MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 260 Treasure Hunter

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Infinite Clone: ​​I'm Invincible in Devouring Stars Chapter 260 Treasure Hunting Spirit Mouse

As expected of a primitive star, you can pick up heavy treasures on foot.

Lu Ge bent down and took out the black hammer-shaped heavy treasure from the pit.

Feels good, full of weight.

Although it is an ordinary heavy treasure, it is a heavy treasure after all. How many immortal gods want a heavy treasure but can't.

I put away the heavy treasure smoothly, and I am in a good mood.

Not long after I came in, I picked up a heavy treasure, which is really good luck.

Primordial Star is going to open a thousand epochs, if you can pick up a heavy treasure every day, it will be a terrible resource.

Of course, Lu Ge also understood that today's main luck accounted for the majority.

It is impossible to pick up heavy treasures every day, even if it is one every year, it is hard to say.

Lu Ge stood where he was, lost in thought.

Thinking about it carefully, this does not seem to be impossible.

After all, he has enough clones.

Sending a clone of hundreds of millions or billions in to pick up "garbage" will make a lot of money after a thousand epochs.

After all, quantitative change leads to qualitative change.

Under the cover of so many clones, there will always be clones who can pick up heavy treasures.

For non-heavy treasure sets and treasures, if it is just a single heavy treasure, the chance of looting is very low.

Besides, whoever can **** ordinary heavy treasures can be a strong person, and he can be destroyed with a single hand.

In this way, the feasibility is still relatively large.

However, this efficiency seems to be able to continue to improve.

There was a sharpness in Lu Ge's eyes.

There are hundreds of millions of races in the universe, among them are special life groups with sensitive senses and special sensitivity to treasures.

As far as he knows.

This is the case of the special life treasure hunting mouse in the universe.

Special types of life, such as the Demon Killing Clan, have a common feature.

That is, the number of races is extremely rare.

Treasure hunters can be regarded as the most popular group in the universe.

Many cosmic powerhouses like to capture treasure hunters as slaves.

It is convenient to find treasures by yourself.

The number of treasure hunters in the universe is getting rarer and rarer.

Especially this time when the primordial star is opened, many strong people have been preparing for it very early, and the price of the treasure hunting spirit mouse has also risen accordingly.

After all, with a treasure hunting spirit mouse, the chances of finding treasure on the original star will be doubled.

It's too late for Lu Ge to start looking for the Treasure Hunting Mouse now.

However, Lu Ge is rich and powerful, since the treasure hunting spirit mouse is rare and expensive, he should raise the price.

When the price increases dozens of times, exceeding the value of the Treasure Hunting Spirit Mouse itself, it is hard to believe that no one will make a move.

Beyond the original planet.

The major alliances in the universe, including the six major alliances of independent groups of life, the Ancestor God Sect, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, and other alliances large and small in the universe.

Lu Ge, with his status in these alliances, offered a reward to buy a Treasure Hunting Mouse at a high price, and the price was negotiable.

It's a pity that no one contacted him after the news was sent out for a few days.

I don't know if these guys are up for grabs, or if they don't see a rabbit or a hawk.

Lu Ge simply chose to clearly mark the price.

In some alliances, he offered a reward of 3,000 treasures.

3,000 pieces of heavy treasures in exchange for a treasure-hunting spirit mouse is definitely worth the money.

In some ethnic groups, he offered a reward for ten star fields, ten star fields in exchange for one treasure hunting spirit mouse.

In some alliances, he took out tens of billions of resources in exchange for a treasure-hunting spirit mouse.

In the Hongmeng, Lu Ge simply took out a treasure, and exchanged a treasure for a treasure hunting spirit mouse.

The price immediately caused a sensation.

That is a treasure, many universe venerables do not have it.

Among the Hongmeng.

Stronger than the Nine Swords Venerable, and the Ganwu Universe Lord that Lu Ge is familiar with, they are all old-fashioned Universe Lords, but they still have no treasures in their hands.

Otherwise, when Lu Ge took down Ganwu Universe Kingdom, he gave Ganwu two treasures to make Ganwu Universe so happy.

"The First Minister of Ming Dynasty"

In fact, Lu Ge knew a long time ago that the Lord of the Universe, Ganwu, was already deeply in debt.

The debt he owed was because he borrowed treasures from the group to take risks in certain secret realms.

As a result, after his fall, although he was resurrected, the treasure he borrowed was lost.

It's okay to borrow the treasure of the ethnic group, as long as he doesn't fall, he can return it slowly in the future.

But the important thing is that he also borrowed many treasures from his friends.

After losing it is really speechless.

At this critical juncture, the two treasures given by Lu Ge are particularly important.

After the Lord of the Ganwu universe got the treasure, the first thing he did was to repay the debt.

Debt free.

From this, Lu Ge can understand the importance of the treasure among these strong men.

This time he took out a treasure to offer a reward for a treasure-hunting spirit mouse, the movement can be described as not small.

