MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 250 Take the Long Ridge

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The 'Changling' didn't release the mechanical legion anymore, and rushed towards the Gubao at full speed, Li Yinguang also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Grandma, I'm afraid you won't come!"

Li Yinguang muttered softly, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he ordered in a deep voice: "The main magnetic energy laser gun is ready, heading north, as soon as the 'Changling' comes within range, fire immediately!"

"Notify all personnel and prepare for battle!"

After increasing the speed, as a "third-rate iron-clad city", the Changling was very fast, and within a few minutes it had already entered the sight of the Gubao.


A red beam of light was emitted from the top of the "convex" character of the Iron Armored City of the Gubao, and almost instantly, the Changling, three kilometers away, made a deafening explosion.

"Fill the energy gems and continue launching!"

After speaking, Li Yinguang pressed his hand on the control center of the control room, and all the smelting furnaces of the Iron Armored City of the Gubao pumped out the maximum power, and they rushed towards the "Changling" like a raging wild horse.

"Release the 'sharp crosshead horn'!"

"Get ready for close combat!"

The last sentence was addressed to Gu Liyan, Sophia, Alma, butler Goda and others in the control room. The war between the Iron Armored City and the Iron Armored City cannot be separated from 'people'.

Shooting at each other will often cause greater losses and casualties!

The 'Changling' was severely damaged, and Iron Armored City was shaking violently. The main laser cannon fired with magnetic energy knocked Si Hualing and Mu Qihu into a daze.

But they quickly realized that the two of them looked at each other with shock and incredulity in their eyes. The Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle is equipped with a 'Magnetic Energy Laser Main Cannon', and only this kind of weapon can attack the 'Changling'. 'Causes so much damage.

The Gubao is a "third-rate iron-clad city", so careless!

"All personnel obey the order and release the 'Mechanical Legion' to delay the Castle!"

"The Long Ridge turned around and turned the undamaged side of the armor towards the Gubao!"

"Magnetic energy laser main gun, prepare to fight back..."

Just as the word 'retaliate' was finished, Boom, Si Hualing was thrown into the air, smashed heavily on the metal wall of the control room, and then fell to the ground with a heavy thud.

Second shot!

After being fired by two 'laser main cannons' one after another, the Changling was already on the verge of collapse, and the armored city was covered with flames and smoke, so it wouldn't lie down and lost most of its ability to fight back!

Seeing this scene, Li Yinguang heaved a sigh of relief.

The strategy of "waiting for the rabbit" is considered to be the right one. Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger successfully. At least now the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle has an absolute advantage.

"Activate the backup smelting furnace, turn, run!"

Mu Qihu ordered loudly.

But it was too late at this time, the distance between the two iron-clad cities of 'Changling' and 'Ancient Castle' was too close, and it was impossible to run away.

"Launch the Spearhead!"

Puff, puff, two ten-meter-sized 'triangular spearheads' were ejected from the iron-clad city of the Gubao, directly poked into the deck of the 'Changling', hooking the 'Changling' firmly!

Si Hualing quickly got up from the ground, and said indifferently with a deadpan face: "Get ready to fight!"


Flying upside down again, puff, hit the metal wall of the control room, puff, and then fell back to the floor, Si Hualing's eyes stared at the fall.

This time it was not the 'Magnetic Energy Laser Main Cannon', but the 'Sharp Crosshead Impact Angle'. The Iron Armored City of the Gubao pushed it so far against the Changling, and it was almost overturned by the 'Changling'.

The size of the two iron-clad cities is roughly the same. The iron-clad city of 'Gubao' is more than 200 meters long, and 'Changling' is also more than 200 meters long. Although the deck of 'Changling' is larger than that of 'Gubao' It is thicker, but it is useless. After two shots, the defensive power of the Changling has dropped rapidly.

"Rapid-firing artillery preparation, target: 'Changling', launch!"

"Short-range machine gun, target: enemy mechanical army, open fire!"

Li Yinguang sat in the iron-clad city of the Gubao, issuing orders one after another with a blank face. Although the "Changling" was severely damaged, it could not be ruled out that it could fight back. After all, the "Changling" was more than two hundred meters tall. Even dozens of meters larger than the Castle.

Fighting hand to hand, the next thing to fight is people!

"Start the clean-up work!"

"The guards of the Mambach family take the lead!" Li Yinguang said expressionlessly.

At this time, as long as they are in the iron-clad city of the ancient castle, they must obey Li Yinguang's orders, and those who disobey the orders will be killed without mercy.


Captain Saipan, Buhe, butler Goda, Sophia, Gu Liyan, Lanling, Scarface, and even Heizi, Xiaoman all rushed towards the iron armored city of Changling opposite.

Only Li Yinguang, Alma and Jotes remained in the control room.

Alma had a big belly and was pregnant, so she wanted to go, but Li Yinguang reprimanded her with a cold face and strictly prohibited her from going.

As for Jotes, he is a 'civilian' employee and does not belong to the battle order of the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle, so there is no need to participate in the battle.

In addition to humans, there are beasts!

Flame Beast Ah Hu, Huo Man Niu King, and two beast king-level beasts also joined the battle sequence. Even Huo Huangyan, the "corpse emperor" with his eyes closed in the treasure room, left indifferently and consciously. Come out, follow behind Heizi and Xiaoman to the opposite Iron Armored City.

The entire clean-up work lasted for an hour and a half!

Looking at the housekeeper Goda, who is covered in scars but with an extremely excited expression, the captain Saipan, the maintenance manager Buhe, Sophia, Saipan, Scarface, Xiaoman, Heizi and others, there is no shortage of anyone. Relieved, a smile appeared on his face.

He knew that today he was lucky again and won a 'big' game!

