MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 953 Ayanagi

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Seeing the bone carving and Lu Wu fight together, Ye Cheng was very proud.

"No matter how ferocious, no brains can only be an animal after all!"

Watching the two fierce beasts fight, Ye Cheng still has a sense of superiority.

Although these beasts are huge in size and their combat effectiveness is beyond the table, they also have fatal flaws.

Of course, Ye Cheng didn't stay any longer. Who knows if one of these two things will suddenly withdraw after a while, and the other will definitely chase after him again.

He ran to the location of the waterfall, which is at least the most recognizable for now, and there is water, which can replenish the water source.

Zhang Qiling has no space with him. When he has no water on his body, it is undoubtedly the best choice to go to the waterfall to find the water source.

If there is no water on him, he will go to that place as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Ye Cheng ran towards it.

He didn't summon Xiaoju again.

Xiaoju's goal is too big, and in terms of speed, he is not as fast as himself.

Wangshan ran to death, this waterfall was not too close, and it took a long time to reach the vicinity. Looking back, the battle between Lu Wu and Gu Diao was almost over.

The feathers on Gu eagle's body lost a lot, and it looked bald, like a vulture, and Lu Wu wasn't much better. One of his eyes was pulled out by the claws of the bone carving, and a large piece of his body was also torn off. The flesh looks bloody.

Gu eagle found the opportunity, and then fluttered into the air, and the battle was over!

The battle between alien beasts is extremely fierce, tragic and bloody. If it is placed in the arena of Rome, it will definitely make countless nobles boil with enthusiasm.

After the battle between the two alien beasts, Ye Cheng seemed to be completely forgotten, and Ye Cheng finally arrived at the pool.

As soon as he arrived nearby, Ye Cheng thought about going over to take a sip of water, but before he could go there, he saw a huge shadow swimming under the water!

The shadow was huge, like a snake, happily swimming in the water. Seeing this scene, Ye Cheng's heart was really chilled. It was really dangerous wherever he went!

Ye Cheng became more and more considerate of the snake god.

This guy has worked so hard to get out, and this is simply the best choice.

Otherwise, with the size of the snake **** at that time, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will become the food of other beasts.

However, he had seen the pictures at that time with his own eyes, and there were two women who came out with the snake god, which shows that although this world is dangerous, there are also human beings.

I just don't know if this human has survived and how far it has developed.

In other words, in this dangerous environment, that human race is likely to be extinct.

The two women who left only escaped from here.

Ye Cheng didn't rush to go there, he hid and watched. There was a shadow that was more than ten meters long. The strangest thing was that there were several shadows on his head.

If you look closely, you will find that it turns out to be several heads!

Ye Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he muttered to himself, "Grandma's, isn't this Xiang Liu?"

Xiangliu, one of the eight different snakes.

Xiangliu is the most special among the eight different snakes, and it is also the easiest to distinguish, because Xiangliu has nine heads, which is the legendary Hydra.

The body is dark blue and light green in color, and there are spots similar to tiger stripes.

Xiang Liu is extremely ferocious and has a very strong aggressiveness. Among the eight different snakes, Xiang Liu's aggressiveness is definitely in the front.

Legend has it that Xiangliu was sealed in the swamp of Shiwanda Mountain by the back soil, and was later opened by Gonggong by mistake, and then he subdued Xiangliu and became a capable leader of his subordinates.

Of course, these are all legends, but there should be no problem with Xiang Liu really having nine heads.

Each of these nine heads has an independent mind, but in a split second, all nine heads make the same decision and thus produce the same idea

, let the body make consistent movements!

Seeing the Xiang Liu, Ye Cheng instantly gave up the idea of ​​continuing to approach.

This thing, in terms of viciousness, is even better than Lu Wu and Gu Diao. It is the most wise to run straight when encountering it. It is definitely not a wise move to provoke this thing.

"Forget it, can't I hide if I can't be provoked? It's business to find the little brother first!"

Ye Cheng was thinking about it when he suddenly felt that something behind him tapped him on the shoulder!

In an instant, Ye Cheng felt that his scalp was about to stand up.

Just now, he didn't hear any sound and didn't feel anything, but something appeared silently behind him and patted him on the shoulder. For Ye Cheng, Simply the most terrifying thing.

If it's Lu Wu or Gu Diao, I'm afraid he's now directly become the ration of others.

But fortunately, the thing behind him didn't kill him directly, otherwise he would be dead, and he wouldn't know how he died.

Ye Cheng can only hope that there is no hostility behind him.

However, since this is the world of Shanhaijing, and there are all kinds of strange beasts in it, it shouldn't be without aggression.

Before he was in the outside world, his strength was indeed terrifying, stronger than 99% of human beings, and he had even reached the limit of manpower.

But here is different after all, his strengths are simply not worth mentioning in the eyes of those beasts.

"Could it be the little brother?" Ye Cheng guessed in his heart, except for the little brother, Ye Cheng couldn't think of anyone here who would not be hostile to him.

"Little brother, is that you?" Ye Cheng asked tentatively!

He didn't turn his head hastily, because there are some things, he likes to look at you, and then swallows you into his stomach.

However, there was no response or sound behind him.

This made Ye Cheng feel a chill in his heart.

If it is the little brother, he will definitely give some responses in his heart, but since the other party did not give any response, it proves that the one behind him is definitely not the little brother.

"Grandma' Don't want to be so exciting!" Ye Cheng felt extremely depressed.

It only took him half an hour to come to this world, but the things he encountered were enough to kill him a few times. Now, it is really unacceptable to attack from behind.

Moreover, there is Xiangliu in the water pool in front of him at this moment, he can't go forward, and he doesn't dare to make any sound.

It was very difficult for a while, and I didn't know what to do.

Grit your teeth!

Ye Cheng decided to look back, the big deal was to directly fight with the things behind!

"I want to see, what the **** are you, so frightening me!"

Ye Cheng was also angry, and suddenly turned his head to look over.

When I turned around, I saw that there was indeed a behemoth behind him, staring at him with round eyes!

Read The Duke's Passion