MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 297 pros and cons

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"How do you know I'm not Gu Liyan?"

'Gu Liyan' who was riding on Li Yinguang's lap looked at him curiously with a strange expression.

"Simple, because you are different!"

Li Yinguang said with a smile.

When Li Yinguang talked about 'Juyue Town Evil Stone', the person who controlled Gu Liyan knew that he had been exposed.

Li Yinguang didn't show any displeasure at all, and said flatly: "I've told you just now, this is the Old Castle, my iron-clad city, and in my iron-clad city, no matter whether it's my things or my You can't even take the people with you!"

Gu Liyan frowned, as if thinking about the credibility of Li Yinguang's words, or making some kind of decision.

Gu Liyan is a nightmare race, even if there are other more powerful races who want to enter the dreamland and control her, it is impossible to do it so simply and casually, without even a little resistance.

The only thing that can explain it is that the person who controls the conversation between Gu Liyan and Li Yinguang is someone Gu Liyan is familiar with and trusts.

If it were Gu Liyan herself, she would never ask Li Yinguang for the eyes of the 'Dragon Worm King'. If she wanted them, wouldn't she go to the treasure warehouse to get them? It's not that Huo Huangyan doesn't know her!

"You don't mean to take away the eyeballs of the 'Dragon Worm King' and take Gu Liyan away from me?"

Li Yinguang looked at the person who controlled 'Gu Liyan' in front of him, and asked with a wry smile.

Gu Liyan: "..."

Li Yinguang continued: "I know, you are in her room now, do you want me to go over and have a chat with you, or just chat like this?"

"She, we're going to take her away!" Gu Liyan said indifferently, with the smile on her face gone.

Li Yinguang did not refute, nor did he directly say no, but frowned and asked with a thoughtful look: "Where are you going to take her? How long will it be? What good will it do for her if you go? What will happen if you don't go?" How about it?"

'Gu Liyan' looked surprised, hesitated and said: "Going to experience in the abyss, this is the only way for the Nightmare family, it will take at least three years, if she doesn't go, she will never become a qualified 'Nightmare' Empress'."

Li Yinguang nodded, and asked curiously: "Who are you?" He felt that there was not only one person in Gu Liyan's room, but two!

'Gu Liyan' was stunned: "Can you feel our existence?"

"That's right!" Li Yinguang said with a wry smile, "I've said it all, this is my armored city!"

'Gu Liyan' was silent for a while, and said: "We are her close relatives!"

"Sisters? Parents?"

"I am her mother!"

Li Yinguang hesitated for a while, then sighed with a wry smile, and asked, "Then, does her promise to me violate the rules of your Nightmare Clan?"

'Gu Liyan' shook her head: "No violation!"

It is not without precedent for the Nightmare Clan to follow humans, and it will not be prohibited by the clan rules.

But as a mother, she didn't want her daughter to follow a human man. The life span of human beings is only a mere hundred years, but the life span of their nightmare clan is a full thousand years, which is not suitable!

Li Yinguang said calmly: "I can let you take Gu Liyan away, and I can even give you the eyeballs of the 'Dragon Worm King', but I hope that after her experience is over, she will come back to me and complete herself. Promise and oath!"

'Gu Liyan' hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "We can't make decisions for her!"

Li Yinguang smiled: "Then go and ask for her own opinion!"

'Gu Liyan' took a deep look at Li Yinguang, got up from him, turned around and strode out of the control room!

Li Yinguang sat on the metal chair, didn't move, and didn't call Sophia to come in. He just frowned, and looked out the window again.

After about a quarter of an hour, Gu Liyan went back and forth, looked at Li Yinguang with complicated eyes, bit her lip, and even her eye sockets turned red.

Li Yinguang grinned, patted his leg, and motioned for her to sit over.

Gu Liyan sat on Li Yinguang's body, pursed her lips, and said with a low and unhappy face, "I don't want to go to the abyss to practice!"

Li Yinguang raised his hand and scratched her nose lightly, and said with a smile, "Since it is something that is good for you, then go for it, and just remember to come back after the experience."

Gu Liyan made a threatening gesture of biting him, wrinkled his nose and said, "I'm afraid someone will harm you if I'm not by your side!"

What she meant was that if she was by Li Yinguang's side, if Li Yinguang encountered any danger, she could still protect him.

"The Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle is already very strong, and there are Sophia and the others by my side, not to mention you, a man and me, are not so weak, okay?" Li Yinguang shook his head with a smile.

Gu Liyan smiled through tears, snorted, and said in a low voice: "You are not a weak chicken, you have no ability at all!"

"Hey, you're wrong, I'm capable, but you haven't experienced it!" Li Yinguang said with a smirk on his face.

Gu Liyan blushed, but she didn't stop her. She raised her hands and hugged Li Yinguang's neck, and said with a face full of reluctance: "I don't know how long it will take to go to the abyss to practice, and I don't know where to find you after I come out!"

