MTL - Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit-Chapter 2771 Fire (54)

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   Chapter 2771 Burning Fire (54)

   "Why are you back?"

  She was barefoot, her legs were slender and white, like a princess, she was sitting there in a beautiful dress.

   His eyes were filled with surprise.

  A man in a clean suit, obviously just came after taking a shower, and his hair is still a little wet.

  Close the door, walk in, and come to her.

   "Come back and sleep with my wife."

  He propped up her underarms with both hands, and hugged her like a baby.

  Broad shoulders, extremely explosive muscles, holding her tightly, strong and rough.

  The cold breath rushed towards her face, enveloping her with that scorching body temperature.

  She subconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, "Are you... finished work?"

  He rubbed her nose, his deep eyebrows and eyes were gentle, "No, I have to go there early tomorrow morning."

   "Then why-"

   "I miss my wife," he said.

  Put her on the bed and kiss her.

   It seems that she sensed her emotions, so she ran back specially.

  It seems that he rarely sleeps in the past few days, and his eyes are slightly black.

   Tired, but not showing it.

  That's all, squeeze out the time abruptly, and then run back to accompany her.

  She didn't say what she missed, so he said it for her.

  Pressed her on the bed, interlocked her fingers, rubbing her ears together.

  Between breathing, there are all thoughts.


   She looked at the stubble on his chin that he didn't have time to shave, pursed her red lips slightly, and whispered.

   "Did you drive back alone?"

  Although city A is not far away, it still takes two hours to drive. He actually...

  He hummed, and the dense stubble stubbled her hard, "It's okay, it's not far, we'll be there in a while."


   It's not far away.

  She touched the bruises under his eyes distressedly, and said, "Why don't you use these hours to sleep?"

   It takes four hours to go back and forth, which is enough for him to sleep for a while.

  He slightly hooked his lips, grabbed her hand, and kissed her, "It's okay, I'm not sleepy."

   What's more, why is it important to sleep with a wife?

  My wife is unhappy, he has to come back to coax her.

  Otherwise, it’s okay if the wife is gone.

   "Did you eat well?" He rubbed her belly.

   "Did you deal with it casually?"


   Is he the roundworm in her stomach?

  She whispered awkwardly, "No, I had a good dinner."

  He raised his eyebrows, "Really?"

   I don't know whether to believe it or not.

   "What about now? Are you hungry? Do you want to have supper?"

   Obviously he was the one who came back in a hurry. He had been busy for so long without stopping for a moment, but in the end he just opened his mouth to care about her.

  It seems that as soon as she asks what she wants to eat, he will do it immediately and bring it to her.

   "..." Her nose was slightly sour, "Are you a fool?"


  She hugged him tightly, "I'm not hungry, I also... miss you."

  The man paused for a moment, and immediately, he seemed to be in a good mood.

  The fatigue from driving back all night has dissipated a lot, he kissed her and lay down.


   "..." She hummed muffledly.

   Zhou Bingran's voice stopped slightly.

   It seemed... it was the first time she answered him.

  Acknowledge, not deny.



   "Wife wife?"


  He held her face in his hands, his gaze was intense, as intense as a jackal or a beast.

   "You agreed?"

  She froze for a moment.

   Immediately, he quickly reacted.


  Before he could speak, he kissed her.

   Almost wanted to kiss her to death.


  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion