MTL - Invincible Level Up-Chapter 1 Sad reminder of the otaku

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Qin Tianyi woke up and found that the world has changed.

At least his bed has changed. His bed was a second-hand Simmons who slept for seven years. Although he was a bit worn, he was still very comfortable to sleep, soft and flexible, and occasionally called a girl to do sports. Oops, oh, the sound of the accompaniment, but now he feels cold and hard under the back, lying on the top is extremely uncomfortable.

What puzzles him the most is that the air difference here is really unbearable. The skunk is like sleeping in a pigsty. He admits that his kennel also has a smell, which is much stronger than here.

When he was about to get up and see where he was sleeping, he found that all parts of his body were sore and painful, and he screamed for a long time. "What about his sister, Lao Tzu?"

Suddenly, he found something that made him feel strange. He actually had clothes on his body. He knew that he was always naked. It was very strange to look at the color and quality of the clothes. "How do you like the costumes?"

"What is the situation, no reason."

Just as he was thinking in bed, the next door came out, "Hey, hey, hehe..."

"I fuck, what sound?"

"The sound of the pig?"

"I live next door is a pig?"

"I took a trip and lived for so many years. I don't know if my neighbor is a pig..."

"Pig? Isn't it a regular meat girl who goes out early?...?"

Qin Tian seems to be like a thunder, lying in bed, motionless, looking at the tile house on the top of the head, a few soft waves of light shot from the gap between the tile hooks. On his face, he was dumbfounded at this moment.

Killing what he didn't believe happened.

He is a senior otaku, who is intoxicated in the world of games, novels and anime every day. He does not believe in the story of the novel in the novel. He knows that this is just the gimmick of a book. If he can cross it, he will One to try, because it can change his life.

He hates the present life, but he does not want to face the reality. He earns some living expenses every day by practicing. He met a wild BOSS when he practiced last night. At that time, he felt very strange. He was very very fond of this game. Familiarity, the wild will not brush BOSS at all, and I don’t want to start playing immediately.

The horrible thing appeared, BOSS actually spoke, and the first sentence was "Don't hit me, don't hit me, I have something to say..."

"Is there something to say? Say your sister, don't you come where your Laozi equipment comes?"

At that time, I didn't feel anything wrong, so he didn't have a soft hand, and he was dying to death. BOSS had no power to fight, and soon the blood would bottom out.

"go to hell."

"You will regret it." BOSS glanced at Qin Tian, ​​and his eyes made him feel chilling.

BOSS didn't explode, not even an experience. Qin Tian was very disappointed. Just as he was about to leave, the body of BOSS disappeared with a mysterious scroll, engraved with ancient lines, like a seal.

Qin Tian did not care so much, immediately opened the scroll, the computer screen followed the glory, then he was unconscious...

Qin Tian struggling to sit up and look at the simple room. Except for a dilapidated table, there is a dark green ink in the corner. The smell is emitted from the liquid. There is no doubt that this is a mixture of pig urine and urine. I couldn't help but swear, "Fuck, is this the place where people live?"

Just after the words, I only heard the ‘Dangdang’ next door. “Young Master, are you awake?”

The sound is loud and with an incredible excitement.

"Woke up."

Qin Tian unconsciously returned the sentence, his head hurt, his brow wrinkled, and violently said: "Young master? What is my **** young master? Can the young master live in this place?"

For no reason, I passed through, and became a waste young master for no reason. Qin Tian’s mood at this time is quite bad. Where is it bad?

His life is not good, his health is not good, his attendance is not good. What makes him feel bad is that this head is still not good. After 15 years, nothing has happened. Even a girl can’t get it. This is not a problem with his head. What is it?

"Hey, hey, hehe..." The heavy footsteps came from the next door.

"The fat man is coming."

Qin Tian was annoyed. He listened to the footsteps and he knew who he was. He followed his ten-year attendant, a fat man weighing 250 pounds - Meng Lei.

I don’t know who is serving these years, I am getting thinner and thinner, but he is getting fatter.

However, this fat man is still a little conscience. When he was abandoned by the family, the fat man could not follow, but he still asked to follow him. This made Qin Tian feel a little moved.

"Young Master, you can wake up and scare me."

Although there is a fat man in this remnant image, he can see the fat body of the fat man with his own eyes. He still couldn’t help but secretly shocked him. He couldn’t help but wonder if he grew up, two meters tall, four limbs thick, one pair The visual impact of the anger and self-defense is too strong.

The body is tall and burly, and the body is majestic, but the strength is only the third order of the military. Apart from a little power, nothing is good. The third-order repair of the military is like waste in this world. Of course, he is much better than Qin Tian.

Qin Tian’s current physical cultivation is now only a first-order military, not even a seven-year-old.

It’s no wonder that there is no strength, it’s so embarrassing, it’s so miserable to be bullied, people are weak and deceived. If they are so big, they can only be bullied. Who is it weak?

"Oh my God, why should I be attached to this kind of waste? It is better to go back to be my otaku." Qin Tian secretly complained.

No father, no mother, no master, no rely on the mountain, Qin family raised him for fifteen years, and it is also a matter of righteousness. Now it is like a cockroach and it is a small chores in Furong Restaurant.

In this way, he was bullied every day. He was injured in the same day. Qin Kun’s ‘Little Overlord’ Qin Kun had not wiped his table and wiped it off until he was stunned. He also gave Qin Tian a chance to cross.

Meng Lei stood by the bed and saw that he had been talking, and he was lying there like a fool. He muttered, "I won’t be stupid."

"You are stupid."

Qin Tian’s mood is extremely bad. He complains that God is useless. He has to face the reality. How can this thin body survive in this strong and respected world?

This is indeed a very nerve-racking problem that I have to face.

It is known from the memory of the brain that the owner of this body, Qin Tian, ​​is the nephew of the Qin family, the third largest family in Qinghe City. Because of the death of his parents, he was not valued in the family. He was born at the age of ten. A strange disease caused the body to break Dantian, unable to condense Qigong, and was forgotten by the family until it was driven out of the house last month.

The rough life created his weakness and inferiority, which led to the fact that he was never beaten when he was bullied, and his right face was stretched out.

However, Qin Tian had to admire his perseverance. Dantian was damaged, and cultivation was tantamount to death. He didn’t want to practice qigong in his life, but he never stopped for five years. Every night, he went alone and went to the mountains to repair. How he worked hard to repair is always unable to break through the second order of the military.

His tragic life is over. Qin Tian’s is just beginning. How do you become stronger or change a little bit of money?

Wu Xiu is no longer possible. Qin Tian does not quite understand what it means to be damaged by Dantian. However, in his memory, he has not been practicing for five years and still is still in place. He knows that cultivation is definitely not going to happen.

"God, oh, I am also a passer, how much to give some benefits."

After thinking hard for half a moment, Qin Tian still can't find a shortcut to make a family rich. He is just a otaku, what business, what makes money, he is a different.

If there is an online game here, it is estimated that he will soon be able to live a good life.

Qin Tian has a special liking for the game, killing monsters, upgrading, doing tasks, brushing a copy is simply a genius, even if some professional players can not compare with him.

But the world doesn't even know what computers are, let alone online games.

"Hey, wake up?"

Zhang Dafu, the treasurer of Furong Restaurant, stepped into the door and saw Qin Tian sitting on the edge of the bed with a small shock. He said: "It’s not dead to be beaten like this. This kind of miscellaneous life can be really hard."

"Yeah!" Qin Tian looked up and glanced at Zhang Dafu.

"Wake up, sit here? Wake up your mother, don't you hurry to work for Laozi? And your face is awake."

Zhang Dafu screamed at Qin Tian, ​​and the spit star sprayed him.

Zhang Dafu is a foreign disciple of the Qin family. Because the cultivation cannot be improved, he finally takes care of the Qin family business. This is where the Furong Restaurant is operating.

Qin Tian looked at Zhang Dafu and felt incredible. How could such a big scorpion not break the throat?

"The treasurer, my young master just woke up, the body is still not very good, there is nothing I can do alone." Meng Lei was kind and looked at Zhang Dafu slightly revealing a trace of fear.

Zhang Dafu looked at Qin Tian with a sigh of relief, and said coldly: "I still have a young master. How did the Qin family out of your waste? I want to say that I directly lost it into the Kunlun Mountains and fed the monster." The face of our Qin family is thrown everywhere."

The Kunlun Mountains are one of the top ten dangerous places in the Tianyuan Continental. The inside is extremely dangerous, the beasts are stunned, and ordinary people simply don't dare to approach them. Even the top masters dare not go deep. There are rumors that there are demon in the depths of the Kunlun Mountains. The beast is the ultimate in terror.

The mountain range is eighty miles north of Qinghe City. The Qin family ancestors opened a small path to enter the mountain range. This path has become a must for countless adventurers, because this small road Qin family has the strength to develop into the third largest family of Qinghe City. .

The Kunlun Mountains are dangerous places and treasures. The rare grasses and the nucleus of the beasts are the things that the martial artists dream of, and therefore attract countless adventurers. However, there are many people who come in, and there are few people who come out. No return.

The first-order repair of Qin Tianwu was thrown into the Kunlun Mountains, and there was only one dead road.

"The treasurer, you..." Meng Lei's face changed slightly, and his anger was ruined. He knew Qin Tian most in these years. He also followed him willingly. Although he suffered hard, he had no regrets.

"What happened to me? You eat me, wear me, and now I will go to work for Laozi if I am sick, or I will get out of the Furong Restaurant, and the Qin family will not raise waste."

The 'waste' word Zhang Dafu bite is particularly heavy, he can not understand Qin Tian, ​​from his arrival to the Furong restaurant troubles continue, because his business this month is a big gap, see Qin Tianyi weak look I couldn't help but raise my anger.

"Well, I am going to work."

Qin Tian tried to stand up and walked out of the room with his head down.

"Look at your waste, it’s a shameful thing about his mother. I really don’t know what it means to be alive."

Zhang Dafu spit out his mouth and sighed, cold and cold.

The Meng Lei fist next to it clenched, the teeth biting and screaming, angry...

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