After all, the value of a treasure has long surpassed that of the treasure hunting spirit mouse.

Treasure hunters can hunt treasure, yes.

But the news of the birth of the treasure is too great, there is no need to look for it at all. To obtain the treasure, it depends entirely on one's own strength.

There is a treasure-hunting spirit mouse in his hand, which means he is looking for a few more treasures than others.

There is no comparison between a heavy treasure and a treasure.

The identity of Lu Ge who announced the reward in Hongmeng was Lu Bu.

After all, now Wushuangwang is famous for being rich and powerful.

It's not awkward for him to post it.

Not long after Lu Ge released this time, someone contacted him.

What surprised him was that it was the Lord of Chaos City.

"Wu Shuang Wang, are you missing the Baoling Mouse now?"

Lu Ge responded: "I also plan to go to the primitive planet to hunt for treasure. If there is a treasure-hunting spirit mouse by my side, I think the chances of getting the treasure will definitely increase greatly."

The Lord of Chaos City shook his head and said: "Wu Shuang Wang, then you should also know that obtaining the treasure has nothing to do with the treasure-hunting spirit mouse. The price of one treasure exceeds that of the treasure-hunting spirit mouse."

Lu Ge smiled and said, "Thank you for the reminder, but I still hope to get a treasure-hunting spirit mouse."

"In this case, I will not persuade you. I hope you will not regret it in the future."

Lu Ge asked: "Group leader, do you have a treasure hunting spirit mouse?"

The Lord of Chaos City said: "I don't have any, but my big apprentice has a treasure-hunting spirit mouse in his hand. Let me ask for you."

"Thank you, City Lord!"

Not long after, the Lord of Chaos City replied to Lu Ge: "He agrees to exchange, you can make an appointment yourself."

Lu Ge received an email from the apprentice of the Lord of Chaos City.

It just so happened that he was also in Chaos City.

The two made an appointment, and the transaction went smoothly in Chaos City.

Everyone is satisfied, everyone is happy.

The great apprentice of the Lord of Chaos has owned the Treasure Hunting Spirit Mouse for many years, and the value that should be exerted has also been exerted.

It is definitely worth it to be able to exchange for a treasure now.

The same goes for Lu Ge.

Others said that he lost a treasure in exchange for the treasure hunting spirit mouse.

But how do they know.

In Lu Ge's hands, one treasure-hunting spirit mouse can turn into tens of thousands of treasure-hunting spirit mice.

Tens of thousands of avatars carry tens of thousands of treasure-hunting spirit mice to hunt for treasures on the primitive planet.

The reward for him is more than just a treasure!

The Treasure Hunting Spirit Mouse is a special life, and if it wants to be exchanged, it has to be bred again.

Find the old bull bee for analysis and re-breed.

The old bull bee gave two different breeding evolution routes.

The first is to maintain the original genetic characteristics of the treasure-hunting spirit mouse.

The second is to strengthen perception, increase treasure hunting ability, and weaken combat effectiveness.

There is no need to hesitate at all, the combat power of the treasure hunting spirit mouse is negligible.

Even if it is weakened, where can it be reduced.

That is to say, the fighting ability of the treasure hunting spirit mouse is already on the floor, and there is no room for it to decline.

However, there is another problem, which is to consider the particularity of the original planet.

The pressure on the primitive planet is too great, and it is difficult for ordinary immortal gods to survive. Can the treasure-hunting spirit mouse survive there?

"That's nothing to worry about."

The old bull bee replied: "The treasure-hunting spirit mouse is a special life form. It has strong resistance to stress and survival. In addition to its poor combat effectiveness, the treasure-hunting spirit mouse's ability to survive in various extreme environments is actually stronger than other races."

Lu Ge felt relieved: "Then conceive one first and take it to the primitive planet for experimentation. If there is no problem, then exchange it in large quantities."

The primordial star began to exist for a thousand epochs.

Lu Ge didn't put too much pressure on the old bull bee, he just told him to evolve perfectly.

Now, as Lu Ge's clones become more and more powerful, the ability of the old bull bee has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, it would have taken at least a few years for the old hornet to analyze and breed a special life.

But this time, it took only three days for the old bull bee to analyze and improve the avatar of the treasure hunting spirit mouse.

A palm-sized treasure hunting mouse with silver-white coat and two small eyes like red diamonds appeared in Lu Ge's palm.

Different from other powerhouses, other powerhouses need to sign a contract with the Hunting Spirit Mouse in order to receive feedback from the Hunting Spirit Mouse.

Lu Ge is much more convenient, he directly turned the Treasure Hunting Mouse into a clone.

You can more intuitively and directly experience the vision and feelings of the treasure hunting spirit mouse.

When Lu Ge brought his consciousness to this treasure-hunting spirit mouse, he suddenly felt that the world in front of him was different.

In the vision of the treasure hunting spirit mouse, everything in the world has turned into energy bodies of different colors.

The sight of the treasure hunting mouse can even see through these objects, directly hitting the core.

