MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 255 resurrect walter

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Infinite Clone: ​​I'm Invincible in Devouring Stars Chapter 255 Resurrecting Walter

According to the understanding of the five giants, the coverage rate of Green Bee Express is terribly high.

Inside the Jiuyuan Universe Country.

Thirteen thousand star fields, hundreds of millions of galaxies, and countless living planets.

Lutu Star is a small life planet in the most remote galaxy of the Jiuyuan Universe Kingdom and the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

The total population of this planet is less than 30 million, and the highest level of cultivation is only star-level.

Lutu star is extremely inconspicuous in Jiuyuan universe country.

Those on the edge can no longer be on the edge, a place that many cosmic powerhouses cannot find.

In such a remote area, Green Bee Express covers all the cities on Lutu Star.

The expansion speed of Green Bee Express made the five giants even more dumbfounded.

Within three months, complete coverage of the Jiuyuan Universe.

In three years, complete coverage of 1,008 cosmic countries.

What an astonishing amount of money this is.

Even the five giants dare not say that they cover so many planets.

The reason why Green Bee Express develops so rapidly is inseparable from the support of these universe lords.

Lu Ge helped them eliminate the domestic traitors.

They support Green Bee Express, which is reciprocal.

From an economic point of view, the expansion of Green Bee Express is beneficial to these cosmic countries.

He made all the planets in these cosmic countries closely linked together.

The resources between the planets are exchanged.

This saves a lot of manpower and material resources, and more importantly, shortens the time.

Sometimes it is transported from one star field to another, ranging from a few months to decades.

The extremely high shipping costs are not counted, and the time spent alone cannot afford to be wasted.

Not only that, but there are also interstellar pirates that may appear in the starry sky at any time.

The emergence of Green Bee Express has made all these things history.

The shipping cost of Qingfeng Express is ten times lower than before, and the speed has increased by an unknown number of times.

One-day arrival within one universe country, and next-day arrival between universe countries.

It was just like a dream.

Countless organizations and forces racked their brains to analyze, how did Green Bee Express do it?

Is it really only relying on the teleportation of the Kingdom of God?

It seems unrealistic!

How many immortal gods does this depend on?

How could the immortal gods have been engaged in this kind of work for a long time?

No matter how the outside world guesses, Green Bee Express is operating perfectly.

Great changes have taken place in the one thousand and eight universe countries.

As a result, many new professions and companies have been derived.

Due to the emergence of Green Bee Express, the lives of countless people in the universe have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Countless people gave Green Bee Express a thumbs up.

He also commented that this is another great invention of mankind after the virtual universe world.

The virtual universe network makes the human communication network far surpass other life races.

Whether it's on an extraterritorial battlefield or taking risks in other secret realms.

The virtual universe network has given the strong people of the human race the most powerful communication guarantee.

Where other life groups cannot communicate, the human race can!

Human races can cover areas that other life groups cannot cover!

Now there is another one, Green Bee Express.

Green Bee Express is like a canal, allowing the economy of the entire human race to circulate.

When the people of the human race become richer and their individual strengths become stronger, the human race as a whole will become stronger.

From this point alone, it is no exaggeration to evaluate Qingfeng Express as the greatest invention after the virtual network world.

Lu Ge was quite pleased.

Before he rose up, he thought about using the hive space to start a logistics express, the purpose is to make money.

Now that he has grown stronger, he has thousands of ways to make money.

Take the raised mermaid as an example, a drop of bluefin mermaid tears is one trillion yuan units.

His many immortal avatars, from the endless secrets of the universe, can make a little thing at random, which is invaluable.

There are also countless clones of him lurking in the masses of the major life groups.

Every minute and every second is adding massive amounts of wealth to him.

The appearance of Qingfeng Express can only be regarded as icing on the cake for his huge wealth.

But it is of great significance to the entire human race.

This is also Lu Ge's most meaningful contribution to the human race.

It can not only make money, but also make the human race stronger, why not do it.

Although Qingfeng Express has developed rapidly, the five giants are all happy with their success.

Green Bee Express only works in its own field, and cannot threaten them at all.

On the contrary, it is also beneficial to their development.

For example, two banks among the five giants, the emergence of Qingfeng Express has invigorated the economy.

Because of Green Bee Express, countless industries and business activities have been generated.

Bank funds also flowed.

