MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 332 short-sighted

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The Mambach family is not harmonious, externally it is a whole, but internally it has distinct factions, even if Andy Fei represents the Mambach lord, it is not an absolute voice in the Mambach family.

"Clan elder, we can definitely slow down the marching speed. The fire savage herd will not have much impact on the formation of Iron Armored City. If we use the 'Magnetic Energy Laser Main Cannon' at this time, we will wait until we meet the enemy Iron Armored City. At that time, what should we use to defend ourselves? You must know that the reserve of energy gems is limited, and the number of times the 'Magnetic Energy Laser Main Cannon' can be fired is also limited!"

Hearing the words of An Xiong, the person in charge of the logistics department, the clan elder blinked his half-closed eyes slightly, nodded and said: "What An Xiong said makes sense, we can't be blindly impulsive in order to catch up with the process, after all, we just left not long ago, and the remaining There is still a long way to go.”

After finishing speaking, he paused for a while, and asked the others: "Does anyone have any other solutions? Tell me and listen!"

Andy Fei's face was scary and ugly. Her decision was tantamount to being rejected by the clan elders. Using the 'Magnetic Energy Laser Main Cannon' to attack the Huoman cattle herd was a bit costly, but it was definitely the most suitable solution at the moment, even if only firing It's worth it to scare away this group of wild bulls with one shot.

They entered 'Qiyan Pass' not to hunt, but to pass through quickly, and their purpose was very clear.

If you can't get rid of the siege of the 'Fire Bull Herd' in a short period of time, how long it will take to delay, not to mention that the evolved 'Fire Bull King' hasn't shown up yet.

"A bunch of short-sighted guys!"

Andifei cursed inwardly.

The final plan formulated was extremely conservative. The Iron Armored City formation slowed down, turned on the hunting mode, and dispersed the fire bulls as much as possible.

You must know that the value of a 'Fire Bull' is extremely high, and the value of a whole herd of Fire Bull is far from what a 'Giant Horned Armor-Piercing Beast' can match.

The corpse of the 'Giant Horned Armor-Piercing Beast' was too large, and it was extremely troublesome to handle, but the 'Fire Bull' was different. It was of moderate size, and its body was full of treasures, so its corpse was easier to handle.

The flesh and blood can be eaten, it has the function of nourishing the body, and it is mild and delicious. As long as it is cooked well, ordinary people can enjoy it.

The 'horn' is an excellent alchemy material, which is very valuable, and can be directly made into 'enamel beast bone coins', which means that the horn of the fire bull beast is equivalent to legal tokens, and it has certain financial attributes.

The second is leather, which is a good material for clothing. Armor, animal skin boots, animal skin paper, etc. can be made. Bones are also useful, even if it is the dung of the fire bull beast, it is a good material.

Hunting the fire bull is easier than hunting the giant horned armor-piercing beast, so the armored city lords are more willing to hunt the fire bull, also known as the "fire bull".

Greed is the nature of human beings. Faced with such a huge herd of fire bulls, An Xiong, the head of the logistics department, was tempted. If they can be hunted and killed, it will definitely be a huge fortune.

What's more, you can also capture the 'fire bull cub'. After domestication, it can be regarded as a good pet animal. It can also be bred privately, which is equivalent to catching the tool of 'making money'.

As for when the Mambach family's armored formation arrived at the 'Qingzhou Prefecture', what did it have to do with him? It would make a big difference if it arrived two days earlier or two days later.

Within half a month, no one actually expected to reach Qingzhou Prefecture from Mambach Town!

"These short-sighted guys!"

After returning to his residence, Andy Fei threw his glass angrily and cursed continuously.

"Princess, calm down first!"

You Gui came over to comfort her, and then asked with some puzzlement: "I don't understand, why do we have to rush to 'Qingzhou Prefecture' within half a month?"

Andifei raised her head, looked at her, and turned to Youlan next to her, and Youxin looked at her and asked, "Don't you guys understand?"

The two sisters, Youlan and Youxin, nodded. If Andy Fei didn't explain this, they really wouldn't be able to understand.


Andi Fei sighed, and cursed in a low voice: "So, like that idiot An Xiong, you are all short-sighted guys."

After a slight pause, he explained helplessly: "Zhong Yuyan's 'Qingluan' has already gone to Shenglong Snow Mountain to negotiate with the Dragon Clan. Although there is a high probability that the Dragon Clan can be appeased, according to the current situation and attitude of the empire, you think Zhong Yuyan's appeasement is useful. ?"

Youlan frowned and said, "Princess, what do you mean, the empire insists on going to war with the dragons in the Holy Dragon Snow Mountain?"

Andifei nodded with a gloomy face: "I'm afraid that's the case. Otherwise, how could the empire go to war? Even if the empire doesn't do it now, there are signs of doing it. No matter what, our town of Mambach will bear the brunt of the war and will become the bridgehead of the war."

Youxin blinked her eyes: "We can understand what you said, but why did the Iron Armor City formation rush to Qingzhou Prefecture within half a month?"


Andy Fei was amused, and shook her head helplessly and said, "Because Zhong Yuyan's Qingluan will return from Shenglong Snow Mountain in half a month at the latest, and no matter what sounds the empire makes, it will not change the status quo. As long as the sound of war If we are released, what will we become in the eyes of others? Fat meat, the "fat meat" accumulated by the Mambach family for a hundred years, will try to eat us up!"

After a pause, he sighed and said, "If we arrive at Qingzhou Prefecture, we will be much safer, and Qingzhou Prefecture has a direct teleportation formation to 'Tiejiu City', we can also temporarily store the assets carried in the Iron Armor City formation into Qingzhou In the prefecture-city bank, or in the bank."

Just a herd of fire bulls, can it be compared with the belongings carried in the armored city formation? The clan elder is also an idiot, can't he tell which is light and which is heavy?

Yougui, Youlan, Youxin and the others went back to the future. It turned out that Andy Fei was worried about this. If the empire had no voice, most people would not think that the Iron Armored City formation of the Mambach family had property. It's another matter, after all, the risk factor is much smaller.

But if within half a month, the armored formation of the Mambach family is still driving on the road, there will be great changes.

"Clan elders, can't they figure this out?" Youlan asked tentatively.

Andy Fei frowned, this is also where she was puzzled, it is said that the clan elders would not even understand this, but why did they agree with An Xiong's suggestion?

You Gui said: "Is the Iron Armored City formation of our family very powerful?"

Listening to You Gui's question, Andi Fei nodded: "It's sort of it!"

"That's right, since we are very powerful, why should we care about being targeted by others?" You Gui smiled.

An Difei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and shook her head: "A strong player has a strong player, we are not weak, but the wolves who move on hearing the wind are not rookies."

You Gui said: "You may be so worried, but the clan elders may not think so!"

The flagship city of the Mambach family, also known as the "Tomahawk City", not only has the "Magnetic Energy Laser Cannon", but also has a three-level thick "shield armor", and the melting furnace has abundant kinetic energy. Comparable, looking at those big cities, it is also one of the best armored cities, no one can pinch them as 'soft persimmons'.

Andy Fei frowned, she always felt uneasy, there is nothing wrong with being proud, the problem is that this is definitely not the time to be proud.

The Mambach family is at a turning point. If it is not handled properly, it may ruin a century-old foundation. Even the Mambach lord dare not take it lightly.

But there is no good way right now, and Andy Fei can't stop the clan elder's order, so he can only take a step forward.

The seven iron-clad cities of the Mambach family, facing the fire savage herd, hunted for half an afternoon. The blood stained the ground red, from day to night.

"Brother, look quickly, the personnel in the armored city formation are cleaning the battlefield, should we go over and help?" Xiaoman squinted his eyes and shouted happily.

Li Yinguang walked to the lookout window and looked outside. The hatches of the seven armored cities had all been opened, and they were transporting the corpses of the 'Fire Bull Beasts' inside.

"I think we can also send people down and bring back one or two fire bulls, at least to satisfy our hunger." Alma walked over with a big belly, and said with a smile on her vicious and mean face.

Li Yinguang shook his head: "It's not necessary, if we want to eat fire beef and beast meat, we can just ask the Iron Armor City Formation Logistics Department to send it to us."

Pausing for a while, looking out into the distance, he said softly: "The group of fire oxen just retreated temporarily, they didn't leave, and there are still extremely unstable factors around."

"Extremely unstable factors?" Alma frowned and asked doubtfully, "What do you mean?"

"That 'Fire Man Bull King Beast' hasn't shown its face yet!" Li Yinguang muttered softly.

The detection of the 'Space Radar' showed that the 'Fireman Bull King Beast' was hidden in the mountains behind, about ten kilometers away from the Iron Armored City formation, and it had not moved since the afternoon.

The 'King Beast' and the 'Bug King' are on the same level, that is to say, the combat power of this 'Fire Bull King Beast' is no better than that of the 'Dragon Worm King of the Underworld' or the 'Ghost Worm from Hell' Where to go low.

Moreover, the group of fire bulls that appeared in front of them is only a part, there are at least a thousand fire bulls beside the 'fire bull king beast'.

If it weren't for the Iron Armored City formation of the Mambach family opening the way ahead, Li Yinguang would have already driven the 'Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle' back.

"Fire Bull King Beast?"

Listening to Li Yinguang's words, Elma's face darkened immediately. If there is really a 'Fire Barbarian Bull King Beast', it is not good news for the entire Iron Armored City formation.

It's not that Li Yinguang doesn't want to convey the news to Andy Fei, there is no way to convey it, and the matter of the 'space radar' must not be leaked.

In addition, with the strength of the Iron Armored City formation of the Mambach family and the abundance of internal talents, can't it be analyzed that there is a "Fire Bull King Beast" hidden behind this group of fire bulls?

Tomahawk Flagship City.

Behind the clan elder stood An Xiong and others, their eyes fixed on the outside world that was about to darken.

"Why hasn't the Fire Bull King Beast come out yet?"

"That's right, the main magnetic energy laser cannon has been prepared long ago, as long as it shows up, it can be killed!"

The clan elder looked flat, half-closed his eyes and said: "Don't take it lightly, after finishing this 'Fire Barbarian Bull King Beast', leave as soon as possible to prevent accidents from happening."

The reason why he didn't leave was because he was waiting to hunt and kill this 'Fire Barbarian Bull King Beast'.

However, the other party was extremely cunning and did not intend to show his face.

"After dark, it's not good for us!"

The clan elder thought about it and said: "Notify all Iron Armored City, start moving, and see if you can 'catch' that Fire Barbarian Bull King Beast!"


Sure enough, just as the Iron Armored City formation started to move, the retreating Fire Bulls rushed back.

Inside the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle, there was no fire for a long time, and only the core was protected. Looking at the situation outside, Li Yinguang frowned, realizing that something was wrong.

"Why do I feel like this group of fire bulls are delaying time?"

Sophia crossed her arms and said, "I have the same feeling, UU Reading They want to support the Iron Armored City formation, they seem to be waiting for something!"

Without hesitation, Li Yinguang turned on the 'space radar' directly.

Below the ground, it is a weak area that can be detected by the 'space radar'. It can only detect the deepest area of ​​300 meters. For some beasts, it cannot be captured at all.

"Made, it's the 'Giant Horned Armored Beast'!"

Li Yinguang couldn't help crying out.

Giant Horned Armored Beast?

And it's not just a 'big-horned armor-piercing beast'.

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