MTL - Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit-Chapter 2804 Want to fold (26)

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  Chapter 2804 To break (26)

   After finishing speaking, he ran out.

  Extremely energetic.

  Chu Ling looked at the hem of the clothes she had grabbed, silent and speechless.

  Running to the door, Yun Si saluted the chief manager, "Eunuch Zheng, Your Highness is going to Qinfang Garden tomorrow, please remember."

   In front of outsiders, she is very polite and polite.

  The manager's father-in-law hurriedly returned the gift, "Young master."

  After hearing what she said clearly, he hesitated, "Your you want to go?"

  The little man in front of him nodded.

  The manager’s father-in-law didn’t speak, as if he had thought of something, his tone was slightly hesitant, “But tomorrow…”

   "Tomorrow is your return home, my lord. Do you want to stay and accompany His Highness to Qinfang Garden?"

  The little man was taken aback.

  I lived in the palace for a while, and before I knew it, almost a month had passed.

  According to the previous rules, she can go home and rest for two days.

  She hasn't counted the days, she didn't expect that a month passed so quickly.

  She didn't speak, thinking of her identity as an impostor.

  Going back this time, it is estimated that she will be replaced.

  In the future, there may be no logical opportunity to enter the palace.

   Turning her head to look at the open temple door, she pursed her lips slightly, " you want to leave early in the morning?"

  The manager’s father-in-law replied: "This is up to you. If you want to go home earlier, you can leave earlier. If you are not in a hurry, you can leave later."

  She quietly lowered her head, "Your you know that I'm leaving?"

  The manager’s father-in-law bent slightly, "This old servant is going to report to His Highness, if the young master is willing, you can also mention it to His Highness in person."

   "..." She lowered her head and thought about it quietly, "Then let me mention it, so I won't bother you, Eunuch."

   "Tomorrow, I want to accompany His Highness to Qinfang Garden before leaving the palace, how about that?"

  The manager’s father-in-law naturally has no objection.

  With her here, it's actually a lot easier for them to be servants.

  She accompanied His Highness, and the frequency of His Highness getting angry was greatly reduced.

  Although there may not necessarily be a causal relationship, he still prefers that she leave later and return earlier.

  So that they, who are servants, can relax every day.

  After the little man finished talking to him, he entered the palace with short legs.

  Inside, the handicapped Chu Ling was standing up slowly with his hands supported.

   seems to be going to the wheelchair.

  Yun Si saw it, and hurried to help him.

   "Your Highness."

  She supported him, acting as his human crutch.

  Chu Ling glanced at her, and he no longer resisted her like he did at the beginning.

  He tilted his body weight slightly, and walked with her support.

  Sit slowly in the wheelchair, the faint scent of medicine on her body penetrated into her nostrils.

  It smells cool and refreshing.

  She stood by the wheelchair, looked at him quietly, and gently tugged at him, "Your Highness..."

  His Royal Highness, who was supposed to go to discuss matters with the courtiers, raised his eyelashes calmly, "What?"

   It seems that she noticed that her mood was wrong when she came back.

  Obviously he was happy when he ran out, but when he came back——


  She shook her head, and slowly squatted down beside his legs, looking up at him with wet eyes.

   "Just now Eunuch Zheng and the minister said that the minister can go home tomorrow, and come back in two days."

   "I'm thinking, tomorrow I will accompany you to Qinfang Garden first, and then go home, okay?"

  “…” Because of this?

  Chu Ling lowered his eyes, his eyes were flat, and he was silent for a while.

   Then, he said, "No, I don't need your company."

  She froze for a moment.

  He moved the wheelchair and passed by her, his voice was still repulsive as usual.

   "Go back earlier, Mr. Zheng will arrange the carriage."

  He didn't look back, and his reaction was calm.

   Leaving Yun Si squatting on the spot, looking at him, his eyes dimmed slightly.

  (end of this chapter)

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