Li Yinguang hugged her slender waist, and said with a smile: "Didn't your mother say that it will be three years at most, and the time will not be too long. When you come back, the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle will most likely stay in Qingzhou Prefecture Or Ikaruga City!"

Gu Liyan hugged Li Yinguang tightly, two crystal clear teardrops slipped from the corners of her eyes, and sobbed, "I just miss you!"

His voice is full of grievances, but he also knows that going to the abyss to experience is the only way to become a nightmare queen.

As the Great Demon Clan of the Abyss, if they have never even been to the Abyss and don't understand the things there, they will not be able to inherit the absolute inheritance of the Nightmare Clan.

Li Yinguang coaxed Gu Liyan to smile for a long time, and then he became happy again.

"Aren't you going to meet my parents?" Gu Liyan asked with a blushing face.

Li Yinguang smiled and shook his head: "No, you can say hello to the second elder instead of me!"

After speaking, he got up and led Gu Liyan towards the secret treasure room. When he entered, Huo Huangyan, the corpse emperor, didn't even move his eyelids, obviously he didn't want to pay attention to the two of them.

It's no surprise to this, after all, they are human beings, and they are 'corpse'.

"Master Corpse Emperor, I will leave the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle for a while. When I am away, the safety of the Lord City Lord will be entrusted to you to take care of me."

After Gu Liyan finished speaking, she bowed to the corpse emperor Huo Huangyan, she knew that the other party would definitely hear what she said.

Li Yinguang found out the pair of "Dragon Worm King" eyeballs from the room, handed them to Gu Liyan, and asked with a smile, "Is there anything else that needs to be brought?"

Gu Liyan's eyes turned red, and she shook her head, saying that she didn't have it, and only needed to wear the eyes of the 'Dragon Worm King'.

Li Yinguang raised his hand and patted her little pout, and said with a smile: "Don't be sad, I don't think it's anything, isn't it just three years, it's just gone in a blink of an eye."

Gu Liyan blushed, rolled her eyes coquettishly, bit her lip and pressed it against Li Yinguang's ear, whispering a few words in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

Li Yinguang's eyes lit up instantly, and he smiled and looked around the treasure chamber: "Here? Isn't it good?"

Gu Liyan bit her lip, said in a low voice with a blushing face, "What's wrong, Lord Corpse Emperor won't peek at us anyway!"

"Hey, I think so..."

Gu Liyan interrupted him, snorted, and threatened in a low voice: "Do you want it or not? If you don't want it, you can go away? But if you miss this opportunity, maybe in the abyss or other places, someone else will be there first. , when the time comes, you regret that you can’t find a place!”

The two stayed in the treasure room for a long time, and only Huo Huangyan, who was practicing with his eyes closed, knew what they did. Sophia only saw the two come out of the treasure room in disheveled clothes.

"In Iron Armored City, what about my position?" Gu Liyan thought of something, went out, turned around and came back, asking.

Li Yinguang was startled, smiled and shrugged: "It's okay to keep it for you!"

"Okay, please remember your promise!" Gu Liyan then turned around, with a smile on her face, and walked towards the outside of the control room.

After waiting for Gu Liyan to leave, Sophia couldn't help asking: "City Lord, what are you and Master Gu Liyan?"

Li Yinguang yawned, and said with a hint of bitterness in his smile, "She's leaving Iron Armored City for a while!"


Taking advantage of the darkness, Gu Liyan followed behind her parents, jumped out of the iron-clad city of the ancient castle, and disappeared into the busy night.

In the control room, Li Yinguang was not sad, because there is no room for him to be sad right now, he stared at the location on the area map, and said in a deep voice: "Go, find the housekeeper, Alma, Saipan and others, and open a Meeting!"

Jotes turned and trotted outside in a hurry.

Not long after, the butler Goda, the housekeeper Alma, the city defense chief Saipan, the logistics minister Buhe, the internal affairs chief Lan Ling, the military adviser Bai Youxuan and others came in from outside one by one.

"We're almost at the scheduled location!"

Li Yinguang pointed at the map, UU reading www.uukanshu. com looked up and asked: "Guys, do you have any thoughts, or is there anything to worry about?"


Alma spoke first, and said with a gloomy face: "The night does not stand in battle, I think we can stop first, wait until dawn, and then go to the accident site of the Mambach family's Ironclad City formation!"

Considering the safety of Ironclad City and the people in Ironclad City, Alma's opinion is understandable.

"At this time and at that time, I don't recommend staying to rectify and wait for the dawn." The military adviser Bai Youxuan hesitated for a while, then said.

Li Yinguang looked at her: "Tell me the reason, why it is not recommended to stay and rectify and wait for the dawn!"

Bai Youxuan said: "There are two reasons. First, time is equal to a fighter. If we miss this time, we may miss the most critical time to rescue the Mambach family's armored formation. The dark night is indeed not conducive to fighting, but it is not impossible to fight. We are going to the rescue, and we are in a hurry!"

After a slight pause, he continued: "Secondly, the dark night can also provide us with cover, and if there are disadvantages, there must be advantages..."

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