MTL - Invincible Level Up-v9 Chapter 750 , the gods of the heavens

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Thanks to the brothers for their support, the 4000-word chapter is delivered!


The two guards of the ghosts, the earth, the skyfire is the strongest star-level, and also belongs to the peak-level powerhouse on the Longyuan mainland, with few opponents.

Chic in the Yayuan.

The earth has never felt such a strong pressure.

Restless, always feel a death scent covering yourself, and may die at any time.

"How could this be?"

"It’s just three weak women!" In the heart of the heart, a cold smile, said: "Three chicks, if you are willing to accompany your uncle for one night, Grandpa will spare you a life, hehe..."

Waiting for him to finish laughing, he didn’t think about his face, and said coldly, "Look for death!"

The voice has not yet fallen.

The fingers are gently raised, and a black breath flashes through the head directly to the ground, and the gods in the sea are pulled out and kneaded into powder.


There is no preparation.

Gao Yuer and Mu Qing are scared directly.

What is the situation?

For a time, I couldn’t react completely. The big eyes of the earth were so big, and the convex and convex look of not far away did not know how to die.

There is no chance at all.

I don’t think that the strength is strong enough to make people feel horrible. The star-level powerhouse is not even a cockroach in her hand. It’s just a mess, and it’s daunting to see.

a long time.

Gao Gaoer snorted and said: "How did he die? You,,, who are you?"

I didn't think about turning around and sitting at the chess table. I held a black box and dropped it. I said: "I don't matter who I am. The important thing is that you won't die, as long as you don't make fools and drag Qintian."

Mu Qing did not think so much.

Her heart is very clear and powerful, so strong that she can not understand. If you don't think that killing him in an instant, it means that her strength is terrible, and immediately think of the shadow killer outside: "Don't think about my sister, can you help Qin Tian's brother?"

I don’t think about it, and said: "Men’s things, women are better off intervening, he can deal with everything, you don’t have to worry, even if you die. I will let him live again."

Death is the master, the king of hell, and the control of the dead.

It is too simple to resurrect a person.

Therefore, I didn’t worry about Qin Tian until the end, and there was no point at all.

Even if the super strong ghost in the dark cloud in the sky is not in her eyes, as long as she can always push him into a land of annihilation, she does not want to do so. This is what Qin Tian is responsible for. She is not good at interfering with her, and even affects Qin Tian’s plan.

of course.

If Qin Tian knows, it must be a bit of hard work.

He has a hair plan.

There was a plan at the beginning, and I wanted to go into the Shadow Headquarters alone, but now the plan is completely disrupted.

The shadow killer has suddenly descended, and the scene has reached an uncontrollable level. The civilians in the city of Sihai have died all over the street. He is now eager to have a group of strong opponents to clean up the shadow killer.

Qin Tian.

Leading the armored battle is still heading towards the East Gate. There is still less than 100 meters from the East Gate.

However, in front of them stood more than 20 superstars of the eighth-order star of the mysterious star, and there is also a star-studded strong nuclear fire in midair. This kind of star-nuclear breath Qin Tian knows very well, although there is no **** The star's nuclear atmosphere is strong, but it does not prevent people from knowing that he is a star-level powerhouse.

The armored battles face each other and look awkward.

Tieshan took the lead and took a step and asked: "Qin Tian adults, what should I do now?"

Qin Tian looked at the shadow killer around him, and laughed. Road: "There is no other way. Only kill!"

This situation is impossible even if you want to escape.

The speed of these armored battles is not the opponent of the eighth-order killer of Xuan Xing, and the escape is death. The battle is also dead. It is not as good as a war. Not to mention his current strength is the eighth-order of the mysterious star, but since he swallowed the body of the **** rat, he has not been weaker than the nine-order.

There are still some points to grasp against the star nuclear power.

Listening to Qin Tian’s saying, Tieshan’s eyes slammed, and the long gun slammed forward, screaming: “For the loved ones, for the home, kill!!!”




The sound did not shook the sky like the beginning, and the voice was a bit weak, after all, the opponents they faced were too strong.

The eight-step super killer of the mysterious star, and the star-powered strongman, sit in the town. This kind of scene was not thought of before, but now they are standing in front of themselves. How can they not feel chilly?

