MTL - Immortal Mortal-v19 Chapter 1162 Getaway

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Feijian uploaded the message, not long ago, Mo Wuzhi went to Shenlu. Because Shen Lu Aussie imprisoned Mo Bing's sister Chi Bing and his disciple Chi Chuan, the result was that Mo Wu directly destroyed the Aussie in the Aussie God City and killed 30 Aussie elders, including the Patriarch Olympus. The Aussie Twin Saints who heard the news, the Austrian River and the Austrian Wushang did not even have the power to fight back in Mo Wuji’s hands, and they were simply killed by Mo Wuji.

After the strong man was killed by Mo Wuji, the Aussie was quickly madly divided. Now there is no Aussie in the Aussie City.

After seeing this news, Yan Ling and Lian Ding fell into the ice cave and said in their heart, Mo Wuji even killed the **** Yan Zong, and killed the owner of the Shen Lu Xiu Shi Museum, and the Yan Ling did not Avoid putting it in your eyes. He is the eighth peak of the gods, and even if he is the peak of the nine layers of God, he is not afraid.

If he is arrogant, he Yan Ling has long regarded himself as the first person under the quasi-holy. Now he did not even look at the Mo Wuji, actually killed the Aussie and killed two Aussie quasi-holy...

That is to say, Mo Wuji should have entered the quasi-sacred ranks. If he offended Mo Wuji, it is estimated that there is no place for him to stay in the whole world. Fortunately, Swan has not left yet...

No, he had offended Mo Wuji six months ago. At the thought of this, Yan Ling was upset and he needed to leave immediately. No, it is to leave the domain immediately.

The heart of the same as Ding Ding is restless, and he and Mo Wuji are dead and hatred. More and more evidence shows that his only son is really unscrupulous. Before he wanted to plant it, he did not expect to be planted to the main head.

Swan Shang lowered his head and did not dare to look at Yan Ling. He carefully returned to his seat again. This time to deal with Wei Ru, he is abandoning himself to be tired. What he wants to calculate now is the fate of his business and the spirit of Shenling.

The rest of the sects of the main hall or the head of the family are dead and suffocating. After more than a dozen breathing hours, Li He stood up and said, "Tianzhu Shenzong will withdraw from the alliance."

After finishing this sentence, Li and turned quickly and left, and did not wait for Yan Ling to reply to him.

With the reason of leaving, the remaining patriarchs came out one after another. Some are excuses to have something to go, some simply and rationally, and have withdrawn from the domain of the gods.

After the semi-column, there are only a few people left in the Union Hall.

Yan Ling said to everyone in the hall, "The strength of Mo Wuji exceeds our estimation. Let's disperse first. The matter of the Alliance of Gods will be said later."

The rest of the people have long been waiting for Yan Ling’s words. Yan Ling’s words are said, and soon there are only Yan Ling and Lian Ding in the hall.

"Yan Ling brother." Lone Ding did not know what to say.

Yan Ling waved his hand. "I have no choice but to sin. I should not know it now. So I have to leave. Let's have a goodbye in the future. I heard that there is still a terrible amount of robbery coming. Maybe we will. Will meet in the amount of robbery."

The king of the Ding Ding nodded, he knew that Yan Ling had to go.


When Mo Wuji saw Wei Ru, it was already a month and a half later. He just arranged the mortal tower and the Kaimai Tower.

It is really because there are too many monks who go to the mortal sect, and the transmission array in almost all places is full. Even if Wei Ruliang reveals the identity of the mortal deputy patriarch, it is much slower than usual.

On the road, Wei Ru heard the news that Mo Wuji came back. At this moment, seeing Mo Wuji is the real surprise.

Mo Wuji is not only his master, but also his savior, and also the patriarch of the mortal.

After Mo Wuji briefly described his own experience, he listened to Wei Ru’s all the things about the Alliance of Gods. When Mo Wuji heard that Yan Ling wanted the resources of the mortal sect, he sneered in his heart. This guy actually sent his mind to the mortal sect, and he simply did not know how to live and die.

"Don't worry about Yan Ling, the matter of recruiting disciples will be handed over to you for a while. Right, my friend Zhen Zhenyi is not in the Zongmen?" Mo Wuji did not see the original Zhenyi, and the repair was too high. There is no common language with the original Zhenyi. So knowing that the original vibration went, only Wei Ru.

Wei Ru took out a message jade and handed it to Mo Wuji. "Lord, this is what the old brother asked me to leave when I left."

Mo Wuji inspired Yu Jian, the voice of the original Zhen Yi came, "no joke, my merits, just rely on retreat, can not improve their strength. Originally I was planning to wait for you to come back, but I feel The realm of the gods will change greatly. If I don't improve my strength, it is definitely not a good thing. So I left Zongmen in advance. In the future, our brothers will definitely meet and cheer up."

