MTL - Immortal Fate of Longevity: Starting From Taking Care of Daoist Brothers, Wife and Daughter-Chapter 291 : Give up fairy fate, predict the future

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The number of opponents is not very threatening to Xia Changge.

Xia Changge himself is now not afraid of threats from his peers.

He just exploded with pure power, which was not comparable to that of a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

Defeat these three guys who are nothing but losers to themselves.

Xia Changge spent no more than 30% of his strength, which was relatively easy.

Pass the second floor of the transport tower, the reward is the magic weapon's forging map.

There are 18 types of construction plans for top-grade magic weapons, and you can choose one.

Among them, Xia Changge saw the thing he was familiar with - the Thunder Sword of the God of the Sky.

It seems that the dragon monster king also cleared the second level, which surprised Xia Changge.

The strength of the Dragon Sturgeon Demon King seems to be pretty good, he can actually defeat three people of the same level.

Xia Changge has seen and heard a lot now, and knows most of the raw materials in this world.

Combining the raw materials needed for these magic weapons, Xia Changge chose an ice-type magic weapon—the Wind and Snow Scepter.

In contrast, ice attributes are relatively rare.

Moreover, the raw materials needed to create this magic weapon are not so rare in this world, and it is not difficult to gather them all.

It's not like Xia Changge won't walk the road of ice and snow in the future, so choosing this 'Wind and Snow Scepter' is the best choice.

The most important thing is that Xia Changge may not be long before he will start using Lingbao thoroughly, and the magic weapon is of little use to Xia Changge.

After taking away the making method of the 'Wind and Snow Scepter', Xia Changge entered the third floor.

"This time...maybe it's me in the mid-Yuanying stage?"

Before reaching the third floor, Xia Changge predicted in his mind the opponent he would face next.

This was calculated by Xia Changge based on the rules of the first two layers.

After reaching the third floor, Xia Changge did not meet expectations.

What he was facing was indeed his own mirror image, a cultivation base in the middle stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

After clearing the third floor, the reward is a thousand non-attribute crystals.

This mana crystal is condensed by a monk in the state of transformation and a special spar.

A cultivator in the realm of transforming gods can input his own power into it to form a special magic element crystal, which can be refined and cultivated.

A piece of Fayuan crystal can help a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm improve a small realm.

Dozens of Fayuan crystals should allow a monk in the early stage of the Nascent Soul Realm to grow directly to the extreme Nascent Soul level.

And this non-attributed mana crystal can be used by monks of any attribute, it is the most advanced mana crystal.

It's a pity that Xia Changge had already learned about the effects of Fayuan crystallization before.

If you refine too much, you will ruin your own future and future.

So many mana crystals are of no use to Xia Changge, it is impossible for him to refine this to destroy his future.

And those relatives of Xia Changge...

Unless it was absolutely necessary, Xia Changge would not let his relatives refine the crystals of dharma.

Maybe someone like Xu Baicha might use this thing after being hooked to the Nascent Soul Realm.

The value of Fa Yuan crystal is not low, Xia Changge must have accepted such a thing.

It would be nice to be able to convert it to something else.

On the fourth floor of the transportation tower, there are three enemies who have been cultivated in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

It can be regarded as Xia Changge's half acquaintance.

Tai Ming, Tai Feng, and Qiu Chenbei are three people.

The two qi refining regions plus one Golden Core Realm have now become the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

This made Xia Changge feel ashamed.

Actually, what Xia Changge didn't know was.

The enemy manifested by this transport tower is not the one who spies on Xia Changge's memory, but the thoughts in Xia Changge's own heart are manifested by the transport tower.

The customs clearance reward for the fourth floor of the transport tower - three psychic charms.

The psychic talisman, the kind that can make low-grade spirit treasures condense into a real 'artifact spirit', manifested.

As long as the spiritual consciousness is refined before this psychic talisman is used up.

The tool spirit that was born will recognize the master.

This thing caught Xia Changge's eyes.

He has two spirit treasures in his hand and cannot use them, because the spirits of the two spirit treasures do not cooperate.

Xia Changge originally planned to erase the original weapon spirit in it, so he just used it as it was.

Unexpectedly, I encountered such a superb fetish.

If he gave birth to his own weapon spirit, then the spirit treasure could be completely used by him, and the combat power could be improved by how much.

This is good news.

"Wonderful thing!"

Xia Changge used almost 60% of his own strength to pass through the fourth floor of the transportation tower.

Seeing this scene, Yun Ling was extremely shocked.

Unexpectedly, the guy he met really surprised him.

It's just a pity that Xia Changge just said that he won't join Yunjiao, which makes Yunling very regretful.

You can only come down and see if you can persuade Xia Changge to change his mind.

On the fifth floor of the transport tower is Xia Changge

My own mirror image, cultivated in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

This surprised Xia Changge as well.

If that's the case, wouldn't the sixth floor be three late-stage Nascent Soul Realm opponents?

In this case, it might be difficult for Xia Changge to pass the sixth floor.

And the seventh floor...maybe it is the Nascent Soul of the Extreme Dao?

The reward on the fifth floor is the 'God Enlightenment Monument'.

This is a prop that helps people realize the true meaning of the **** of transformation, and increases the chance of realizing the true meaning by 10%.

Of course, this Enlightenment Monument is a single-attribute true meaning, and can only comprehend a specific kind of true meaning.

After learning about its function, Xia Changge was completely shocked.

Unexpectedly, there is such a heaven-defying thing!

Even if it can only help to increase the 10% chance of sprinting to the God Realm, and it is only a single true meaning, it is already extremely terrifying.

On the sixth floor, there are Chu Mu, Shikuzhu, and...Peng Hai who have reached the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

This directly left Xia Changge speechless.

What happened to the opponent that the transportation tower created for Xia Changge?

It seemed that Xia Changge had been turned into some kind of thief.

This time, Xia Changge had already done his best.

Except for the means of extreme **** robbery that Xia Changge didn't use, Xia Changge basically used all the others.

This made Xia Changge feel his limit.

With pure physical strength, he can defeat three Nascent Soul Realm late stage is the pinnacle.

"Clear the sixth floor, even if it is placed in the Yunjiao, it is no worse than those descendants of true immortals!"

Xia Changge's performance let Yun Ling know that he had met a real genius.

Xia Changge's fight against the enemy across two small realms is not bad at all in the small circle of Tianjiao who are the descendants of the true immortals of Yunjiao and who have learned the magic of immortality since childhood.

If Xia Changge could break through the seventh floor, he would be a top-notch genius in Yunjiao!

The reward for customs clearance on the sixth floor - Tianshen Pill.

It can help monks in the Nascent Soul Realm who have lost their bodies to perfectly develop a superb body.

And don't waste the chance to win.

This thing, how should I put not very useful to Xia Changge.

But since he got them all, Xia Changge just accepted them.

"The seventh floor... I'm afraid it's..."

After clearing the sixth floor, Xia Changge stayed for a while.

He looked at the customs clearance rewards on the seventh floor.

'Shen Xin Dan'.

Can greatly enhance the power of the primordial spirit.

When a monk reaches the state of transforming into a god, he can kill himself and split it into two.

In this way, the second soul can be condensed.

The chance of condensing a second soul is very small, and not many monks are willing to try.

Because once it fails, it will lose almost half of its primordial spirit, and its vitality will be severely damaged. It will not take hundreds of years to recover at all.

And this Shenxin Pill is a pill that can quickly restore the primordial spirit!

"Try it..."

Outside, it was very difficult for Xia Changge to fight against an opponent with extreme Nascent Soul strength, and he did not have this opportunity.

But here, there is no danger anyway, so give it a try.

"Huh? Isn't it the Nascent Soul of the Extreme Dao?!"

Xia Changge originally thought that the seventh floor was himself with the strength of the extreme Nascent Soul.

But it never occurred to him that his opponents were ten monks in the late Nascent Soul Realm, all of whom were his mirror images.

Wholesale images.

This time Xia Changge understood.

"It seems that the eighth floor is the Nascent Soul of the Extreme Dao, and the ninth floor may be a real cultivator of the transformation of the gods..."

In this case, it would be better for Xia Changge to fight hard for this 'Shen Xin Pill'.

This time, there were too many opponents, Xia Changge had no choice but to use Extreme God Tribulation, otherwise he would not be able to beat him at all.

Cooperating with his domineering power, this time, Xia Changge slaughtered the monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm, but it was easier than before!

"What kind of method is this, Nascent Soul Secret Technique? I never thought it would exist in such a small world."

After all, Yunling is just a tool spirit, and he is a wholesaler, so he only knows what his duties are.

In the face of Xia Changge's bizarre methods, he can only guess.

There are many Nascent Soul secret arts in the fairy world.

It's hard to believe that the Nascent Soul Secret Technique could erupt with such a powerful force.

"Shen Xin Pill..."

Xia Changge didn't want to use Extreme God Tribulation unless it was absolutely necessary.

Because the extreme **** robbery consumes the power of the Nascent Soul.

Xia Changge basically wouldn't use it when there were no new monsters and other Nascent Souls to restore his strength.

But now for this Shenxin Dan, Xia Changge had to make a move.

After beheading ten late Nascent Soul realm 'himselfs, Xia Changge's Nascent Soul strength has been consumed by 40%.

For Xia Changge, this was a great sacrifice.

His Nascent Soul contains the divine power of Linshen, the demon god, and it is difficult to have such divinity after recovery.

It's just that I don't know if Xia Changge, the next opponent on the eighth floor, can survive.

"It can be recovered. This is the elixir for recovery, the Five Elements Heaven Pill."

Geniuses are privileged.

Xia Changge broke through the seven-story transportation tower without stopping, which shocked Yun Ling very much. He already regarded Xia Changge as his hope.

The transport towers like them are also specially born to select talents.

If the talents they selected for Yunjiao can develop in Yunjiao.

A transportation tower like his can also become a middle-grade fairy weapon, a high-grade fairy weapon.

Take out the spare high-quality elixir for Xia Changge to recover.

Xia Changge took it over, accepted it, and then used his own elixir to restore it.

It's not that Xia Changge doesn't believe in the elixir provided here.

It's that this elixir may be more clever, and it can be studied and studied when it is taken back.

"The eighth floor is the realm of the Nascent Soul. Are you going to challenge an opponent who has realized the true meaning?"

Yun Ling took the initiative to ask Xia Changge when he recovered.

"Oh? Are there any real opponents to choose from?"

This surprised Xia Changge.

With a wave of Yunling's hand, a dense list of true intentions appeared in front of Xia Changge.

After posting the true meaning list, Yun Ling said: "The true meaning is not the real law, so there are thousands of categories, what do you choose?"

Xia Changge also opened his eyes, and finally chose the 'wood attribute'.

He originally planned to choose the thunder attribute, which might help Xia Changge.

But the thunder attribute is too scary, and Xia Changge, who is practicing this path, knows it very well.

Xia Changge also retreated and chose the wood attribute.

The opponent on the eighth floor is still Xia Changge himself.

Maybe this is the strong one.

As soon as Xia Changge reached the eighth floor, the mirror image directly killed Xia Changge.

Xia Changge felt that the entire spatial field had become this mirrored field.

He seems to be able to appear anywhere.

It was impossible to guard against it, and Xia Changge suffered a lot for a while.

If this state continues, Xia Changge will definitely lose!

So, he chose to trade injuries for injuries.

As long as he is given a chance, Xia Changge believes that he can take down this opponent.

Xia Changge didn't lose, he won.

It was not easy for him to win, and almost all means were exhausted.

Even the Nascent Soul, which he was proud of, was now consumed by Xia Changge to less than 10% of his strength.

At this time, Xia Changge also had the strength of an ordinary Nascent Soul Realm early stage.

"Congratulations, you have reached the eighth floor. If you reach Yunjiao, I am afraid that some real immortal will accept you as a disciple!"

Yun Ling appeared in front of Xia Changge.

As soon as he came, such a big temptation was thrown out, which made Xia Changge really moved.

But not heartbroken.

He knew that Yun Ling's words contained big pie elements.

And in the fairy world, Xia Changge's life could not be as free and happy as staying in this small place.

In the fairy world, Xia Changge would be very humble, he was not used to it.

"This is the reward of the eighth floor. You can choose one of the two secret arts, 'Looking at Qi' and 'Sky Calculation'."

Seeing that Xia Changge didn't answer, Yun Ling didn't say anything, and took out the reward that belonged to Xia Changge.

"this is…"

Xia Changge had some thoughts in his mind, but he didn't dare to believe it.

Yun Ling explained: "Looking at the qi technique, after learning it, you can check people's future based on their spirit, energy, and spirit. Calculating the secrets of the sky, this is to estimate your own fate for a certain period of time in the future."

This shocked Xia Changge.

Such a heaven-defying secret technique, just take it out as a reward?

Yunjiao is so against the sky?

Seemingly able to think of Xia Changge's question, Yun Ling continued to explain: "These two secret arts are just simplified versions, which can only target creatures below the immortals, but in the lower realm, they are already the top secret arts."

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Xia Changge also felt that Yunling's supplement was reasonable.

What Yun Ling said is also very correct, even if it is only aimed at the creatures below the immortals, it would be great in the lower realms.

Yunjiao is a great teacher in the fairy world, and it is normal to find some people to teach such a simplified version of the secret art in the lower realm.

After all, all you can get is genius.

And Genius understands the means of Yunjiao, if he ascends in the future, the possibility of joining Yunjiao is also very high.

As long as one-tenth of the talents can be recruited, it may be a good business for Yunjiao.

"Then... the hope technique."

Perhaps, it is more cherished to count the secrets.

But Xia Changge felt that it was better not to speculate on his own fate, so as not to cause trouble for himself.

After Xia Changge said this, Yunling also gave Xia Changge the Jade Slip of the 'Looking Qi Technique', and told him: "This secret technique can only be practiced by you alone, and cannot be passed on to anyone else, otherwise , the consequences are not something you can bear."

Xia Changge said that he understood.

Look at the last layer.

Rewards unknown.

The opponents were actually Zhao Tianming, Cang Miao, and Jiang Gengyan.

Moreover, their cultivation bases are all at the level of 'Extreme Dao Nascent Soul'.

This directly made Xia Changge give up the challenge.

Because the current him is impossible to beat.

The future can't beat it either.

After all, the challenge rules for transport towers are already clear, and they will be improved with the improvement of Xia Changge's strength.

Unless Xia Changge was able to fully absorb the 'primordial spirit' of a cultivator in the Nascent Soul Realm when he was in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Otherwise, Xia Changge would never be able to defeat the three of them in this life.

"Breakthrough, are you really not going to join Yunjiao?"

After Xia Changge chose to give Yun Ling confirmed again.

Xia Changge's answer was very clear: "Senior, this junior has a lot of troubles in the world, so I can only apologize."

Yun Ling was indeed helpless, but he couldn't force Xia Changge, so he regretted: "In this case, then tell me your decision, what is your arrangement for the transportation tower?"

Yun Ling's words made Xia Changge feel puzzled, and said, "Senior, what do you mean?"

Yun Ling explained: "If you give up the transport tower, then you can no longer occupy the transport tower. You can give up the transport tower directly, or let the transport tower be dominant in this world and face everyone in this world."

This made Xia Changge difficult.

If Xia Changge was a little more selfish, he would naturally just let the transportation tower leave.

But...Xia Changge really couldn't bear it, so he said, "Then manifest."

Yun Ling nodded in satisfaction, Xia Changge's heart is not bad, said: "Don't worry, little guy, there is only one real genius in a world at the same time, and other people... It will be good if they have passed two levels. You can predict their future fate, and they will leave this world in three years."

"Predict fate?"

Xia Changge, who was about to leave, stared at Yun Ling.

Yun Ling replied: "It's roughly about what kind of state these people can achieve in the future."

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