Qin Tian took a heavy breath, his brows twisted, his legs jerked, and his body suddenly disappeared.

The corner of the sky fire in the air glimpsed, revealing a sneer: "The speed is too slow!"

The voice has not fallen.

Tianhuo’s right arm was on display and the long sword came out.

A sword cut through the space, and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly exploded. The powerful swordsmanship raged and people could not open their eyes.

Qin Tian’s heart sank and coldly said: “I’m afraid you won’t come!”

His goal is naturally skyfire.

As long as he is resolved, the other eight-level killer of the mysterious star is only a matter of time!

"The blood sacrifice is open!"

"Four levels of killing, full open!"


The sword of the gods stunned, and all the powers burst out. The strength of Qin Tian’s body was also incomparably violent, not weaker than the fire, and stronger.

Tianhuo’s eyebrows trembled.

The sudden outbreak of Qin Tian made some uncomfortable, but there was no fear.

"court death!"

In the face of Qin Tian's hard fight, Tianhuo's heart is angry and mad, and the area of ​​the mysterious star eight-order dare to fight with the star nuclear power is simply looking for death, immediately the body's power is also bursting out, the star's star white light flashes .

The power in the star nucleus broke out, and the strength of Skyfire surged in vain.

The moment the two swords touch!


The sword is soaring, turning into the sky, the glare is incomparable, people can't open their eyes.

Xuan Xing's eighth-order and Xuan Xing's nine-order star nuclear power have an insurmountable gap in strength. When the two swords touched, Qin Tian’s arm suddenly felt extremely numb, and after suffering hard support for half a moment, the sword was fierce. A bend.

Tian Huo sneered and sneered, "Chou, let's die."

Squeeze hard. Directly forced Qin Tian to count dozens of feet.

Qin Tian’s arm could no longer hold, and the long sword trembled, completely unable to withstand the power of the skyfire.

The long sword is biased, the long-fired sword of the sky is stabbed out, and the fire of the sky is more excited. This sword will definitely get half dead. If it is not for the lord, he will definitely know Qin Tian and will not let him live more. Half a second.


"Damn. I don't know if it's in the middle, waste!" The ghost snorted, but did not stop, but did not speak loudly, but sneered coldly: "The two star nuclear powers are dead, it looks like This Sihai City is really a hidden dragon."

The death of the earth made him absolutely breakthrough.

Almost instantaneous kill. Even he didn't react, and he didn't even pay attention.

When he searched for the atmosphere of the earth, he discovered that the earth was dead and upturned, and even the gods were crushed into powder. This strength made him feel extremely excited, without the slightest fear. On the contrary, the killing of the heart was even stronger. .

The ghost finger moved, cold and cold: "Transfer orders, let the first-level killers all approach the East Gate."

Then he sneered: "Since you want to play, you can play with you."


Binocular micro-closed. I took out dozens of star nucleus from my arms and sneered, saying: "Let the sky go to the 18th."

Eighteen stars nuclear!

The big handwriting is chilling.

In less than a moment, the old man of the 18 red robes squatted on one knee, his face was extremely respectful, and he shouted in unison: "See the lord!"

The ghost's mouth is hooked, and the right hand is raised. Eighteen stars are scattered and one is dropped on each hand. Then he said: "You swallow the star nucleus. Then you will kill it with impunity, except for the kid named Qin Tian. How do you kill others if you want to kill!"

Eighteen in the sky, the killing machine in the shadow.

Bloodthirsty and cruel, every time the blood is flowing into the river.

Their position in the shadow is not high, but the means are extremely hot, and the strength is all the same as the eight-step peak of the mysterious star. As long as the star nucleus is swallowed, it can break through the star nuclear power. The strength is not weaker than the skyfire. Big strong.

The Shadow Killer organization is deeply rooted in the Longyuan Continent. The ghost is also a strong star in the star level. A dozen stars are not difficult for him.

He also wants to see what monsters there are in Sihai City!

Eighteen acquaintances to the star nucleus are extremely excited, and their faces are moving. They also swallowed the star nucleus in an instant, and then shouted: "Thank you, Master."

After that.

The breath of the eighteen people suddenly changed dramatically, and the stars in the star nucleus broke out. The strong atmosphere covered the four seas, and the millions of civilians in Sihai City felt terrified.