"Master, the Changling has been fully controlled by us!" When the butler Goda spoke, he couldn't hide the joy on his face, and he suppressed himself. I don't know if he was afraid of being told by Li Yinguang that he would not be calm, so he behaved relatively Serious and old-fashioned.

"Ha ha!"

Li Yinguang raised his head and laughed loudly: "Isn't it cool to get on the 'Changling'?"


Xiaoman was the first to jump up and shout loudly, and at this time the others also laughed.

After today's battle, the 'Old Castle' was truly famous in the first battle, and the 'Changling' Iron Armored City is no better than other unknown people. This is the car of the King of Changling, and it is registered in the entire Obsidian Empire. , the existence of names and surnames.

As long as the news spreads about the 'Changling' armored city, Gubao will become a 'well-known' iron-clad city!

After he was happy, Li Yinguang sat back on the metal chair in the control room and asked, "Has the commander of the Changling been caught?"

Butler Goda nodded: "Caught it!"

"Where are people?" Li Yinguang's eyes flickered.

The butler Goda signaled to those waiting outside to bring them up. At this time, Si Hualing and Mu Qihu were wearing self-explosive coils on their wrists and necks.

It was the first time for the two of them to meet Li Yinguang!


Li Yinguang looked at Si Hualing in a daze, and subconsciously blurted out.

Si Hualing was not afraid in the face of danger, and looked at Li Yinguang with a cold face and arrogance, as if she should be the one who won, and Li Yinguang was just a humble reptile.

"You are Li Yinguang, Andy Fei's third husband?"

Facing Si Hualing's scrutinizing eyes, Li Yinguang raised his hand and touched his nose, squinted his eyes and smiled and said, "Yes, I am Li Yinguang, Andy Fei's third husband. I don't know what to call this beauty?"

"Si Hualing!"

Li Yinguang tilted his head and asked curiously: "Si Hualing? What is the relationship between you and Changling King Si Huateng?"

Si Hualing said indifferently: "Si Huateng is my brother!"

"Brother? So, you are the general manager of the 'Changling'!" Li Yinguang nodded, and praised with a smile: "Be careful and have good tactics. If you can be more careful today, maybe we will lose The Castle!"

Si Hualing said with a straight face: "A defeat is a defeat. I'm just curious. According to our information, there should not be a 'Magnetic Energy Laser Main Cannon' installed in the Iron Armored City of the Gubao. Where did your main cannon come from? of?"

Li Yinguang turned his eyes and said with a playful smile: "Want to know? I can tell you, but you also have to promise me one thing!"

Si Hualing was a little curious, she was already a prisoner, what else could the other party do for her to agree to? He said indifferently: "Please tell me!"

There is an extra word 'please', which shows that Si Hualing is quite convinced to lose in today's battle.

"I will ask your brother, His Highness Changling King, to release the Iron Armored City formation of the Mambach family from the port of 'Lingwang City'." Li Yinguang said with a smile.

Si Hualing understood what the other party was planning: "You want to use me to replace the Mambach family's armored city formation?"

"That's right!" Li Yinguang smiled and nodded.

After thinking for a moment, Si Hualing said with a blank expression: "I can be responsible as a lobbyist and persuade my brother Changling King Si Huateng to release the Iron Armored City Formation of the Mambach Family from the port of Lingwang City, but in exchange , you have to return the 'Changling' Iron Armored City."

To put it simply, the King of Changling let the Mambach family Iron Armored City formation leave, and Li Yinguang also wanted to let Si Hualing and the 'Changling' Iron Armored City back.

"Don't even think about it!" Alma snorted coldly from the side. She finally succeeded in ambushing the "Changling". Well, no one can guarantee whether they can defeat the 'Changling' again next time.

"I'm talking to the iron-clad castellan of the ancient castle!" Si Hualing scolded in a cold voice with a straight face, and the high-ranking attitude made the personnel on the ancient castle a little unhappy.

Who is Alma? Everyday, Li Yinguang would scold Li Yinguang for doing things that were not pleasing to the eye, but in the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle, she basically had no one to be afraid of.

The 'Changling' Iron Armored City has been laid down, how dare you, a prisoner, be so arrogant, who will show your arrogance?

"Little Lang Hoof!"

Alma cursed in a low voice with a gloomy face, and walked over with a vicious face, crackling, and slapped Si Hualing's beautiful face twice.

Si Hualing was stunned by the beating, she looked at the big belly old woman in front of her in disbelief, how dare she go over Li Yinguang and come over and slap her?

His eyes were red, since when was Si Hualing slapped since he was a child, his voice was choked up and he said, "You, you lowly servant just hit me, do you know who our Si Hualing is?"


Alma responded with two slaps across the face, who are you, you are already a prisoner.

"Little Bichi, are you giving me an arrogant one?" Alma said grimly.

For this,

Everyone around turned their heads away, pretending not to hear or see.

"I'm telling' Iron Armored City already belongs to the spoils of the Gubao, including you, little Bichi, who are all losers. What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with us?

Even if your short-lived ghost Changling King brother doesn't release the formation of the Mambach Family Iron Armored City, we can still break through the 'Lingwang City', and even borrow the hand of your brother Changling King, that idiot, to destroy the Mambach Family Iron Armored City formation. Take the city formation as your own, hmph, do you think you are an expensive bargaining chip? No matter how dishonest you are, I will throw you into the bilge right now to comfort your brothers! "

Li Yinguang listened to Elma reprimanding and cursing Si Hualing, subconsciously touched his chin, and did not stop him. Seeing that the effect had been achieved, he said aloud: "Okay, I will be a mother soon, why not?" To be so angry every day, what, Lan Ling, help Alma go down to rest first!"

"Hmph, little Bichi!" Alma cursed viciously before walking back, but she didn't obey Li Yinguang's order to leave the control room.

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