MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 244 Ridge King City

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"Find a few people to go to the Iron Armored City on the opposite side. Let's explore the situation first, but don't rush to do it!" Changling King Situ Teng looked up at the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle.

At night, his wife Bai Youxuan was in her room, looking at the middle-aged man in front of her.

"Uncle Feng, how long have we known each other?" Bai Youxuan asked plainly.

This person was the middle-aged man who was talking to King Changling!

The person called Uncle Feng respected Bai Youxuan very much, and after thinking for a while, he said, "It's been about thirty years!"

"Thirty-eight years, since I first met Si Huateng, you have been by his side." Bai Youxuan recalled in her eyes: "At that time, you seemed to be like this now. Decades have passed, we You're old, but you still haven't changed!"

Uncle Feng was flattered, shook his head hastily and said, "Madam and His Royal Highness Changling, how could they be old!" Pausing for a while, he sighed and lowered his head, and said, "The idea is made by a villain, Madam should blame it, just blame me, just blame me. King Ling has nothing to do with it."


Bai Youxuan shook her head with a smile: "Why should I blame you? Andi Fei is indeed a trouble. If she can be persuaded, it will be more certain to take down the Mambach family's armored city formation. If I were you, I would do the same!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Uncle Feng to speak, he raised his hand and waved: "You go back first, take a short rest, and I will go to Andy Fei's room."

Uncle Feng bowed and cupped his fists, turned and walked outside.


After they left, Bai Youxuan sighed softly.

The old woman who followed Bai Youxuan walked into the room and scolded in a low voice: "The king of Changling is ridiculous, he even came up with such a shameless scheme, even if he can win the Iron Armored City formation of the Mambach family, between you and your wife..."

Bai Youxuan shook her head, interrupted the old woman, and said with a flat and indifferent expression: "For King Changling, it is a very cost-effective deal to leave the Iron Armored City formation of the Mambach family at the price of me."

"Shameless, ignorant, and ignorant!" The old woman sighed, and cursed in a low voice: "If it wasn't for the help of the saint, how could the 'King of Changling' come to be today? Without his wife, what kind of disturbance could he, Si Huateng, cause? Come."

Bai Youxuan forced a smile and shook her head slightly: "Perhaps in his eyes, Andy Fei is just a woman!"

Even though he said so, the two people in the room knew that from now on, there had been a gap in their hearts between Bai Youxuan and Changling Wang Sihuateng, and they were separated from each other, and there was no longer the intimacy of the past!

The reason why Si Huateng agreed with Uncle Feng was not because Andy Fei was a woman, but because he felt that the benefits in exchange should be large enough to use his wife Bai Youxuan as a bargaining chip.

Compared with the overwhelming power and the wealth accumulated by the Mambach family, how important is the 30 years of companionship between husband and wife? I already have the answer in my heart!

"Madam, are you really going to Andy Fei's room?" the old woman hesitated to speak.

Bai Youxuan smiled slightly: "Andy Fei is not some cannibalistic female devil, my wife is afraid of what she will do, so I asked people to prepare for my wife to take a bath and change clothes!"

Si Huateng was surrounded by beauties in Changling King's bedroom, and Bai Youxuan never restrained him when it came to women.

Looking at Uncle Feng who walked in, Si Huateng poured the fine wine into his mouth, swallowed, and closed his eyes slightly as if savoring the taste of the fine wine: "What did Madam say?"

"Reporting to King Changling, Madam has already agreed!"

"Have you promised?"

Si Huateng closed his eyes and repeated, as if he was relieved, but also as if he was extremely lost, and then slowly lay back among Yingying Yanyan behind him.

Uncle Feng frowned. Changling King Si Huateng and his wife Bai Youxuan were both scheming people. It was impossible for Uncle Feng who had served by his side for decades to be unaware.

As a VIP, Andy Fei lived in a very luxurious room, Clara the chief guard, maidservants Yougui, Youlan, Youxin and others were all there.

"How many high-level personnel in the Iron Armored City formation can we mobilize?"

Listening to Andy Fei's question, Clara, the tall and burly head of the guard, showed a wry smile on her face, shook her head and said, "It's not very good, except for the 'Ironclad City of the Old Castle', all the other Ironclad Cities are open. After entering the port of Lingwang City, the noon banquet, except for the clan elders, An Xiong, the head of the logistics department, the head of the family legion, and the heads of the five armored cities, basically all attended."

Clara's words made Duan Difei frowned: "In other words, basically all the high-level personnel of the family's Iron Armored City formation did not stay in the Iron Armored City?"


If Si Huateng, the king of Changling, wants to do something, he can take the upper echelons of the Mambach family all at once!

Andy Fei's face was ashen, and he couldn't help cursing: "Old man!"

As for who was scolding, everyone around them seemed to know each other clearly, and no one would answer it.

Of course, it is impossible for so many high-level members of the Mambach family to leave Iron Armored City and enter Lingwang City without any preparations. After all, no one is a fool.

"Tell the people in the flagship city of Tomahawk to be on alert, we will leave tomorrow!"


Clara nodded respectfully. No one knew if she could leave, but she couldn't say or ask about it. She could only quietly wait for tomorrow.

When Bai Youxuan came over, it was not too late.

Facing Bai Youxuan, who was wearing a white gauze and had an extraordinary temperament, Andifei's eyes couldn't be turned away, and she didn't expect that she would come to the door in person to accompany her at night.

Castle No. Ironclad City!

Li Yinguang was not idle either. Although he did not intend to stay in the 'Lingwang City' for a long time, it did not hinder the exploration and understanding of Lingwang City.

The spies sent out during the day basically came back at night.

"The number of residents in Lingwang City is probably less than 150,000, and most of them are on the verge of poverty, and their lives are not even as good as those in Mambach Town.

Changling County is 1,200 kilometers from east to west, and 700 kilometers from north to south. There are hundreds of large and small cities and towns, and there are not many places with good living conditions. Oil' is expensive and can be sold for thousands of silver bull coins per catty. It can be eaten or burned, and it has the effect of clearing the brain and reassuring the soul.

The second is 'black fuel'. In the southwest of Changling County, there is the largest open-air black fuel mine in Qingzhou Prefecture, Guifeng Mountain Black Fuel Mine!

There are more than 76,900 iron-clad cities registered in Changling County, and only less than one-third of the registered iron-clad cities in Mambach Town.

However, the number of free mechanical corps in Lingwang City exceeds 9,000, which is basically three times that of Mambach Town.

Thirty years ago, Si Huateng was conferred the title of 'King of Changling' and came here to drive the 'Changling' Iron Armored City, which is also a third-level iron-armored city that is 'influential'..."

Listening to the summarized news, Li Yinguang thought while listening.

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