Despair, once again in despair.

It is also at this time.

Qin Tian used the super powerful and powerful indestructible flesh to resist the fire of the sky.

Tianhuo stabbed a sword, thinking that Qin Tian must be injured, but also a moment of care.

As everyone knows, all this is just that Qin Tian has planned well.

A sword stabbed, and a slap in the chest of Qin Tian, ​​the sword did not pierce Qin Tian body, but stabbed a trace of blood, also between this electric light flint, Qin Tian Changjian turned, fully infused, a sword will The head of the skyfire is falling down!


The head is landing!


The system immediately remembered a series of prompts.


Qin Tian was not in the mood to pay attention to these, looking at the sky with both eyes, the back bones began to cool.

The armor is also the same, looking at the sky.

All the people in the city of Sihai are the same, looking at the sky, and slowly falling into despair in the eyes.

Eighteen star-level powerhouses, who can resist the entire Longyuan mainland?

Even if all the forces in Longyuan mainland can't resist, 18een star nuclear powers plus a superstar of the star level, who can resist?

Absolutely invincible in Longyuan mainland!

Despair, complete desperation.

Even the last trace of dawn was shattered.

Qin Tian is also the same, thinking that he can break the East Gate, although he can not rescue all the civilians in Sihai City, but at least can save a part, but now it seems like a joke, and began to think about killing the Shadow Headquarters.

Thinking about it now, it’s so funny.

Qin Tian shook his head and laughed at himself. He sat down on the ground and looked at the black cloud in the air. He cursed: "I **** your uncle, I am going to fight your whole family, and his mother is playing with Laozi!"

A star nuclear powerhouse he can deal with, two star nuclear powers can also cope.

But eighteen star nuclear powerhouses!

In addition to the horror of the dark clouds, it is useless to kill him alone.

Qin Tian completely despised the shadow organization!

Tieshan walked down the horse and came to Qin Tian to ask: "Qin Tian, ​​how do we change now?"

Others are also going down to the war horse in Qin Tian comprehensive, said: "Qin Tian adults, what do you say we do, we must do not want to kill a **** road for the city!"

Qin Tian looked up at them and smiled faintly. He said: "Do you know the strength of the eighteen people in mid-air? The nine-order Xuanxing, the strongest star-level nuclear, cannot be rushed out by our strength."

If there are three people to help him share, Qin Tian has a bit of control to rush out.

But don't say three people now, even if you don't have one.

The heart was a bit cold, and it didn't take into account that the ghost actually possessed such deep strength, it was terrible.

Qin Tian is rarely frustrated, but this time he is really a little powerless.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Small four-sea city, a small high home, the ant-like Qin Tian, ​​you also have to fight with me, it is simply looking for death." The secluded inspiration of the four seas of despair, madly laughed.

The laughter spread throughout every corner of the city, making everyone feel extremely fearful.

When the laughter is received, the ghost screams: "Give me a kill, one does not stay!"

Eighteen will fly out instantly.

Turned into eighteen red lightnings, with an inexhaustible killing all-out burst out, violently suppressed in the mind, suffocating, those who did not have any repairs directly under the pressure of the seven bloodshed.


Qin Tian’s teeth bite slightly, his eyes turned, and he screamed: “Dog’s day, if you don’t kill you today, I’ll never swear.”

Angry and raging.




Four consecutive sounds are remembered.

In the scorching sun, four black spots were dropped, and the black spots fell rapidly, just like a comet that dragged a long fire.

"what is that?"

"Is there four people in the sun?"

"Don't the shadows still come to the master? Scorpio!"


The ghost is also looking up, his heart sinking slightly, secretly saying: "A strong atmosphere!"





Four consecutive bangs The four seas of the earthquake swayed.

The dust was splashing, the smoke was rolling, and a few coughs came.

"His mother, I know that this kind of debut does not pull the wind."

"You are still very embarrassed to say that this is not the way you want to come out?"

"I am full of gray, my hair is messy, I don't know if there will be beautiful women waiting for it. If there are beautiful women, then it will be a big loss."

"Less a poor mouth, it is important to find a boss."

Qin Tian was stunned.

What a familiar voice!



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