MTL - Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System-Chapter 949 Tentacles

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Earth, return to peace.

The roar of the quake just faded away.

Hundreds of millions of demons were killed by Ye Fan's burning purple fire, killing most of them. The remaining monsters were also strangled by Mu Yuncheng strongman.

The **** rain finally subsided.

When everyone in Muyun City thought that when the crisis had passed, Ye Fan kept staring at the ground, and the vastness of his mind spread.

This demon is extremely powerful, and he has no unique means of life-saving, which is also uncertain.

Outside Muyun City, blood flowed into the river, and corpses were everywhere. The smell of blood was soaring, especially sultry.

Uh ~

The original calm ground suddenly cracked and cracked, and black tentacles "shot" from it.

Thousands of tentacles are like "hair" on the ground, but each one is extremely scary.

The tentacles plunged directly into the flowing blood and sucked wildly. What's more, it was stuck directly on the body.

Just a moment, the huge World of Warcraft was instantly sucked into a dead body and dissipated.

Bang bang bang ~

Within Muyun City, such tentacles appear on the ground, on the street, and on the roof, and penetrate directly into the human body to absorb blood "liquid".

After a while, the screams rose, and Muyun City became "disorderly".

The high level of Muyun City, which had just eased up, was immediately frightened by "color", and quickly waved the sword to kill those tentacles.

However, tentacles are everywhere, as much as cattle.

"Get me out!"

The nine-day Xuannv wields a sword fiercely, and Hao "swings" the fairy force, cutting off several tentacles in front of her. However, the broken tentacles were still wriggling and continued to **** blood "liquid".

"What the **** is this? Why is it so weird?" Xuan Nu was startled and hurriedly shot.

In the blink of an eye, millions of people across the city were buried on top of this tentacle, and the number of deaths was increasing.

Only those high-level beings can resist one or two of these tentacles.

Crackling ~

The cracks on the ice surface under Ye Fan's feet instantly spread and spread rapidly in all directions.

"Thief, how big a dog you are!" Forcing "this trick, you are the first!"

Boom ~

A figure rose up, tens of millions of times, and volleyed upright, like a mountain.

The body muscles of this figure burst, covered with dancing black "color" tentacles, huge horns above his head, like a human being!

The lower body of this demon, like the root of a tree, completely penetrated into the snow and ice. Moreover, a steady stream of **** breath was transported to the demon.

The breath of this demon became stronger and stronger.

"You can't kill this seat. As many people in this world as there are blood, build the body of this seat!"

"As long as there is a trace, this seat is immortal!"

Ye Fanshen's "color" is extremely cold, this magic is extremely difficult to entangle. It cost more than half a cent of the power to kill it, but it was a little stronger.

Uh ~

All tentacles burst into the air immediately, and the mighty majesty broke through the air and tore.

"Zixiao Shenlei!"

Banging ~

Ye Fan formed a horrible thunderstorm all over his body. The red and blue colors were extremely violent.

Immediately afterwards, the two "color" thunder arcs were like a dragon, bursting "shooting" and tearing the sky.

Those black "color" tentacles encountered the Purple Thunder God Thunder, and immediately burst into black gas, and even dissipated as if the God Thunder had a special resistance to it.

Seeing this, Ye Fan is overjoyed!

"Power of thunder and lightning, how are you? How can you?" The monster was clearly shocked, and his whole body trembled.