MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 286 'Lady Bewitching' Bei Zi

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The latest website: The left deck of the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle, together with the interior of the city, was basically pierced, and a large hole leaked out, not to mention the wind, and the rain.

Originally, the sun was not bad in the early morning, but before noon, it began to rain lightly. It was not until this time that the open flames in the iron-clad city of the Old Castle were completely extinguished.

"If this time passes, there is a high chance of taking down the two iron-clad cities of 'Riegen' and 'Castle', really not tempted?"

Guifeng Mountain Town is not too far away from the stagnant position of the two armored cities, and they can see each other with their eyes.

The one who spoke was the leader of the guard army of Guifengshan Town.

Standing in front of Song Qiu, the leader of the guards of Guifengshan Town, was Lei Xiu, the third generation successor of Guifengshan Town.

"Can you win?" Lei Xiu asked softly. Before Song Qiu could speak, he continued to speak calmly: "There are too many variables, at most 60% winning rate, it's not worth fighting for."

She didn't think about it based on the neutral position of Guifengshan Town, but about the winning rate.

It is by no means a coincidence that the Citadel Ironclad City defeated the Liegen. Even if the battle cost a lot, the Citadel is not without the power to fight.

The Flame Beast Ah Hu, the Huo Man Niu Beast King, etc. were all unexpected accidents before the Liegen took action. This shows that the Gubao Ironclad City has a lot of background methods. Isn't the energy reserve enough to support another high-intensity battle?

Fisherman's profit is not so easy to get!

Song Qiu said with a smile: "I think the winning rate is at least 80%. We are different from Fei Liegen. He is isolated and helpless. We have the backing of Guifeng Mountain Town."

Lei Xiu turned his head, looked at him as if nothing had happened, and said calmly: "Gufengshan Town can't withstand the baptism of artillery, and the city wall can't withstand the bombardment of the 'Magnetic Energy Laser Main Cannon'."

After speaking, he walked towards the city wall.

To say that she is not tempted is to deceive herself, she also wanted to take a gamble, but in the end she endured the greed in her heart.

Not because of lack of courage, but because of lack of strength.

The third-rate armored city in Guifengshan Town has its own flaws, and there is no way to make up for such flaws. Therefore, Lei Xiu really dare not have much concentration.

It's okay to bluff people, and really pull it out to fight against the serious Iron Armored City, even if it is a third-rate Iron Armored City that has just experienced a war, Lei Xiu doesn't have the confidence.

Guifengshan Town may not be the only ones who are staring at Iron Armored City of Ancient Castle from behind. No matter what the reason is, no one dares to stand up and test the bottom line.

The 'Castle' iron-clad city began to repair, and directly cut and extracted materials from the opposite 'Liegen' to repair the damage in the iron-clad city.

As the defeated, Ironclad City 'Liegen' completely controlled its fate in the hands of the victor.

"What did you say was your name just now?" Li Yinguang turned around after giving instructions on the matter at hand, looked at the coquettish lady in front of him, she was indeed quite pretty, and asked curiously with her head tilted.

"Little girl Beizi!" The coquettish lady saluted slightly, resisting the unhappiness in her heart, and said softly with a smile on her face.


Li Yinguang turned his head to look at Si Hua Kuinu, who had only one arm left, and asked wonderingly, "Shouldn't it be Renata? Didn't you find this woman?"

Sihua Kuino: "..."

Apparently, Renata, the "Beautiful Lady" and Bei Zi, the "Madame Bewitching", were not the same person, and they murmured in their hearts, wondering if Li Yinguang asked this question on purpose, or if they really got confused.

"Boss, Renata, the 'Beautiful Lady', is in the miners' camp. The person in front of her is Ms. Beizi, who is known as the 'Coquettish Lady'. She is a well-known courtesan in the Guifeng Mountain mining area. the difference."

Li Yinguang smiled and said curiously, "Oh? Tell me, what's the difference!"

Si Hua Kui Nu said: "'Beautiful Lady' Renata is an assassin, a warrior, and a mine owner, with her own strength and influence."

Having said that, he raised his head and glanced at Bei Zi, and said indifferently: "Although the two of them are famous prostitutes, relatively speaking, the strength of the 'Sexy Lady' is higher than that of the 'Sexy Lady' in front of me." ’, she’s a courtesan who relies solely on her ‘body’ for food, but Renata, the ‘beautiful lady’ is not!”

Li Yinguang nodded, sized up the 'Beautiful Lady' Bei Zi, and said flatly: "So, you are just a vase, you look good?"


'Coquettish Mrs.' Beizi's eyes flashed with a strange color, and she said with a charming smile: "With the little girl's figure and beauty, even if it's a vase, no matter where it looks like, it's still a 'precious vase', worthy of a man. Come to appreciate, what do you think?"

There was no look of fear on her face, she was a woman, and she was a beautiful woman, and there was no threat of harm, no superior person would casually kill such a woman.

In the steampunk world, young women are also a resource, and a woman with a good body and good looks is definitely a rare resource.

Li Yinguang couldn't help laughing, because what the other party said was right, this 'vase' is really good. Sometimes, for women, power and strength are not important, and people can rely on their faces and bodies to make a living. The rest are secondary.

Isn't the 'beautiful lady' in front of me this type of woman!

