MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 12 prelude to revenge

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Night fell.

The rich south of Heiyun City.

The lights are bright and the neon lights are bright.

The vast majority of wealthy businessmen and warriors gather here.

The DJ bar is also considered a head entertainment venue in Heiyun City.

The barriers to entry for bars are high.

At the very least, he must be a warrior, or a rich man like Xu Jiang.

This is not the case for women, as long as they are beautiful.

Today's DJ bar is still full of guests.

In the flickering lights, men and women shuttled among them.

Men have temperament, women have figure.

Everyone in the bar is a hunter, looking for their own prey.

However, clever hunters always appear as prey.

Cheng Libei, whose face was full of red, met a satisfied prey.

He helped a drunk woman out of a bar.

The woman is tall, with a graceful figure, and has big waves.

Passers-by cast envious eyes.

Cheng Libei was even more proud, he didn't expect to meet such a superb product at the bar tonight.

Can't wait to stuff the woman into the car.

Cheng Libei started the car in a hurry, and wanted to go back to his residence to get down to business.

Not long after driving out, the woman half lying in the back seat suddenly retched.

"Ouch... stop now, I'm going to vomit!"

Cheng Libei turned his head and looked at it: "Hold on, I'll be home soon."

"I can't **** hold it anymore, I won't stop and spit in your car!"

Cheng Libei had no choice but to step on the brakes.

"Fuck, this is my brother's car, I will be scolded if I spit it out."

He got out of the car cursing and opened the rear door.

"If you want to spit, spit it out!"

The woman was so drunk that she had no strength at all, and struggled a few times before getting up.

Cheng Libei had no choice but to bend down and hug her: "I'll support you, hurry up."

But at this moment, Cheng Libei suddenly felt a numbness in his neck.

Immediately afterwards, all the strength in his body faded away like a tide.


Cheng Libei was shocked, and when he looked up, he saw a pair of cold, emotionless eyes.

Where is a little drunk!

be cheated!

Cheng Libei, who sensed something was wrong, was about to shout when he was hit **** the back of the head, and passed out as soon as his eyes went dark.

The woman quickly stuffed him into a box and disappeared.

There was only one empty car left on the road.

The same scene was staged in a luxurious club.

Xu Jiang and his gang of friends drank heartily.

Xu Jiang obviously drank too much, and his friends continued to persuade him to drink.

"Young Master Xu, I see that your interest is not high recently, is there something bothering you?"

"Speak out, brothers, help you find a way!"

Xu Jiang picked up the wine and drank it down in one gulp, the glass hit the ground heavily.

"I'm really upset!"

"I fell in love with a woman, but was hidden in the compound of the military region. That person was some kind of captain."

"Whoever has a way to get that woman out, I am very grateful!"

After hearing this, many fox friends came up with ideas one after another.

"Isn't he just a little captain? My old uncle is a good buddy with a major in the military area. Tomorrow I will ask my uncle to say hello to that major!"

"It's a matter of one sentence, and it will be properly arranged for you!"

Xu Jiang was overjoyed immediately: "Then I'll ask you, if the matter is done, your benefits will be indispensable."

"Young Master Xu is too polite. Who are we brothers to follow? But we are very curious, what kind of woman can't get it as Young Master Xu? Who is it?"

Xu Jiang chuckled: "You guys don't understand, this time the woman... hiss... top quality!"

He stood up: "You guys drink first, I'll put the water in."

Stumbling out of the private room, Xu Jiang went to the bathroom.

A waiter in a neat suit stood at the door.

He held the towel, bowed slightly, and opened the door for Xu Jiang courteously.

Xu Jiang ignored him, and started to release water when he went in.

Lean less.

He suddenly found someone behind him and shivered with fright.

When he realized that the person behind him was the waiter, he immediately cursed: "Get out! Do you want to see me pee?"

"You inferior people, you don't even want your face if you want to earn tips, haha."


Xu Jiang, who was laughing, suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and immediately lost consciousness.

The waiter behind him caught his sliding body expressionlessly.

He quickly stuffed him into the box, threw him into the honeycomb space and disappeared.

wilderness area.

"Take off all their clothes, satellite watches, communication phones, turn off the power, and throw them into the wilderness areas of other base cities."

Lu Ge ordered coldly, he knew that all satellite watches of the Hr Alliance had backdoor programs.

Although it is not sure whether Xu Jiang's family has that authority.

But the more cautious the better.

Cheng Libei and Xu Jiang were detained hundreds of miles apart, neither of them knew of the other's existence.

After all, Cheng Libei was a high-level warrior, and he was the first to wake up.

With blindfolds on his eyes, it was pitch black.

He only felt that he was stripped naked and tied on the cold shelf.

Although he struggled desperately, it was of no avail.

He said in a very bachelor way: "I admit it. I don't want to know which path my brother is on. I don't know what is the purpose of arresting me? My brother is Cheng Lidong from the Dongsheng team. No matter what you ask, my brother will definitely can satisfy you."

"Everything is negotiable, don't be impulsive!"

A sneer came from the darkness: "We know your brother, the captain of Dongsheng's team, is he a mid-level fighter?"

Cheng Libei breathed a sigh of relief: "You know my brother? That's great. I wonder if you tied me up for money or something else?"

"Don't worry, UU Reading has been a little tight recently, so I'm asking you two for alms. As long as the price satisfies me, you can go back safely."

"Hand over all your money first!"

"Okay, I will tell you the account password."

A minute later, Cheng Libei was slapped heavily.


A cold voice scolded: "Less than 10 million, are you **** kidding me?"

Cheng Libei cried and begged for mercy: "I don't dare to play with you, it's true, that's all. I don't make money as fast as I spend it. It's not easy to save these."

"Then you are worthless to us!"

Cheng Libei panicked immediately: "Don't kill me, my brother is rich, I will ask my brother to give you money."

The man in black said coldly: "There are two requirements. You must get your brother's money, and you must not make him suspect that you have been kidnapped. Can you do it?"

"Yes, I have been lying since I was a child!"

In another cave, Xu Jiang also woke up.

He found himself strapped naked to the iron chair.

When there were all black-clothed men with hoods around, he immediately peed in fright.

"Don't kill me, I'm the young master of the Xu family, my family has money, you can have as much money as you want!"

A big man stepped forward and patted Xu Jiang's face with the cold back of a knife: "Sensible, we are just asking for money, as long as you cooperate obediently, we can go home tomorrow."

Xu Jiang agreed: "Cooperate, I will definitely cooperate."

The man in black handed over a phone number: "The friends in the clubhouse where you drank with are very righteous. Give them a call and tell them that you are in a hurry and leave first, and then borrow money from them."

"Make up one billion!"