MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 230 Great Horned Armored Beast

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At noon, the speed of the Iron Armored City formation slowed down.

The flagship city used the radio station to convey the news, saying that it is about to enter the "Qiyan Pass" area, and prepare for battle. After passing through the "Qiyan Pass", it will be outside the area of ​​​​Mambach Town.

Andy Fei personally went to the room where the clan elder lived, and after a long in-depth chat, he finally confirmed that the marching route of the Iron Armored City formation remained unchanged, and crossed the 'Qiyan Pass' as planned in advance.

"so beautiful!"

Standing in front of the lookout window, Lan Ling looked at the "Qiyan Pass" in front of him. The unique beauty of the Danxia landform instantly conquered this silly and sweet vision. Regardless of other factors, "Qiyan Pass" is indeed A scenic spot.

"The more beautiful something is, the more lethal it is!" Li Yinguang sighed and said softly.

Lan Ling blushed, and she rolled her eyes at him tenderly, thinking that this guy was implying something, because she was beautiful, this was not a self-feeling, but a consensus.

Li Yinguang smiled, shook his head and explained, "I didn't mention you!"

"Aren't I pretty?" Lan Ling snorted.

Sophia, Gu Liyan and the others standing next to them pretended not to hear. For Lan Ling, everyone has begun to accept it from the bottom of their hearts!

Even if she is just a 'vase', isn't that still worth watching?

"There is a fiery aura in the 'Qiyan Pass'. I am afraid that the rumors that there are 'flame beasts' living here are true." Gu Li said with a flat face.

Li Yinguang looked at her and asked curiously, "What is 'flame beast'?"

Gu Liyan turned around, met Li Yinguang's eyes, but quickly moved away, and said: "The wilderness has existed for a long time. In the barbaric era tens of thousands of years ago, there lived many gods and beasts with the ability to destroy heaven and earth. , Behemoth, Witch Beast, Monster Beast, Warcraft and so on.

Beasts are an indispensable existence among the hundreds of millions of races in the world, and these divine beasts, giant beasts, witches, monsters, etc. are the ancestors of beasts.

Their strength is far beyond that of human beings, and each one has unpredictable power... The flame beast, according to legend, is the descendant of the witch beast flame dog. It has inherited the characteristic of 'fire' and is a rare scorching body.

The 'flame beast' can melt steel and has a natural restraint effect on the armored city, so it was scrupled by the owners of the iron armored city, which set off a whole-area hunt for the 'flame beast'.

A large number of 'flame beasts' were exterminated, and the remaining few hid in the wilderness and dangerous places, and began to linger on their last days. "

Speaking of this, Gu Liyan paused for a moment, and then said with a cold expression: "The former 'flame beasts' were loyal friends of human beings. They have been with human beings for thousands of years, supporting each other. Betrayal, only because one's own ability hinders the development of the 'Iron Armored City' will the ethnic group be robbed!"

Li Yinguang was stunned, scratched his head, and asked a little puzzled: "Isn't the flame beast very powerful? How did it become the most loyal friend of human beings?"

Gu Liyan looked out of the observation window and said calmly: "Because the flame beast is the first witch beast tamed by humans, and signed the 'clan covenant'!"

"The human race breached the contract?" Li Yinguang asked curiously.

Gu Liyan grinned and shook his head: "The reason why the human race can stand on the top of all races is not because of their clever minds and tricks to win. How could they break the contract? They caught a loophole in the 'family covenant'. It’s just what the human race did, which made all races feel ashamed.”

In the end, his voice was mixed with sarcasm and helplessness.

The rise of the human race is probably the biggest change in the past tens of thousands of years, and it is also a place where hundreds of millions of races can't figure out why weak people can control the world, create steel fortresses, and powerful weapons to suppress thousands of races.

"Did the Flame Beast do a lot of damage to Steel City?" Li Yinguang asked thoughtfully. I don't know how many years ago the old account, if I turn it over now, it will still be used for carving!

Gu Liyan nodded: "It is rumored that the heat emanating from the Flame Beast's gene can melt the 'Level 4 Shield'."

"so smart?"

Li Yinguang's eyes lit up. You must know that ordinary laser weapons may not dare to say that they can penetrate 'level four shield armor', and they can only cause fatal damage to shield armor below 'level three point five'.

"Otherwise, how could the flame beast incur the crime of extermination!" Gu Liyan said with a straight face.

Li Yinguang didn't respond, the combat power of a single human race is incomparable with these savage beasts, and the designation of wild beasts is incomparable. The biggest reliance in his hands is the Iron Armored City. Without the Iron Armored City, there would be no so-called empire territory or a so-called safe city.

Iron Armored City is not only a weapon in the hands of the human race, but also a thing that is worshiped and worshiped by all races.

"The flame beast may not come out, what we have to face is the many wild beasts in the 'Qiyan Pass', as well as many unexpected strange things." Sophia said from the side, wanting to interrupt Gu Liyan's topic.

Li Yinguang nodded: "The grievances and grievances in the past have nothing to do with us. To survive and grow ourselves is the appeal and goal of the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle."

Gu Liyan didn't say anything, because... the flame beast had nothing to do with her, and only felt the heat of the flame beast, so they talked about this topic.

The armored city formation formed outside the 'Qiyan Pass', and the 'flagship city' that was originally in the center moved to the front of the formation to form a 'knife tip' to open the way and clear all obstacles ahead.

Three armored cities were placed on the two wings, allowing the entire formation to form an inverted V formation. As for the smallest Iron Armored City, the 'Ancient Castle', it was placed in the middle of the inverted V and became a key protection object.

"Attention all armored cities, obey orders at any time!"

"The weapon is filled with ammunition and is in a ready-to-fire state!

"Adjust the speed to 25 kilometers per hour!"

"Start, go!"

The Iron Armored City formation started up again, heading into the 'Qiyan Pass'.

Two kilometers into 'Qiyan Pass', the Iron Armored City formation was attacked by sporadic wild beasts one after another, but they were all within the controllable range, and the speed of travel did not slow down.

Until, the third Iron Armored City at the end on the right was attacked.

A huge sharp horn drilled out of the ground, almost overturning the iron armored city of more than 200 meters!

"It's a giant-horned armor-piercing beast!"

"Made, it's less than ten kilometers away from 'Qiyan Pass' How did you meet such a difficult guy!"

The people in the Iron Armored Cities couldn't help cursing and commenting. The savage beasts like the 'Giant Horned Armored Beast' belonged to the kind of stupid big guys with no IQ. They all relied on animal instinct and wanted to kill prey when they saw it. I will weigh whether I can beat it, and whether I will be counter-killed.

'Big horned armor-piercing beast' is a savage beast that has no growth limit. As long as there is enough food, they can continue to grow.

The height is generally more than fifty meters, and some people have even seen 'giant-horned armor-piercing beasts' that are over a thousand meters long.

On the body of the 'Big Horn Armor Piercing Beast', the huge horn contains a special substance, and the 'nail polish' can be extracted from the bone marrow, which can increase the body's resistance to blows when applied on the body.

But hunting the 'Giant Horned Armor-Piercing Beast' is extremely costly, because the reward is not proportional to the effort, and if it is not done well, it will be broken, so not many iron-clad city lords are willing to take this risk to hunt and kill them.

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