"Come forward!"

Li Yinguang said calmly, but this action made Lan Ling who was standing next to her stare, and angrily wanted to step forward to stop it, but was gently pulled down by Alma, who signaled her why she was in a hurry.

Beizi breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time her behavior became more coquettish, and she walked towards Li Yinguang who was sitting on the metal chair in the control room.

In the eyes of everyone, like a kitten, she slowly knelt down at Li Yinguang's feet, supported Li Yinguang's thigh, raised her head and said in a charming and pitiful voice: "Please have mercy, the city lord!"

Li Yinguang slid his fingers over the delicate and smooth face of 'Madame Coquettish'. The skin is well maintained, the color is moist, and the touch feels silky, which can be said to be at an extreme level.

The 'mysterious gem' stitched on the heart reminds: "The seductive appearance, the bone-penetrating beauty, and the exquisite heart, has the sophistry skills to fight against the Confucians, is a top-notch courtesan, a master of rebellion, and can be used in the order of civil servants , envoys, may have unexpected effects!"


Listening to the reminder of the 'mysterious gem' in his mind, Li Yinguang understood that the 'glamorous lady' in front of him was by no means just a 'precious vase', with just this figure, this IQ, and this beauty, if used properly, he could stop thousands of troops.

"Military Master Youxuan, do you think this woman should be kept or killed?"

Li Yinguang's fingers slid across the face of 'Madam Coquettish' Beizi, and asked while smiling.

Everyone present was stunned. Bai Youxuan, who was standing at the end with no sense of presence, never expected that Li Yinguang would suddenly ask her opinion.

Bezi, the 'beautiful lady' who was lying at Li Yinguang's feet, trembled slightly, and hurriedly turned around to look behind her. She wanted to make sure who Li Yinguang was asking, because when Li Yinguang said whether to kill or stay, she I can feel the plainness of the other party, if the person behind her says 'kill', then she will definitely die.

Bai Youxuan hesitated for a while, looked up at Li Yinguang and the 'coquettish lady' Beizi who was kneeling at her feet, and said plainly: "It depends on whether this lady wants to work for the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle. If you want to, you can stay." , If you don’t want to, you must kill!”

The word "must kill" is an understatement, but to other people's ears, it seems that an invisible blade and killing spirit can cut off a person's head at any time.

Li Yinguang smiled, slid his fingers from the woman's face to her neck, slowly lifted her chin, and asked calmly, "Are you willing to serve the Lord of this city and the Iron Armored City of the 'Old Castle'?"

There was a bitter smile on Bei Zi's face, and she didn't answer, but sighed, and said helplessly: "Do you think that a woman like me, wandering in a chaotic place, can have her own right to choose? "

The pun is not to answer Li Yinguang's willingness to be loyal, but to tell him that if he is a woman of "no master", he will have died in vain many times. Such a brilliant name?

Choosing to be loyal is death, and betrayal is also death!

"Is there a master?" Li Yinguang put away his smile and frowned slightly.

"The Coquettish Lady" Bei Zi smiled wryly and nodded: "It's my choice to feed tigers and wolves. If there is a comfortable life, who doesn't want to spend this life in a dull way. People can't help themselves in troubled times."

Li Yinguang moved his hand away from her chin, looked up at Bai Youxuan, and asked, "How to deal with it?"

Bai Youxuan's face was calm, and she seemed to have expected the words of the 'Beautiful Lady', and said flatly: "When you return, you will feel at ease, and if you return your heart, you will stay with you. As long as you are willing to surrender, you can stay. If you are loyal to the previous master Second, irreversible, death!"

Li Yinguang looked down at the 'Beautiful Lady' Bei Zi: "Did you hear that? You are willing to surrender, and with a contract oath, this city lord can keep you and let you live."


After being silent for a while, the 'Beautiful Lady' giggled coquettishly, slowly got up and took two steps back, saluted Li Yinguang, and said weakly and resolutely: "Thank you for your kindness, little girl can serve you or do things for you, but I have no intention of changing the master, if you insist, then the little girl can only die."

Everyone around was silent. No one expected that such a woman who relied on her attractive body to eat would actually choose to die rather than give in. She would change her previous promise and change her family allegiance to Li Yinguang and her husband. Castle No. Ironclad City.

Swear to the death not to change masters!

Under the coquettish and coquettish, UU Reading has great loyalty.

"It's a pity, she is an ignorant and stupid woman, come here, pull her down and kill her!" Li Yinguang waved her hand calmly.

Immediately, two guards walked in quickly, carrying the 'Beautiful Lady' Bei Zi and went out, while Bei Zi looked relieved, and did not struggle to beg for mercy.

"City Lord..." Lan Ling couldn't help opening his mouth, wanting to intercede for the other party.

But Li Yinguang stopped her with stern eyes, so that she didn't say what she said later.

When the two guards were about to leave the control room, dragging the 'Beautiful Lady' Bei Zi, Bai Youxuan spoke slowly, and said flatly, "You can be regarded as a loyal person, let's stay here first."

Li Yinguang yawned, and then calmly said: "Then listen to the 'Military Advisor', don't kill people, stay!"

Lan Ling: "..."

She glared at Li Yinguang angrily, why not let herself speak, Bai Youxuan speaks just fine?

Read The Duke's Passion