In short, there is no fixed shape or object in the vision of the treasure hunting mouse, but all kinds of energy and light.

In addition, the treasure hunter's perception is extremely sensitive. In addition to being able to smell, he can also smell and sense the breath of treasures.

"The talent is really good!"

Lu Ge was very satisfied with the talent of the treasure hunting mouse.

The next step is to go to the original star to experiment.

Through the honeycomb space, the treasure hunting spirit mouse successfully appeared on a primitive planet.

Huge pressure came to my face.

The Treasure Hunting Spirit Mouse avatar automatically adjusts the breathing rate, and the physical body vibrates accordingly, and quickly adjusts to the most suitable state for the primitive planet.

No matter running, jumping or moving, there is no problem.

"The ability to adapt is really strong!"

Lu Ge controlled the clone of the Treasure Hunting Spirit Mouse, jumping quickly on the hills like a silver lightning bolt.

It's an exaggeration to be an Immortal-level Treasure Hunting Spirit Mouse.

Breeding a treasure hunting mouse is not easy.

The Treasure Hunting Spirit Mouse is good at treasure hunting, but not good at fighting and training.

If an ordinary strong man can get a treasure hunting spirit mouse, it will definitely consume a lot of resources to cultivate it into an immortal level.

At this time, these powerhouses will be eager to get their money back.

Where will continue to invest in the cultivation of treasure hunters.

Do you want to train the Treasure Hunting Spirit Mouse until it becomes immortal? I am afraid that the resources consumed will be a bottomless pit.

Lu Ge's advantage is reflected.

He only needs to exchange for the treasure hunting spirit mouse at the peak of the world master level, and then directly break through.

Based on his understanding of the law, as long as he breaks through, he will be at the pinnacle of becoming a king.

The comprehension of the law is the pinnacle of being a king, but his ideology is at the level of the overlord of the universe.

In this case, his Treasure Hunting Spirit Mouse avatar is also more sensitive than the ordinary Treasure Hunting Spirit Mouse.

In Lu Ge's eyes at this time.

On the high mountain at the foot, there are several places that exude the light of heavy treasures.

under a tree...

Behind a rock...

Even half of it is exposed in the dirt...

These are all treasures that Lu Ge picked up.

Lu Ge smiled happily, this account is really a good deal.

It only took half a day for the clone of the treasure-hunting spirit mouse to pick up three heavy treasures on this mountain.

Although they are all ordinary heavy treasures.

After all, it only took half a day.

He looked down at the mountain: "It's really a treasure land of geomantic omen."

This kind of treasure-hunting spirit mouse bred by the old bull bee is completely usable.

Lu Ge was relieved.

Direct exchange for 300 million!

The 300 million world lord-level treasure-hunting spirit mouse avatars have successively broken through the peak of the king.

Then, carried by 300 million clones of other races, re-enter the original planet.

Starting today, within 1000 epochs of the Primordial Star closing.

These avatars are responsible for picking up trash on the original star (treasure hunt).

The number of 300 million clones seems large, but evenly distributed on 10081 original planets, it seems not much.

In addition, each primitive planet has a diameter of 100 billion kilometers.

Picking up trash (treasure hunting) is not a rush, you can travel across the entire planet very quickly.

Picking up trash (treasure hunting) is a meticulous job, don't worry, take your time.

10081 original planets, enough to slowly turn over with these clones.

Lu Ge's avatar has a clear division of labor.

His combat clones are meant to be robbed, UU Reading to fight, to fight, to **** the treasure.

The avatar in charge of cultivation only cares about cultivation, and doesn't care about other things at all.

The same is true for these avatars who are responsible for picking up trash (treasure hunting), they are only responsible for bowing their heads and hunting for treasure.

Even if there is a dispute or a treasure is born, they will bow their heads and bypass it, and will never participate in the competition.

Just do your job well.

Of course, seeing these avatars means that the combat avatars will come soon.

Because of Lu Ge, the original planet was opened this time.

On the 10081 primitive planets, there are more than 1 billion strong people.

This made the powerhouse who had participated in the opening of the original planet several times a little puzzled.

How do you feel that there are so many more powerful people when you open the original star this time?

Fortunately, these clones of Lu Ge are relatively even.

There are all races and forces.

The six peak ethnic groups, the Ancestral God Sect, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, and so on.

No one doubted that the powerhouse who had participated in the opening of the original planet a few times was a little puzzled.

How do you feel that there are so many more powerful people when you open the original star this time?

Fortunately, these clones of Lu Ge are relatively even.

There are all races and forces.

The six peak ethnic groups, the Ancestral God Sect, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, and so on.

No one doubted that the powerhouse who had participated in the opening of the original planet a few times was a little puzzled.

How do you feel that there are so many more powerful people when you open the original star this time?

Fortunately, these clones of Lu Ge are relatively even.

There are all races and forces.

The six peak ethnic groups, the Ancestral God Sect, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, and so on.

No one suspects that <pstyle="text-align:center;">+Add to bookmark+

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