MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 790 Qi Cheng Ling descended, contradicting each other

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  Chapter 790 Qi Cheng's Spirit Descends, Contradicting Each Other

  Qin Muye saw a majestic torrent between heaven and earth passing through the contract between him and the Fairy in the Mirror, and some kind of blessing from somewhere in the dark came down, making him constantly inflate.

  He didn't feel too much discomfort. Although he is an avatar, he still has some knowledge of the ontology, and the power of level 9 was instantly mastered by him.

"It looks like level 9, but it's not level 9." Qin Muye quickly understood his state. He possessed all the strength of level 9, even the essence, but this essence was not his own, but It is supported by outsiders.

The situation with Lingdi is the same as him, but Lingdi has already controlled him regardless of each other through long-term running-in. On the contrary, Qin Muye has just started, so there is not much running-in, but he has the experience of the body. It's not unfamiliar.

   It is necessary to fight through the fairy in the mirror, which makes him a little uncomfortable. After all, his current identity is more of a master of spirits.

  In the dark night sky, a bright flame illuminated most of the sky, and a terrifying phoenix on fire galloped towards it.

   This means that the Lingdi has come.

   His big movement, if the other party has no way to detect it, wouldn't it be a waste of his 9th-level name.

   "A newly born Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian, you surprised me." Lingdi jumped off the phoenix in flames and landed in front of Qin Muye.

  In the shadow, a Nether White Tiger leaped out and followed closely beside Lingdi, its huge body was dotted with frightening lines.

  Underground creeping could be felt clearly, a large number of tree roots penetrated through Yiwang Mansion, a giant tree emerged, and the branches and leaves on the trunk swayed gently.

"Tsk, as for such a big battle? I just passed by." Qin Muye opened his mouth and came, holding the mirror fairy in his hand. At this time, all the passives of the mirror fairy were opened, and the whole world was aroused. The causal luck between them formed a defensive posture.

Although Lingdi didn't come out in full force and only brought three spirit beasts over, even so, Qin Muye was still a little nervous. The kind that no one can hold back.

  So at this time, I can only think of a way. Try not to get beaten.

   Fighting for Dao doesn’t mean you have to fight to the death with the opponent, you can also do sabotage secretly.

   "You killed Zhen's son, tell me, what should you do?" Lingdi's tone was very calm, these words were equivalent to telling Qin Muye that he had to give an explanation.

  Emperor Ling actually knew about King Yi's matter, not only acquiesced, but also secretly provided help.

  As for these people who died? In fact, he didn't care. If a city of people could exchange for a royal Daluo Jinxian, it would definitely be a very valuable deal.

Without the cooperation of Emperor Ling, how could King Yi spread the news of Chaohua Festival so widely? In fact, he was monitoring all of this, but he didn't expect Qin Muye to pick the peaches in the end, because there was something in it. Due to the interference of luck, it was Qin Muye's body who made the move, which led to this result.

   It was an unequal fight, how could Lingdi win.

"First of all, King Yi is not dead, he is still lying on the ground, and secondly, your grandson is not dead, you see, he is still crawling like a maggot." Qin Muye said, don't fool me, it has nothing to do with him whether he is dead or not. .

   "So, you don't want to explain to me." There was a trace of regret in Emperor Ling's tone.

If it was the unknown veteran Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian who entered his Great Spirit Treasure Back then, he would indeed be more afraid, but when he saw Qin Muye who had only just made a breakthrough, he would naturally have to be careful, and even if he had the opportunity, kill him. It is not impossible.

It's not that he doesn't allow the appearance of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, if it belongs to the Daling royal family, it's fine, it can become one of his great spirit's strengths, but not now, naturally he can kill if he can, and he has to find a way if he can't. It only needs to be abolished or captured, and he must not be allowed to escape.

   What's more, the other party still cut off the opportunity of his Daling imperial family, how could the Lingdi let Qin Muye go.

   There is already a threat, and it is impossible for him to make another threat from Daling.

   "Ah, do you have to fight to the death?" Qin Muye never thought that the Spirit Emperor would be so determined to eradicate himself.

   Well, in fact, he also had the urge to hack Lingdi to death, but he kept suppressing it.

  He suspected that it was caused by the blessed contract on his body that wanted to annex the part of Emperor Ling.

