MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 943 The legend of Ji Cheng

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Latest website: The old man said that this village has a history of thousands of years ago, but Ye Cheng was a little surprised.

He didn't ask much, just waited for the old man to explain.

According to the old man, the age of the village is indeed very ancient, dating back to the time of the ancestors. At that time, the earth was still in chaos, and human beings were only one of the weaker ones.

The earth is full of terrifying beasts, and they occupy an absolute advantage, and human beings can only survive in the cracks.

Later, for some unknown reason, all the beasts on the earth suddenly disappeared, and their village appeared along with the disappearance of these beasts.

In the beginning, there were only a few people in the village, who were called gatekeepers.

However, because the age is too long, the old man has no idea what the so-called gatekeeper is, and only remembers that there seems to be some kind of mission.

After that, these gatekeepers stayed here for generations to thrive.

Due to the special geographical location here, they can't get out of these mountains at all. In addition, there are natural formations outside. They can only circle around the mountains a few times at a time, and they will eventually come back.

Therefore, these people can only live in this place all the time, but occasionally people from outside will come here. For thousands of years, many people have come here.

These people brought news from the outside to let the people here know that there is actually a bigger world below, and they yearn for it, but they can't leave.

Therefore, every time an outsider comes in, they are very enthusiastic and want to learn something about the outside world from the outsider.

"Come on, guests, drink, drink, we haven't had outsiders in our village for a long time. The last time someone came, it seemed that it was more than 300 years ago. According to the records of the village's classics, that person seems to be Ji Cheng, he is a A very powerful person who has helped our village a lot, and he helped to get this electricity!" The old man said of Ji Cheng, his face full of gratitude.

It can be seen that the whole village seems to admire Ji Cheng very much!

"Yeah, that person is just like a fairy, he made our village have light!"

Ye Cheng's eyes became strange. He said to his heart that Ji Cheng was really powerful and could be found anywhere. It seemed that there was nothing in this world that he had not been to.

Although Ji Cheng is still behind the bronze gate and has yet to come out, his legend still remains on the rivers and lakes.

Although this strange man has had some festivals with Ye Cheng all the way, Ye Cheng has to admit that this Ji Chengzhen is a generation of arrogance.

People who can live through the long river of history are really not that simple.

But will this guy be so kind?

According to Ye Cheng's understanding of him, every time this Ji Cheng appeared in certain places, it seemed to be an experiment prepared for his own longevity method.

Maybe, this Ji Cheng also did some experiments in this village, but these people didn't find it.

"Did this Ji Cheng do anything else?" Ye Cheng asked!

The old man shook his head, "Hey, the records in our village's classics are very vague, only that this Ji Cheng has brought us light, and there are very few other records!"

Ye Cheng felt it. Three hundred years ago, it seemed that electric lights hadn't appeared yet, but what Ji Cheng came up with first was really amazing.

If this guy were to preach, maybe Newton would have to step aside.

"You seem to have heard the story of this Mr. Ji Cheng? Can you tell us that people in our village admire Mr. Ji Cheng very much!" The old man looked at Ye Cheng.

The others also looked at Ye Cheng, hoping to hear some news about Ji Cheng from Ye Cheng.

However, Ye Cheng didn't say anything, just smiled and said that he had never heard of this person.

Everyone was a little disappointed, and then, everyone asked Ye Cheng what the outside world looked like now, and Ye Cheng briefly described it to them.

Everyone heard it with incomparable yearning, and it was obvious that they really wanted to leave here and go to the outside world. Unfortunately, the surrounding natural formation restricted them and prevented them from leaving.

Coupled with the obstacles of countless mountains, it is difficult to go to the sky if you want to go out.

"Old man, since that Ji Cheng is so powerful, why didn't he take you away?" Ye Cheng asked curiously!


The old man was silent for a while, as if he hadn't thought about these issues, he shook his head helplessly, "No one knows about the specific things, and it's only recorded in the book. It seems that something happened back then, and Mr. Ji Cheng disappeared. Never came back!"

"What happened?" Ye Cheng became curious!

"This, I really don't know at all." The old man shook his head helplessly.

Ye Cheng's eyes were strange, and he thought to himself, wouldn't this Ji Cheng have any more problems?

This guy can say that wherever he goes, he will never be so kind.

Ye Cheng still kept his mind, although the village seemed harmless to humans and animals for the time being, it was not guaranteed that there would be any danger.

After eating and drinking in the evening, the old man arranged a room for Ye Cheng, and Ye Cheng stopped at ease.

At present, he is not fully confident in breaking the formation outside, so he still has to do it bit by bit.

In the middle of the night, Ye Cheng suddenly woke up, and he vaguely heard a voice appearing at the door of his room.

Ye Cheng didn't move, and continued to pretend to sleep.


The door was opened, and a figure walked in quietly.

"What's the situation?" Ye Cheng immediately became vigilant. In the middle of the night, someone sneaked into his room secretly, which was definitely not a good thing.

He is ready to resist at any time. Anyway, the art master is bold, and he is not afraid of what the other party can do to him.

That person's footsteps were almost indelible, but Ye Cheng's ears were so sensitive that even if the sound was small, he could hear it clearly.

Not long after, the man arrived at Ye Cheng's bedside.

Ye Cheng suddenly shot, got up abruptly, and grabbed the man's neck.

The man was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly blocked it with his hands.

This contact felt that the strength of that person is obviously not simple, and he did not occupy any advantage in this simple collision.

Moreover, this is the case of a sudden shot.

There are still masters in this village!

Ye Cheng was very surprised.

He was busy flying up on the bed and attacked the man again.

The man didn't run away, and he didn't fight Ye Cheng, but took a few steps back and spat out two words, "It's me!"

Hearing this voice, Ye Cheng was stunned for a moment, and stopped immediately, and then he saw that the man raised his hand and scratched his face, and a human skin mask was taken down, revealing a familiar face of Ye Cheng!

Seeing this, Ye Cheng was suddenly very surprised!

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion