MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 753 Fate comes, chance is unexpected

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  Fan Hua opened his eyes, and what he saw was a strange scene, steel, glass and some things he couldn't name.

   Taking a closer look, he was imprisoned in a certain container. He tried to break through, but there was no way to break the container that held him.

   "Where am I?" He was a little confused, but he quickly remembered.

   Not long ago, he went to explore the ruins with his friends, and got a stone similar to an eyeball, and then he was plotted by his friends and knocked off the cliff.

  The reason is very simple, his friend took a fancy to his spirit beast.

  His friend turned to the method of refining spirits, and had already refined his own spirit beast into his body, and then naturally focused on the spirit beast he had cultivated so hard.

  That's right, this spirit refining method can not only be used on oneself and uncontracted spirit beasts, but can even be forcibly refined on other people's spirit beasts that have already contracted.

  So it was a trap for his friend to invite him to explore the ruins together, but he didn't expect that there were actually ruins there, and he still gained something.

  Looking at the white eye pattern on the palm of his right hand, he knew that it was the stone that turned him, and brought him to this mysterious place.

"Cough, it's useless for me to treat him as a friend." Fan Hua was filled with righteous indignation. He could feel the backlash of the death of the spirit beast. Although his spirit beast was just a Chiyan cat, he still regarded it as a family member. The murder of a friend.

   "I don't know how long I've been in a coma, and what's going on here."

  Fan Hua touched his nose helplessly and smiled wryly.

   Then a gleam of light flashed in his sudden eyes, and he suddenly found that there seemed to be a layer of small characters on the glass that imprisoned him.

   "Chaos God Demon Spirit Refining Art"

  He read these words softly, and then he couldn't help being shocked.

   "This is"

After reading this article "The Art of Purifying Spirits of Chaos Gods and Demons", he couldn't help being shocked. He naturally knew the art of refining spirits, which is the method of refining spirits, but this article is different. Refining spirit beasts can also allow oneself to retain the ability to control spirits, which can be called invincible.

   What's more important is that once it is practiced, it can also obtain a kind of ability called divine grant. After using it on the spirit beast, it can increase the level of the spirit beast's spirit beast technique, and even forcibly increase the potential of the spirit beast.

   "We must write down this "Chaos Gods and Demons Refining Spirit Art" as soon as possible." Fan Hua's expression froze. Fortunately, this whole article is not long, so I wrote it down soon.

   After writing it down completely, I was relieved, but I didn't start to switch to practice immediately. Although this spirit refining formula can take into account the spirit control, but if you want to practice, you still need to have a spirit beast.

  He also doesn't have a spirit beast in his hands, so naturally he has no way to switch to cultivation.

   "How should I go back?" Fan Hua looked around, and then saw the materials stored on the table not far away, his expression brightened: "These things are all resources, and they are also Time Dao resources."

  He recognized these resources from a distance. Although he came from a humble background, he had seen these things in the illustrated book issued by the academy.

  These resources made him feel hot. Time Dao is an extremely powerful spirit beast attribute. If he can get it, he can cultivate a spirit beast with Time Dao attribute in his body in the future, and he will definitely be famous.

   "I have to find a way to get it. No matter what, I have to go out. If I don't go out, I will be trapped here to death."

At this time, Fan Hua had a vague guess in his heart. He suspected that he might have been teleported to the secret realm of a certain ancient power. As evidence, it is enough to determine where you are.

   And that eye-shaped stone is also the key to the inheritance. Now he should have obtained the qualification. If he wants to further obtain the inheritance, he has to rely on himself.

   "It's definitely the ancient power!" He couldn't help but burst into ecstasy, and then sneered abruptly: "Oh, when I get the inheritance of the power, I will definitely let you die badly when I go back."

  When he thought of his friend, how dare he betray him, his teeth itch with hatred.

   After struggling for a while, he still couldn't get out of the container that held him, which made him feel a little desperate.

