MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 9 horror legend

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The archaeological team is in a meeting, and Professor Chen is arranging matters after entering the mountain.

Li Duoduo and another boy ran in.

Just now, they were the ones who went to investigate the news of the water hole nearby.

"Teacher, Professor Chen, it's not good!" Li Duoduo shouted as soon as he came in, very anxious!

Wang Yan immediately reprimanded: "Furious, what does it look like? The most taboo thing for us archaeologists is frizz, you look like an archaeologist!"

Li Duoduo said anxiously: "Teacher, it's really bad, didn't you ask us to ask about the water hole, we found out!"

Professor Chen said, "Little Li, take it slow, what's going on?"

Li Duoduo nodded.

"Zhang Yang and I went to the nearby village to find out. I didn't expect to find out about the water cave soon. According to the villagers, the water cave is haunted. It is a hole that can eat people!"



Wang Yan slapped the table angrily.

"Li Duoduo, are you coming to the archaeological team on the first day? What have I said to you? We archaeologists respect facts the most. You shouldn't believe in ghosts and ghosts. You should ignore them. Bar?"

Wang Yan was originally an academic and a staunch atheist.

But his own students still do this, which makes him very angry.

"Wang Yan, don't be angry yet, Xiaoli and the others also listened to the villagers nearby, it's no use blaming them!" Professor Chen said!

Li Duoduo pouted aggrievedly and muttered: "That's right, it's not what I said, you ask people to ask, and after you ask me, tell me, I'm not wronged!"

Wang Yan sighed, "Teacher, it's not that I'm angry, I've joined the archaeological team for so long, and I still think about feudal superstitions. With such a mentality, how can I do this job well in the future!"

"Okay, okay, Xiaoli and the others are still young. When you first came, you were scared and cried and made trouble by the corpse in the coffin!" Professor Chen exclaimed!

"Uh..." Wang Yan blushed suddenly, "Teacher, you, why are you telling them this!"

His face was full of resentment, and he didn't want to lose face.

Everyone else was giggling.

"Okay, it's not a shameful thing, it's inevitable!" Professor Chen didn't care, "Little Li, tell me, why do the nearby villagers say this? There must be a reason. ."

"Oh, okay!" Li Duoduo nodded. "According to the villagers, there has always been a local legend that there are treasures hidden in this water cave. Since ancient times, many people have wanted to go in to hunt for treasures!"

"But one counts as one, as long as you go in, no one will come out again, and then no one will dare to enter this water hole again!"

"Oh, what else?"

Li Duoduo nodded, "Not only one person said this, but the whole village knows, Professor Chen, tell me if what Ye Cheng said is true, this water cave has bad feng shui, and there are really dirty things in it. what?"

Wang Yan was about to do it again, but Professor Chen waved at him, which suppressed Wang Yan's anger.

Wang Yan glared at Li Duoduo, Li Duoduo stuck out his tongue and pretended not to see.

Just then, the person in charge of the security department ran in.

"Chen Lao, it's not good, the little soldiers we sent in have lost contact!"

Hearing this, Professor Chen stood up directly.

Everyone's faces were complicated.

Li Duoduo whispered: "It's over, they won't be eaten too, right?"

"Shut up!" Wang Yan scolded!

The person in charge of the security section glanced at Li Duoduo curiously.

"Eat? Eaten by what?"

Professor Chen waved his hand and asked, "Team Zhang, what's going on, tell me the specific situation?"

Team Zhang nodded without thinking, "Oh, okay, it's weird to say, they just entered, everything was normal, and then, there was a strange sound from the walkie-talkie, like, like, the sound of a bell, and then the two of them went Can't get in touch!"

Wang Yan said: "Could it be that there is no signal?"

Team Zhang shook his head, "Impossible. The walkie-talkies we are equipped with are all military equipment. They can communicate at a depth of 500 meters underground. They are waterproof and fireproof. The most important thing is that the signal is not lost, but no one answers!"


Everyone just listened to Li Duoduo's story, and now something like this happened again, and they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

Could it be that this water hole can really swallow people?

"Chen Lao, look, what should I do now?" Team Zhang asked!

Professor Chen didn't think much, "What else can I do, no matter what the people inside are, we must first ensure their safety, hurry up and arrange for someone to go in to save them, by the way, it's best to tie a rope behind this time, if something happens again, Pull the boat out!"

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now!" Team Zhang nodded and went to make arrangements immediately.

Everyone's faces were ugly.

I thought I had found a shortcut, and I would be able to enter the mountain immediately, but now this incident happened again.

Professor Chen recalled Ye Cheng's reminder again, and his brows could not help wrinkling.

Read The Duke's Passion