MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 323 Come back with a full load, a huge harvest

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The challenge Lu Ge faces in this level is a man in white who wields a knife.

The swordsmanship of this white-clothed man is miraculous.

It opened Lu Ge's eyes.

As I said before, after passing the third floor, there is no danger to life.

How much benefit you can get depends entirely on your own ability.

The white-clothed man's sword skills are against the sky.

Even though Lu Ge has hundreds of millions of clones to deduce, his saber skills are not as good.

With the confirmation of the man in white's sword technique.

He has more insights.

Lu Ge understood that although the man in white's sword technique was fierce, it was more like a guide.

Each of his sword techniques contains a basic law.

Lu Ge never imagined that the most basic law could be so powerful when used by the man in white.

It feels like a new door has opened.

A fight between the two sides is worth tens of thousands of years of understanding.

Lu Ge will not miss this opportunity.

He used ten thousand times the cultivation space to quickly absorb and comprehend these essences.

He was already very knowledgeable in sword techniques.

Now adding the testimony of the man in white, drawing inferences from one instance, is very touching.


Lu Ge slashed out with a knife, and countless violent knife lights wrapped everything around, tearing and destroying everywhere.

Every inch of space wrapped by his saber light exploded.

The figure in white in front of him also disappeared.


Lu Ge exhaled, very satisfied.

Even the four commanders on the top floor of Wuqilou were extremely moved.

"Hua Xiong's knife must at least have the power of a high-level true god, right?"

"It is really rare for a master of law to issue such a knife."


After disappearing from the phantom of the man in white, Lu Ge successfully stepped through the world of ice and snow and was promoted to the next level.

On the sixth floor, a huge thousand-eyed behemoth blocks the way.

It is to test the progress of the level breaker's sword technique, if you can't beat it, you can't advance.

But Lu Ge's progress far exceeded imagination.

The sword shines out, and the thousand-eyed monster is defeated.

On the seventh floor, a divine eye that fills the entire sky hangs high.

Lu Ge's heart moved, isn't this divine eye the same as the divine eye in the third level.

It seems that this level of postgraduate entrance examination is a consciousness shock, but it must be more difficult than the third level.

What Lu Ge is most afraid of is the shock of consciousness.

Even the impact of the consciousness of the strongest true **** power is a threat to him.

In the huge shock of consciousness, Lu Ge looked around.

If I remember correctly, there is a hidden 'God's Eye Mystery Technique' in this level of the God's Eye assessment.

Hey, found it.

On an iceberg far away, Lu Ge finally found the 'God's Eye Mystery Technique' engraved on it

Secret techniques are different from secret techniques, many secret techniques can be created by oneself.

Secret techniques are handed down from ancient civilizations and are extremely precious.

The 'Divine Eye Mystery Technique' was not inherited by Duan Donghe or Tianweihou.

‘God’s Eye Mystic Art is a precious secret art that studies how to use consciousness attacks, such as consciousness shock. '

Lu Ge has a strong will.

But sitting on a treasure mountain without knowing how to use it, the use of consciousness is limited to resisting the impact of consciousness.

The divine eye mystery technique came just in time.

In the future, he can also use his consciousness to attack the enemy. Those strong people with weak consciousness can be dissipated with just one look from him.

There are nine volumes of Divine Eye Mystery Technique.

Each volume is priceless, but fortunately Lu Ge's consciousness is strong enough.

He insisted on recording all the nine volumes of secret arts.

God's eyes have checked.

Lu Ge successfully set foot on the eighth floor.

The requirement for breaking through the eighth floor is to observe the surrounding void and create a secret technique.

If you can practice it, you can enter the ninth floor.

The corner of Lu Ge's mouth slowly curled up into a smile, he came for the eighth floor.

The sky full of stars is like a picture scroll.

Lu Ge was immersed in it, only hearing a bang.

He appeared in the vast picture scroll world.

A huge purple-horned beast appeared in front of Lu Ge.

"Lieyuanshu" is on him.

"Lieyuanshu" is an existence that even god-level existences are crazy about, and it cannot be cultivated without will.

It's a pity that the God King of Jin got it too late and couldn't practice.

Otherwise, he would not be defeated by the Lord of the Three Kingdoms.

It's cheap for him now.

Lu Ge had already obtained some information about "Lie Yuan Shu" from Zuo Shan Ke.

After wasting a lot of effort, he still got the "Lieyuanshu".


The moment Lu Ge got the elemental technique, he was teleported away in an instant.

Appearing again, he appeared in an elegant courtyard.

A man in a gorgeous royal robe smiled at Lu Ge: "Come in, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Lu Ge looked at the gorgeous man in royal robes.

