefore, Zhao Feng must first stabilize Xia Changge.

In addition, this Ji Tianxiao has already confirmed that he is the dog leg of his seventh brother.

If it wasn't for Ji Tianxiao's help, how would his seventh brother get the blessing of Biyun Pavilion?

Just this point is already the target of Zhao Feng's attack.

In the future, if he becomes emperor, Ji Tianxiao will not use it for him.

Why don't you take advantage of today and let Ji Tianxiao unseal your Qingxiao God Thunder Sword!

Ji Tianxiao completely understood why Xia Changge angered him so much.

At this moment, he has nothing to say.

Immediately prepare to leave.

Being a great monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm is used to him, so he can naturally do whatever he wants.

This disregarded him so much, which naturally made Zhao Feng furious, and slapped Ji Tianxiao on the way forward: "Ji Tianxiao, presumptuous, attacking my Zhao Guo hero, and even entering the house to hurt others, you think it's so easy Did you leave?"

Ji Tianxiao also stopped and said, "What does the eldest prince want to do?"

The expression on Zhao Feng's face was very indifferent: "It's very simple, kneel down and kowtow to Patriarch Xia to admit his mistake, and compensate Patriarch Xia for his damage, just use your Qingxiao Demon Flame to pay for it! Do you have any objections?"

Ji Tianxiao's Qingxiao Demon Flame, Zhao Feng... are also very envious.

There is no such good thing in Zhao Guo's treasury!

Ji Tianxiao laughed directly: "It seems that the eldest prince will not give him a way to survive?"

The Nascent Soul Realm monks in the Zhao Kingdom knew that the True Monarch Huashen would not make a move.

Therefore, Ji Tianxiao had no fear at all about this eldest prince.

Unless he can become the emperor of Zhao.

But who will have the last laugh, the result is still unknown!

Just after saying a word, Ji Tianxiao immediately accelerated to leave.

Because he knew that he was already the nail in the flesh of the First Prince.

Participating in the internal battle of the royal family is the consequence that outsiders must bear.

Xia Changge's palace is indeed protected by formations around it.

But it was crushed by Ji Tianxiao's palm directly.

Inside, Ji Tianxiao could directly see the arrangement of Xia Changge's array, and it was very easy to deal with it.

"Senior Huangfu, kill him!"

Zhao Feng and others also took advantage of the trend.

Facing Ji Tianxiao's escape, Zhao Feng didn't panic at all.

Because someone has already been waiting outside.

Ji Tianxiao, who had just come out of the palace, instantly felt a chill coming from his back.

Immediately took out his magic flame gun and swept away.

"As expected of a killer trained by Zhenjun, it's amazing."

With one blow, Ji Tianxiao was completely shocked.

It is certainly impossible for the True Monarch of the Zhao Kingdom not to do something for the mainland.

Every once in a while, the True Lord Huashen would recruit a group of people to train.

It's not that the true king personally gives pointers, but someone teaches according to his standards.

Those people will be given the surname 'Huangfu', which means royal assistance.

Those who survived were sorted according to their strength, with a total of eighteen.

This Huangfu San was naturally one of the strongest members of the royal guard under him.

Huangfu San ignored Ji Tianxiao's words at all.

If you want to challenge the imperial power, you must pay a price.

When Xia Changge came to Zhao Feng's side, he had a sense of the treacherous officials around the emperor, and said, "Prince, this thief may not be so easy to deal with."

Yes, the monks in the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, if they don't preconceive it and injure it, it is so easy to solve.

Of course, it is also very simple for monks in the Nascent Soul Realm to resolve each other.

Because the power they erupted can cause fatal injuries to the opponent at once.

Xia Changge naturally wanted Ji Tianxiao to die, but he couldn't show it.

Zhao Feng's attitude was very firm: "Anyway, Gu is going to kill him today!"

After saying that, Zhao Feng took action directly, sacrificed his Qingxiao God Thunder Sword, and channeled his strength with all his strength.

Suddenly, Xia Changge felt that the weather here began to change.

He himself had to sigh with emotion, is this Qingxiaoshen Thunder Sword really so powerful?

It seems that I have to build one myself.

It is marked on the blueprint of the full version of Qingxiao Shenlei Sword: This sword can directly carry the power of heaven and earth thunder, and guide it, transporting mana can also lure the sky thunder...

It seems that it is really not a joke.

Ji Tianxiao was indeed shocked by Zhao Feng's move.

Can Zhao Feng have such strength?

So that Zhao Chan can match it so much?

Damn it!

Ji Tianxiao felt that he... believed in Zhao Chan's nonsense.

