MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 792 The sect first appeared, with different thoughts

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  Chapter 792 The sect first appeared, with different thoughts

   "Sect? A newly rising force?" Emperor Ling returned to his palace, looked at the latest memorial, and was a little puzzled.

  In the past few months, he has been looking for the traces of Qin Muye, and even caught the other party's traces several times, but as long as he is fast, he can catch the other party.

  It's a pity that every chase and escape made the other party more vigilant, and they could leave before his arrival, leaving him in vain.

  I wanted to continue hunting down, but when I thought about the accumulated government affairs over the past few days, rationally, I could only come back to deal with it temporarily, and it would not be too late to go after the government affairs after handling the government affairs.

And as soon as he came back, he found that he didn't know when, there were many new forces called sects in his Great Spirit Dynasty. These forces were not the same as ordinary forces. However, compared to the aristocratic family, the sect's model is more aggressive.

  The aristocratic family is connected by blood and family as the bond of interest, so it is extremely exclusive.

   On the contrary, the sects are different, and they use the inheritance of master and apprentice as the bond of interest. In this way, as long as someone worships in the sect, he is a part of it.

  The expansion of sect forces is extremely fast. They continue to destroy a large number of forces and occupy various industries, because they quickly accumulated a large amount of wealth to support their disciples.

   It even divides the grades of disciples, classifying many disciples from outer disciples, inner disciples, true disciples, etc.

  Firstly, the interests are bound, and then the competition is generated by the level of welfare, so as to divide the classes.

The most important thing is that the promotion channel is based on strength as the benchmark. As long as you are strong enough, you can not only become a disciple, but also become an elder with real power. In short, everyone has a future that can be seen. Can be a dog or go to the court to discuss seniority.

   As for joining those small forces? That would be even worse, most of them are factions that are united with each other, not only depending on the eyes of the aristocratic family but also the eyes of the court officials, no one can offend.

  Sect is different, because it uses the inheritance of master and apprentice as a link, in order to develop, it must protect the shortcomings. Although the aristocratic family also protects the shortcomings, it also depends on the interests.

  The newly born sect power system naturally has to be brought into play in order to allow its advantages to cover up its shortcomings.

   "In the past few months, so many things have happened, and the officials of Daling didn't stop it?" Lingdi looked very ugly.

  He saw the danger of the sect to the Great Spirit Dynasty, because it was growing and competing with the Great Spirit for nutrients.

  The imperial spirit master who is an official in the Great Spirit Dynasty must abide by the official rules, and the casual imperial spirit master may not be able to succeed for a lifetime. Although his reforms are gradually eliminating these disadvantages, it is impossible to disappear immediately.

  The aristocratic family is even worse, rejecting the spiritual masters who are not of the blood of the family, making the highest level of the uninitiated spiritual masters to be enshrined, commonly known as high-level thugs.

  This has led to the sect's direct attraction to the undisciplined spirit masters, and even many forces voluntarily dispersed themselves to join the sect, forming a brand new power system.

   "Your Majesty, many officials have joined the sect, and some even resigned to stand on their own and become the leader of the sect." The commander-in-chief of the Tsing Yi Guards at the side said in a low voice.

  As soon as these words came out, Emperor Ling's face became even uglier.

  Officials are similar to catching fast government servants, etc. These are generally composed of scattered people and spiritual masters, because those with backgrounds have become officials, how can they be officials.

  Before, they themselves were squeezed by a higher level, and they encountered the high-pressure policy of Emperor Ling, which made these low-level officials even more unbearable.

  So naturally it exploded at one point, and there is a better place to go, so why stay here and take the blame and be robbed of credit.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Tsing Yi Guards actually didn’t say anything. Apart from the officials, there were quite a few officials who also resigned and ran away. The bench has not been promoted for a long time, even if the political achievements are enough, they will be run away.

That is to say, after Lingdi killed a wave of aristocratic families before, this kind of behavior stopped a lot, but everything has already happened, and what should be suffered has already been suffered, and there is even no compensation, and the follow-up will be more serious Squeeze, who would want to keep it with you.

   "Someone is behind this matter, is it those aristocratic families?" Lingdi said with an ugly expression.

   "This is not just a family, but also some officials." The Commander-in-Chief of Tsing Yi Wei answered boldly.

