MTL - Immortal Mortal-v19 Chapter 1156 I'm coming

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In the past few decades, the Aussie Gods has gradually replaced the Nirvana Academy, becoming the first trend of the land of Shenlu. Or, the Aussie God has replaced the Nirvana Palace. At least the main palace of Nirvana Palace is now under the control of Aussie.

Two quasi-holy, don't say that controlling Nirvana Palace is just enough to control the whole world.

"Mo Wuji?" In the main hall of the Aussie Divine horns, the man with a red face looked at the book in his hand and said that the flying sword was strange.

At this moment, a very important family meeting is being held in the main hall of the Aussie Divine. That is, Shenlu is now basically under the control of Aussie. Now Aussie is in control of the transmission array of the Silent Sea. This includes controlling the new city of the gods and controlling the entire world.

Aussie has two quasi-sacred, ordinary things do not need to be quasi-holy, and as long as an ordinary Aussie child goes out, who would dare not accept it?

It is true that there are a few dissatisfied guys, but after they have said that they are dissatisfied, they are basically in the place of Shenlu.

This red-faced man is called the Austrian funder, the seven-layer strength of the gods, the owner of the Aussie. Because he has been in retreat, Mo Wuji has done a lot of things in Shenlu and Shennian, but his debut time is too short, and Austrian funds are not very familiar.

A man like a thin bamboo scorpion came out and said with a fist. "Returning to the owner, Mo Wuji is the guy who ruined the bag of the elders. This person once rented a disease-free medical shop in Lingxiao City, and on the contract. Doing your hands and feet, let me no longer have a soup of life, causing the elders of the bag to fall.

However, this person has a great secret, is among the best in the examination of Nirvana Palace, and entered the land of mortals. After the restoration of the Divine Realm, the strength was even higher, and the owner of the monk's pavilion was killed by Mo Wuji. He also acted extremely arrogantly. Just after my Aussie disciple, Ou Changtian accidentally smashed this person, he was seriously injured by this person. Now I should be coming to my Aussie sacred corner. With this person's arrogant character, he wants to take the initiative to come to my Aussie. ”

This thin man is the vastness of Aussie, and he was almost killed by this person. If it wasn't for Chikun's help, please come to the **** king of Nirvana Academy, and Mo Wuji was killed by Guangyu.

Because of the restoration of the rules of the gods, the king of the vastness of the year was the beginning of the gods.

"Oh, look for me Aussie? It means that he is not very arrogant. Whoever brought him here, I have not seen such a **** young man for a long time." The Austrian fund said faintly, he simply I did not see Mo Wuji in my eyes.

The hall was quiet, but no one stood up and said that he would bring Mo Wuji.

The eyes of the Austrian fund swept the hall, and the tone turned cold. "I can have the degree of today, not only by chance, but also by a hard work and struggle. Nowadays, there is no ants in the area. It is really a shame for me to go out and take him over. Is it necessary for me to go through it personally, or let me have two Aussie sages?"

Hirohito King quickly rushed forward and said, "Go home, you should have a great secret. When I first saw him, he was only a cultivator. I recently When he heard his news, he killed the Shunhe of the monk's pavilion. When he was unscrupulous and killed, he had to be a layer of realm."

The words of the king of the vast gods did not continue, everyone knows the meaning of the king. At that time, Mo Wuji could kill the first layer of God. After so many years, Mo Wuji might be able to kill the late God. Here, in addition to the Austrian fund, this owner is the late stage of God, who else dares to go out?

"Ha ha ha ha..." The Austrian fund suddenly laughed, but there was a half smile on his face. It was completely iron.

Not long ago, he was still stunned by a young man in the district, and dared to challenge Aussie. Now I was directly beaten, and the Aussie will, no one dares to stand up and grab Mo Mo, the ants.

The Austrian fund suddenly stood up and pointed out the Ao's people in the hall. They shouted in anger. "A group of weak people, even if I have two holy people in Aussie, in the future, Aussie will be destroyed in your group." In the hands of the generations. You don’t go, I personally passed, but I have to look..."

"Boom!" A fierce explosion, let the Austrian fund suddenly stunned.

Immediately after the shock of the Austrian fundraiser, the walls and roofs of the hall where they were located were actually taken directly. The main hall has no roof and walls, and the austenians sitting in the hall can look up to the blue sky. All around is empty and boundless.

At this moment, all the Ao's people sit in the hall without roofs and walls, just like stupidity.

Aussie's horns are not all auspicious, and many foreign monks are now holding on to the distant observers. Aussie is too strong, and anyone who dares to offend Aussie will not see the sun of tomorrow. Now someone actually kicked the field and kicked the Aegis, no matter how miserable the final ending of the man is, at least it is still very tempered.

"You don't have to pick me up, I am coming." With the sound, Mo Wuji fell from the void. By his side, stood a beautiful woman.

Behind Mo Wuji, there is also a man who looks a bit vicissitudes. The man in the hands of this man is Oku's Okuda.

With the strength of the Austrian fund, it can be seen at a glance that Ou Changtian was destroyed by the Lingluo and the sea. The whole person looks like an idiot. The vicissitudes of the Ou Tiantian are actually a **** ant.

The Austrian fund could hardly believe that there was no Aussie horn in the guardianship. After counting the interest, it was only a crazy roar. "I don't want you to be so skeptical, soaking souls, I..."

Looking at the hype of the hysterical, most of the foreign monks in the Aussie horns looked at the glass with some worries. Offended the Aussie, but also dare to arbitrarily destroy the guardian of the Aussie horn and the Aussie door hall, Mo Wuji is mortal. There is nothing wrong with Mo Wuzhi. The key is to stand on the side of Mo Wuji, waiting for her to know what is terrible.

Many people don't even dare to think about it, because Aussie will never kill two people easily. The woman must be stripped of her clothes and then thrown on the street to let all the species abuse. Aussie has not done this kind of thing, but has done too much.

However, the Austrian fund suddenly stunned, and he found that his body's space suddenly stopped.

A vital handprint, pinching his neck, smashed him hard. He wants to talk, and finally just issued a note called a duck.

"Quasi-Holy..." A desperate rise from the bottom of the Austrian fundraiser, his mind is blank. There are only four words in his heart, and Aussie is finished.

Even if it was Aussie's quasi-holy, he couldn't let him shackle him without a bit of struggle, and pinch his neck with a handprint. It is the two quasi-sacred joint forces that will drive Mo Wuji away, and finally the other party will secretly come back and kill all the children of Aussie.

The person who offended Aussie this time was too terrible, so terrible that he could not believe it. Yes, compared to the strength of the other side, his weak strength shackles his imagination. The Austrian fund is very eager to say a word of admitting defeat, but he is all covered by the unscrupulous domain space, and he has no chance to speak.

If it is said that the Austrian fund has the most hated people at the moment, it is definitely not a no-brain, but Ou Changtian. He thought that the reason why Mo Wuji came here was that Ogata had offended Mo Wuji, which allowed the other party to come to the Aussie. He didn't know that there was no Oda, and Mo Wuji would come here. He was looking for Chi Bing and Chi Chuan.

Quasi-holy! At the same time as Mo Wuji pinched the neck of the Austrian All the auspilis were stagnant, this is not a quasi-saint?

The Austrian fund is the strongest of the seven layers of the gods. Isn't the quasi-sacred can let the Austrian fund have no resistance? Do not say quasi-holy, is the general quasi-holy, to pinch the neck of the Austrian fund, Austrian fund can also struggle a few times?

The heart of the vast gods is cold, and he knows that Mo Wuji is definitely not irritating now. I didn’t expect that Mo Wuji didn’t get used to this point. Is this not good? This is simply crushing. He carefully stepped back, but he had just retreated to the wall, and a handprint was pinched, and he pinched his neck and shackled into the void.

"If I remember correctly, should you call the king of the vast gods? Oh, now you should call the gods and gods. Yes, in a short time, you will cross from a **** to the middle of the gods. There is potential." Mo Wuji sneered at the vastness that he picked up.

There is a lot of thoughts in the crowd, and I just entered the middle of the gods from the king of God. You **** from a small god, now you can easily hold my Aussie homeowner, and what is your potential?

(Second is more delayed.)

Read Paladin of the Dead God
Read The Last Adventurer
Read Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard