MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 223 Territory and people's hearts

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After thinking for a long time, the Empress Corpse Emperor closed her eyes again.

'Playing stupid' is definitely her best choice now, and it will take some time for her to completely absorb the blood of the two big insect kings in her body and transform it into her own energy.

Li Yinguang came out from the secret treasure room, and threw the goose egg-sized black 'Insect King Crystal' to Xiaoman.

"Thank you brother, hee hee, go to the bedroom and sleep with Sister Lan Ling."

After Xiaoman got the 'Chest King Crystal', he jumped up happily, and ran outside!

Li Yinguang raised his hand and touched his nose, couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: "Stinky girl, you don't need to be serious with eight hundred minds."

Walking to the lookout window and looking at the formation of the armored city, human beings will always feel fear and confusion about the unknown.

What does 'Qingzhou Prefecture' look like? How big is 'Ikaruga City'?

Compared with the town of Mambach, what is the difference?

After arriving, what should Li Yinguang do with the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle? Should he continue to work for the Mambach family, or should he choose to leave on his own? Without exception, these are all things to think about.

"It's late at night, the city lord should go back to his room to rest!"

Sophia opened the door and walked in, and said softly with a flat face. Her duty tends to be that of Li Yinguang's personal bodyguard.

A few people from the old dog stayed in the town of Mambach, and there were only a dozen or so "old men" left in the iron-clad city of the ancient castle, so there seemed to be a lot of people, but before they had experienced enough tests, they could not Get full trust.

"Is Turtle Dove Market very big?" Li Yinguang turned around and looked at her and asked.

A flash of memory flashed in Sophia's eyes, she nodded and said calmly, "Big, big!"

Li Yinguang smiled and asked curiously, "How does it compare with 'Mambach Town'?"

Sophia shook her head: "There is no way to compare." After a slight pause, she continued: "The resident population of Turtle Dove City exceeds 10 million, and a large number of ethnic groups come in and out every day. There are at least 100,000 large-scale merchants, as the northern part of the Obsidian Empire. The largest city and the core fortress in the north.

There is an energy portal in the city that leads directly to the capital of the 'Obsidian Empire', not only for people to pass through, but also for the Iron Armored City to pass through.

Housing within the Fifth Ring Road is so expensive that every square meter can be exchanged for a whole set of shops in the most prosperous area of ​​Mambach Town.

Around the 'Turtledove City', there are mining areas, ancient battlefields, and the entrance to the underworld. The rich resources are by no means comparable to the town of Mambach in the northern border.

There are many girls of other races there, rich and powerful children of thousands of races who have traveled and trained, and with money, you can buy what you dream of, even if it is a fresh body, the soul of a powerful race is no exception.

There, the chances of making you stand out are multiplied, and the risk of sending you to **** is also everywhere. If you are lucky, you can live a few more years, but if you are unlucky..."

Having said this, Sophia stopped.

Li Yinguang shrugged and didn't answer, but asked with a smile: "Do you have any relatives and friends in Turtle Dove City?"

Sophia frowned, and shook her head with a straight face: "No!"

It could be seen that she didn't want to have a deep chat with Li Yinguang on this issue.

"Before going to Turtle Dove City, you must first arrive at Qingzhou Prefecture. In fact, for those who have just left Mambach Town, the scale of Qingzhou Prefecture is beyond your imagination.

The resident population of Qingzhou Prefecture will not be less than six million. It has nine towns and thirteen cities under it. Mambach Town is only the most remote town, and it is also the most downcast among the nine towns.

And Qingzhou Prefecture is only one of the thirteen continents in the northern part of the empire, and it is a small and low-middle continent. The entire north of the empire is about 40,000 kilometers long and 90,000 kilometers wide, and its shape is similar to a semicircular cobblestone. "

Following Sophia's description, Li Yinguang also had a rough outline of the northern part of the 'Obsidian Empire' in his mind.

I have to say, this world is really big!

"You, is there anything else you want to ask?" Sophia looked at Li Yinguang.

Li Yinguang shrugged and spread his hands to express no. Sophia is a person, how should I put it, she is cold outside and hot inside, and sometimes she is so sullen, but she is reliable and relatively calm, which should be few people in the iron armored city of the ancient castle.

"Wait a moment!"

Li Yinguang yelled at Sophia who was about to leave.

Sophia turned her head and looked at him puzzled, as if she was saying, what else do you want to ask?

"Give you a drop of 'cerebrospinal fluid' from the 'hell ghost worm', so that you will not betray me for the rest of your life, would you like it?" Li Yinguang looked at her and asked with a smile.

Sophia was startled, then laughed, and shook her head towards Li Yinguang: "That thing is too expensive, it is wasted on me, find a chance to sell it, or save it to save your life later, even if you don't give me anything, this You saved your life, you don't need to exchange anything, she is all yours, so you don't have to worry about whether I will betray you."

Li Yinguang said: "Since your life is mine, then I should mend her even more. A 'thing' that was originally good, I can't let her always be dilapidated, missing arms and legs, Are you right?"

Sophia: "..."

It seems that there is nothing wrong with these words, but is he a 'thing'? It sounds like you are swearing!

"The spinal fluid of **** ghost monster..."

Li Yinguang raised his hand to interrupt her, and said flatly: "No matter how good something is, it needs to be used in the right place to generate value. With your talent and aptitude, it should be no worse than Heizi's, and you still have enough experience. I believe you will not let me down!"

Walking up to Sophia, I stuffed the small special crystal bottle in her hand, and took it by the way when I gave Xiaoman the 'Insect King Crystal'.

No matter how expensive this thing, there are still six drops, even if Sophia's damaged body is repaired, there are still five drops left!

"Some things should be kept secret when we should keep them as secret as possible. After all, the news that we have taken away the treasure from the Hell Nether Worm must not be spread, otherwise it will lead to death, understand?" Li Yinguang said seriously.

Sophia was moved, but she didn't show it on her face, she nodded with a straight face: "Understood!"

Li Yinguang stretched his waist, yawned and walked out the door. He was also a little sleepy, and there was a dainty beauty waiting for him in the bedroom. Although he couldn't do anything, he hugged Meimei and fell asleep. It's not comfortable either!

Last night was the first time in Lan Ling's life, but he acted a little wildly, or sometimes this person can't see anything on the surface, and he has to peel the skin and bones to see the essence, and he can see through people's hearts after a long time . It's hard to paint the skin of a tiger, but it's hard to paint the bones. Knowing people, knowing the face, not knowing the heart!

Sophia looked at Li Yinguang's back, holding tightly in her hand the crystal vial containing the spinal fluid of the 'Hell Nether Worm'. Doesn't she want this thing? Just kidding, dreaming about it.

With this thing, she can be reborn, not only can the severed limb be reborn, but also the potential in the body can be stimulated to a great extent, who doesn't want it.

Read The Duke's Passion