MTL - Immortal Mortal-v20 Chapter 1179 Bold woman

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Standing up and talking is a woman wearing a light purple dress, the realm of Xian Wang later, her tone is extremely excited, said that after two words, followed by the big voice, "Ping Fan Xianmen is Master's hard work, is me The foundation of mortal cultivation. Even if we are all dead, we must not abandon the flat van Gogh, and steal the life."

蓟玥 蓟玥 笑 , , “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 是 是 是 是 是 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当I have been in Haijian for a thousand years."

"The Sovereign, the monthly frost just put forward different suggestions. It is not necessary to use such a big punishment. Moreover, the moon cream is still a disciple of the founder of the mountain." A middle-aged man stood up and said in a low voice.

This person is the right guardian of the Emperor of the Vatican. After the whistle of the thief soared, the right-handed devotion master.

"Hey!" He slaps the palm of the coffee in front of him, and the coffee table turns into scum. "How? Do you think that this lord has no ability? If you are not here, you can ignore the instructions of the lord. , put the moon cream down..."

"Moon frost is my disciple, what qualification do you have to hold the moon cream?" Mo Wuji's cold voice came, and the entire main hall was silent.

"Master..." Yan Yueshuang reacted the first time, and the excited directly rushed out and stumbled in front of Mo Wuji.

Mo Wuji is very satisfied and nodded to Haoyue Frost. "It's very good. It has come to the late stage of Xianwang in just a few thousand years, and the rhyme is also very solid, very good. Pan and disco sisters are now Is it good? Is it also coming to the fairy world?"

It was Mo Wuji who did not think that the repair of Qiuyue Cream would be so fast. When he passed Tianwuxing, he collected the Yueyue Cream and the disciple’s brother and sister as a registered disciple, and also left some cultivation resources. I didn’t even think that the moon frost could come out of Tianwuxing, where resources were scarce, and it was still in the realm of Xianwang, and even found his flat van Gogh door.

"Master..." After calling another Master again, Yan Yueshuang’s excited face was so full of tears that he couldn’t even say anything.

"The ancestors..." The rest of the people reacted and went down to the ceremony.

Unscrupulous eyes swept from the hall, and my heart sighed. For just over 10,000 years, there was no one he knew. Except for the moon cream, where have the rest gone?

"Mu Da Ge..." At this moment, I dare to sit in the position of the sovereign, and I will go down and fight against Mo Wuji.

Unscrupulous eyes fell on the body, and said coldly, "Who are you? What qualifications are you sitting in the position of the sovereign of the Emperor?"

"I..." I really want to say that you knew me before, I am jealous.

However, at the moment, in the face of Mo Wuji's power, she could not even say a word. The endless woman means in her heart, in front of Mo Wuji at the moment, seems to be ridiculously ugly performances. Because from the first face of the year, Mo Wuji did not seem to see her in her eyes. She was unscrupulous in the opening of the Zongmen, because Mo Wuji no longer here. Now Mo Wuji is back, where does she dare to call the word?

"Who knows, my disciple Fu Jingfeng, and where did the company go? Where did the original lord Su Zi'an go? Where else did Mo Qing and Yan Li go? Pirates, warmth, concise, Feiling, etc.?" Mo Wuji's tone is calm, but with an unquestionable inquiry.

Before the help of the 霜月霜, the right Guardian stood up and said, after Mo Wuzhi’s ritual, he said, “After returning to the ancestors, after the ancestors left, even the lord brought back the top 100 sacred veins. I found a pool of fairy medulla. The strengths of the elders and the lords of my mortal vanity gates rose rapidly. It took only a thousand years to become the first gate of the fairyland.

At that time, the fairy world can feel the call of flying. Even the Supreme Lord and Su Zongzhu and the Mighty Lord and other patriarchs have soared and left the fairy world. ”

Hearing this place, he was so frowning that he was so big in the realm of the gods. It is reasonable to say that even after Lian and others have soared, they will hear about him for the first time, and then go to the mortal sect and meet him. Why didn't he get any news of a monk of the Vatican?

"All the people are flying up?" Mo Wuji asked again.

For thousands of years, it is reasonable to say that Mo Qingqing will not cultivate so fast.

Another young man who was cultivated by Xianzun stood up and said to him after he had no mercy. "Returning to the founder, the lord believed that Feiling had committed a crime and held him in the prison. It was also because of the mistake of being detained by the lord, and later Yange’s brother forced him into the prison to take away the young master."

