MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale-Chapter 182

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Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich rarely visits Empress Dowager Yilan.

Compared with the Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich, who advocates simplicity and military style, the Queen Mother's leading mansion always looks too luxurious. With chandeliers inlaid with gemstones, wall decorations surrounded by gold threads and exquisite tapestries, it can be said that Empress Dowager Yilan has condensed almost all women's fantasies into her official residence. The only thing that could be praised by Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich was probably only the cherished thoroughbred horses on the lead star.

"Her Majesty the Empress Dowager, your taste is still the same for decades."

Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich was dressed in a wine-colored riding suit, with a horsewhip wrapped around gold threads hitting her palm, and her snow-white gloves were spotless. Charming blue eyes and pale lips, all of which show the elegance and nobility of the royal family. It is a pity that Empress Dowager Yilan's face has changed since the day when the Grand Duchess' flagship arrived at the star leader. It has never been sunny.

"Your Excellency the Grand Duke, you've come to me 'thousands of miles' just to satirize my taste?"

"Why do you think this is sarcasm?" Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich's surprised expression was exaggerated. "This is my sincere appreciation to you."

The corners of Empress Dowager Yilan's mouth twitched, and she quickly raised her folding fan to hide her almost unconcealed indignation.

Well, appreciate it... go to %Y^#$$#

"Thank you for your appreciation."

"you are welcome."

The Grand Duchess had a decent smile on her noble face, but the Empress Dowager Yilan found the urge to bombard Haini III's aircraft with laser cannons when she was young.

Not far away, an aircraft painted with the empress dowager's family crest slowed down, and several tall men in imperial uniforms stepped off the aircraft. The first young man with flaxen hair wearing the lieutenant colonel's badge respectfully sent a document to the Empress Dowager.

Seeing the striking sign on the document, Grand Duchess Mansha Edrich raised her eyebrows, but Empress Dowager Yilan's face was a little bad.

"Kisanna? How could it be Kisanna?"

Empress Dowager Yilan asked with doubts, but could not hear the slightest feeling of nervousness. The frequency and scale of border rebellions during the reign of Haine III was enough to make the Empress Dowager numb. Since the incompetent Haini III doesn't need too much effort, let alone her excellent son?

The Empress Dowager's confidence in the Emperor was just as she had believed that Soran Edrich would easily seize the throne, crushing Haine III, who was trying to break the rules of the royal family, and Grand Duchess Ave, who coveted power, and others.

However, this incident happened in Qisanna, and it did surprise the Empress Dowager Yilan a little. Just like other lords who heard the news, the first reaction was whether this was a mistake?

Would Aiwamoni, the gentle lord who could almost be mocked as cowardly, be overthrown by his subjects? He has Kisanna Aboriginal blood in him!

"Your Majesty, aren't you surprised?"

Empress Dowager Yilan handed over the document to Mansha Edrich, and the Grand Duchess just glanced at it casually, paying less attention to the content than the whip she had under her arm.

"There's nothing to be surprised about. It's not just accommodating and moderate governance that can satisfy endless ambitions."

Empress Dowager Yilan frowned, waved her hand to signal the attendants and the soldiers to leave, and asked, "Can you explain?"

"Explain?" Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich turned her head slightly, "I can only say that although Aiwa Mani is indeed a good person, the Mani family is not as loyal and mediocre as they have shown."

"You mean... but how is this possible? Besides, their roots are in Kisanna. All the Star Leader government officials were killed in the riots of the Territory, and Aiwamoni has been confirmed dead, including his family! And he His younger brother has also committed suicide. The Mani family wouldn't do such a crazy thing. They committed suicide."

"This is just a guess." The Grand Duchess shrugged, "However, the sudden disappearance of Qisanna's star fleet cannot be explained by a simple civil riot. Unless the entire fleet is wiped out or there is a collective mutiny. , the former is a joke, while the latter shows that behind this Qisanna incident, there must be shadows of several families, and the Mani family is also suspected, and they can't stay out of it completely!"

Empress Dowager Yilan was silent. As an empress dowager from an old-fashioned aristocrat in the empire, she knew too well what kind of turmoil and disaster would happen if the family that had been passed down from generation to generation had some kind of crazy idea. Solan II's governance has always been harsh, and the Empress Dowager didn't want this Qisanna incident to be as true as the Grand Duchess said, otherwise, it would definitely be more than the Mani family involved.

Thinking of this, Empress Dowager Yilan looked at Grand Duchess Manxia Edrich with complicated eyes, "Your Excellency, you are just guessing."

"Your Majesty the Queen Mother, have you not forgotten the original Hesha and Adler families? The same aborigines families, the same lords that have lasted for hundreds of generations, the empire has given them glory and wealth, and they have not kept their promises in return. Ambition and blood. So it was destiny to be destroyed. Now the lord of the Deco system is the queen of the empire, and the Namib system is already a complete death star. Speaking of which," Archduchess Mansha Edrich paused, meaning Deeply rubbing the golden thread wrapped around the whip, he said in a more gentle tone: "Before you married into the royal family, your surname was Gray, right? It seems that in your family, there is a very important person whose maiden surname, Is that Mani?"

