MTL - Immortal Mortal-Chapter 2 Hard to live

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Mo Wuji did not go to smoke, he can feel the pressure and suffering of the smoke after the Mo Xing River is crazy. At this moment, he just looked at the high-rise buildings in the distance, and secretly clenched his fists. Even if he started from scratch, what happened?

Although it is similar to the monarchy, technology is not nothing. There are public transport systems like the Earth, and there are ordinary electronic mechanical equipment. He is afraid that he will not survive?

"Smoke, let's go back first." Mo Wuji pulled up the smoke that was difficult for himself, and looked at the tall building in the distance.

Even if he was born again from the earth, it is estimated that he could not recapture his North Qin County.

Do not want to do what Wang Meng dream, want to stand in this place, Mo Wuji still have full grasp. He was also a top biologist and botanist in his previous life. It was because he discovered that he could extract essence from several plants and synthesize a liquid that expands the body's meridians. This was the lover's plot, and finally reborn to this place.

It is not unclear what is precious from the plant to extract the body's meridians. The meridians always exist between the boundaries of being and not, although the meridians are often mentioned in Chinese medicine. But in fact, how many people can really find the meridians and make a fuss about the meridians?

It is conceivable that once the body meridians are expanded to the point where they can feel, how strong will the strength be? It is estimated that a person who has expanded the meridians to participate in the Olympic long-distance running or weightlifting also has the hope of winning.

The only thing he didn't think of was that the lovers who lived and died would count him. Until now, he did not understand why the lover who had lived and died had to pierce his heart from behind with the dagger at the moment of his success.

"Yes, Master...." The smoke finally calmed down and there was some brilliance in his eyes.

Mo Wuxi said helplessly, "Smoke, do you see me like a young master? Call me my name later. The past is over, today is a new beginning. After that, my name is no longer Mo Xinghe, but Mo Nothing."

"Yes, young master." The smoker quickly responded.

Mo Wuji did not persuade, some habits and hierarchy concepts can not be changed without saying that they can be changed. "It is going to be dark, let's go back first, and tomorrow I will find a way to do something."

Although Mo Wuji has not returned home, he has already had some vague concepts in his heart. The parents of Mo Xinghe died, and after the family’s wealth was exhausted, Mo’s family had already fallen into poverty. Later, Mo Xinghe was mad, and every day, in addition to going out to do things, the smokers had to play with this boring game, and it would be nice to survive.

"Young master, you don't want to find something to do. I don't have to come out every day, I can do more than one thing, enough." Hearing Mo Wuji said that he would come out and find something to do, and the smoker was busy with his hands.

Mo Wuji looked at some faded dresses washed on the smoke, and the simplest hair accessories on the yellow hair, no more. Some things are not clear with your mouth. The Mo Xinghe was afraid of not knowing how hard it was to live with him until today.


Although Raozhou City also has city gates and city walls, there is no night ban, no matter day or night, you can enter and exit at will.

In other words, the city gates and walls of Raozhou City are more of a symbolic meaning than a defense built for war.

Mo Xinghe wants to rejuvenate the country and does not care about the prosperity of Raozhou City. Mo Wuji can only know that Raozhou is very prosperous from the vague memory of Mo Xinghe.

After entering the city of Raozhou with the smoke, Mo Wuji immediately felt this kind of prosperity. The dense crowds in the spacious streets and the brightly lit shops on both sides of the street make Mo Wuji even suspect that this is actually just a modern city on the planet.

This prosperous place was naturally not unscrupulous. The two walked around the bustling streets and walked for nearly an hour. This came to a seemingly messy residential area. When I got here, the lights would be dim.

Mo Wuji saw the groceries he lived with the smokers far away, even if the rent was cheap, it was almost equal to no, and it was not the smoke and the money he could afford. The reason why he and the smoker can still live here is obviously that the landlord’s sympathy is in it. Otherwise, he and the smoker may not even have a place to sleep.

"Hey, the king is back, this uncle hastened to give way." A sudden voice interrupted Mo Wuzhi’s thoughts.

"Hu Fei, you let it go." The smoker who had been behind the head and looked down half-step, suddenly stepped forward, like a little leopard with a hairy anger, and Mo Mozhi stopped behind him.

With the dim light, Mo Wuji saw a hair combed to the youth who could be glazed. He said that he had to let it go. In fact, others were standing in the road, and there was no such thing as letting go.

"Smother girl, you big brother today went to buy half a catty of pig's head meat, and I am going to send it to you. You are so sad to me like this." This is called Hu Fei's young man who raised the lotus leaf in his hand. package.

Unscrupulous stomach screamed with disappointment, and originally wanted to continue to let Hu Fei let the smoke look at the lotus leaf bag in the hands of Hu Fei, some hesitated.

"Is this right? You Hu and your brother are not outsiders..." Hu Fei had already walked over, and the other hand touched the back of the child. Although there is a scar on the face of the smoker, because the nutrition is not good, the body does not open long, still can not completely cover her pretty face.

There are some struggles in the eyes of the child. If she is alone, she will not care about Hu Fei. But today the young master has not eaten all day, just now the stomach is hungry. And there isn't even a grain of rice in the house. What can I do if I go back?

Unscrupulously, I don’t know what the smoker thinks. He simply does not wait for Hu Fei’s hand to touch the back of the child’s hand.

Hu Fei simply did not think that Mo Wuji would start at this time, and he was kneeling on his chest.

Mo Wuji felt that he had picked up a piece of steel plate. The powerful force came back in shock, and he stepped back a few steps.

"Young master, you are fine..." The smoker hurried over and would not support Mo.

Mo Wuji looked at Hu Fei, who was only stepped back by him, and he was shocked. His body is indeed very weak now, but it is not so bad that he has not slammed Hu Fei. Is this guy called Hu Fei going to be a military?

"You are looking for death..." Hu Fei did not expect to be doing the king's dream all the time. The weak and weak Mo Xinghe suddenly dared to start with him, and suddenly became furious. The hand was wiped at the waist, and a long-pointed knife was pulled out and rushed to Mo Wuji.

In the distance, several onlookers watched Hu Fei rushing to Mo Wuji, and no one came forward to block it, not even talking.

"Hu Fei, hurry to stop. Under the broad daylight, you dare to be murderous?" The face of the smoker is even more but did not notice that it is too late.

"Haha, I have long wanted to get rid of this idiot. Today, this idiot first started to me, even if I killed him, it would only be a penalty. At most, I am for you, you will be free later." Follow me to eat and wear..." Hu Fei obviously does not have any intention to stop.

The smoker was anxious, there was no way, and he could only stop Mo Wuji behind him.

At this moment, Mo Wuji completely calmed down. In his impression, Cheng Yuguo did have such a law. Right or wrong, it is to kill the other party when the other party first starts, and only suffers a little money loss.

Regret is already too late, Mo Wuji once again put the smoke aside, calmly staring at Hu Fei, "Hu Fei, today you dare to move me a hair, you will die very hard to see."

Hu Fei seems to have heard the best laughter, and laughed wildly. "I don't dare to move you? Then you open your eyes and look at it. I dare not touch you..."

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