Mo Wuji was murdered and suffocated. Before because of his own sect, his gods did not sweep. Now his gods swept out and immediately swept to the prison in the depths of the sea below the Zongmen. There are not only Fiji in the sea sac, but also two monks he is familiar with, Haizhengkui and his wife, Qian Qianling.

Others are unscrupulous and do not know that it is too clear for him to be a thousand spirits. She is a warm wife, Wen Lian's mother. Very kind, and good at thinking about others, such people are actually being held in the sea prison.

Even his granddaughter Mo Qingche, who dared to shut down, really did not know how this woman came to Pingfan Xianmen.

Soon, the unscrupulous gods swept into the more secretive ban of Ping Fanxian, and Fu Jingfeng was detained. It was only at this moment that Fu Jingfeng was repaired as a loss, and the sea was destroyed and his expression was sluggish.

It’s a great courage, and I’m so angry that I’m mad at the extreme, but calm down.

"Mu Da Ge..." After the initial panic and fear, I finally recovered a little calmness. Her weak Mo Wuji said, the kind of weak wind can't help anyone watching it. Pity a little.

Unscrupulously looking at the martyrdom, "You are very good, run away from Lei Hongji, come to my flat van Gogh gate, and all the people of my flat vanity door are held up, do not know them. What made a mistake?"

Qi Yueshuang finally calmed down from the excitement, she cried and said, "Many people are just like me, just because they disapprove of her, she is not hesitated to hold it."

Mo Wuji nodded and looked at him and asked, "Who is your right lord appointed?"

He heard it when he was more embarrassed. The more he was when the right-hander did not have any problems, the words were considered from the perspective of Ping Fanxian.

The more he thought that the ancestors had to blame him, and quickly said, "It was appointed by the micro-supreme master. Before the micro-respecting of the Lord, I was appointed as the right lord. He told me that the horror of the phoenix was too young, let me Look after some."

After he was finished, he was afraid that he would not understand it. He explained that "the singer of the phoenix is ​​the lord appointed before the suicide of Su Zong."

"Who is this lord who was appointed?" Mo Wuji asked faintly.

This time, instead of talking more and more, he quickly said, "After the phoenix flies, he hand-picked me as the lord. Now that the big brother is back, this Lord is naturally given to the big brother."

Mo Wuji stared at the cold and said, "You are courageous, and the detainees of the people who have contributed to me." ?"

"Seven." This time, he did not wait for the answer, and the more he stood up and said, "The lord of the sect killed a total of seven loyal disciples of the Panfanxianmen. If it was not my late Emperor, she was somewhat jealous. Even I was detained in the prison."

"But I was bent on the sect of the sect. When the phoenix flew up, I will give me the peace of the van Gogh, so I must..."

This time, after waiting for the words to be finished, Mo Wuji said in a cold voice, "The phoenix has risen, and who is ruined by the sea and locked in the concealed ban?"

"What? The sorcerer of the phoenix has not soared, is it locked up by you?" The more he wanted to break, he was entrusted by the lord of the Lord and looked after the new lord.

He always thought that Fu Jingfeng had already soared, but he did not expect to be locked by this vicious woman.

All the monks in the hall were stunned, and they were all shocked and watched. This woman is too courageous.

Her mouth is open, her heart is even more shocking, how does Mo Wuji know?

Mo Wuji does not wait for the rebuttal Raise the hand and grab it, the next moment the locked Fu Jingfeng has been caught in the hall by Mo Wuji.

Not only that, all the monks locked in the dungeons were brought to the hall by Mo Wuji.

"Mo Zongzhu..." Feiling shouted at the moment when he saw Mo Wuji.

Wen Lianzhen’s mother, like Qian Ling, looked at Mo Wu’s surprise. “Mo Zongzhu, you are back.”

Mo Wuji took a gift, "I didn't explain it well, so everyone suffered."

This matter is unreasonable to know that he must blame him, he did not explain Su Zian. Fu Jingfeng is his disciple, and does not mean that Fu Jingfeng is qualified to become the sovereign.

Fu Jingfeng comes from the seaside and has no experience in mind. How can such a person become a sovereign?

(Thank you, in November, because there was something wrong, I didn't ask for a monthly pass. Our monthly ticket is still in the top 12, thank you again to my friends. November is over, and the last day of the last chapter is to ask for a monthly pass. Today's update is here, friends are good night!)

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