However, Lingdi's bad attitude towards Qin Muye must have had some influence, but because Lingdi had been fused with this part of the blessing for too long, he didn't notice the difference, because it was already a part of him. up.

  In Qin Muye's eyes, the Lingdi at this time is no longer a mere spirit master, but more like the embodiment of the contract in the spirit world.

   "No, it's just that you died." Emperor Ling didn't notice his abnormality, thinking that he was removing hidden dangers for the Great Spirit, and didn't realize that there was actually something wrong with his behavior.

   "Then if I give an explanation, what do you think should be the explanation?" Qin Muye changed the phrase, he was trying to calculate how much influence Lingdi had.

  Emperor Ling also frowned, and then fell silent. In his heart, he was inclined to kill the other party to avoid future troubles.

  But rationally told him that he might not be able to kill the other party, and keeping the other party alive and becoming an ally was the best choice instead of killing them all.

  He didn't think there was a problem with his thinking, but felt that he should try to find a solution that got the best of both worlds.

   For example, kill it more cleanly?

   "Confession? Just use your life." As soon as Lingdi finished speaking, the Nether White Tiger rushed towards Qin Muye.

  Qin Muye had long been guarded against this move, teleportation + space cutting, within a radius of thousands of miles, all shattered in an instant, turning into endless space turbulence.

  The strong body of the Nether White Tiger ignored all the spatial turbulence cutting on it, roaring burst out, and the Nether Wind blew over.

Qin Muye didn't care about this, but manipulated the Immortal in the Mirror to form a Klein bottle by cutting space, and the ghostly wind blew back along the bottle mouth, and then used the Mobius ring to turn it into a maze to control it. The phoenix on fire who came here.

   It is this sacred tree of the sky that is more difficult to top. The huge tree body sweeps away the confusion of space, and what it walks is to convince people with strength.

  The first two spirit beasts can use the space to resist a little bit by special means, but the sacred tree of heaven can't do it, and the opponent also has the attribute of space, so it is really impossible to win in a fight.

The four spirit beasts of Lingdi have complete attributes, the gold and death of the ghostly white tiger, the fire and life of the bathing phoenix, and the wood and space of the heavenly sacred tree. Otherwise, the combination of water and soil will form an endless effect, and Qin Muye can really be consumed to death.

The reason why the giant pincers did not come is because they want to guard the Great Spirit. Now the Great Spirit is undergoing high-pressure reforms. Once they all leave, if there are aristocratic families or officials who do some small tricks in secret and cause everything to lose, then it will not be worth it. .

  But after seeing Qin Muye's methods, Emperor Ling actually regretted a little, but the regret was useless. Instead, he continued to block Qin Muye with the Sacred Tree of Heaven.

   As long as they stop for a while, the Nether White Tiger and Yuhuo Phoenix can break through the interception.

  Qin Muye's method is very good, but the problem is that the two spirit beasts directly broke the situation violently, and your design is not so subtle, and they are all blown up by you.

   "Wood attribute, I don't know if you can block the attack of metal and fire dual attributes!" Qin Muye also knew that it was time to work hard, and there were really ways to break the game.

  The wood attribute of the Celestial Cang Sacred Tree is its biggest flaw. The Immortal in the Mirror in Qin Muye's hand has a basic level of Spirit Beast Art like Golden Light in the Mirror, and it is still at the full level.

  If it was changed to the previous 8th level, it might indeed be eliminated, but now it is 9th level, and Qin Muye controls it personally, so the attributes are directly restrained.

   As for the space attribute, he also has it in his hand, so that the other party can't use it.

  In the small gossip mirror, a dazzling golden light burst out, and instantly penetrated his Heavenly Sacred Tree which was being blocked.

   This ray of golden light not only broke the blockade, but even penetrated through the sky, causing a huge shock in the entire world of imperial spirits.

   "Let's go first, goodbye!"

  Qin Muye immediately ran away with teleportation, but he didn't just run away like that.

   Still left a golden light in the mirror in place, but in an instant, the brilliance burst out again. At this time, the Nether White Tiger and Yuhuo Phoenix just broke through the space blockade left by Qin Muye, and they were blasted head-on.

  (end of this chapter)

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