MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 972 bitter cold place

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To be honest, Ye Cheng felt a little guilty, after all, he was still unfamiliar with this world.

These beasts can't use people's minds to guess, otherwise they will definitely die miserably.

Although Bai Ze's words are very realistic, they are not alarmist. The situation he said is completely possible.

Although Ye Cheng prefers that Bai Ze, the sixth son, just wants to share more, but Bai Ze is not stupid, he obviously knows everything about this world better.

It's better to listen to him than to baseless judgments of your own.

Ye Cheng looked at Bai Ze, still hesitating slightly: "Bai Ze, this, it shouldn't be possible, as a divine beast, the Nine-Tailed Fox shouldn't do such shameless things?"

Bai Ze curled his lips, "Normally not, but now the object is this flower, so maybe, you know, how many years has this snake guarded here? Do you know how this guy grows so big and so strong? No This flower, it is a little snake!"

"Now, do you know how precious this flower is?"

Ye Cheng had weird eyes, looking at the flower in his hand, although he still couldn't see anything special, he knew how precious this flower was.

Even if it is placed by your side, it will turn a little snake into a snake, which is a bit scary.

He nodded.

In the face of huge interests, no one can guarantee that the other party can keep their promises.

If it is possible, it must be that the benefits are not large enough and the amount is not enough.

But now, Ye Cheng didn't dare to gamble.

"Then what to do, if we escape now, if the two of them join hands to catch us, then we will really die!"

Bai Ze smiled disdainfully, "Hehe, I've been running rampant here for tens of thousands of years, and I'm still alive. What are you afraid of? It's just a little snake and a little fox... I'm too lazy to argue with them!"

Ye Cheng rolled his eyes, this guy doesn't know who gave him the courage.

He was obviously weak, but he never conceded defeat. Who gave him confidence, Liang Jingru?

I thought this guy was very attractive before, so he must be powerful.

But now that I understand, I realize that this guy's arrogance is all because he is shameless, thick-skinned and confident!

"Okay, you are too good, just say, what shall we do now? Let's leave like this?" Ye Cheng was too lazy to talk to this stinky guy like Bai Ze.

Listening to his bragging made him feel ashamed and flustered.

Bai Ze glanced at Nine-Tailed Fox and Eight Snakes!

At this moment, the battle was close to heating up.

If this continues, I am afraid that it will not be long before this battle will be completely over.

"Shut up, I'll use a trick to hold them back, and then we'll sneak away!" Bai Ze whispered!

"Okay, listen to you!" Ye Cheng nodded!

Bai Ze opened his mouth and exhaled a breath of white air. Immediately afterwards, the white air turned into the appearance of Bai Ze and Ye Cheng, but the humans and beasts in front of him seemed a little dull, and they could be distinguished at a glance if they looked carefully.

But it is estimated that the battle between Ba Snake and Nine-Tailed Fox is fierce, and no one will pay attention to them.

"How did you do it?" Ye Cheng was a little surprised!

This method works almost like a magic trick.

It seems that the creatures in this world really have some strange abilities, and it is no wonder that the snake **** also has the ability to transform in the outside world.

Bai Ze didn't take it seriously, "It's just a trick, it's too simple for me!"

Ye Cheng rolled his eyes again, and said to himself, fortunately there are no cows here, otherwise he would have been blown to the sky long ago.

"Okay, let's go!" Bai Ze rolled on the ground a few times to cover all the white hair on his body, otherwise the white hair on his body would be too conspicuous at night.

Seeing this guy's proficient appearance, Ye Cheng knew that this guy must have been running a lot, which was a bit funny.

This guy boasted for a long time, but in the end he was going to run away in disgrace.

"Why are you laughing, this is all experience, learn from it!" Bai Ze said angrily.

Ye Cheng was speechless, this guy doesn't look like a beast, he looks like an old ruffian.

If it is a human, I am afraid it is not a good bird.

Ye Cheng shrugged, without saying anything, one man and one beast quietly left Qingqiu Mountain under the cover of night.

Ba Snake and Nine-Tailed Fox didn't notice it, the eyes of these two guys were completely red, and they would not give up even if they died, and they didn't dare to be distracted in the slightest, otherwise, they would definitely let the other party take advantage of it.

This just gave Ye Cheng and Bai Ze an opportunity.

After leaving Qingqiu Mountain, Bai Ze immediately accelerated his speed, soared into the air with all four hooves, and fled towards the distance.

Ye Cheng was still very nervous.

Although he has escaped for a certain distance now, it is not difficult for the other party to catch up.

However, now is not the time to think about those, as far as you can escape!

After escaping far away, one person and one beast suddenly heard the roaring voices of Ba Snake and Nine-Tailed Fox behind them.

Although I didn't see it, I could feel the anger of the Shuangfan just by listening to the sound. I didn't need to think about it. It must be that their escape was exposed.

These two fierce beasts knew that they had been fooled, how could they not be angry.

It is estimated that now the hearts of both of them have been torn apart.

Ye Cheng was frightened for a while, he was extremely uncertain, this time he caused a big disaster, and he provoked these two guys at the same time, can he really escape?

He even regretted believing Bai Ze's nonsense.

But until now, he could only bite the bullet and continue to escape.

Bai Ze ran wildly all the way, although this guy was bragging, but after running all night, from dark to day, he was too tired to run, so he stopped.

"Hey, I can't, I can't run anymore, I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted." Bai Ze stopped, out of breath.

Fortunately, there was no danger along the way.

The only difference is that the temperature is getting lower and lower, and the surrounding area is covered with ice and snow.

At a glance, the front is a vast expanse of white ice and snow.

"Grandma, if he runs away again, he will go to the bitterly cold place in the north. These two guys probably won't be able to catch up!" Bai Ze said, but he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

That flower is very important, if it is, I will not give up easily.

Ye Cheng jumped off from Bai He wasn't tired, but he was worried all the way, and he was somewhat exhausted.

Bai Ze was immediately displeased and said, "Boy, you haven't come down after sitting for so long, and now I'm so tired that I'm starving to death, quickly find me something to eat!"

This guy has long been dissatisfied with carrying Ye Cheng all the way, and if he doesn't let Ye Cheng do something, he will definitely not be balanced in his heart.

However, hearing what he said, Ye Cheng's stomach also growled.

After all, I have been tossing for a day and a night, and I haven’t eaten anything. I didn’t feel it when I was tense, but now I relax a little, and I feel hungry immediately!

"The mountains are covered by heavy snow here, what can we eat?" Ye Cheng looked around, and everywhere he looked was ice and snow, as well as trees covered in ice and snow.

No living things were seen at all.

(end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion