MTL - Invincible Level Up-v9 Chapter 695 Shadowkiller

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"Young people, speaking is responsible!"


"Brother, this is not a joke. How can we have a catastrophe in Mufu? Just rely on Mu Yuandong? He can't look down on the big waves." Muyan looked at him and immediately reminded Qin Tiandao that this was not the case. Kidding.


What is the catastrophe?

It is simply not a catastrophe to change to a government. At best, it is only an internal coup, and it has not risen to the height of catastrophe.

Mu Yuanshan stared at Qin Tian and looked at Qin Tian's face seriously. His heart was also secretly saying: "Does he know something? This young man is not panicked at all. It seems that it is not simple."

Can't see it.

Mu Yuanshan can't see Qin Tian, ​​but the body released a fascinating atmosphere of the fifth-order star, faintly said: "Have you ever thought about the consequences of this? Holocaust? You don't know that Mufu is in the fire. How big is the power of the city..."

Qin Tian shook his head and sighed, showing a sneer, and sneer a little contempt.

It seems that Muyuan Mountain has nothing to know.

Muyuanshan is a bit uncomfortable, but there is no attack, just watching Qin Tian.

Qin Tian also didn't want to be jealous. He said: "If it wasn't for Mu Qing who saved me, I didn't want to interfere with your wooden house. She saved me. I also saved you Mufu once, and it was a reward. Last night in the canyon, the Wang family elite fell into the nest. And out..."

The struggle between families is normal for Qin Tian.

If not, Mu Qing saved him.

He really is too lazy to take care of these idle things.

Mu Yuanshan’s eyes suddenly changed and suddenly stood up. The breath of his body suddenly became strong, and he immediately understood what the Wang family elites had rushed to ambush in the canyon, and the heart trembled, and some feared.

Muyan is also frowning and muttering: "No wonder we found a lot of unfinished blood when we passed through the canyon. It should be after a fierce battle. It seems that many people have died. Who will do this?"

Pang Haijun smiled and said: "It is our Qin boss."

Pang Hai’s heart was straightforward, and the atmosphere in the yard suddenly changed after the talk.

The eyes of Muyuanshan seem to be like beasts. Staring at Qin Tian is like seeing through his soul, and he will not move for a long time. Muyan is the same, but his eyes are more exciting. You can cultivate the sword to the point where you can do it.

Muyan believes.

However, Muyuanshan does not believe it.

After all, it is the elite group of the Wang family, the elite team of nearly 100 people, relying on him a fourth-order person?

a long time.

Mu Yuanshan’s eyes are loose and he said: “Young people, are you sure that it is the Wang’s elite team rather than the mountains?”

"Ha ha……"

"I am not asking you to believe."

"As for the elite disciples of the Wang family, you will know it a little. I still have a relationship with you. I have no relationship with me. The main purpose of my visit is to remind you that Mu Yuandong and Wang Jia are colluding. I will save it." Qin Tian smiled lightly.

He does not need others to believe.

There is no need to prove anything. Muyuanshan does not believe in him. If he does not believe, he will not believe it. It is not himself who suffers.

After that, Qin Tian turned and said: "Hong Ge. Let's go."

Hong Chong's eyes are a bit complicated.

He is a disciple outside the Mufu. Although he did not get much resources in these years, Mufu accepted them after all. Hong Chong looked at Qin Tian, ​​and then looked at Mu Yuanshan seriously: "The owner, please be sure to believe. Wang Jia If you are not Qin Qin last night, I am afraid that the elite team you sent out will be completely annihilated..."

Xu Lianshan also said: "General Manager Wang, Wang Xiu died yesterday..."


They are Mufu disciples.

They just did something that they should do.

Qin Tian mouth gently moved, did not stop, strode out, Hong Hong several people also quickly followed.

In the yard.

Muyuanshan did not move in the same place, and Muyan was worried.

If it is true as Qin Tian said...

On the back of Muyuan Mountain, there was a cold sweat. I thought of my last night’s resolution. I was afraid after the rise of my heart. If the location of the canyon was really ambush, the Mufu elite team would probably be completely annihilated...

Does the Wang family really dare to do this?

These two years have always been cooperative and harmonious.

What is he for?


Just relying on Qin Tian, ​​one person can repel the Wangjia elite group?

Muyuanshan did not blindly believe, after all, Qin Tian is not familiar with him. What is this person who does not know what it is, saying that Mu Qing saved him and where he saved it? Still, will this be a conspiracy.

As a government owner, Mu Yuanshan must consider more.


"I think what they said should be true." Muyan said his opinion. He believed that Qin Tian, ​​some blind, could not find a reason, but he believed in his heart that there was no basis for such trust.

After thinking about it for a long time, Mu Yuanshan said: "It must be as he said, it is really a catastrophe."

The brow wrinkles.

The powerful breath was suddenly released, and the body stirred up a strong wind.

Muyan eyes stunned and said: "Xuanxing sixth-order, brother, have you broken through?"


God Fire City.

Named after the volcano of God.

Every evening, the city of Shenhuo will be like a fiery fire in the setting sun, like a burning city.

City gate.

Five black robes and black cloaks, the body is heavy and heavy, and the pedestrians are close to each other. When they are close, they are bounced off by an invisible force. Because the eccentricity of the costumes has caused many pedestrians to wait and see.


A burst of exclamation in the crowd.

"Shadow killer..."

“The strongest killer organization in Longyuan mainland.”


When the voice just fell, the man’s face changed sharply, his look was extremely flustered, and he turned and ran.

The five-person team paused slightly.

The last figure of the black man suddenly moved.

Come out in an instant.

Go back in an instant.

The speed is like a flash, it is not clear at all.

The figure is certain. The five people went on and did not stop.

Just as the crowd dissipated, the man who had just exclaimed was in a different position. The screams of death did not come out. The speed of murder was too fast. There was no quick reaction, and you died without knowing it.

A harassment. Many pedestrians shouted.

And the five black robes are like disappearing out of thin air, and there are no more of them on the streets, as if they have never appeared before.


Qin Tianyi waited for the sorghum on the window of Wufu Building. Looking at the scene just now, my heart was faint and said: "The speed is so fast. It seems that the strength is definitely more than the fifth stage of the mysterious star. The world's strong is still a lot."


"Hong Ge, do you know the Shadow Killer organization? It sounds like a very powerful look."


Just the exclamation was not loud. Hong Chong did not hear a few people at all, but Qin Tian heard it very clearly. It was inevitably curious about this organization. This is also because of the system problem. The people who have recently killed are the wicked system rewards. The experience is very rich.

If you specifically kill the killer...

The killer should be considered a wicked person?

Light is a system reward...

Qin Tian was a little excited, so he asked.

Hong Chong was first stunned and his eyes jerked. Road: "Shadow is the strongest killer organization in Longyuan mainland, not only in Longyuan mainland, but also in the star field is very famous, as long as you can afford to assassinate anyone."


Qin Tian smiled softly and said: "It's a bit interesting."

Xu Lianshan continued: "Qin Lao Da. They can not provoke, every killer is a super strong existence, rumors that want to join the shadow organization strength must be Xuan Xing fifth-order or more, Longyuan mainland's top ten strongest ranked third The ghost is the person who organizes the shadow, and the star of the 9th-order peak of Xuan Xing is super powerful."

"Xuanxing Jiujie Peak?"

"Isn't that a strong star with a star?" Qin Tian is more and more interested.

He is very interested in the profession of killer.

What he is interested in is not killing. It’s a long journey after killing...

Looking at Qin Tian's excitement, Hong Chong reminded: "Qin brother, they really can't help. Longyuan mainland popular words, provoke shadows, never have Ningri. They are like the death of life everywhere."


"It looks really powerful." Qin Tian was completely excited. The gods swept away and wanted to search for the five people who went there. Unfortunately, they didn’t search out. They couldn’t help but say: “Did they are already ten kilometers away. Outside? This speed..."

"Sure enough, I like it!"


After half an hour.

Gao Yaoer is back.

The body still carries a cold ice like an iceberg, Qin Tian did not continue to tease her, saw her back, said: "Little black, you finally came back."

Gao Yaner’s face changed sharply, and his heart was always unable to control the emotions that wanted to kill Qin Tian. He gently said: “Inquiring clearly, Mu Qing was detained in a secret place by Mu Yuandong. This place is probably not in his own place. People know."

"There is one more thing..."

Qin Tian brows a move and said: "Continue."

Gao Xiaoer said: "Wood Far East kidnapped Mu Qing is not only the location of the government."


"I have already guessed this." Qin Tian had already guessed this. This is what he did not know what Wood Far East wanted.

Gao Yaner sells Guan Zidao: "Do you know what he wants?"

"What is it?"

"It’s all the head of the house, and the whole Mufu is his. What else is he wanting?”



A few people in Xu Lianshan asked.

Qin Tian and Hong Chong did not speak and looked at Gao Xiaoer.

Gao Weier stayed a little and then said: "Those who are eager for the cultivators, star nucleus!!!"


Qin Tian did not seem surprised.

A few people in Hong Chong were shocked, and their mouths had not been closed for a long time.

Star nuclear.

The symbol of the strong, the must of the strong, this is what every practitioner of Longyuan mainland dreams of. God Fire City has never seen a strong person with a star nucleus. When did the wooden house have a star nucleus?

Who doesn't want to get it?

With a star nuclear, the strength is leaps and bounds.


Qin Tian did not have any interest in the star nucleus. He said: "I have no interest in the star nucleus!"


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