Mo Wuji knows that the original Zhenyi cultivation is a combination of Guwu, the original Zhenyi and Guwu qualifications are first-class, but Guwu is indeed growing up in adversity. Unlike the retreat of monks throughout the year, Guwu grew up in life and death. This is somewhat similar to his mortal. The more adversity, the faster he grows.

The original Zhen was struggling in the cosmic sky all the year round, and even made such a big achievement. Naturally, he knew his own existence. Mo Wuji knew that he did not need to worry too much. Putting the message of the original Zhenyi’s message, Jane, said, “I’m going to...”

Just said three words, he suddenly remembered something, followed by asking, "When I left, did you pick it up?"

He killed the Shouping of the monk's pavilion, and handed over the transmission of the new city of the gods and the crossing of the ruined sea to the management of the gods, and then did not ask.

Wei Ru quickly replied, "Pick up the seniors often come over, every time a few months will send people to send some Shenjing, saying that our mortal family share in the new city of God. Also from the predecessors, he and pick up seniors Together, I often come over. However, in the recent period, I have not picked up my predecessors, and I have not sent anyone to send Shen Jing."

Mo Wuji nodded. "Well, I know. I am going to visit the new city of Godland. After the completion of the recruitment of this disciple, you need to hurry and practice. Your cultivation is still slightly lower."

"Yes." Wei Ru quickly responded.

Mo Wuji is not worried about picking up something. He passed by the new city of Shennian not long ago. The new city of Jingnian is well organized. Not only is the management of the transmission array very good, but the order of the new city of the gods is also very good. It was only at that time that he was not in the new city of the gods. He was anxious to return to the mortal sect, and this did not stop for a long time in the new city of the gods.

Now that the mortal is ready to recruit disciples, he should also go back and look at it.


The main government of the new city of the gods, standing in front of Mo Wuji is a middle-aged man on the fourth floor of a god. He is the lord of the new city of the gods, Bihe.

Bi Heqi apparently knows the reputation of Mo Wuji. In the face of Mo Wuji, it is very treacherous. It seems that one makes Mo Wuji not satisfied, and Mo Wuji will raise his hand to turn him into a flying ash.

"You said that you haven’t been here for half a year since you’ve been picked up and left. The income from the Metropolitan New Town Chamber of Commerce and the Silent Sea is all brought by a man named NiJi?” Mo Wuzhi’s voice is already a bit chilly. .

"Yes." Bi Heqi replied, "I heard that Niujiu is responsible for the **** of the gods alliance, but this one and a half months, Nani jaw has not come to take Shenjing again."

Bi Heqi mixed in the new city of Shennong for so long, picked up and suddenly disappeared from the sky, but instead of the flaming spirit who came out of the sky, he came to collect Shenjing. Can he not see some tricks? Only his strength is low. In the face of these strong players, he can only agree with Nono.

Mo Wuzhi’s heart murdered, and it seemed that he had let go of Yan Ling. This Yan Ling himself was looking for death, and he reached out to the Silent Sea Transmission and the New City of God.

Needless to say, picking up and leaving the sky should be the path of Yan Ling. I don't know if these two people were killed by Yan Ling, or they left. In the old days of the sky, it is reasonable to say that it should not be killed.

"I know, Gods New City and Silent Sea send you temporarily responsible, what needs to ask for help, immediately go to the mortal ancestors to find Wei Ru or to find the elders. Know the news of Yan Ling or Yan Ling related people ~ www Send me a message right away." Mo Wuji knew that Bi Heqi was picking up the appointment and didn't take him down.

It should be that Yan Ling’s hands-on time is too short, and no suitable person has been found to replace the city owner of Bien’s new city.

"Yes, the younger generation must not disappoint the love of Mo Zongzhu." Bi Heqi said with excitement, Mo Wuji let him be responsible, then no one dares to swear by this new city.

Mo Wuji did not go looking for Yan Ling. He was 100% sure that Yan Ling had left the domain. This kind of old tycoon, can you wait for yourself to harvest his head?

As for picking up and leaving the sky, there is no way to look for it. As long as he picks up and stays away from the sky, after learning about the mortal sect's recruitment of disciples, the two will definitely come back to him.

Mo Wuji is planning to bury the Valley of God. With his current quasi-sacred strength, it is not the opponent of Tsing Yi's sage. The Tsing Yi Singer should not be able to crush him.

It is a pity that he does not have time to cultivate. If he is allowed to continue to retreat for a thousand years with the age of the moon, he will be more sure when he is promoted to the late stage of the quasi-sacred.


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