MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 5 Unlock Levi's flight

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Lu Ge was sweating profusely, exhausted from exhaustion.

Unexpectedly, Yuanyuan could capture his movement trajectory.

Maybe this has something to do with him being the lowest level of Psychiatrist.

As he levels up, he flies faster and reacts faster.

At that time, it will not be easy for warriors of the same level to hit him again.

But Lu Ge was not reconciled.

Now that Yuanyuan can hit him, there must be something wrong with his flight.

"Flight trajectory...flight trajectory..."

Lu Ge lay on his back on the ground, muttering in a low voice.


Perhaps it was the smell of his sweat that actually attracted a few flies, buzzing around him.

The last thing in the wilderness area is the blowfly.


Lu Ge, who was in a bad mood, waved away.

However, the fly was driven away and soon flew back again.

Lu Ge was furious.

Just when he was about to control his mental power to kill them, he suddenly remembered something.

Some images of beating flies with fly swatters in the past flashed in his mind.

He usually hits flies that sit there, stationary.

Flying flies are hard to hit.

The same flying moths and mosquitoes are relatively easy to hit.

He felt very strange at the time, and specifically investigated the reason.

learned through information.

The difficulty of flying flies is mainly related to the flight trajectory.

The flight trajectory of flies is elusive and unpredictable.

That is not flying randomly, but applying a mathematical principle of "Levi's flight".

Levi's flight is a random walk, and the trajectory is unpredictable.

There is also a kind of random motion in Lu Ge's impression, called Brownian motion.

The nature of Brownian motion and Levi's flight is completely different.

The distance of each movement of Brownian motion is concentrated in one area.

But in Levi's flight, most of the movement distances are very short, and a few movement distances are very long.

Therefore, Levi's flight is more efficient than Brownian motion.

In the case of the same number of steps or distance, Levi's flight area is much larger than that of Brownian motion, and can explore a larger space.

This is crucial for creatures that need to jungle in uncharted territory.

Levi's flight makes the trajectory more ghostly and unpredictable.

Keeps many predators at bay.

Lu Ge's eyes gradually brightened: "Why did I forget about Levi's flight, coach, I want to learn this!"

Levi's flight is much more practical than Lingbo Weibu in martial arts novels.

The flight trajectory of the fly is very tricky, and it works for him.

Lu Ge cheered up.

He enveloped the flies with mental power, trapped them in a fixed space, and continuously simulated and tracked the flies' flight trajectories.

At the same time, he also simulated various flight maneuvers in the air.


Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

The result is either hitting a wall or falling headfirst.


Yuanyuan couldn't keep up with his speed and changes, and couldn't catch him at all.

I can only watch Lu Ge fall from the air again and again like a headless chicken.

Even though he was wearing a combat helmet, he was thrown in a mess.

"Ada, Ada, buy more thick sponge pads."

Lu Ge was impatient.

He covered the entire space with thick sponge pads.

Even the corner pillars are wrapped.

Finally don't have to suffer so much.

Practice from the morning until the sun sets.

Lu Ge was exhausted, and Levi's flight still hadn't started.

"Tsk tsk!"

The old bull bee flashed beside Lu Ge.

Strangely said: "Host, you now have 10 clones, and you have 10 consciousnesses, why don't you let all the consciousnesses capture and practice at the same time."

"Each consciousness captures a track to practice, and then organizes and integrates it after learning. Isn't this much faster?"

Lu Ge froze, as if struck by lightning.

He turned his neck with difficulty: "It's... still okay?"

The old bull bee didn't seem to be bothered to answer, and disappeared after taking a look at him.

"It's despising me!"

Lu Ge understood now that he was despised by the old bull bee.

"Why didn't I think of this!"

"Simply a pig!"

The old bull bee opened a new door for him.

The fused split body consciousness can also be used for collaborative deduction exercises!

The flight trajectory of the fly has been engraved in my mind like a video.

Next, each of these consciousnesses can be separated to intercept a simulation exercise.