The more loans, the more deposits.

The business of the two banks has been booming, and it is too late for them to thank Green Bee Express.

The other three companies, Cosmic Mercenary Alliance, Giant Axe Arena, and Virtual Universe Company, are more suitable for Green Bee Express without any business overlap and do not affect each other.

Of course, the emergence of Green Bee Express has also caused many people to complain.

For example, the major groups that originally engaged in interstellar transportation.

After Green Bee Express appeared, their business volume plummeted.

Except for the transportation of some bulk commodities, such as ore and other resources, it still depends on star transportation.

Other small items, or valuables, are delivered by Qingfeng Express, which is fast, safe, and the key is cheap.

Another person who hates Green Bee Express is those interstellar pirates.

Green Bee Express put them almost out of work.

You can't grab anything in the starry sky, so you can only rob those planets.

The danger of robbing a planet is dozens of times higher than robbing a spaceship in the starry sky.

After all, there are anti-aircraft guns, rail guns, etc. on the planet.

If it doesn't work out, the whole army will be wiped out.

And after robbing the planet, they will face the pursuit of the cosmic army.

They didn't dare to vent their anger on Green Bee Express.

Green Bee Express's force value is even more terrifying than the five giants.

A very powerful gang of interstellar pirates who have been in the starry sky for tens of thousands of years once tried to attack the Green Bee Express stronghold on a planet.

But as soon as they arrived, they were surrounded by thousands of strong kings.

completely annihilated!

Not only that, this group of king-conferring powerhouses directly chased and killed them to their lair.

Uproot this pirate gang.

If you mess with Green Bee Express, you will have to shake all the eggs to yolk!

It's just horrible.

Since then, no interstellar pirates have dared to make the idea of ​​Green Bee Express.

In fact, you can understand it with your toes.

Qingfeng Express can cover 1,008 cosmic countries, so can it have no strength?

If the strength is not enough, it would have been swallowed by some strong people.

But in fact, since the expansion of Green Bee Express to the present, no strong person dares to make trouble.

Including the universe venerable, also including the universe overlord.

At their level, they are very well-informed, and they will know as soon as they inquire.

Behind Green Bee Express stood a terrifying guy.

That was a lunatic who made the Northern Xinjiang Alliance helpless.

Although there is no evidence so far, it is the Wushuangwang who caused the Northern Xinjiang Alliance to suffer huge losses.

The Peerless King himself did not admit it.

But the vast majority of people know that that guy is the Peerless King.

How powerful the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is on weekdays, their overall strength is even stronger than the Tiandihui.

what's the result?

Admit it!

Although I don't know what agreement the Northern Border Alliance and the Peerless King reached to make the Peerless King stop attacking.

But since then, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance has not said a word to Wushuangwang, nor has it taken any revenge.

You know that the Northern Xinjiang Alliance has given up.

At least on the surface, he admits to being cowardly. Since the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is not fully sure and has no confidence in killing, I am afraid that it will not easily provoke Wushuangwang in the future.

Just such a guy standing behind Green Bee Express, who would dare to provoke him easily.

During this period of time, Lu Ge has not been in a hurry to expand outside.

Instead, they are constantly consolidating their existing power.

In the past period of time, the expansion was too fast, which did not match his steady and steady style.

He also wants to sink down now, and he needs to consolidate it, one step at a time.

Whether it is within the territory of the human race or within the territory of other life groups.

We have to settle down and fight steadily.

In the territory of other life groups, Lu Ge's avatar has long established a firm foothold and formed its own power.

Whether it is for intelligence or resources, these avatars are fighting for something.

Within the human race, Lu Bu was also invited by the Lord of Chaos.

He was given the qualification to live in Chaos City for a long time.

And in Chaos City, he was given a piece of land, allowing him to design manors or villas freely.

A quota to enter the Chaos City must be grabbed through the auction, and this kind of quota is time-limited, and when the time is up, you still have to leave the Chaos City.

From this we can see how precious a permanent residency quota in Chaos City is.

Not to mention such a large piece of land.

Back and forth, the Lord of Chaos City helped him a lot.

Lu Ge was also quite generous, and directly gave the Chaos City Lord a top-level treasure.

Even if the Lord of Chaos City is the lord of the universe, he will never despise the top treasures.

The "Thousand Treasure River" that the Lord of Chaos City is famous for is the top treasure, but it is composed of more than a thousand ordinary treasures.