This trip to the water is really unfathomable!

Just when Ji Tianxiao was about to say something, Xia Changge suddenly called all the power of the Nascent Soul that he could call out again, and once again sent out a 'Extreme God Tribulation' through his mind.

Xia Changge didn't ask how much harm this extreme divine calamity could bring to Ji Tianxiao.

As long as it can affect him, then let that Huangfu hit Ji Tianxiao three times, and finally let Zhao Feng make up the knife.

It is definitely impossible for Ji Tianxiao and Xia Changge to stay.

What Xia Changge did was silent, and he used the borrowed knife to kill people to the extreme.

Ji Changxia on the side didn't know why, he felt that there seemed to be such a strange power emanating from Xia Changge's body?

He didn't know if he felt wrong.

But Ji Changxia didn't dwell on this issue.

Because the situation was suddenly out of his control.

Ji Tianxiao, who didn't have any problems at all, suddenly seemed to be planning to catch him without a fight, or just wait for death on the spot.

Huangfu San chopped off his head instantly with a single sword strike.

These deliberately trained 'puppets' with the nature of killers are so ruthless and lenient.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Feng's blow that gathered several thunderbolts knocked Ji Tianxiao's Nascent Soul apart in one move.

Ji Tianxiao, who was arrogant in front of Xia Changge just now, was removed from the world just like that.

This made Ji Changxia couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Ji Tianxiao was really... swollen to the limit, so it's not surprising that he ended up like this.

Following the collapse of Ji Tianxiao's Nascent Soul.

His physical body is directly annihilated.

Because the Qingxiao Demon Flame refined by him has no power to restrain it, so it is naturally out of control.

The master Ji Tianxiao's body was burned immediately, and he returned to nature.

Qu Qingxiao Demon Flame began to fall from the air to the ground.

A huge flame, like a sky fire meteorite.

If it falls to the ground, it will definitely cause infinite disasters.

Fortunately, Huangfu San directly controlled it temporarily.

Xia Changge's heart aches for this.

Zhao Feng really doesn't know the hard work of ordinary people like them.

Not even a Nascent Soul is left.

However, because of the presence of people like Zhao Feng, Xia Changge had no chance to swallow that Nascent Soul.

The Nascent Soul of the great monk in the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm... I dare not imagine the taste.

Xia Changge had just cast Ji Tianxiao's Divine Tribulation, probably because his own Nascent Soul was still a little weaker, and it couldn't bring him any trauma, it could only affect his reaction time a little.

The power is a bit insufficient, Xia Changge has to find a way to improve it.

Now, Ji Tianxiao's trouble has been solved.

The difficulties Xia Changge had to face also surfaced.

In the future, you only need to be careful of the seventh prince's natal family.

In short, it is the Ruan family.

Xia Changge is confident that Zhao Feng can solve Zhao Chan.

The Ruan family didn't dare to do anything to Zhao Feng, but they should probably bully themselves, this 'soft persimmon'.

Fortunately, the Ruan family doesn't have a late Nascent Soul Realm monk like Ji Tianxiao, not to mention, he hasn't controlled the existence of Tianhuo yet.

The threat to Xia Changge is really not that great.

In addition, it is Zhao Feng, the future emperor.

Companion to the emperor is like companion to the tiger. I don't know if this emperor will really keep his promise.

Now Zhao Feng almost knows Xia Changge's family background.

It's not enough to make the emperor completely crazy.

So, Xia Changge didn't have any major problems in a short time.

Xia Changge is also confident that after 20 or 30 years, even if Zhao Feng's attitude towards his family changes, Xia Changge will have enough strength to face it.

With the words of the Turning Wood Spirit Vine, things should not be hidden.

After the recent incident is over, Xia Changge will use the words of Ji Changxia or Bu Xianhan, the empress, to directly announce the fact that his family owns a spiral wood spirit vine.

My own family is considered half-established, and there is no need to be as sneaky as before.

"It's an eye-opener, it's an eye-opener, Your Royal Highness, I'm afraid that even a monk in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm won't be able to use this blow!"

After all the dust settled, Xia Changge clapped his hands to express 'flattery' to Zhao Feng.

Xia Changge's face changed extremely quickly.

Zhao Feng just looked at Qingxiaoshen Leijian.

This power can be regarded as completely satisfying Zhao Feng.

It's not just him who can use this thing now.

Even in the future when he fights his old enemy, this thing can exert absolute power!

"I also hope that you can help Gu keep the secret of this sword."

Zhao Feng still trusted his woman and mother.