A fly's thousand-step flight has hundreds of trajectories.

"The consciousness of the split body is still not enough!"

It will be late.

The 7 splits who went out to play in the jungle are back.

Lu Ge was pleasantly surprised to find that they had harvested 35,000 energy points today.

It means that they shot and killed 70 beast-level monsters in total.

"It's very capable, you guys, it's no wonder that you are my avatar."

Lu Ge was not stingy with words of praise.

But thinking about praising them is praising oneself, so I gave up.

"Exchange for the lowest primary warrior-level split body 35!"

As soon as 35 powerful split bodies appeared, the floor seemed to be quite crowded.

"Everyone takes their own guns and combat uniforms and separates."

After the group of splinters dispersed to other floors, calm was restored here.

So far, the total number of splits has reached 45.

The azure cloud of spiritual energy in the Sea of ​​Consciousness increased several times.

Lu Ge divided all the strands of consciousness to study Levi's flight trajectory.

The progress of the research suddenly increased.

Lu Ge also knew that Levi's flight was not perfect, and flies had a chance of being hit during flight.

But what he wants is this principle.

Different people using the same trick will have different effects.

Not to mention between him and the flies.

With the increase in mental power, Lu Ge believes that Levi's flight will definitely surprise him.

In the end, the effect of hive thinking is against the sky.

When Lu Ge woke up, he found that Levi's flight had been introduced.

"A new day, the hunt begins!"

"I hope that today's harvest can make our team more than 200 people, let's go!"

The 44 splinters set off again with guns on their shoulders, and only Yuanyuan was left beside him.

Lu Ge levitated with the hexagonal shield.

He hooked his fingers at Yuanyuan and said provocatively, "Come here!"


A brick came whistling.

Lu Ge was taken aback, and barely avoided it: "Where are the bricks?"

The bricks Yuanyuan smashed out were faster than bullets.


Lu Ge and Yuanyuan began to compete again, but today Lu Ge has improved a lot compared to yesterday.

Yuanyuan's attack could hardly touch her body.

After a while, Yuanyuan was already panting from exhaustion, fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, and her movements obviously slowed down.

Lu Ge was in high spirits.

Levi's flight has gone from jerky to proficient, and his flight trajectory is as elusive as a ghost.

The hunting team in the wilderness area has already harvested, and the energy points are increasing.

He continued to exchange splits.

Two splinters join the fray.

Together with Yuanyuan, the three besieged Lu Ge.

The number is still increasing.

Before noon, the number of people besieging Lu Ge has exceeded 30 people.

Thirty people frantically attacked Lu Ge in the space on this floor. UU Reading

The wind howled and the dust was flying.

Bricks, shields, and knives were flying all over the sky.

In this chaotic environment, Lu Ge flew calmly and flashed, and his figure was as graceful as a butterfly.

I don't know how many times better the flying technique is than a fly.

Yuanyuan even grabbed a machine gun and fired wildly.

The other splinters followed suit, firing machine guns one after another.

"Da da da…"

Like a metal storm, bullets filled every inch of space on this floor.

Lu Ge danced in the hail of bullets in a thrilling manner.

Not once was hit.

Lu Ge showed a satisfied smile.

The body skills in this world are divided into ordinary, nuanced, perfect, and artistic conception.

There is no specific standard for flying difficulty.

If it is also divided according to the level of agility.

According to his own judgment, the current flying level is definitely beyond the subtle level, infinitely approaching the perfect level.


A small sound reached his ears.

"No, the building is about to collapse, get out!"

Lu Ge jumped down from upstairs with Yuanyuan and many splinters.


As soon as they escaped, the building collapsed.

There was smoke and dust everywhere, and there was ruins.

We have to find a new base.

Lu Ge glared at Yuanyuan, and it was this guy who took the lead in shooting with machine guns.

As a result, several supporting beams that were originally broken were interrupted.

Just when Lu Ge was going to ask them to find another hiding place.


A picture came from the split body of the jungler.

His heart suddenly picked up.

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