He suddenly understood in his heart that this was the God King of Jin, the predecessor of Zuo Shan Ke.

It's a pity that this is just a part of the consciousness of the God King of Jin.

Take his inheritance.

He still has to respect the God King of Jin.

Lu Ge took a step forward, and said respectfully, "I'm Hua Xiong, and I've met the God King of Jin."

The God King of Jin was a little surprised: "You know me?"

He looked at Lu Ge with interest: "It's really interesting that you are not a life in the world of Jin."

Lu Ge was not surprised at all that Jinzhi Shenwang could recognize that he was not the life of Jinzhi world.

After all, this is the virtual consciousness of the King of Jin.

Lu Ge also admitted generously: "The **** king's eyes are like torches, I am indeed from the outside world."

Lu Ge looked at him with complicated eyes: "God King, do you know that the King of Jin has fallen?"

The King of Jin was thoughtful: "You know that I am a virtual consciousness of the King of Jin."

He admitted generously: "That's right, I was indeed the Divine King of Jin who created a consciousness. The Divine King has been unable to be contacted since he left. I guess he has fallen."

"Now, tell me who you are, or you won't be able to leave here."

The God King of Jin spoke very calmly.

Lu Ge also understood in his heart that even if he was just a virtual consciousness, it would be effortless to destroy himself.

Anyway, he is a piece of spiritual awareness of Zuoshanke.

There is no need for Lu Ge to play around with him.

He stepped forward directly: "God King, take a closer look at me."

The consciousness of the God King of Jin was a little confused, followed by a huge consciousness including Lu Ge.

The next moment.

The God King of Jin's consciousness froze suddenly, and he stared at Lu Ge with wide eyes in disbelief.

Then he laughed out loud.

He smiled very happily, and looked at Lu Ge with kind eyes.

"It turns out that you are one of your own, why didn't you say it earlier."

Lu Ge exhaled lightly.

Fortunately, I got the conditions for recognition from Zuoshanke.

Otherwise, the consciousness of the King of Jin will not be easy to pass.

The man in the gorgeous royal robe looked extremely excited: "Although I can't be contacted, it is obvious that "I" has not fallen. Tell me about the outside world."

Lu Ge didn't hide it either.

He told him all the things Zuo Shanke told him.

The man in the gorgeous royal robe heard tears welling up in his eyes.

"Okay, it's luck for "I" to meet you, it's up to you whether you can get revenge."

"What is your plan?"

Lu Ge frowned and said, "According to Zuoshanke's arrangement, when I succeed in reincarnation and gain a firm foothold in the place of origin, I will take him over and reincarnate."

The man in the gorgeous royal robe nodded approvingly: "It's better to be more cautious. Although I don't know if the Food Kingdom still exists, the three kings are extremely powerful, and they probably won't fall."

"When you arrive at the place of origin, you must be careful."

Lu Ge said respectfully: "It is natural, the enemy is strong, I will proceed step by step."

The man in the gorgeous royal robe laughed: "There is no rush, it all depends on your own plan."

"That's right, since you've made it here now, the reward that should be given to you is still given to you."

As soon as the words fell, a huge machine appeared in the courtyard outside.

It was a huge machine with a more sophisticated structure and a more amazing breath than the Golden Claw God.

Lu Ge recognized it immediately.

This is the 'Wuqi God' that the military needs 30 million military merits to exchange for.

The strongest mechanical treasure of the true **** level.

Can make his strength reach its peak.

Of course, the only shortcoming of 'Wu Qishen' is that it consumes a lot of divine power.

But this has no effect on Lu Ge.

He has boundless divine power.


With 'Wu Qishen', his fighting power will be even more terrifying.

Lu Ge stepped forward and penetrated a little of his divine power into it.

'Wu Qishen' recognized the master instantly, and it turned into a ray of black light and merged into Lu Ge's body.

All it takes is a thought.

A pair of light armor covers the whole body.

Lu Ge felt the countless tiny secret patterns inside the armor.

The structure inside is ten thousand times more complicated than that of the Golden Claw God.

'Wuqishen' was made to be used by those who practiced as true gods.

His Huaxiong avatar is just the master of law.

Although it can be used, it can only exert 30% of its power.

But his other true god-level avatars can all be used.

The man in the gorgeous royal robe smiled.

"Ordinary soldiers in the world of Jin don't know the true purpose of the title mission, and 'Wu Qishen' is just a means to lure them."

"But you must know that 'Wu Qishen' is nothing at all."

Lu Ge also laughed.

For a great god-king, the 'Wuqi God' is of course not on the stage.

But it's just useful for him now.

The man in the gorgeous royal robe threw a black inheritance spar to Lu Ge: "Since you have seen my real body, I guess he has taught you a lot of things. You can go back and choose the things in the inheritance spar."

"You are going to become the king of gods in the future, and you need to explore your own path."

"In the future, if you want to go to the continent of origin to develop, the help I can give you to improve is the world power that allows you to call the world of Jin."

"Can you call the power of the world?"

Lu Ge was overjoyed, this is a practical and good reward.

The man in the gorgeous royal robe continued: "You have completed the title task, and your status will be the same as that of the four generals in the east, west, north, south, and south."

"The four generals will also protect and support you. They understand that you are the most important existence in the world of Jin."

"I'll tell you now, if the world of Jin offends you, you can directly use the power of the world to suppress it."

The corners of Lu Ge's mouth slowly curled up.

That's great.

If he can mobilize the world power of the world of Jin, he can easily suppress the Eternal True God.

If it is the true **** of the void, it can be killed in seconds.

The man in Huawei's royal robe did this, which was equivalent to giving him the entire world of Jin.

Just like Zuozanke said.

Of course Lu Ge knew their purpose, because their hope of revenge all fell on him.

Only give yourself enough rights and status.

Their revenge will be more hopeful.

Now that he has obtained the right to use the power of the world, the life and death of all the giants in Jin's world is in his mind.

The man in the gorgeous royal robe said a few more words to Lu Ge.

He was sent out of the champion building.

At this moment, the title missions hanging on the legions of all parties disappeared.

This means that someone has completed the title task.

The four commanders of the Zhuangyuan building were immediately excited.

The four commanders teleported to the downstairs of the champion building, waiting for Lu Ge to land.

As soon as Lu Ge came out.

They were respectfully welcomed into the palace.

The leaders of the black mist said excitedly: "We have guarded the Zhuangyuan Building for endless years, and we have been unable to select the inheritor. We feel ashamed in our hearts. Now that you have completed it, Hua Xiong, we all want to thank you."

The commander of the **** armor and Eternal God of War also laughed: "Hua Xiong, we have all seen your performance in the Zhuangyuan Building. You are indeed a rare genius. Good job."

The beautiful female commander smiled and said: "Hua Xiong, now you are one of your own, wait a moment, the four generals will arrive soon."

The voice just fell.

Four powerful figures appeared in the hall.

Lu Ge looked intently.

This is the general of the four major armies of the world of Jin.

They are also the true masters of the world of Jin today, the four eternal true gods.

The four generals were very excited to see Lu Ge, and they laughed.

The attitude towards Lu Ge is also very kind.

In their words, it is: "We have waited too long for this day. You represent the will of the God King. We will do what you say."

It's not Lu Ge if it's cheap but not profitable.

Now the strong in the world of Jin cannot leave, once they appear outside, they will die.

Only when he reaches the Eternal can he take these guys out.

But now they can't get out.

The mechanical flow treasure of the world of Jin is indeed fine.

Such as 'dove painting'.

Before Lu Ge even snatched the black belt, he only snatched 300 'Dove Paint' from the barracks.

It can only be used secretly by the Red Flame Army.

Lu Ge pondered for a while, and said directly: "Four generals, you also know that I bear the heavy responsibility of the king of gods, so I need to call some 'dove paint' now, I don't know if it's convenient for you generals and customers."

The general of the Eastern Army slapped his chest directly: "Just tell me how much you use!"

General of the Northern Army, you laughed loudly: "Hua Xiong, I have plenty of 'dove paint' over there, you can get as much as you want."

The general of the Western Army also smiled and said, "According to the military regulations set by His Majesty the King of God, 'Jiu Pei' cannot be left outside, but whoever makes you the spokesperson of the King of God, you can do whatever you say."

Lu Ge was very happy.

He was no longer polite: "I don't want much, first give me three million 'dove paints', and let's talk later if there is not enough."

This can be regarded as the lion's big mouth.

Three million 'Dove Paint', the power is equivalent to three million Void Gods.

In the endless time and space of the four legions, they have been waiting for the sign of His Majesty the God King.

In addition to training soldiers, they are making this kind of mechanical flow treasure.

The warehouse is almost full.

Although three million 'Dove Paint' is a lot, they can still take it out easily.

"no problem!"

The four major armies quickly dispatched three million 'Dove Paint' to send them over.

Lu Ge is satisfied with the income to the hive space.

He wanted these 'dove paint', of course not for use in the world of Jin.

He is preparing for the invasion of Origin Continent.

Now it is 80,000 times the gene, and it is getting closer and closer to 100,000 times.

This day is not far away!

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