His words were mainly spoken to Xia Changge, Ji Changxia, and Shang Qinluan.

As for the foolish people below, they couldn't see anything either.

These fools are not members of the Xia family.

Now, because they were chasing Ji Tianxiao, they had already reached Qingjiang County next door.

It is naturally impossible for ordinary people to know the supernatural power of the Thunder Sword of the God of Qingxiao.

Only Xia Changge, Shang Qinluan, and Ji Changxia, the three people in the know, knew.

All three said that they would keep their mouths shut, and they would definitely not reveal anything.

With the help of Huangfu San, Ji Tianxiao's Qingxiao Demon Flame was also taken away by a special vessel.

It seems that Zhao Feng also came prepared.

Zhao Feng is a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm, and with the help of the royal family, it is not a big problem to refine the Heavenly Qingxiao Demon Flame.

After finishing these, Zhao Feng, Bu Xianhan and the others left directly.

The next thing they have to face is the real big event.

Only Xia Changge and Xuan Lingzong were left behind.

Although Ji Changxia said he didn't do anything to Ji Tianxiao.

But his being able to come to Xia's house shows that Ji Changxia came to Xia Changge for something.

If you talk about things, you must talk slowly among the family.

Xia Changge made a gesture of invitation to Ji Changxia.

Ji Changxia also paid back and walked in front.

After returning to Xia's house

The chaos brought about by the war that broke out out of nowhere just now has also settled down.

After Xia Changge waited for the spiritual tea reception, he took the initiative to ask: "I don't know why Senior Ji came here?"

Ji Changxia didn't hide anything either: "I heard that Patriarch Xia gave you the design of the Qingxiao Shenlei Sword. I don't know where you got this picture from?"

Xia Changge originally thought that Ji Changxia's arrival was for the matter of the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine.

Unexpectedly, it was actually for the blue sky **** thunder sword design.

Regarding this, Xia Changge didn't hide anything, and said directly: "This... is when I was in the Foundation Establishment Realm, I followed my mother-in-law to the capital to participate in the auction house held by the royal family. I came here by picking up a leak, I was eager to find the material of the Void Spirit Pill, and I got such a treasure by chance."

Yes, this is Xia Changge's truth.

Ji Changxia didn't know whether Xia Changge believed it or not, but Xia Changge himself believed it anyway.

The fact that Xia Changge went to the capital is no longer a secret.

There are also traces of him going to various places in Kyoto.

In a big place like Kyoto, it's reasonable to find a blueprint.

Ji Changxia?

?After hearing this, his face was full of envy: "Hey, this may be the source of your great blessing, Patriarch Xia. I have stayed in Zhao for so long. The magic weapon, it is too advanced, it is not something that our Zhao Guoneng designed, and I can build it, which is something to be proud of."

He really believed it, because his forging technique was also obtained in the market place of Xuanlingzong.

After Xia Changge told the origin of that design drawing, Ji Changxia just felt that everything was so coincidental.

It can only be said that those who originally possessed these heaven-defying things did not have that blessing.

Xia Changge shook his head straightly: "What kind of blessing am I? Senior Ji, your forging skills are so unpredictable that no one in the entire Zhao country does not envy you."

Yes, Xia Changge really envied Ji Changxia's forging skills.

Ji Changxia couldn't help laughing, and didn't pursue the topic of Qingxiaoshen Leijian.

In his opinion, Xia Changge is a person who has never been exposed to the art of refining weapons.

I don't know that the uniqueness of Qingxiaoshen Leijian is also normal. It is meaningless to continue talking about the meaning of playing the piano with a cow.

Another purpose of his coming this time is his disciple's affairs.

"I still have to thank Patriarch Xia for helping my apprentice successfully transform into a baby." Shang Qinluan is also Ji Changxia's favorite student.

But Ji Changxia couldn't cultivate him to the Nascent Soul Realm 100%, which is also a pity.

Now that Xia Changge has achieved this, he naturally wants to thank him.

This surprised Xia Changge, and replied sincerely: "Senior Ji, there is no need to be like this, Master Shang... you can be regarded as a 'relative' of my daughter, this is what I should do."

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Xia Changge still didn't say that Shang Qinluan was his mother-in-law.

If Xia Changge said it, Ji Changxia really wouldn't say much later, after all, it was Xia Changge's family business.

But Xia Changge didn't say it, so Ji Changxia had to take care of it.

He is Shang Qinluan's master, and he can be regarded as a half father. He must express: "No matter what, this is a huge favor. I don't know if you need help, Patriarch Xia? If I can do it, Will do my best.”

Read The Duke's Passion