MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 744 Qian's dude, extremely absurd

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   "It's done!" Qin Muye moved his body for the first time to replace, but he didn't feel anything.

   "It's just that this huge family business is about to fall."

  Qin Muye looked at the pavilions of this great family, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The name of the person he replaced was Qian Tu, and the meaning of the name was very good.

  Although he is a dandy who is proficient in eating, drinking, and playing, he has not successfully contracted a spirit beast until now, but as long as his parents are not dead, it is no problem to hang around like this for the rest of his life.

   But the problem is that his parents are dead. The news has not yet come, and it is estimated that it will take three to five days.

That's why Qin Muye said that the Qian family was about to fall, because Qian Tu's parents were only one step away from becoming spirit masters in the Sanxian realm, and they were the pillars of the new family. If it is gone, then the Qian family will be a big piece of fat.

  Although Sanxian is nothing in Yulingjie, at least it is enough in this small county.

   After all, it is only a small place, and it is not the prosperous area of ​​the Great Spirit Dynasty. It is equivalent to the small city where the protagonist starts.

  The dynasty that ruled the entire Spirit Realm is called the Great Spirit, and the 9th-level Imperial Spirit Master is the Great Spirit Emperor, because he has enough power to suppress these aristocratic families.

   "Up to three days. It seems that we have to find a way to transfer the property first. I didn't expect that the first thing I came here would be such a punishment."

   It's not that the Qian family cannot be saved, but Qin Muye doesn't want to save it. Instead, it would be better if the Qian family is gone. Even for Qian Tu, the Qian family is not a good thing.

  Reviewing Qian Tu's memory, being able to become a **** has an inseparable relationship with those uncles and aunts.

  Qian Tu's parents, as spirit masters, made the Qian family a new family, but because the Qian family's background is too weak, they spend most of their time working hard outside to increase their background.

  And those relatives who are not strong enough are helping to manage, and then this person has selfish motives.

   Because of this, Qian Tu was raised and abolished, but for their offspring, the resources of the Qian family were misappropriated for training, and they have already reached the fourth realm of Mortal Realm. You must know that Qian Tu's parents are only in the ninth realm of Mortal Realm.

  Under normal circumstances, if Qian Tu wants to practice, those uncles and aunts will guide him to have fun, and they will spend a lot of money, and they will use various methods to lure him.

   "In this situation, it's no wonder that even now there is no first realm of Mortal Realm."

  You don’t even have the formula to control the spirit, how to practice?

   Every time I look for him, he either pushes 256 or changes the subject to say where is there any fun, that is, Qiantu has been fooled and he can't even find Bei. It is estimated that many people outside laugh at him.

  Put it before, this is definitely not good news, and now it is not necessarily that everyone is innocent and guilty.

  Qian Tu's parents died, and the Qian family will be liquidated sooner or later without a pillar.

   If you want to say who to liquidate, it must be his uncles and aunts. Could it be Qian Tu?

  But in this county, everyone doesn't know that Qiantu is just a dude who asks for money and doesn't know how to practice.

  If you really want to target him, you will not be able to get the assets of the Qian family. If you want the assets, the best way is actually to support this Qiantu and empty the Qian family in the name of Qiantu, instead of killing Qiantu.

   Then, Qin Muye transferred the family property ahead of time, and those uncles and aunts took the blame for him, which was perfect.

  Who would suspect a brainless dude.

   "Master, Mr. Wang over at the Qiushui Tower invites you to watch Miss Ruhua's flute." A servant came in and said obsequiously.

   "." Qin Muye has a black line, which is a bit too much.

   I have to say that although he is a playboy, he is really good at playing.

  It’s not a good thing just to be able to play like this. After all, playing too much will lead to a lack of energy and spirit. He is just a mortal, and the uncles in the Qianfu are planning to kill Qiantu’s future.

   There is a lot of shortfall, and in the future, even the first level of the Mortal Realm will not be able to be cultivated, not to mention what great things can be achieved in the village of indulging in gentleness.

   "If you don't want to go, just say it's not good enough recently." Qin Muye immediately refused, and he had to transfer his property.

  The servant was also taken aback, what is this saying?

   "Master, why don't I go to the Eldest Master and get you a Yiyang Pill, one of which will ensure you will be alive and well." The servant said hastily.

