MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 272 lion wide mouth

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Chapter 272 The Lion Opens His Mouth

"Boss, I don't think Sheard is here to serve you sincerely." After the death man Sheard left, Jotes said seriously with a straight face.

Li Yinguang sized her up and asked with a smile, "Where did you feel it?"

After hesitating for a while, Jotes bit his lips and said softly, "He doesn't seem like a good person!"


Li Yinguang did not ridicule her for judging people by their appearance, just from the appearance, Shelder really does not look like a good thing.

"It doesn't matter whether he sincerely seeks allegiance or pretends to seek allegiance. In fact, it is not too important. As the lord of the iron-clad city of the ancient castle, all I need is this attitude. If I don't even have an attitude, how can I use it? Having lived in the Guifengshan mining area for more than 20 years, it can be said that he already has a good understanding of this area, and this is where we need him most.

The good or bad in your eyes cannot become the standard for judging others, and the good or bad that your eyes see is often not necessarily true. Adults need to choose between interests, not good or bad, good and evil. "

Li Yinguang said with a smile.

Jotes frowned, and said softly: "When you were in the slums of Mambach Town, you didn't have the attitude you have now. At that time, you valued good and evil more than the choice of interests!"

After speaking, he turned his head and walked outside.

Li Yinguang was silent for a while, then shook his head with a wry smile, and muttered to himself: "Maybe people are hypocritical and fickle!"

Shield left the Iron Armored City of the Old Castle, and stood in the distance looking at this behemoth, the enthusiasm and passion in his eyes could not be concealed.

It is difficult for any strong person to resist the temptation of Iron Armored City, and becoming the Lord of Iron Armored City is almost everyone's wish.

"May death be with you!"

Touching his lips, he muttered something softly, then turned and walked towards the miners' camp, and soon the figure disappeared into the night.

"Will Li Yinguang leave Iron Armored City tonight and come to the miners' camp?"

Sihua Kuinu looked at Sheld with flickering eyes. She didn't want to know where the other party got the news, but just wanted to confirm the authenticity. Even if she wanted to trap and kill Li Yinguang, she still needed to find a suitable opportunity. Have the opportunity.

"The news should be more reliable!" After Sheard finished speaking, he asked softly, "What do you want to do?"

Asking Renata to use her beauty to seduce Li Yinguang was a strategy he came up with, but Renata alone might not be enough to deal with Li Yinguang.

Compared to Li Yinguang killing Si Hua Kui Nu and others in one go, Sheld, the dead man, actually hopes to see Si Hua Kui Nu and others kill Li Yin Guang. When the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle has no leader, perhaps he will have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

He will not miss anyone who dies, and only his own interests are the most important thing in his cold heart.

Sihua Kuinu's triangular eyes flickered sinisterly, and said with a sneer: "One blow is fatal, but the price of that naughty girl Renata, the 'Beautiful Girl', is very expensive, she wants a 'Water Gem', if I If I remember correctly, you happen to have a 'Water Essence' in your hand, right?"

Listening to Sihua Kuinu's words, the remaining half of Sheld's face with flesh and nerves couldn't help but twitched slightly. The 'Essence of Water' is a mysterious gemstone produced in a place rich in water vapor. It contains The energy substance in it has the effect of repairing and retaining the beauty for women.

"The 'Water Essence' worth 500,000 silver bull coins, can't all be spread on my head?" Sheld said coldly.

Killing Li Yinguang, he would be happy to see it, but the cost is all on his own head, Sheld is definitely not happy, he does have a 'Water Gem' in his hand, he got it by accident when he was young, but he didn't want to take out the gem, As a bargaining chip for hiring Renata.

Si Hua Kui Nu stared at him with triangular eyes, and said coldly: "If you don't get rid of this guy, none of us can live a good life!"

Sheld shook his head: "The essence of water is rare. Unlike other mysterious gems, you can buy them if you have money. Gems like this are priceless things, I can't bear it!"

He had already taken refuge in the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle secretly, even if people like Si Hua Kui Nu couldn't kill Li Yinguang, it would not be a big loss to him. But let him use the 'Water Essence Gem' as a bargaining chip to invite Renata to kill Li Yinguang, and the loss will be huge.

Sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, Sheld is happy to see it, and asking him to put his money down and place a bet is not allowed, the gambling is too high.

The phrase 'reluctant' can completely represent Sheld's attitude, and at the same time, it also made Sihua Kuinu frowned, and said with a strange triangular look: "You have to think clearly, the Guifeng Mountain mining area is in Changling County, and we all He is the one who serves King Changling!"

Sheld in the black cloak replied coldly: "Even so, what can I gain after paying so much?"

"you can…"

Sheld raised his hand, interrupted Sihua Kuino, and stopped her from continuing: "I don't want to listen to these empty words, which have no real benefits, and it's hard to make my heart move."

Si Hua Kui Nu's face was gloomy and a little scary. Facing Sheld, who was not willing to accept oil and salt, she was extremely angry in her heart. In her opinion, getting rid of Li Yinguang was definitely something that benefited everyone, but it was just a mere blow. 'Water Essence Gem' is just too stingy.

"I'll replace the 'Water Gemstone' in your hand with three 'Coal Gemstones', is that all right?"

There was already a hint of threat in the voice, if this was not enough, we would no longer be on the same boat in the future.

Sheld's green eyes flashed with greed: "Ten!"

Like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, Sihua Kuinu jumped up with a groan and shouted loudly: "Sheld, you old Don't push yourself too hard, you're shameless!"

The cursing Shelder couldn't hold back his face, and laughed twice, he didn't expect Sihua Kui Nu's reaction to be so big.

"Five, no less!"

Changed the conditions in a low voice.

Si Hua Kui Nu stared at him with a gloomy face, his triangular eyes were full of murderous intent, and after a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "You are not afraid to strangle yourself to death!"

Agreeing to Sheld's replacement request, she used five 'Coal Essence Gems' to exchange for the 'Water Essence Gem' in Sheld's hand.

In fact, in terms of pure value, 'coal essence gemstone' and 'water essence gemstone' are both mysterious gemstones of the same level, but their functions are different, but in the Guifeng Mountain mining area, 'water essence gemstone' must be more precious, Because here does not produce 'water gems', but produces 'coal gems'.

After the black fuel is mutated, it will form a black-green mutated black fuel, which is worth hundreds of times more than ordinary black fuel.

The 'coal essence gem' is a mysterious gemstone that has evolved from mutated black fuel after thousands of years of accumulation.

The energy it contains is higher and purer, not only can it be used for burning in smelting furnaces, but it can also be used as an energetic gem for human's daily cultivation.

Even if the 'Water Gemstone' is relatively expensive in the Guifeng Mountain mining area, the replacement of three 'Coal Gemstones' for one 'Water Gemstone' is already sky-high.

Sheld insisted on replacing the five 'coal gems' in Sihua Kuinu's hands with one 'water essence gem', which was completely out of the lion's mouth. 'Beautiful Lady' Renata, I must agree! Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page

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