  As time passed by, this growing despair made him a little irritable, and he began to beat the transparent barrier frantically, completely ignoring the rare skills on it.

   But even so, there was no way to escape, and he could only sit down weakly in the end. Fortunately, this transparent container was big enough, so he didn't have to worry about his own problems.

   "Hateful, is the sky going to kill me?"

   Obtaining the power inheritance for the first time, and also out of danger, are obviously two good things, but why did it become like this when put together.

  As long as he can obtain those Time Dao resources, he can definitely become the supreme Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian by combining the two schools of refining spirits and controlling spirits into one by practicing "Chaos God Demon Refining Spirit Art".

   At that time, the world will be so big that there is nowhere to go.

  Unfortunately, he couldn't even leave this small container, let alone other things.

  Under the panic, the backlash from the death of the spirit beast couldn't be suppressed, and it rushed up directly.

   Immediately spit out a mouthful of blood.

   There was no case where the container opened automatically after vomiting blood, and nothing changed, except that the transparent container was stained with a large amount of blood.

   "No, if I don't get enough treatment, I may die." Fan Hua panicked.

   Being locked in a transparent container is not a big deal. He can completely breathe out his spiritual energy to maintain himself and then slowly find a way. Although he is desperate, he still has a chance, at least not to the point of giving up on himself.

   After all, he has only been here for a long time, but the backlash of the death of the spirit beast and his own injury, the combination of the two will endanger his life.

  It was possible to suppress before, but it is not a problem to suppress all the time.

  Under normal circumstances, it is really not a big problem, but the situation is not normal now.

   "Damn it!"

  Fan Hua showed a trace of resentment on his face, success is clearly in front of him, but it will become false.

   "Not good, backlash is coming."

  He felt that the wound in his soul began to expand, and he couldn't suppress it anymore.

   Severe pain erupted in my mind, and my consciousness was also a little blurred by the backlash, and I finally turned my head and passed out.

   It is naturally the soul that forms a contract with the spirit beast, and the backlash of the death of the spirit beast is naturally aimed at the soul.

   I don't know how long it took before Fan Hua slowly woke up, and when he looked up, he saw that he had returned to the outside of the secret realm.

   "I'm back? No, my injury has recovered." Then he hurriedly looked at his hands, the white eye lines had disappeared, which made him feel a little lost.

  He knows that he has lost the qualification to inherit, and there is no way to obtain the inheritance of ancient power.

  If he hadn't been backlashed by the death of the spirit beast, then he would definitely be able to solve the puzzle and finally get the inheritance successfully. By then, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian would be just a matter of hand.

   "We are not done with this matter!"

   The culprit is the friend who betrayed him.

   "I can't go back now. After I complete the "Chaos God Demon Refining Spirit Art", I will definitely cut you into pieces."

   After getting up, he thought of the Time Dao resources in that inheritance land again, and couldn't help but feel distressed. It should have belonged to him, but now he doesn't know that it will be cheaper, that bastard.

   "Wait, if I can get another entry certificate, I will have another chance to enter again."

   "Yes, since it is an inheritance, there must be more than one certificate, there must be multiple certificates!"

  Thinking of this, Fan Hua's expression brightened. He can definitely pay attention to it in the future. If he can get it again and give him another chance, he will definitely be able to successfully obtain the inheritance.

  After all, he can even learn the top-level skills such as "Chaos God Demon Refining Spirit Art", let alone a mere inheritance. For him, it is not easy to grasp.

   As for the failure this time, it must be because I was in a bad state after being backlashed by the spirit beast.

After leaving the secret realm, he glanced at the sky and the direction of the city he was in, but he still didn't go back. If he went back, his friend would definitely not let him go. After all, he was already immortal. Now completely become the enemy.

   Therefore, he can only go in the other direction with resentment, temporarily hibernate and wait until he is strong enough before retaliating. After all, he has no spirit beast and no spirit refinement, he just has a realm without any power.