MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 773 Stealing resources secretly, the son-in-law disappeared

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  Chapter 773 Stealing resources secretly, the eldest son is missing

   Musang is gone, and he looks like he has lost his soul.

   Originally, he came here to trouble Qin Muye, but unexpectedly, he was fooled by Qin Muye. He couldn't even believe why he believed the other party's ridiculous scapegoat lie.

  Wang Kui also expressed embarrassment about this. In the final analysis, it was their Mu family who were wrong. After all, with Musang's aggressive appearance, it was good for Qin Muye to simply fool around, and he was afraid that he would continue to die in the future.

  Qin Muye didn't care, but he felt that Mu Sang was a scourge, so he asked Mrs. Mu to deal with it quickly.

  After saying this, Wang Kui's face turned dark, thinking that Qin Muye was dissatisfied and wanted to kill Mu Sang.

  In fact, Mu Sang is usually very active, and is not as easily bewitched as Qin Muye saw. The main reason is that Qin Muye's protagonist halo has taken effect.

In the end, Wang Kui could only stabilize Qin Muye for the time being, and then think of a solution. He always felt that Qin Muye was like a smiling tiger. Grab a breakthrough.

   "What? Something was robbed?" Mrs. Mu's face darkened, and even her voice changed a lot.

   This reminded her of how Qin Muye fooled her son Mu Sang yesterday, and something happened in the end.

  Under normal circumstances, it is true that Qin Muye would not be suspected, but the problem is that in their eyes, Qin Muye is a spiritual master who belongs to the causal way, and there is a high probability that the foundation has been buried under certain circumstances and is ready to explode at any time.

  So this had to make her think that it might be Qin Muye's handwriting.

   "Old Wang, what do you think?" Madam Mu asked Wang Kui, who was familiar with Qin Muye.

  Wang Kui is a jerk, what can he look at, he just stands there.

   "Ma'am, I think you can ask Mr. Qin." Wang Kui gritted his teeth and said.

   "." Mrs. Mu is speechless, the other party is ready to cheat you, what is the use of asking the other party, is it possible that you will really say it?

   "Okay, I will leave this matter to Mr. Wang, and it must be resolved." Although Mrs. Mu was speechless about Wang Kui's confidence, she still left it to him.

  She guessed that the other party just wanted to stay in Mu's house for a long time so that he could make further moves, so the best way now is actually to send him away quickly, so as to avoid accidents and accidents.

  Thinking of this, Mrs. Mu is actually a bit regretful, she would have known better if she had known.

  'No, Sonny! ’ Mrs. Mu suddenly realized that internal and external troubles, these two words are usually together.

  Foreign troubles were unknown people who robbed Qin Muye of the resources he needed, but internal troubles hadn't erupted yet, so she naturally thought of Mu Sang who had been fooled by Qin Muye at the first time.

   It is absolutely impossible for the other party to simply fool Mu Sang. The cause has definitely been planted, and the fruit is only waiting to be reaped.

   "Where is Sang'er? Yesterday he was punished to face the wall and think about it. How is he thinking now?" Mrs. Mu stabilized her emotions and asked immediately.

   "Madam, everything is well, Master Sang." The maid who was close to her hurriedly replied.

   "Well? Let him come over and say hello to me." Mrs. Mu rubbed her temples, then glanced at Wang Kui: "Old Wang, go, don't delay."

"Ma'am, I thought again, this matter can't be too aggressive, it's not good to startle the snake, it should be carefully investigated." Wang Kui's move is to advance as a retreat, first throwing out his point of view and then denying it. It looks double-faced, but at least it's not dangerous.

   "Okay, I will leave this matter to you, and find out as soon as possible"

   Before Mrs. Mu finished speaking, her personal maid hurried back.

   "It's not good, ma'am, Master Sang escaped at some point." The maid looked anxious.

   When she heard the news, Mrs. Mu's heart sank to the bottom. She didn't expect it to come so soon.

   "What do those guards and servants think? When did Sonny leave?" Mrs. Mu leaked a hint of the golden fairyland, making everyone around tremble.

   Fortunately, she also grasped the speed well, and did not cover the entire Mu family.

   It is absolutely impossible for Musang to disappear from under her nose. After all, she is also a golden fairy, how could a mere mortal realm escape her surveillance.

