MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 307 Entering port

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The closer you get to 'Qingzhou Prefecture', the more shocking you feel.

The hundreds of meters high city wall is all made of welded and cast iron and steel, covering an area of ​​80 kilometers. Just how much steel is used for this circle of the city wall, one can imagine how rich iron resources are in this world.

It's not that such a building can't be built on Earth, it's just that there's no need to build it, but it's different in this world.

Every city in the wilderness must not only guard against all kinds of ferocious beasts, but also guard against all kinds of strange dangers and iron-clad cities.

It is a safe area for human beings, and similarly, for some wilderness creatures, human cities are also a piece of fat in the wilderness.

It seems that humans have occupied the wilderness and established territories, but the empire is actually just a part of the wilderness that can coexist, and only a part of the narrow living space.

Jufu Harbor covers a large area, and the coastline that docks at Iron Armor City stretches at least tens of kilometers. But think about it, a third-rate iron-clad city, even if it is thin, is probably a hundred meters long, and if it is bigger, it must be three to four hundred meters.

On the port coastline, there are all kinds of iron-clad cities docked. They have different shapes, some are long and narrow, some are diamond-shaped, and some are like a big tower crane.

Li Yinguang's 'Castle', among this group of iron-clad cities with strange shapes, can be regarded as quite satisfactory, neither conspicuous nor rustic.

After notifying the port personnel, issuing docking licenses, paying late fees for docking, and entering the port, a series of things have been completed, and two or three hours have passed.

All these matters were handled by the housekeepers Goda and Bai Youxuan, so Li Yinguang didn't need to bother.

"Master, the docking procedures have been completed!" The butler Goda came to the control room and said respectfully to Li Yinguang.

Li Yinguang nodded, looking out of the window, the bustling and troubled, frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "The order is passed on, unless it is necessary, no one in Iron Armored City is allowed to leave Iron Armored City without permission and go to Qingzhou Prefecture City, including the elders. class, unless with my permission."

Butler Goda was stunned for a moment, then nodded respectfully: "Yes, I'll convey it right away!"

The reason why Li Yinguang issued a ban on the people in Iron Armor City is based on two considerations. First, to avoid unnecessary troubles. Second, for them, "Qingzhou Prefecture" has only been heard from other people. , but I don't know much about it, whether it's the people inside or the rules here, you should be cautious when you are new here! "

"Military Master Youxuan!"

Bai Youxuan heard Li Yinguang shout, and hurried forward: "City Lord!"

Li Yinguang looked at her, and said flatly: "The city needs to purchase daily necessities, and also deal with those materials. I will leave it to you to assist Erma in this regard!"

There was nothing wrong with the first half of the sentence, but the second half made both Bai Youxuan and Alma startled, but Bai Youxuan didn't express any displeasure, and hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Sophia, Lanling, Xiaoman, Heizi, and Scarface, Youlan, who of you want to visit Qingzhou Prefecture?" Li Yinguang waved his hand, looked away from Bai Youxuan, and asked with a smile .

"I want to go!" Xiaoman shouted hurriedly, as if he was afraid that Li Yinguang would keep her in Iron Armored City and not let her go out.

Li Yinguang smiled and said: "Okay, anyone who wants to go can go today, but there is one thing, if you come back from shopping today, you can't go again tomorrow, if you don't want to go out today, you can go out tomorrow."

He knew that it was impossible to control them, even if they grounded themselves, they would try their best to go out and have a look. Besides, since they came, everyone should go out to see the world, which is not a bad thing.

But if they all go out together, a large group of people would be too eye-catching. Didn't 'Madam Coquettish' Beizi say that the security in Qingzhou Prefecture is very good? After making sure it's safe, it's not impossible to let them go down.

Listening to Li Yinguang's words, Xiaoman rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Then I want to go today too!" go!


Li Yinguang raised his hand and touched her head, then looked up at Heizi, Scarface, Lanling, Youlan and the others and asked, "What about you? Do you all want to go play today?"

Heizi was more obedient, and said with a stern face, "I listen to my brother!"

Li Yinguang also patted Heizi's head, and said with a smile: "Our Heizi is obedient, unlike some people, who talk sweetly all day long, but know how to **** me off!"

Xiaoman curled his mouth and said unhappily: "Who is mad at you, it's obviously you who asked us yourself!"

Li Yinguang ignored her, and said: "Sophia, Xiaoman, 'Sexy Mrs.' Beizi, 'Sexy Lady' Renata, Buhe, and Saipan will accompany you, um, the rest of you want to enter Qingzhou Prefecture. Wait for tomorrow!"

"Yeah!" Xiaoman jumped up happily.

Lan Ling frowned. She actually wanted to follow along to have a look, but hesitated for a while, and instead of speaking directly as before, she fell silent.

As a human being, anyone can grow up, and she doesn't really have a chest but no brains.

The door in the treasure chamber opened silently, and the 'Corpse Emperor' Huo Huangyan walked out.

Seeing her, everyone secretly dodged to the side, because even if she didn't do anything, just stood there, people around her would feel chilly.

The 'Corpse Emperor' Huo Huangyan looked indifferent and didn't say a word, but Li Yinguang knew what she wanted to do.

There seems to be a connection between the two of them, and many things cannot be expressed in words. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Li Yinguang rubbed his nose and asked her with a dry smile: "You, also want to go to Qingzhou Prefecture?"

The 'Corpse Emperor' Huo Huangyan didn't raise his eyelids, turned around and walked outside the control room, the meaning was obvious.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is the arrogance of the "Corpse Emperor", but Li Yinguang can feel that the reason why Huo Huangyan interrupted her practice from the secret treasure room and accompanied her to Qingzhou prefecture city was not because of her disrespect for Qingzhou prefecture city. Dare to be interested, but want to protect by Li Yinguang's side.

Walking out of the control room, Huo Huangyan's nose moved slightly, as if he could smell a special smell in the air, and looked down at his feet.

At the same time, the corpse girl in the training room shrank her neck suddenly, as if she had been stabbed by something, and looked up at the cabin roof in horror.

"She, is she here?"

In the past, the corpse girl would hide her aura so that no one would notice it, but the 'Corpse Emperor' Huo Huangyan has been able to keep her aura from leaking out, so she doesn't need to hide it at all, only she wants people to feel it and not want it. It's just made to feel.

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