MTL - Imperfections-~ Defective (priest) Introduction

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"Defective products" Author: priest


"This is the best and the worst."-Dickens's The Tale of Two Cities

"With the hatred of deep blood and the plot that has been brewing for many years, I have turned myself into a dead and resurrected ghost, sinking into the swamp and sinking into the abyss. I want to bury the rotten root system and grow the thorns that see the blood-throated throat. , Pierce this hypocritical civilization.

I went deep into the mud ... and found a star. "

Idol burdens three tons of two hundred and five attacks vs. the city's deep rogue boss

Next year = w =

Content tags: Three Teachings, Nine Streams, Future, Overhead Star Legend

Leading role: Lin, Lu Bixing┃ Supporting role: ┃ Other: Rise of Rogue Vocational Education College

Brief Comment

On the New Star Calendar, March 6, 270, General Lin Jingheng, who was stationed at the Silver Fortress, returned to the Capital Star for questioning. He was attacked by interstellar pirates on the way and the ship was destroyed. Lin Jingheng took this to death, concealing his identity and becoming the fourth brother of the "invisible government" in power of the eighth galaxy. However, a long-planned attack led to the outbreak of Star Wars without warning. The Beijing β star was instantly reduced to ruins. The fourth brother finally revealed his original identity, and an interstellar voyage filled with smoke and passion of war began. At the beginning of this article, the one-to-one interstellar political struggle, the exciting and exciting plot development, can destroy the combat power of a planet in an instant, and the delicate feelings flowing slowly and constantly in the escape, all firmly grasp the reader's heart. Priest is another masterpiece after "Silent Reading", which opens up a new interstellar theme. The three-tonne idol principal and the "black hole" boss of the city government will have a spark in the interstellar journey, so stay tuned.

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