Empress Dowager Yilan's eyes sharpened, stabbing at Grand Duchess Mansha Edrich like a needle. The attendant not far away also seemed to sense the tense atmosphere between the empress dowager and the female grand duke, and wanted to come over, but was stopped by the female grand duke's attendant. Compared with Empress Dowager Yilan's attendant, the female grand duke's attendant is more like a battle-hardened soldier than a young noble from the court.

"Please don't get me wrong." Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich said with a smile, "I'm not doubting anything, I'm just reminding you."

Just a reminder?

"There's no need! I swore in the temple that even if I had the selfishness to take care of the family, I would never do anything that would endanger the emperor's rule."

Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich nodded, of course she believed in the Queen Mother. Although Yilan cannot be called a successful queen, he is a qualified mother. No one would doubt her loyal and selfless love for the Emperor. But her family, not necessarily.

"Your Majesty the Queen Mother, please do not doubt my intentions. I just hope that you will not be affected by this incident."

Leaving behind these meaningful words, Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich left the Queen Mother leading the star on the same day. The Empress Dowager Yilan was angry, but she did not lose her sense. After the Grand Duchess left, the Empress Dowager immediately contacted Semto, the leader of the Gray family.

Lisgrey, the lord of Semtor, is still in the capital of the Empire for the Council of Lords. According to the laws of the Empire, the Empress Dowager must not leave the leader star, which made the Empress Dowager Yilan completely forget about the annual lord meeting, and had to wait until Rhys returned to Semtor.

Imperial Capital, Ivan Palace

The annual lord conferences are tedious and tedious, the empire's territory continues to expand, more and more galaxies are captured and exploited, and the ever-increasing number of seats in the council chamber represents the length of time each meeting needs to be extended. Compared with the government affairs and military meetings, this routine lord meeting is even more boring.

Soran Edrich sat back on the high-back chair and stared blankly at Jero Kame, who had been talking for more than ten minutes. This lord of three small galaxies, with a squat body and a simple and honest face, is extremely incommensurate with his eloquent words. However, it is undeniable that he is still a qualified galaxy lord, and the tax he pays to the Ministry of Finance every year is in no way inferior to any lord with the same number of stars.

However, he was too wordy.

Soran Edrich kept restraining the thought of blasting this drooling guy with a laser gun, trying to act as if he was listening carefully to every word he said. As everyone knows, the emperor's rare kindness made Jero Kame even more excited, so that today's meeting was extended for a full hour because he was alone.

The emperor was angry, but he could do nothing.

Even if you want to become a qualified tyrant, you must have a stage for him to display.

It's not difficult to kill Jero Kame on the spot, but what's the reason? Although tyrants don't need a reason to kill, Soran Edrich doesn't want to put a lord to death just because he's too long-winded. Although it would ease his ears a lot.

Harlan Edrich was sitting very close to the emperor. Apparently, the admiral from the royal family was also beginning to yawn from the tedious meeting. It can be seen that the emperor is on the verge of breaking out, Harlan almost sympathetically casts his gaze on Jero Kame, who is still unconscious. He really doesn't understand that this man can continue to speak for dozens of minutes, just to sing praises? Could it be that the taxes he handed in were all based on his lip service?

Admiral Date and Admiral Metz sat upright, fully demonstrating the rigor and self-discipline of a soldier. However, if you look closely, you will find that Admiral Ida can still hear what Jero Kame said, while Admiral Metz has already lost his mind.

Finally, Jero Kame's speech came to an end, he bowed respectfully to the emperor and sat down. Immediately, the atmosphere in the conference hall was shocked. It turned out that everyone knew that after the speeches of some lords, the process of the meeting would speed up a lot.

However, just when everyone thought that as long as the emperor made a symbolic summary, the lords could go back to their respective homes, then it was a big mistake!

Lord Gerokame stood up again!

He opened his mouth and started gushing again!

This terrifying combat power!

Who can stop him? !

The entire universe can't stop the dreaded Jero Kame!

Shang Ping, who watched the whole meeting through the video device, almost fell on the carpet with a smile. Most of these lords from military backgrounds and noble families had really wonderful expressions. They stared at Jero Kame in disbelief, pursing their lips angrily, as if saying, "Who can give this guy a shot?!"

"My God, this is definitely a talent!"

Shang Ping sat up while wiping away the tears from his laugh, ignoring the lords, and Solan Edrich's face was also a little ugly. At this moment, the depression of being rejected by the emperor was all swept away. Although the emperor did not promise him to lead his troops on the expedition, being able to see this scene was worth the money.

"Well, in order to avoid bloodshed, for the peace of the universe!" Shang Ping stood up and said in a very serious tone: "I must invite His Majesty the Emperor to dinner!"

The court attendant who was pushing the door and walking in suddenly stood still, speechless.

It seems that the strongest is still Her Majesty the Queen...