   So someone must help.

  Of course, this person is not Qin Muye, but he can be tricked by Qin Muye.

   "Old Wang, go and talk to Mr. Qin, you can talk about anything, as long as he informs us of Sang'er's whereabouts." Mrs. Mu was also decisive.

   It doesn't matter what you do to startle the snake, what kind of investigation, the Mu family's son is the hope of the Mu family, and there is absolutely no problem.

   "Yes, ma'am." At this time, Wang Kui no longer used anything to retreat, but responded in a cold sweat. The breath just now almost scared him to death.

   It's time now, and I definitely can't play tricks anymore.

"Then arrange for people to find out what was robbed, and then assign some people to find Sang'er's whereabouts. Hurry up!" Mrs. Mu didn't put all her hopes on Wang Kui, she had to take action herself. .

As for Qin Muye, she wanted to do it, but she hesitated. The other party definitely hid his strength, and he was definitely not in the mortal realm. As for which realm it is in the fairyland, it is still open to debate, but the guarantee is the golden fairyland, because she can't see the opponent Depending on the reality, it may even be Da Luo Jin Wonderland.

Although the Daluo Jinxian of the Daling Dynasty was wiped out by the Lingdi, some of them escaped, especially because the opponent is mainly based on the way of cause and effect and luck. Naturally, they can predict these crises in advance and want to avoid the possibility. Difficult, but not impossible.

  Although he doesn't know why he used this method to target the Mu family, but he can be sure that this is definitely beneficial.

  ‘He doesn’t want the whole Mu family, does he? '

  ‘No, it’s impossible, Lingdi is now ruthless, he absolutely dare not do such a thing of destroying his family, once exposed, he will not escape death! '

  'So there must be other plans, maybe he is planning not only my Mu family, but also other big families. '

  Mrs. Mu had a lot of ideas in her mind, but there was no evidence for them, and there was no way to question Qin Muye in this way.

  I can only go through Wang Kui, she is not suitable in the past.

   "Huh~" Mrs. Mu took a deep breath, wondering who did it.

   It wasn't Qin Muye who did it, the person who did it was extremely concealed, and he specifically targeted her. Even now, she can actually notice that Musang is in her room.

   But she also checked the actual situation, and it was naturally empty, so this was deliberately targeted.

   "Which family is cooperating?"

  The only ones who can deal with the big family are the big family, or else who else.

   "You have to provide evidence for this matter. Although Musang offended me, I also fooled back and went back. It's not a debt to both. It's okay. I'll figure out what he is doing."

   "Besides, you can't say that it's my plan to lose people."

  Qin Muye had an expression on his face that you were **** teasing me, he would be responsible for any co-authoring.

   "Sir, we can talk about what you want, but Master Sang can't have any accidents." Wang Kui was also anxious, he felt that Qin Muye didn't talk about martial ethics at all.

  Before, he agreed to all the conditions, but after the fact, he actually did something like this.

   "Don't make trouble, I have nothing to do to trick him, besides, I almost got my things, so why do I have to make trouble." Qin Muye's face was also very ugly.

  He thought it was an accident, but it definitely had something to do with the protagonist's halo, and there was a high probability that something bad would happen.

  ‘Musan is indeed an introduction.’

  When the other party came here to find fault before, Qin Muye had this idea, but Mrs. Mu let it go. Do you really think she didn't know that Mu Sang came to Qingsongju? Jinxian is the seventh rank, and any troubles in the Mu family can't be hidden from her.

  However, it was beyond Qin Muye's expectation that Mu Sang disappeared. There was a high probability that he was kidnapped. Otherwise, he disappeared for no reason. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't avoid Mrs. Mu.

   "Okay, I know you think I have other plans, go see Mrs. Mu, this matter is none of my business, probably someone wants to intervene after seeing the internal turmoil in your Mu family just settled."

   "Just dare to use this hand to burn my head, that would be too hateful."

  Qin Muye looked at Wang Kui who was hesitant to speak, and finally decided to talk about it. What can he talk about with Wang Kui, an old slave, of course he has to talk to the person in charge.

   Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to rely on a middleman all the time, and Qin Muye didn't have so much free time to waste.

  (end of this chapter)

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