   "Part? Which part is it?" Lingdi is planning to pull the list to liquidate.

  The commander-in-chief of the Tsing Yi Guards could only die as a fellow Taoist, and immediately took out the list and information that had been prepared.

Before that, he had already noticed the danger of the growing sect, but he suspected that not only the family and officials were secretly supporting behind it, but also an invisible black hand was deliberately promoting it, just like the original method of refining spirits. Within a few days, it spread throughout the Great Spirit Dynasty.

  Lingdi also saw the problems in this list and information at a glance. With these people, can the sect grow?

   is simply ridiculous.

   "Is there anything else you want to say?" Lingdi's tone was very dissatisfied.

   "Report to Your Majesty, I suspect that this matter may be related to the great demon who spread the law of refining spirits." The commander-in-chief of Tsing Yi Wei had no choice but to grit his teeth and throw the pot out first.

  He could see that Emperor Ling was in a bad mood, but if he was not satisfied with the answer, he would have to explain it here, so he might as well deal with the matter in front of him first.

  Emperor Ling was also moved, not to mention, at first glance, they were very similar, and the speed of the expansion alone was enough to explain it.

  Although the spread and expansion of this school is not as fast as the original method of refining spirits, it is still normal. The method of refining spirits is just a secret method, but a school is a force, and it cannot be built in three or two days.

   "Eliminate these sects as soon as possible, incorporate those that can be incorporated, and dispose of those that cannot be incorporated." Lingdi said immediately.

  Sect and the method of refining spirits are not the same. If the method of training spirits indirectly impacts the Great Spirit Dynasty, then the rise of this sect can definitely directly impact the entire Great Spirit Dynasty.

  If he hadn't been entangled in Qin Muye's affairs, he would definitely have done it immediately.

   "Your Majesty, this matter may be very difficult. Most of the sects are local scattered people. If they are really killed, it may cause public anger." The commander-in-chief of Tsing Yi Wei is not a fool, and even recruited.

  Most of these people are dissatisfied with the morals of the world. You said they would be willing to recruit them back, especially those officials, who themselves know what the court is like.

   Therefore, there is a high probability that they can only be killed, but if the killing continues, it will directly affect the interests of most people.

  The establishment of sects has led to the formation of a brand new resource industry. Although it has just sprouted, it has also benefited many aristocratic families and officials.

  When Emperor Ling opened his mouth, he had to offend others, and when his knife was blunt, he couldn't throw it out to appease his anger.

  Even if it is a knife, you have to consider how to sheath it in the future. A knife cannot be sharp forever.

   "Killing, isn't it just a group of scattered people, the family is involved in the extermination of the clan, and the officials are involved in the dismissal and beheaded." Emperor Ling didn't care about that much.

  The world is his world, it’s just that some imperial masters die, he dares to exterminate even those top big families, let alone these people, it’s better if they die more, when the time comes, a new group of people will come up.

   "Yes, Your Majesty." The commander-in-chief of Tsing Yi Wei felt bitter in his heart. What is this? From Lingdi's determined tone, it can be known that he has no choice this time.

   "As well as your Tsing Yi Wei, we have to check and see if there are any small-minded people, and if there are any, we will deal with them together." Lingdi added.

   This made Commander Tsing Yi Wei feel chills in his heart, which meant that he not only used him as a knife to slaughter, but also didn't believe in his knife.

   "I understand that after I go back, I will live up to the Holy Grace and thoroughly investigate Tsing Yi Wei." What can the commander-in-chief of Tsing Yi Guards do, that's all he can say.

  Thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king.

  Of course, these words are just to say, the commander-in-chief of Tsing Yi Wei also has a different idea in his heart, it doesn't matter if the court doesn't wait.

  If Lingdi was not so powerful, when the other party said this, he would have resigned immediately and left, and set up a sect by himself to be free and easy.

  Unfortunately, as the emperor's bodyguard, he can only die in his post, but there is no such thing as resignation.

   Dying in the line of duty is honorable for Tsing Yi Wei, if they don't want to be so honorable, then someone will help them to be honorable.

  The commander-in-chief of Tsing Yi Wei didn't want to just lose face like this. There was indeed no way out, but the appearance of the sect seemed to give him a brand new way out, but he didn't know how to go. He needed to go back and make up for this matter.

  (end of this chapter)