As soon as Lu Ge made a move, it was a top-level treasure, which can be described as quite arrogant.

The Chaos City Lord was also quite surprised: "Wu Shuang Wang, you just gave Gan Wu two top-level treasures a while ago, and now you give me another one. How much do you have?"

"It's gone, it's the last one!"

Lu Ge looked sincere: "You have given me such a great help. After thinking about it, this is the only thing I can do."

The Chaos City Lord laughed: "You are very cunning, I don't believe this is your last item, but since you gave it to me, then I won't be polite to you."

Seeing the Chaos City Lord accepting this top treasure.

Lu Ge also laughed.

"By the way, City Master, there is one more thing I need to trouble you with."

The Lord of Chaos City was stunned for a moment: "Wu Shuang Wang, do I still want this top treasure of yours? Why do I feel a little hot?"

Lu Ge laughed: "Don't be nervous, it won't make it difficult for you. You also know that I was apprenticed to Walt before, but my teacher was seriously injured and died in the end. I hope to revive him."


The Chaos City Lord was thoughtful: "Is he an immortal at the army level, right?"

"That's right!"

"That's okay, it's really a small thing..."

For the Chaos City Lord, there is almost no loss in resurrecting an army lord-level immortal.

Three days later, the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

In the Holy Land of the Ice Sea, the Divine Lord surrounded the man in the golden armor twice in a row, and laughed loudly: "Walter, my good brother! You are finally resurrected!"

Walter's eyes were also red with excitement: "Haha, I'm back, I didn't expect to be resurrected, and I can go on an adventure with you in the starry sky again, it's great!"

The other two immortal powerhouses also surrounded them, and the old brothers laughed loudly.

It's true that they are immortal gods, but they are just ordinary army master-level immortals.

Can't meet the requirement of being resurrected at all.

They also don't have the channels and capital to find the Lord of the Universe to help them resurrect.

In this case, death means permanent fall.

Unexpectedly, Walter had the opportunity to be resurrected.

It really surprised these old brothers.

Meng Huo patted Walter on the shoulder, full of emotion: "Brother, you have taken in a good apprentice, it's so enviable."

Walter couldn't help grinning: "I just wanted to find a successor before I died, so as not to waste my inheritance. I didn't expect Lu Bu to be so upbeat."

Walter looked around, and proudly said to his old brother: "Now my apprentice is the master of the Jiuyuan Universe Kingdom, which means that I can walk sideways in the country."

Meng Huo asked with a smile: "Theoretically, it is so, but are you really planning to do it?"

"of course not!"

Walter laughed: "Lu Bu's ability to come to this day is entirely on his own. It's okay for me as a teacher to not help. How can I discredit him? Being resurrected this time is equivalent to saving a life. I still want to Go on an adventure!"

Menghuo and the others looked at each other: "Okay Our old buddies are together again."

After reviving Walter, Lu Ge finally had one less worry.

The next step is to revive Huyanbo.

But there is no rush, after he reaches the main cultivation level of the universe, it will not be too late to resurrect himself.

Most of his energies are now focused on the Terran territory.

After all, no matter how many clones there are outside, he has a stronger sense of belonging to the human race.

On the bright side, the forces in his 1,008 cosmic kingdoms are just Green Bee Express.

But in fact, his avatar has already penetrated into all walks of life.

Including the five giants, as well as the management of 1,008 cosmic countries.

Among the five giants, the number of each company infiltrated by Lu Ge has exceeded 100 million.

Unlike the infiltration outside, the infiltration inside the human race does not have any malicious intent.

It's just to make your own layout more perfect.

More importantly, he did it for self-protection.

It would certainly be better if we can coexist peacefully with the five giants and develop the human race together.

But people's hearts are the most complicated, and no one can guarantee that they will always be safe.

It's all about preparing in advance.

After all, as long as he doesn't activate, his clones are the best members, and they will be loyal to the five giants.

All in all, Lu Ge now needs a transitional period of peaceful development.

As long as his cultivation is improved one step further.

Become the Supreme Master of the Universe.

With his current genetic multiple, as long as he becomes the Supreme Master of the Universe, it is equivalent to being the Overlord of the Universe.

At that time, even the Lord of the universe will bow his head before him.

So improving strength is the key. +Bookmark+

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