MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 991 Chaos in the rear

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The cooperation between Ye Cheng and Zhang Qiling is still very tacit. Although the two of them don't have much contact with each other, they have cooperated several times, which belongs to the kind of mutual understanding.

Half of the beast's head was torn open by Zhang Qiling, and a stench swept over immediately, making it hard to breathe.

Ye Cheng took a look at Zhang Qiling, but Zhang Qiling's eyes were completely red, and the murderous intent filled his body, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

This guy is too murderous.

At this moment, his eyes were red, and he couldn't care about anything.

The hand unexpectedly reached into the giant beast's head, scratching randomly for a while, and tore out a pile of red and white things, Ye Cheng frowned.

The beast kept trembling, and finally couldn't hold on any longer, and fell directly to the ground, this time it was really dead!

They each dealt with a 麖 beast, and immediately other 麖 beasts surrounded them.

Ye Cheng heard it clearly, and the surrounding voices became louder and louder.

Obviously, the movements here attracted more and more ferocious beasts.

"No, there are wild beasts all around, we must leave here as soon as possible, we can't fight anymore!" Ye Cheng shouted hastily.

If they are surrounded for a long time, then they will definitely die today, and it is impossible to escape again.

He had already seen Zhang Qiling's murderous intent.

Last time at the seabed tomb, Zhang Qiling's eyes were red too, fighting with those sea monkeys was inseparable, and finally persuaded him to leave, and now it's the same.

At this moment, Ye Cheng was afraid that Zhang Qiling's eyes would turn red again, and he couldn't care about anything.

The longer the time, the more fierce beasts there are, and the more dangerous their situation is.

Zhang Qiling was not reckless this time, his eyes were red and his body was boiling with murderous aura, but he still nodded.

Ye Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Zhang Qiling would ignore him.

He glanced at Bai Ze.

At this moment, Bai Ze was biting a beast, extremely cruel!

Although he ate the berth, the corpse poison was not released directly, and it would take some time, but looking at Bai Ze's eyes, they were not so red anymore, and became much clearer.

In the final analysis, its corpse poison is not deep, and a little beryl can detoxify it, unlike those beasts, whose corpse poison has already penetrated into the bone marrow, eating beryl is just to survive, and the corpse poison can never be cured.

"Bai Ze, Bai Ze, wake up!" Ye Cheng called Bai Ze twice.

Bai Ze shook his head, as if he had some independent consciousness!

"My Cao, what's going on, why are there so many cockroaches, what's going on?" Bai Ze looked at the surrounding situation with a confused expression on his face, completely unable to understand what was going on!

Seeing that Bai Ze had fully recovered, Ye Cheng was overjoyed!

"Just now you were poisoned by the blood vine, and now you have detoxified it, don't bother to fight, let's leave quickly!" Ye Cheng quickly explained the situation!

Bai Ze glanced left and right, and knew that the situation was not good.

More and more ferocious beasts rushed out from the fog of corpses, their eyes were red, and they regarded Ye Cheng and the others as prey.

Even if there are two lessons learned from the past, they are not afraid at all.

Perhaps, in their world, the word fear does not exist at all, and they have already completely lost their unique consciousness.

"Grandma, the boat almost capsized in the gutter, I'm going to kill them!" Bai Ze was furious.

As a divine beast, it was still a high-level divine beast that ate the little red flower, but now it was almost poisoned by the corpse and turned into a walking corpse like the 麖, how could it not be angry.

This guy opened his mouth and spit out a red light!

This time, the whole body of the beast in front was wrapped in red light, and bursts of black smoke burst out from its body.

Obviously, this red light is much hotter than the white light emitted before.

Bai Ze was really angry, and immediately used his big move.

Although the burnt skin on the beast's body was ripped apart, it still didn't feel any pain, and rushed towards Bai Ze again. However, Bai Ze had learned the lesson from last time, so he was not careless this time!

When the 麖 beast rushed up, Bai Ze made a magnificent turn, and then kicked up with his hind hoof, and kicked the 麖 beast flying away with one kick.

The beast struggled a few times on the ground, and the fire on its body became smaller and bigger, and it burned to ashes in a short time.

"Go, follow me and rush over!"

Zhang Qiling yelled and rushed out first, but he was still running inside, not in the direction Ye Cheng and the others came from.

Ye Cheng didn't ask too much, he knew that Zhang Qiling's actions must be justified, so he said to Bai Ze: "Bai Ze, go, follow!"


Ye Cheng and Bai Zehu stood on both sides, and the three of them formed an arrow posture and rushed outside.

There are more and more beasts around, and the two and one beast are also red-eyed, and they keep rushing forward.

But their situation is not very optimistic, there are too many beasts around, more and more surrounded, completely blocking their way!

"It can't be done, there are more and more, we have to find a way!" Bai Ze yelled!

At this moment, smoke is about to come out of its mouth, and the red light it spouts is getting weaker and weaker, and finally it can only be a faint white light. Even so, smoke is about to come out of this guy's throat.

There are too many beasts, and its fire can't keep up with the consumption of others.

Although a few 麖 beasts were burned to death, compared with this huge herd of 麖 beasts, they were simply vulnerable!

Zhang Qiling's face was also very ugly, obviously feeling troubled.

Ye Cheng also had no other solution.

But at this moment, the rear of the group of beasts seemed to be in chaos, as if something rushed into the group of beasts, and a large part of the beasts that were chasing Ye Cheng and the others suddenly turned around.

"what's the situation?"

Both of them were a little dazed, completely unaware of what happened behind them.

However, no matter what happens, it is in their favor now, just run away and be done.

Zhang Qiling said: "Come with me!"

"Where are you going?" Ye Cheng asked!

Zhang Qiling replied: "I found a secret place It should be related to the human race who lived here before, and the beasts didn't dare to approach there, I was hiding there before, you come with me! "

As Zhang Qiling said, he immediately led the way!

Ye Cheng's eyes lit up. The secret place of the human race must be related to the previous affairs of the human race. Immediately, Ye Cheng did not hesitate at all, "Bai Ze, let's go!"


With the things behind to attract those ferocious beasts, the pressure on Ye Cheng and the others was greatly reduced, and it went smoothly.

An hour later, they broke out of the encirclement. From this, it can be seen how many beasts on the periphery have surrounded them. If there was no sudden problem in the back, which disrupted the rhythm of these beasts and did not continue to besiege them, they would have died today. It's really bad luck.

Seeing that there were no more beasts chasing around, the two of them and the beast stopped.

(end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion