MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 8 Zhou Shanren in the black heart shop

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Li Yinguang is not very unfamiliar with the town of Mambach, he lived here after he crossed over and became the down-and-out nobleman Bruce.

The town of Mambach is not small. Although it is only a frontier town, due to geographical advantages and special production, there are people coming and going for trade. In addition, the surrounding danger factor is not too high. As long as you don’t go deep into the wilderness, you can survive. The hope is great, and it has also attracted many survivors from the surrounding area to settle down.

It is not easy to live in troubled times, especially for ordinary people.

"Bruce heard that you were adopted as a foster son by the Iron Armored City Lord, and you have made a fortune. When will you pay back the debt?"

There is a grocery store on the street in the slum. I heard that this grocery store existed earlier than this slum.

Because the owner of this store is kind-hearted, he often gives alms to the poor, and the surrounding poor residents come to buy things, and they can owe some money.

There are not many good people like this in Mambach.

The name of the grocery store is 'Black Heart Store', and the owner's surname is Zhou. He is an old man with a mustache and a mustache. When he squints his eyes and stares at the passing women, he makes people feel very wretched.

People give the nickname "Zhou Shanren"!

No one knows why Zhou Shanren stayed in the slums, but what is certain is that in addition to the people in the slums, the "black heart shop" grocery store will come to the grocery store, and people from all walks of life will also come to patronize it. Dare to come here to make trouble.

"Repay it now!"

Li Yinguang walked into the grocery store. On the surface, the 'Black Heart Store' was not that big, and the store was filled with coarse grains, bacon, and daily groceries.

"Hehe, does this mean that he is really developed?" Zhou Shanren squinted his eyes, and said with a smile while pulling out his sleeves.

For a well-informed person like old man Zhou, he might not know whether Li Yinguang is really well-off, maybe the 'Ferocious Spider' went out to attack the 'Old Castle' last night, everyone knows.

"Old man, besides paying off the debt, I also want to ask you something."

The place that Li Yinguang was most familiar with in Mambach Town was the slum, and the place where he was most well-informed in the slum was undoubtedly this 'black-hearted shop'.

"What are you asking?" Zhou Shanren took the monocle from the counter and put it on his face.

A monocle is the kind with only half of a normal eyeglass on the bridge of the nose, and a long chain on the side. Generally belong to aristocratic decorations.

But the wretched old man, no, Zhou Shanren doesn't violate harmony when he wears it.

Facing Li Yinguang's gaze, Zhou Shanren raised his mustache and said proudly: "The mirror frame is made of pure mithril, the lens is polished by crystal stone, and the slender gold chain forged by a goblin craftsman is perfect for me alone. This monocle can be exchanged for four 'z3-type' melting furnaces on the 'Castle'."

Li Yinguang's pupils constricted, and then he smiled: "Then you are really hiding everything, boy, I wonder why a person like you who has both taste and family background wants to live in a place like a slum?"

"Isn't the slum bad? This monocle was mortgaged to the old man by the people in the slum. Only a little money and a bag of grain were exchanged. Do you calculate how much I earned?"

Zhou Shanren squinted his eyes and shook his head: "Come on, hurry up and tell me what you want to know, the old man doesn't have time to talk to you here."

"Who in the town of Mambach can repair the 'z3' melting furnace, well, I'm asking the cheapest place." Li Yinguang said.

Zhou Shanren didn't answer, but pulled him to a more private space behind the shop, lowered his voice and asked in a low voice, "The reason why you escaped unharmed last night was because you used some kind of 'super power source'?"

After Shota Kuroda came back, he publicized it all over the world, for fear that outsiders would not know it. Li Yinguang knew that he couldn't hide it if he wanted to. times."

Zhou Shanren's small eyes sparkled, and he asked greedily, "Where are the gems?"



Li Yinguang smiled wryly and shrugged his shoulders: "Three of the four 'z3-type' smelting furnaces on the Iron Armored City of the 'Old Castle' broke down, and the remaining one was almost scrapped. After running around in the middle of the night, can we keep the gems if they are not broken? "

Zhou Shanren nodded thoughtfully, and asked curiously, "Where did the 'mysterious gem' come from?"

"Old Dick looted it a few years ago and has been hiding it. If it wasn't for the emergency last night, I'm afraid he wouldn't have taken it out." Li Yinguang shook his head, half-truthfully said.

Regarding this, Zhou Shanren didn't ask any further questions, just squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Everyone has heard about Old Dick's reputation. He is greedy for money, lustful, treacherous and suspicious. He adopted you as a foster son for no reason, and even sold you off." The weapon "cannon" that survived on the "Castle" has purchased a large number of alchemy materials and potions related to "Duoshe". I don't think I need to elaborate on what's tricky here? Tell me, old Dick is Not really dead!"

While speaking, his half-closed eyes were fixed on Li Yinguang's face.


Li Yinguang laughed and said, "Do you always think I'm a fool?"

Zhou Shanren raised his head and said with a smile: "You are as smart as a How can you be a fool!"

Li Yinguang spread his hands, expressing his helplessness and said: "Yes, but some people insist on treating me as a fool and want to take me away, don't you think it's funny!"


Zhou Shanren took off the monocle on the bridge of his nose, put it on the corner of his mouth and wiped it with a sigh, and said, "Idiots are indeed becoming less and less. The maintenance of scrapped smelting furnaces is of little significance. Sell them, each one can be worth two dollars." One hundred silver bull coins, the new z3 melting furnace, each one looks like four thousand silver bull coins, if you want to buy it, I can contact you."

The silver bull coin is the common currency in the nearby area, especially in the Mambach area. It contains 57% silver, 25% nickel, and the rest is copper and iron. There is a beast fire bull in relief on the surface, hence the name.

"Four thousand silver bulls?" Li Yinguang clicked his tongue. One must know that he sold all the treasures that Old Dick had treasured over the years, and only got one thousand silver bulls.

Zhou Shanren raised his head, squinted his eyes and said with a smile, "The price of the Z3 melting furnace should be the cheapest in the entire town of Mambach."

Li Yinguang thought for a while and asked, "What about the Z2 melting furnace?"

"About three thousand two hundred silver bull coins!"

The overall difference is not big, because apart from the volume, the power of the z3-type melting furnace is not much higher than that of the z2-type melting furnace.

Li Yinguang thought about it, spread his hands and said, "OK, the three scrapped z3 smelting furnaces in the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle have been sold to you, but you have to give me a thousand silver bulls!"

Zhou Shanren hesitated for a while, raised the monocle in his hand above his head, and muttered: "For the sake of this spectacles, a thousand silver bulls is only a thousand silver bulls, and I don't care about you."

Li Yinguang: "..."

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!