This Yiyang Pill is not for aphrodisiac, but a serious training resource. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for such resources to fall into Qin Muye's hands, but if Qin Muye is not willing to indulge in fun because of his health, then definitely will be given.

   "No, that stuff is bitter and not tasty, let's wait for a couple of days before we talk about it." Qin Muye waved his hand to signal to get out.

  This prince wants to gain the power of his Qian family, and this servant is even simpler, that is, those uncles, if they really belong to Qian Tu or his parents, they will definitely not cheat Qian Tu like this.

  The entire Qian family has already been controlled by these uncles, otherwise how could Qian Tu's parents not know the real situation of Qian Tu.

   It's just because Qiantu is still useful, they need Qiantu's parents to continue to be their pillars and acquire all kinds of background, otherwise Qiantu is probably gone long ago, how can they still live until now.

   "The young master's health is critical. I'll report to the elder, and ask the elder to arrange for a doctor to take a look at you." As soon as the servant finished speaking, he ran away without waiting for Qin Muye's answer.

   "Tsk, Elder Master? Heh." Qin Muye really recognized the servant's loyalty, but the loyal person was not Qian Tu, but Qian Jingtian, the elder of the Qian family.

  The name sounds awesome, but it was actually changed after the Qian family became popular.

  Qian Tu's parents are the second in the Qian family, so they are generally called the second master.

  Because most of the time they are not in the Qian family, so although the head of the Qian family is Qian Tu's parents, the actual controllers are Qian Jingtian and Qian Jingdi.

  Qian Jingtian is the eldest master, and Qian Jingdi is the third master. These two are in charge of the Qian family together.

  To be honest, Qin Muye didn't understand why these two people dared to change such a domineering name for him, and he wasn't worried about being hacked to death when he went out.

  Anyway, Qin Muye would not dare to change such an arrogant name.

As for the reason, Qin Muye really knew that it was said that he was fooled by a certain spiritual master who possessed a spirit beast that could reveal the secrets of heaven, saying that as long as these two names were changed, the Qian family would be guaranteed to become a grand master. family.

  Whether the Qian family will be the world's unparalleled family or not, Qin Muye doesn't know, but he can be sure that these two people must be laughed at secretly.

  Because the so-called spirit beast that can reveal the secrets of the sky is completely fake, and everyone is not a fool, so we must inquire about such a magical spirit beast, and this inquiry not only reveals the truth.

  The two brothers probably knew about it, but for the sake of face, they pretended not to know, otherwise what else could they do.

  But later I guess I felt that these two names were really domineering. Although my own strength did not match, but after being fooled by the imperial master with a lot of resources, it would be a big loss if I didn’t use them.

"Nephew Tu, are you okay? I heard that you are sick and won't even go to Qiufeng Building." A middle-aged man hurried over. This person was Qian Jingtian. For him, Qian Tu didn't go to Qiufeng Lou must be seriously ill, otherwise how could he say such a thing.

   "Well, I feel very boring recently, and the girls in Qiufeng Tower are like that." Qin Muye looked bored.

  Hearing this, he looked at Qin Muye's face again, Qian Jing was relieved, it turned out that it wasn't the prodigal son who turned back, it was simply that he was tired of playing in Qiufenglou.

"Oh, it's your uncle who's sorry for you, but don't worry, I'll ask Qiufenglou to import some new goods for you immediately, to ensure freshness." Qian Jingtian said hurriedly. Whether it's a restaurant or a brothel, the Qian family has a hand in everything.

   "Really!" Qin Muye seemed a little interested, but not much.

   "Is it still possible to lie to you? I'm your uncle. How have I ever lied to you?" Qian Jingtian said happily.

   "That's true, then don't make me wait too long." Qin Muye said immediately.

What Qian Jingtian said is really true. In the matter of making Qian Tu eat, drink and play like a dandy, he really spared no effort. Whatever Qian Tu wants, Qian Jingtian will do it for him, and his own son is not so pampered. of.

"Okay, since Qiufeng Building is boring, how about going to eat and gamble? There is a new stall in the west of the city, which seems to be very interesting. Come and spend whatever you want." Qian Jingtian took out a stack of bank notes from his pocket. .

  Seeing this scene, Qin Muye was almost speechless, so he really didn't learn how to guide him in any direction.

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