MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 299 "King of Bandits" Elvis

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The sky is brightening, and dawn is coming.

Alma couldn't help yawning. On the battlefield not far away, the Ironclad City of the Mambach family was fighting fiercely with the Black Viper clan. The Old Castle, which was docked quietly on the edge, was a bit scary in its silence.

From the inside to the outside, no one moved, and they didn't even dare to fart too hard, for fear of making too much noise and causing dissatisfaction from the boss.

The discipline of the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle, after almost three generations of personnel replacement, has already achieved initial results, although it has not existed for a long time!

"It shouldn't be!"

Li Yinguang frowned and muttered to himself.

Fighting all night, the Ironclad City formation of the Mambach family, except for the main city of the flagship Tomahawk, is all lying down. If you don't jump out to "get" cheap at this time, when will you have to wait?

Asking softly towards Bai Youxuan: "If it were you who set up the game, would you come out to fight with the only remaining Tomahawk flagship city of the Mambach family at this time?"

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Youxuan nodded affirmatively and said, "Yes!"

"Why?" Li Yinguang asked looking out the window.

Bai Youxuan said: "Because it's profitable, even if you can't beat the Mambach family's 'Tomahawk Flagship City', you can probably scare it away. You know, supplies are not just carried in the main flagship city!"

Li Yinguang frowned slightly, thinking: "Be more greedy, if you want to keep the flagship city of the Mambach family, what will you do?"

"Suddenly attack unprepared!"

Bai Youxuan said eight words calmly, and these eight words coincided with Li Yinguang's thoughts.

"But why don't you come out?" Li Yinguang nodded and muttered. At this time, Yin and Yang in the sky and the earth are interchanged. Even if it is bright, people can't see clearly. The dawn is always in front of you and gives people infinite hope. Isn't it the best time to launch an attack? ?

Fighting day and night, the people in the flagship city of Tomahawk must have been exhausted long ago. If they were to face the enemy again at this time, the mental stress alone would be enough for them to drink a pot.

In the northeast direction, in the mountain depression, there is a dark iron armored city that looks like a ghost. It is about 100 meters long, only 50 meters high, and less than 40 meters wide. Thin' Lord.

"When will you do it?"

In the control room of the armored city lord of the 'Ghost', Mo Fufeng asked in a deep voice.

A short, one-eyed, thin man in his thirties who was dressed in a pirate outfit chuckled, stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips, squinted his only remaining eye, and said with a grin: "No hurry, I'm waiting wait!"

Mo Fufeng frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Still waiting? You know, dawn will come soon!"

The owner of the 'Ghost', nicknamed the 'King of Bandits' Elvis, roams the wilderness all year round, making a living by looting and going to and from the Iron Armored City.

This time Mo Fufeng spent a lot of money to invite him to come forward. After cleaning up the armored city formation of the Mambach family, the profit will be four or six points.

Mo Fufeng was responsible for balancing the pressure brought by Qingzhou Prefecture and the Imperial Legion, and provided all-round reliable information, and was jointly responsible for selling stolen goods, accounting for 40% of the total profit.

Originally, he wanted to use his status and background to suppress Elvis, but he wanted to take the lead after it was done, He Nai Elvis didn’t follow his set at all, if he wanted to do it, he had to follow his own rules, if he didn’t like it, I love you Mom will find whoever she wants, and I will not wait for you.

Moreover, before doing it, Mo Fufeng had to pay 1,000 basic energy gems as a reward. This money was the fee for inviting the 'King of Bandits' to do it. No matter it was successful or not, the money would not be refunded.

To Mo Fufeng, a thousand energy gems is not a small amount of money, but in the face of profit and greed, he still chose to gamble.

The value of the materials carried by the armored city formation of the Mambach family should far exceed the value of a thousand energy gems.

The premise is that Elvis' "Ghost" has the ability to eat up the armored formation of the Mambach family.

"Go, tell the brothers to go down and have a look and see how cooked the meat is!"

Elvis' one-eyed shrewdness and treachery flashed, and he ordered to his subordinates behind him.

After the people left, Mo Fufeng couldn't help asking curiously: "How did you attract those black vipers?"

If it was just an ordinary method, they might have withdrawn a long time ago. How could they have held on to the Ironclad City formation commanded by Andy Fei for so long.

"Pay 500 energy gems, I'll tell you!" Elvis, the "King of Bandits" chuckled, rubbed his fingers at Mo Fufeng, and made a gesture of giving money.

It's not an exaggeration to say that such a 'secret' thing is a bottom-of-the-box technology, how could it be casually told to others.

Mo Fufeng rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "When the Ironclad City formation of the Mambach family is settled, it's all money, so there's no need to worry about it?"

"Why not?" Elvis sneered and said, "Could it be that you want to bully me, the 'King of Bandits', just because of your Mo family name?"

Mo Fufeng's expression was displeased, but it was only displeasure. The most important thing right now is to take down the Iron Armored City formation of the Mambach family first, so as to prevent the night from having more dreams.

"Stop talking to me, and do serious things first!"

Elvis chuckled, at this time the subordinates from outside came over to him, leaned over and whispered something in his ear, what he said, even Mo Fufeng who was not far away couldn't hear clearly.

Elvis raised his hand, waved his subordinates back, and said with a cold expression: "The Black Vipers didn't hurt the bones of the Mambach family's flagship main city, the Tomahawk. Perhaps, for us, we still have to fight a tough battle." .”

Mo Fufeng's eyes flickered, and the corners of his mouth turned up into a smile: "Then let's see the strength of you, the 'King of Bandits'!"

If the Tomahawk, the flagship city of the Mambach family, was easy to deal with, would it still be necessary to hire someone? Already brought someone to do it myself!

The reason why I was looking for Elvis' "Ghost" to do this, UU Reading www. One is the Ironclad City formation of the Mambach family, which is not easy to deal with, and the other is that they do not want to fall into the trap of others. After all, the Mambach family is a serious noble lord in the imperial sequence, and they have a relationship with the Zhong family. An old friend, that's why I chose to pay a high price to find someone to do this kind of work.

"One thousand energy gems will be less!"

'King of Bandits' Elvis snorted and muttered softly.

"Send me the order, the Ghost set sail, the target: the Tomahawk flagship city of the Mambach family!"

"Magnetic energy laser main cannon, filled with energy gems, ready!"

"Heavy gunners are in place!"

The slender 'Ghost', taking advantage of the approaching dawn, rushed out of the mountain depression.

The smelting furnace was scorching hot, and as soon as the 'Ghost' was started, the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle, which was in a silent state, had already been detected by the 'Space Radar'.

Li Yinguang cheered up, laughed and said softly: "Here we come!"

Read The Duke's Passion