MTL - Invincible Level Up-v9 Chapter 731 , 4 King Kong

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Thanks to the brothers for their support! ! !


Soon after the sorghum left.

There are more and more guards at the gate of the city. The guard, who is in charge of Tieshan, has a slightly changed face, and his eyes are swimming around, like who he is looking for.

"High boss." Qin Tian walked to Gao Yonggui, his voice was very low, and said: "There is something to behold."

Gao Yonggui looked at Qin Tian and asked: "Qin Laodi, I am kind to me, there is something you can say directly."

Qin Tian’s eyes moved slightly, whispering: “If something happens, you must take the wooden clear, leave me alone, go straight to the city, and you will take care of it, if...”

"If I am dead, please tell Mu Qing that her father is still alive."

The atmosphere is not right after leaving Gaochun.

Qin Tian is not stupid.

Vaguely guess why it would only block him from entering the city.

Sihai City is a high family, who dares to let it go?

It can only be a stronger force than Gaojia, and it is not only a strong one, but powerful enough to have an overwhelming advantage, because the high government is not daring to move, and more and more guards at the gate of the city have only one purpose. .

Stop him from entering the city.

Seeing the situation may prevent Qin Tian from entering the city at all costs.

Thinking of this, everything is not difficult to explain.

It is a shadow organization.

In the Longyuan mainland, only the shadow organization can be so arrogant, and only the shadow can do this.

Want to understand all this, Qin Tian is still a little surprised.

I didn't expect things to be exposed so quickly, I found myself in half a month. And I have been waiting for myself in Sihaicheng. It seems that everything in my own eyes is under the shadow of the eyes. I don’t know what level the killer sent this time?

Qin Tian mouth gently tapped, revealing a strange sneer.

Gao Yonggui's face changed dramatically, and he turned to look at the dense armor guards around him. His brows were dark and wrinkled, and he muttered: "I hope that the children can bring good news."

"I hope she won't show up again."

"With her personality, it is definitely going to happen. If I didn't guess wrong, she should be left behind by your patriarch." Qin Tian said faintly, at the same time the strength of the body suddenly moved. Must be prepared to respond to everything.

"What are you talking about?" Mu Qing asked his head and asked, then looked at the distance with his feet and screamed: "Why are my sisters still not coming back, and everyone seems to be playing in the city."

Qin Tian smiled: "Shantou you and the fat man advanced city, don't miss the fun."

Mu Qingdao: "No, you have to play with Qin Tian's brother. I can't rest assured that you are here alone. Hey... I promised my sister to show you the prison, don't be hooked by other girls. go with."

Said very seriously.

Also reveal that innocent and lovely.

Qin Tian smiled lightly. Then the brow suddenly wrinkled and the body jerked back half a step. Whispered: "Come on!"



There was a loud noise in the air, and the four huge breaths suddenly came.

The surrounding armored guards were pale and the body bent down and could not withstand this powerful atmosphere.

Tieshan shouted: "The law-abiding adults, please also pay attention to the disciples of the Gao family."


"Who is Qin Tian, ​​get out and die!"

A strong drink came.

The voice just fell, the void suddenly twisted, and the four old men in the black robe glory stood proudly, with a look on the face above everything, and the guards who could drive out of the gates from their eyes were like ants.

The three-level mission dispatched four star-studded eight-order powerhouses.

The strength of the four of them is the strongest of the eighth-order peak of Xuan Xing. The identity of the shadow is extremely high, second only to the cabinet elders.

Inside the shadow, they are called the four King Kong.

I rarely dispatched together. I didn't expect this to be dispatched together. This was the first time in Longyuan's mission. It also shocked the entire continent. It can be seen that there are many ‘thinking’ Qin Tian. Just to wash a failed mission!

The emergence of the four King Kongs made the entire Four Seas City a huge earthquake.

Gao Fu also only knows that the Shadow Killer will come, and he did not expect it to be the super power of the four Xuan Xing eighth-order.

Invincible existence under the star nuclear power!

Gaofu, the council.

The sorghum, who was being watched, changed his face sharply, and glanced at the patriarch Gao Dao in the moment when everyone was shocked by the four King Kong. Crazy like rushing out...


"Qin Tian brother, what's wrong?" Mu Qing was shocked.

Qin Tian did not answer but looked at Gao Yonggui.

The other party is too strong.

Qin Tian thought that the shadow would send a strong killer, but did not expect to even send four eighth-order powerhouses at one time, and their breath is extremely horrible, it is not the eighth-order analogy of the blood soul ancestors.

To this end, the heart is heavy, and the killing power is moving.

Gao Yonggui did not tangled, gently tapped his head and immediately moved closer to Muqing.

He can't do much.

Since promised Qin Tian, ​​I will do my best to do it.

Qin Tian slammed and screamed, saying: "Go!"

Gao Yonggui suddenly grabbed Mu Qing’s hand and rushed toward the city. The guards quickly gave up a road. At the moment when Gao Yonggui entered the city, Tieshan also sighed and said: “Guanchengmen!!!”

The guards retreated into the city like a tide.

The thick door of the city gate ‘bang’ closed.

Ms. Qing, who had no time to react, looked at the closed gate. He was shocked and shouted. "Qin Tian brother, Qin Tian brother, don't leave the sun, don't leave the sun, open the door, you give me Open the door."

Tears are DC.

The pain of the misfortune of Mufu also followed.

The tears that suppressed the half-month broke out.

From the door to the city gate, Mu Qing tried her best to push the city gate, but her strength was too small. How did she push the tens of thousands of pounds of the city gate?

"I beg you..."

"I beg you to let Qintian brother come in." Mu Qingyi sat on the ground and cried.


Mu Qing’s tears are like a Daoli arrow that penetrates the hearts of all the guards. Those guards are kneeling in the same place, bowing their heads one by one, and dare not look at Mu Qing.

Tieshan clenched his fists, his nails stuck in the flesh, and the blood dribbled down.

He also knows that Qin Tian killed the Shadow Killer, and he is very admired.


He is only a commander-in-chief of the fifth-order star of the mysterious star. Nothing can be changed. Even the four King Kong’s one can’t stand it. The high family of Sihai City can't afford it. What is his solution?

This is the world.

The strong is respected In the eyes of the strong, those who are weak are like ants.

In order to protect the lives of Gaochun's children, Gaojia took the price of 10,000 pieces of top-grade stars. If it weren't for the four King Kongs, it would have been done now.

High road operators can only do this!


Outside the city gate.

Qin Tian mouth swelled, his body slammed into the air, and the four King Kongs looking at the air sneered: "Come on!"

I finally got sick and I thought I was very strong. I wouldn’t be as sick as the authors of the Great God. Today it’s finally the turn of the old cow.

The ear rumbling in the ear, if you say it, you can hardly hear one ear, and the half of your head will blow up. It is very difficult.

Dear friends, don't sit for a long time, take a proper exercise for a long time, the body is the most important!

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